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Aviation - Steps planned to tackle problem of unruly passengers


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I suggest any passenger who appears to be intoxicated at check in be directed to a special Que and "Breathalyzed"

If over the prescribed limit they be advised to wait until there level meets the requirements. If they miss the flight it must become

their problem and no one else's. On board the staff can control alcohol consumption easily.

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I suggest any passenger who appears to be intoxicated at check in be directed to a special Que and "Breathalyzed"

If over the prescribed limit they be advised to wait until there level meets the requirements. If they miss the flight it must become

their problem and no one else's. On board the staff can control alcohol consumption easily.

copper or ex-copper are we ?

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In the US Air marshalls go on most flight undercover but there They are armed and have the right to arrest and have detained anyone basically police powers. Some are even on international flights. Highly trained too.

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I wish they would place a locking cage door at the front of the economy cabin. I'm sick of seeing economy passengers moving their way through the business cabin to use the bathroom. Stay in your designated zones people, there's a reason I paid extra $$$$ for my ticket, you cretin.

And if the plane goes headlong into a mountain, you lot get it first!! thumbsup.gif

Well at least they would be leaving this mortal coil with class and dignity and a nice glass of ice cold Bolly...drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif

Have to say Mr Soutpeel ... that did give me a wee chuckle.

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i think that a lot of air rage is caused by the lack of air rotation in the cabin.once i left my jacket in the plane, walked back inside, smelt the air inside and decided that the jacket was not worth it. plus fresh air does tend to sober you up faster. what do you guys stinch?

Actually ... I watched a program recently that does seriously bemoan the lack of air recirculation ... more so, the lack of air interchange.

Apparently, back in the days when smoking was allowed ... it was quite reasonible ... sadly, it costs money to recirculate the air, I a am constantly breathing in others farts.

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Anyone notice that Monarch are installing non-reclining seats, because that's the biggest source of air rage for them?

Cathay tried those fixed seats that recline inside their own shell but they got moaned at so much they removed them. I thought they were quite good but I'm only a shortarse.

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I wish they would place a locking cage door at the front of the economy cabin. I'm sick of seeing economy passengers moving their way through the business cabin to use the bathroom. Stay in your designated zones people, there's a reason I paid extra $$$$ for my ticket, you cretin.

couldn't agree more...cattle class heathens, one suspects most of whom have never seen a proper toilet and are more used to doing their "business" in a field or just squatting down in the street...rolleyes.gif

Probably you sleep with one of these every night, ever thought about that ????

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bottom line stop selling alcohol in aiports and on aircrafts..any one arrive intoxicated does not get thro passport control ...ITS ALL SO EASY ..but big money will be lost by airport bars etc so it just wont happen.....try and get on a flight with a can of coke and see what happens (the powdered one also)

Not a good idea! Ever heard of withdrawal symptoms and associated behaviour? Particular long-haul flights are miserable enough and I would not want to miss the pleasure of a drink of two, just because a few people want to go berserk when in the air.

Oh "diddums" sorry pal, if you don't want to comply with the rest of civilisation, feel perfectly free to walk, ride a bike or swim wherever you want to go.

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Yes, drunken louts can be problems, without a doubt but there is more to this. The problems will only increase as the airlines squeeze more customers into limited space. What happens when you put too many rats in the same cage? Read the studies...they start chewing on each other.

Yes, yes, yes. Take, for example the Emirates check in at Suvarnabhumi. Two hours there, clock ticking. Then a packed departure hall at immigration. Will I make this flight? Then the jam packed cabin - pray you have an aisle or at least a window seat. Then, off the plane in God knows where at God knows what time to change flights at another unfriendly airport. Not buying Gucci? Piss off, then. More herding, more security, more stress...

But no. We are the ones causing the problem. I say <deleted>.

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Simply make it known that anyone found guilty of causing trouble on a plane will be barred from flying on any airline for life, period. Once people realise the convenience of quick travel has been taken from them it may make people think twice before kicking off

Unfortunately these D**k H**ds have not the intelligence to realize there actions would see them denied travel in the future or care.

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Fit the plane with ejection seats with body lockable restraints then whenever the right time comes over a sea route, they can say farewell to disperse of this unruly passenger quickly cleanly and efficiently.

Just saying – lol !!! cheesy.gif

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I think it is not only alcohol that plays a role in unruly behaviors in airplanes. The majority of people that use alcohol, use it to relax and deal with anxiety of flight appropriately. I like the idea of banning people temporily from flying after being flagged, then a gain amore stringent approach might just be to take a finger after each problem. After a half dozen such incidents these people couldn't hold a drink before their flights, problem solved.

I think its to do with fact that they let the peasants fly on airplanes, if they increased the price of the seats to a point that these people couldn't afford the tickets, one suspects far less unruly behavior would be evident, I blame the low cost airlines for this...

Years ago, flying was a lot more expensive. People travelling use to dress up and appreciate the fact they were doing something special.

People on the plane would dress nicely, wear clean clothes, shower prior to the flight, behave nicely and you'd never see an unruly drunk. It was pleasant.

Economy travel was pleasant.

A few years back everything changed and I made sure any flight over 90 minutes I would book business class, just for the extra space away and to get away from the circus show of inconsiderate people in the back.

On flights longer than 12 hours I'm looking for either a really good business class or occasionally I splash out and go one better. Life's too short to put up,with drunk and selfish individuals.

Travelling BC not an option for most. However the brutal truth is that nothing will stop some from booking the cheapest ticket airlines with their associated unruly risks.

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I think it is not only alcohol that plays a role in unruly behaviors in airplanes. The majority of people that use alcohol, use it to relax and deal with anxiety of flight appropriately. I like the idea of banning people temporily from flying after being flagged, then a gain amore stringent approach might just be to take a finger after each problem. After a half dozen such incidents these people couldn't hold a drink before their flights, problem solved.

I think its to do with fact that they let the peasants fly on airplanes, if they increased the price of the seats to a point that these people couldn't afford the tickets, one suspects far less unruly behavior would be evident, I blame the low cost airlines for this...

Years ago, flying was a lot more expensive. People travelling use to dress up and appreciate the fact they were doing something special.

People on the plane would dress nicely, wear clean clothes, shower prior to the flight, behave nicely and you'd never see an unruly drunk. It was pleasant.

Economy travel was pleasant.

A few years back everything changed and I made sure any flight over 90 minutes I would book business class, just for the extra space away and to get away from the circus show of inconsiderate people in the back.

On flights longer than 12 hours I'm looking for either a really good business class or occasionally I splash out and go one better. Life's too short to put up,with drunk and selfish individuals.

Travelling BC not an option for most. However the brutal truth is that nothing will stop some from booking the cheapest ticket airlines with their associated unruly risks.

You won't find me flying on budget airlines my friend. I pretty much restrict my air travels to either the plane Im flying, Singapore Airlines, Emirates, Air NZ or Etihad.

The problem with Emirates is they offer good deals in coach and fill the joint with yobbos out of Oz.....you can see and hear and sometimes smell them conglomerating around the departure gate as you move from the lounge to the Air Craft. Thank goodness the air is pumped through the cabin from fore to aft. :)

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I wish they would place a locking cage door at the front of the economy cabin. I'm sick of seeing economy passengers moving their way through the business cabin to use the bathroom. Stay in your designated zones people, there's a reason I paid extra $$$$ for my ticket, you cretin.

couldn't agree more...cattle class heathens, one suspects most of whom have never seen a proper toilet and are more used to doing their "business" in a field or just squatting down in the street...rolleyes.gif

Probably you sleep with one of these every night, ever thought about that ????

A pillow?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Simply make it known that anyone found guilty of causing trouble on a plane will be barred from flying on any airline for life, period. Once people realise the convenience of quick travel has been taken from them it may make people think twice before kicking off

Their kids are just going to do the same. Bar the next 3 generations.

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Interesting to see the replies here - on reflection, it seems that this is a good cross section of the average group of members of the public on a flight - and although it's on the internet, rather than an aircraft, I can see we have a couple on our "virtual flight", who may just be the type to "kick off" as the "flight" progresses... :)

I travel on at least four or more international flights a month, so I see all sorts. I sometimes fly business class, and sometimes economy, but thus far I have been lucky and have not seen any problems on flights I have been on.

Some years ago, I had a girlfriend who was cabin crew on EK, and the number of times she came home in a bad mood after being treated like scum by some ar*ehole in business class, made me realise that it's not the class of seating adopted, but the class or otherwise, of the passenger.

I have met some very decent people in economy, and some right turds in business class.

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Agreed with Mr Die and Mr Peel - that the issue is with the increasing amount of Chavs,Bogans and people of low intelligence having access to cheap flights.

Sometimes, just looking at the riff raff in the economy queue makes me feel nauseous. It's nothing to do with alcohol per see, it's the idiots that are allowed access to it (I am sure that even in Biz from time to time there are idiots). As pointed out previously, there is free booze in the business lounges, and always plenty of drinks available in business class - you just don't get the idiotic behaviour.

The idea of having doors between business and cattle is an excellent idea, as well as having stricter controls on the issuing of passports. Anyone who has been on Jeremy Kyle should be automatically excluded from travel outside of the UK foreversmile.png

Edited by snottgoblin
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In ALL honesty, does anyone here or any future readers of this OP believe that this pompous drivel posted by others will contribute anything towards safer journey. It seems to me that there's no room for people with a more intelligent view. Tried to make a joke earlier in this running commentary, thinking it make take a more comical view of the situation however has now ran adrift with annihilation of anyone who is classified basically as a tramp for buying into economy class seats or cannot afford business class.

I came from a working class background. Should I be ashamed of my ancestors ?

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I really enjoy a G/T before lunch or dinner & a couple of glasses of wine with it.

I do not fancy an 11 hr flight without being able to have a drink.

Handcuff these idiots to their chair with a big dunce hat on don't penalize the other 99% of travelling public

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In ALL honesty, does anyone here or any future readers of this OP believe that this pompous drivel posted by others will contribute anything towards safer journey. It seems to me that there's no room for people with a more intelligent view. Tried to make a joke earlier in this running commentary, thinking it make take a more comical view of the situation however has now ran adrift with annihilation of anyone who is classified basically as a tramp for buying into economy class seats or cannot afford business class.

I came from a working class background. Should I be ashamed of my ancestors ?

No need to throw your handbag down young scot, I saw your joke earlier, has a short sharp and concise little giggle (bit girlie like actually), however I was unable to press like as I was,fresh out of them. Your comment back there was hardly worth me slapping an add on to it, as it just wasn't that funny.

So, before you chuck a complete wobbly, pull ur head in, just a wee bit, okay ;)

Ps; you should only be asked of those relatives that engaged in coitus together......disgusting & it's the main reason you wee born with 16 fingers.

Edited by neverdie
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A few years ago I arrived 5AM at a US airport for a flight connecting to BKK. I had a RT/Return ticket with a return in 6 months and a 2-entry Thai tourist visa issued from the Thai Embassy in Washington DC. The agent had a long look at her computer and said I need a return within 30 days. I said 'NO, that is for a visa exempt entry not a tourist visa'. She said 'Well that's what it says here and I will have to contact HQ'. About 30 or so minutes later no one had yet picked up the phone at HQ.

I said 'You're going to make me miss my flight and I have 2 connections to make'. She said:

'If you don't calm down I will have to call security and have you denied boarding because you are agitated'. I said 'Well I wasn't agitated before I had to start dealing with YOU!'

All was eventually resolved only because I showed up 2 hours early for the flight.

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In ALL honesty, does anyone here or any future readers of this OP believe that this pompous drivel posted by others will contribute anything towards safer journey. It seems to me that there's no room for people with a more intelligent view. Tried to make a joke earlier in this running commentary, thinking it make take a more comical view of the situation however has now ran adrift with annihilation of anyone who is classified basically as a tramp for buying into economy class seats or cannot afford business class.

I came from a working class background. Should I be ashamed of my ancestors ?

"Tried to make a joke earlier in this running commentary..."

And yet when someone else attempts to introduce some humor into a thread, you dismiss it as "nitpicking crap." One more newbie analyst spews.

"I came from a working class background. Should I be ashamed of my ancestors ?"

Ah yes, he of the humble background decides to educate us all with his assumed folksy wisdom. Maybe it's the ancestors who feel the shame.

Edited by Suradit69
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In ALL honesty, does anyone here or any future readers of this OP believe that this pompous drivel posted by others will contribute anything towards safer journey. It seems to me that there's no room for people with a more intelligent view. Tried to make a joke earlier in this running commentary, thinking it make take a more comical view of the situation however has now ran adrift with annihilation of anyone who is classified basically as a tramp for buying into economy class seats or cannot afford business class.

I came from a working class background. Should I be ashamed of my ancestors ?

"Tried to make a joke earlier in this running commentary..."

And yet when someone else attempts to introduce some humor into a thread, you dismiss it as "nitpicking crap." One more newbie analyst spews.

"I came from a working class background. Should I be ashamed of my ancestors ?"

Ah yes, he of the humble background decides to educate us all with his assumed folksy wisdom. Maybe it's the ancestors who feel the shame.

is he not related to whereustay?

That would be embarrassing.

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I've flown one-hundred and fifty times or more on long-haul flights in the past three years. I've seen one serious incident in that time, and it did involve alcohol, a drunkard punched a fellow passenger. To me, the drunkard was already seriously inebriated before they boarded as the incident took place only about ten minutes after the ascent.

I'm guessing I've flown with about fifty-thousand fellow passengers in that time. Are we all to be denied a couple of drinks onboard due to that one guy? Anyone proposing that solution needs to reacquaint themselves with issues such as personal responsibility. Ban everything, ban it all ! is a poor mantra.

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I've flown one-hundred and fifty times or more on long-haul flights in the past three years. I've seen one serious incident in that time, and it did involve alcohol, a drunkard punched a fellow passenger. To me, the drunkard was already seriously inebriated before they boarded as the incident took place only about ten minutes after the ascent.

I'm guessing I've flown with about fifty-thousand fellow passengers in that time. Are we all to be denied a couple of drinks onboard due to that one guy? Anyone proposing that solution needs to reacquaint themselves with issues such as personal responsibility. Ban everything, ban it all ! is a poor mantra.

I couldn't care what they get up to back in Economy, but it would be appropriate to have them locked back there, soundproof door up to Business class.

A. can of dog food in each seat pocket and at the end of the flight they could just hose them out.

Many years ago I travelled on Concord. It was just pleasant, everyone aboard was pleasant. That's the way air travel use to be.

I imagine it can only get worse, here on in. :(

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