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Push for Gross National Happiness: Thailand


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George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and Ray Bradbury would have loved it.

They probably would...... just as Thais are loving it after the misery of the last six months.

+ 2 years previous.

Did anyone note that the chairperson is the boss himself, a rarity in Thailand.

A certain EX P.M. did rarely attend meetings, and even more a rarity CHAIR THEM especially if awkward questions may have been asked.

Just an observation. from the archives.thumbsup.gif

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I suppose next we will have a great leap forward.

Well, we've had The Great March with Suthep and the chances for The Great Famine seem remote due to the existence of the Great Rice Mountains. But a Great Leap sounds like fun.

The future looks Generally good.

Edited by ratcatcher
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GNP, hahahaha....Eye roll.

Promoting "national happiness" is like saying you give up about how to improve incomes of the citizens. Or is it that the soldiers need to spread this "happiness" propaganda so the poor forget that the elites own all of the wealth?

Edited by Time Traveller
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happy pills ?

a now a poll ... how happy are you with the coup poll ?

( ) happy ( ) very happy ( ) extreme happy ( ) in heaven

new democratic happy voting

after the voting , it seems everybody is 100% happy

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The only way these coloured leaders will stop is when they realise there is no longer any personal gain from it, it is a complex issue and since it has been sponsored by a sitting government and a very divisive billionaire criminal who is living beyond Thai jurisdiction for a prolonged period makes it very difficult to deal with, it is also very deeply rooted in various types of crime and power abuse - power and money go hand in hand, I am surprised Thaksins passport has still not yet been revoked

Once a direct link can be established that Thaksin was involved in sponsoring terrorist activities and a recognised international arrest warrant can be issued then I fear his interference and influence will continue - this should be a very high priority but not an easy one to progress given the current situation

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The only way these coloured leaders will stop is when they realise there is no longer any personal gain from it, it is a complex issue and since it has been sponsored by a sitting government and a very divisive billionaire criminal who is living beyond Thai jurisdiction for a prolonged period makes it very difficult to deal with, it is also very deeply rooted in various types of crime and power abuse - power and money go hand in hand, I am surprised Thaksins passport has still not yet been revoked

Once a direct link can be established that Thaksin was involved in sponsoring terrorist activities and a recognised international arrest warrant can be issued then I fear his interference and influence will continue - this should be a very high priority but not an easy one to progress given the current situation


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This is an idea that's been around for a while. It comes from Bhutan. Read all about it:


Very interesting, you learn something new everyday

thanks for that smile.png

Same idea has also been floated before in Thailand, incidentally... http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1544014,00.html


Good find. Another "Groundhog Day" example.

There's a term for doing the same thing over and over, and in the case of Thailand over and over and over and over...., and expecting a different result. Now what was that? It's on the tip of my tongue....

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There is little doubt that there has been a significant improvement in the overall political situation and public behavior. What is desperately needed now is education and not indoctrination.

As a retired educator, I wholeheartedly support increased civil society education but...well, you cannot eat books or educated words. So, along with the civic education for all on the need for a balanced society comes the need to have a society of law, distribution of state financing and opportunity to participate in the growth of the benefits of society...all more equitably distributed. Are those at the top and middle of economic wealth willing to modify how things are done in Thai society? Yes, democracy is more than counting votes...it also calls for fair play. And Thailand is not alone in this struggle between the haves and have nots.

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Will NCPO make it mandatory to be happy ?

The 'pursuit' of happiness I see as a Western & Australian thing and I believe, through my own experience, self-defeating. Seeking enlightenment or money is unlikely to bring happiness as both bring only transitory relief and success from the effort expended.

NCPO believe, I think, that Thais are generally, naturally happy people (possibly part of what makes this place appear odd to farangs) and think that the recent take-over that they feel they've had to impose may cause some Thais to be disappointed and therefore unhappy but they intend to show them that democracy has been abused and when returned, fixed or at least in a far less abuseable mode, will improve everybody's lot even poor people from the East and North East.

Although I realise it was rhetorical, to answer your question - I hope not - I'm English, mandatory happiness would absolutely kill me.

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Meanwhile; The Bangkok Barfette reports the Junk-a has ordered those who are not happy to report to the Armed Forces O Club and undergo re-conditioning induced by Cuba Libres. Meanwhile, comr....,I mean citizens who insist upon using the three finger salute will be re-educated into rotating it 90 degrees and dropping the outer fingers in accordance with international standards in standing up to "'Da Man"

That Is All...

Edited by EBlair48
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Things are a lot happier without the political parties going after each others throats.

So correct and Thailand might model China with only one political party making all decisions, so there is no more conflict. How does that sound?

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I think the army are doing a fine job of promoting Gross National Happiness. Creating nationwide happiness based on censorship and intimidation can indeed very easily be seen as 'gross'. I thank you.

Cheer up its national knees up day next week

Edited by englishoak
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I think the army are doing a fine job of promoting Gross National Happiness. Creating nationwide happiness based on censorship and intimidation can indeed very easily be seen as 'gross'. I thank you.

Cheer up its national knees up day next week

Indeed - much more enjoyable than national hands up day, which we've just had. (somebody stop me!)

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This is an idea that's been around for a while. It comes from Bhutan. Read all about it:


Very interesting, you learn something new everyday

thanks for that smile.png

Same idea has also been floated before in Thailand, incidentally... http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1544014,00.html


Good find. Another "Groundhog Day" example.

There's a term for doing the same thing over and over, and in the case of Thailand over and over and over and over...., and expecting a different result. Now what was that? It's on the tip of my tongue....

coup d'état

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