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[Video] Thailand Coup 2014 - Message to John Kerry and the World


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Let's just say, this video is very economical with the truth. The first few sentences already contained lies, Thaksin never passed the Amnesty law, he might have tried it, but it was never passed. I will refrain from some of the other <deleted>, except to point out that reform can only be performed if there is a government that has a clear electoral mandate.

Of course after the reform by the militairy, there is no doubt the same people, or at the very least people from the same background and same methods will return to power, simply because a large part of the Thai electorate votes them into office, just as happens all around the world.

The video contained lies such as passing the amnesty bill and other things. Also the video is rigged you can give thumbs up to say you aprove trhe vid but cannot give a thumbs down meaning you disagree with it. I and others have tried.

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Let's just say, this video is very economical with the truth. The first few sentences already contained lies, Thaksin never passed the Amnesty law, he might have tried it, but it was never passed. I will refrain from some of the other <deleted>, except to point out that reform can only be performed if there is a government that has a clear electoral mandate.

Of course after the reform by the militairy, there is no doubt the same people, or at the very least people from the same background and same methods will return to power, simply because a large part of the Thai electorate votes them into office, just as happens all around the world.

The video contained lies such as passing the amnesty bill and other things. Also the video is rigged you can give thumbs up to say you aprove trhe vid but cannot give a thumbs down meaning you disagree with it. I and others have tried.

Yes, quite.

It's a direct indicator of how one person one vote will be after the feudalist reactionaries have completed their skewed "reforms."

If there ever again is an election, that is.

The proselytizing video makes clear to the world what many of us here already had found out about the intransigent feudalist fundamentalists, i.e., they don't like elections unless only the "good people" are on the ballot and only the "right people" vote.

I've already sent the evangelizing video out to everyone I know in North American and a few others on the other side of the Atlantic pond, not to mention friends or colleagues throughout this region.

I want the world to see this newspeak video that has been ordered up by the fervent feudalist elites of Bangkok.


Marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause.



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George, I know I am not allowed to criticize the moderators, but as the puu yai baan (headman) of ThaiVisa, actually more akin to the phuu wa ratchakaan (governor) now that your website has grown from the early days, posting that particular political propaganda piece under the news section was, in the politest term I can come up with without being banned for life, terribly unbecoming.

So you too want to censor the news? That is a speech to the world and like it or not, it's news.

Strange that you mention censorship at a time like this.

Let me reiterate, the video was not news and my original post made absolutely no mention of censorship. And what made it not an opinion piece was that the video presented itself as news. That makes it propaganda in my book and thus a poor choice to be placed as a header on a news thread. And I should note that I am still scratching my head over the insertion of a completely unrelated and dated interview with Perkins inserted towards the end of the video.

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I guess getting an accurate percentage of Thais who support/don't support the coup would be a difficult task.

In my case, here in Chiang Mai, I know a cross section of Thais.

As a cyclist covering some 600km a week, week in week out, I get to meet other cyclists, shop owners and so forth.

Incredible as it may seem, the only two people whom I have met who has expressed opposition to the coup are both farangs: one Swiss, one UK.

But I would say I have spoken to (approx):

12 shopkeepers

10 Thai cyclists

1 MD of a Moo Baan and his 'assistant'

4 kids whom I coach

8 family members

Mae Baan

approx 7 other people (friends of the wife and so on)

That at a rough guess is 43 people.

In addition my wife has numerous friends from Chantaburi, Chonburi, Isaan and Bangkok - all are 'working class girls or young men', most are married with young kids, some are ex-work colleagues. She claims a 100% support of the coup and goes further by telling me how angry people are at the past events and at those who continue to protest.

I'm not claiming this is scientific. Just relating my personal experience.

All are solid in their support for the current situation

same with me and my wife family friends etc except we do know via the very expensive international school our 2 children attend several Thai woman married or mia noes of red shirts and Takins government and they are totally against but then they are very poor and only have mostly 8-10 million baht cars and a few simple 6-8 bed houses.
This shouldn't be at all surprising. Suthep was slowly strangling the Thai economy and it was affecting everybody down to the grassroots of society. With Suthep out of the way the streets are cleared and folks can get back to work. I personally think it is this rather than having a coup that people welcome. A friend has seen her business revenue increase 30% since Suthep was taken down. She's very happy.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

"Suthep was slowly strangling the Thai economy ....."

I think it could be said that the economy was in Intensive Care ward and Suthep tried to get the doctor's attention.

",,,,,since Suthep was taken down,"

I think taken down is a bit inaccurate. Last seen Suthep was walking upstairs with all the other color coded suspects barely managing to prevent himself from smiling.

Mission accomplished, Shinawats in disarray and shock, and General Prayuth calling the shots. He was probably "taken down" to the Army Club bar afterwards for a few celebratory whiskies.

I am pleased for your friend and her business, everything will improve now just wait and see.

And last but not least who woulda guessed?

Jatuporn tell red shirts to help push country forward
May 28, 2014 9:03 pm
United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship chairman Jatuporn Prompan said Wednesday that all red shirts had to work toward pushing the country forward.
In an interview after his release, Jatuporn said he and the National Council for Peace and Order had come to a mutual understanding.clap2.gif

He also said that all red shirts and former MPs under the seven-day detention were treated well.

The Nation

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same with me and my wife family friends etc except we do know via the very expensive international school our 2 children attend several Thai woman married or mia noes of red shirts and Takins government and they are totally against but then they are very poor and only have mostly 8-10 million baht cars and a few simple 6-8 bed houses.

Oh my, perhaps that very expensive international school offers remedial writing classes in the evenings.

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I guess getting an accurate percentage of Thais who support/don't support the coup would be a difficult task.

In my case, here in Chiang Mai, I know a cross section of Thais.

As a cyclist covering some 600km a week, week in week out, I get to meet other cyclists, shop owners and so forth.

Incredible as it may seem, the only two people whom I have met who has expressed opposition to the coup are both farangs: one Swiss, one UK.

But I would say I have spoken to (approx):

12 shopkeepers

10 Thai cyclists

1 MD of a Moo Baan and his 'assistant'

4 kids whom I coach

8 family members

Mae Baan

approx 7 other people (friends of the wife and so on)

That at a rough guess is 43 people.

In addition my wife has numerous friends from Chantaburi, Chonburi, Isaan and Bangkok - all are 'working class girls or young men', most are married with young kids, some are ex-work colleagues. She claims a 100% support of the coup and goes further by telling me how angry people are at the past events and at those who continue to protest.

I'm not claiming this is scientific. Just relating my personal experience.

All are solid in their support for the current situation

But you live with the right people you will get the right answers

but for every one who things about what is good for the country there is sure to be one that thinks only of himself

and as you said many are Falang

Really ? the "right people" ? would that be the white people as well or just the right sex ? how about religion ? ... thats about as bad as any racist or sexist crap

You any idea how arrogant that sounds ?

To suggest only someone who thinks the same as you is fine and the rest selfish or the "wrong kind of people" is frankly pathetic. I mean really pathetic.

I know many from both sides of opinion, some selfish of both persuasions but the vast majority as normal decent and unselfish people apart from just a differing opinion in some things. None are the "wrong" people

How dare you narrow everything and everyone down to the "right or wrong people" over one subject.

The nature of the poster's post is indeed appalling. .

The poster actually and literally doesn't know or realize the kind of failed, exclusionary and reprehensible thinking he has.

The poster wrote:

But you live with the right people you will get the right answers

but for every one who things about what is good for the country there is sure to be one that thinks only of himself

and as you said many are Falang

The thinking and thought processes are fundamentally illiberal.

Eessentially Medieval.


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But you live with the right people you will get the right answers

but for every one who things about what is good for the country there is sure to be one that thinks only of himself

and as you said many are Falang

Really ? the "right people" ? would that be the white people as well or just the right sex ? how about religion ? ... thats about as bad as any racist or sexist crap

You any idea how arrogant that sounds ?

To suggest only someone who thinks the same as you is fine and the rest selfish or the "wrong kind of people" is frankly pathetic. I mean really pathetic.

I know many from both sides of opinion, some selfish of both persuasions but the vast majority as normal decent and unselfish people apart from just a differing opinion in some things. None are the "wrong" people

How dare you narrow everything and everyone down to the "right or wrong people" over one subject.

The nature of the poster's post is indeed appalling. .

The poster actually and literally doesn't know or realize the kind of failed, exclusionary and reprehensible thinking he has.

The poster wrote:

But you live with the right people you will get the right answers

but for every one who things about what is good for the country there is sure to be one that thinks only of himself

and as you said many are Falang

The thinking and thought processes are fundamentally illiberal.

Eessentially Medieval.


I was under the impression that it is not allowed to criticize posters english writing abilities. How is it you are not banned? The poster you and englishoak are complaining about communicated what he wanted to communicate. But you two insist on twisting his words. Now that is indeed "appalling, exclusionary and reprehensible" of you two.

Edited by sumtingwong
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Really ? the "right people" ? would that be the white people as well or just the right sex ? how about religion ? ... thats about as bad as any racist or sexist crap

You any idea how arrogant that sounds ?

To suggest only someone who thinks the same as you is fine and the rest selfish or the "wrong kind of people" is frankly pathetic. I mean really pathetic.

I know many from both sides of opinion, some selfish of both persuasions but the vast majority as normal decent and unselfish people apart from just a differing opinion in some things. None are the "wrong" people

How dare you narrow everything and everyone down to the "right or wrong people" over one subject.

The nature of the poster's post is indeed appalling. .

The poster actually and literally doesn't know or realize the kind of failed, exclusionary and reprehensible thinking he has.

The poster wrote:

But you live with the right people you will get the right answers

but for every one who things about what is good for the country there is sure to be one that thinks only of himself

and as you said many are Falang

The thinking and thought processes are fundamentally illiberal.

Eessentially Medieval.


I was under the impression that it is not allowed to criticize posters english writing abilities. How is it you are not banned? The poster you and englishoak are complaining about communicated what he wanted to communicate. But you two insist on twisting his words. Now that is indeed "appalling, exclusionary and reprehensible" of you two.

I said nothing about the poster's English.

I spoke of his thinking and thought processes in respect of substance and of his view of other people and, by implication, the world, which are severely deficient and in deficit You wanna beef about that, go ahead and let the chips fall where they may.

TVF Rules, if you've looked at them, strongly advise against criticizing the English language abilities, skills, talents of posters. (That's all posters, with a special attention to posters whose native language may be other than English.)

We're also not supposed to criticize other posters, however, that's a rule hard to enforce. I had for instance posted a response that was deleted concerning your "commie lover" defamation and pathetic attempted denigration.

Speaking of people's hairbrained thinking.......

.........you might want to re-read the posts involved......

.....And then re-read all of your posts under whatever the moniker.......

Edited by Publicus
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nope, not a red shirt nor a commie, can't stand either of them, can't stand those who use acts of violence against others who have differences of opinions either, so you're "misinformed". I hope that the perpetrators of ALL acts of violence conducted against, and by the protesters face the full brunt of the law, that goes for the PDRC guards who took the laws into their own hands, and were not impartial to meting out random acts of violence either ;)

To be honest, I can't even be bothered proving that you've called a lot of forum members commies, I do believe you also used personal insults too, for the simple reason... you're a troll, you're not interested in explaining why you believe people are "commie pinko's" or whatever, you're doing so just to get a reaction from them, it's like a little game you play, a boring one at that, however, that's your prerogative.

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nope, not a red shirt nor a commie, can't stand either of them, can't stand those who use acts of violence against others who have differences of opinions either, so you're "misinformed". I hope that the perpetrators of ALL acts of violence conducted against, and by the protesters face the full brunt of the law, that goes for the PDRC guards who took the laws into their own hands, and were not impartial to meting out random acts of violence either wink.png

To be honest, I can't even be bothered proving that you've called a lot of forum members commies, I do believe you also used personal insults too, for the simple reason... you're a troll, you're not interested in explaining why you believe people are "commie pinko's" or whatever, you're doing so just to get a reaction from them, it's like a little game you play, a boring one at that, however, that's your prerogative.

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LOL, I was never a fan of John Lennon, or the Beatles as a group, George Harrison was alright, but Paul McCartney and John Lennon were like scraping the bottom of a pot with spoon... and Ringo was the voice of "Thomas the tank Engine", another who was like thrush, just an irritating *%$#* !!!

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Not a great choice of song sumtingwong.. do you actually know that its about the paradox of revolutions and that Lennon understood it all too well?

The original slow version appears on The White Album. The fast, loud version was released as a single. In the slow version, Lennon says "count me in" as well as "count me out" when referring to violence. This gives the song a dual meaning.

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Not a great choice of song sumtingwong.. do you actually know that its about the paradox of revolutions and that Lennon understood it all too well?

The original slow version appears on The White Album. The fast, loud version was released as a single. In the slow version, Lennon says "count me in" as well as "count me out" when referring to violence. This gives the song a dual meaning.

He should have been careful what he wished for, because he got it.

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Not a great choice of song sumtingwong.. do you actually know that its about the paradox of revolutions and that Lennon understood it all too well?

The original slow version appears on The White Album. The fast, loud version was released as a single. In the slow version, Lennon says "count me in" as well as "count me out" when referring to violence. This gives the song a dual meaning.

He should have been careful what he wished for, because he got it.

Ill take that as a, no you didnt then.

Lennon was a man of peace he wasnt however a fool of how the world works hence the lyrics, neither did he wish for violence upon anyone, so again your comments are poorly chosen

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Not a great choice of song sumtingwong.. do you actually know that its about the paradox of revolutions and that Lennon understood it all too well?

The original slow version appears on The White Album. The fast, loud version was released as a single. In the slow version, Lennon says "count me in" as well as "count me out" when referring to violence. This gives the song a dual meaning.

He should have been careful what he wished for, because he got it.

Ill take that as a, no you didnt then.

Lennon was a man of peace he wasnt however a fool of how the world works hence the lyrics, neither did he wish for violence upon anyone, so again your comments are poorly chosen

He never should have said "count me in" then.

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Not a great choice of song sumtingwong.. do you actually know that its about the paradox of revolutions and that Lennon understood it all too well?

The original slow version appears on The White Album. The fast, loud version was released as a single. In the slow version, Lennon says "count me in" as well as "count me out" when referring to violence. This gives the song a dual meaning.

He should have been careful what he wished for, because he got it.

Ill take that as a, no you didnt then.

Lennon was a man of peace he wasnt however a fool of how the world works hence the lyrics, neither did he wish for violence upon anyone, so again your comments are poorly chosen

He never should have said "count me in" then.

I think you just missed the message and irony of it entirely. giggle.gif

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Let's just say, this video is very economical with the truth. The first few sentences already contained lies, Thaksin never passed the Amnesty law, he might have tried it, but it was never passed. I will refrain from some of the other <deleted>, except to point out that reform can only be performed if there is a government that has a clear electoral mandate.

Of course after the reform by the militairy, there is no doubt the same people, or at the very least people from the same background and same methods will return to power, simply because a large part of the Thai electorate votes them into office, just as happens all around the world.

The video contained lies such as passing the amnesty bill and other things. Also the video is rigged you can give thumbs up to say you aprove trhe vid but cannot give a thumbs down meaning you disagree with it. I and others have tried.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but your reply is not based on fact either

The amnesty bill was never passed because the Thai people protested and brought a currupt Government to its knees before the 180 days had passed where it would have been law

the rest of you comments is not based on any facts just an opinion

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George, I know I am not allowed to criticize the moderators, but as the puu yai baan (headman) of ThaiVisa, actually more akin to the phuu wa ratchakaan (governor) now that your website has grown from the early days, posting that particular political propaganda piece under the news section was, in the politest term I can come up with without being banned for life, terribly unbecoming.

Johpa, we are publishing opinion pieces from time to time. This video came in our news feed from an overseas expat community. We try to give airtime to all sides, why should we not?

If you have other (opposite side) video content to balance it out, feel free to PM me the YouTube links and we will probably publish.


Well as no one is allowed to be critical of the current situation/ leaders your not likely to get very much to balance the picture are you?

This is not news, it's propaganda and has no place in the NEWS section .

Edited by davehowden
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Let's just say, this video is very economical with the truth. The first few sentences already contained lies, Thaksin never passed the Amnesty law, he might have tried it, but it was never passed. I will refrain from some of the other <deleted>, except to point out that reform can only be performed if there is a government that has a clear electoral mandate.

Of course after the reform by the militairy, there is no doubt the same people, or at the very least people from the same background and same methods will return to power, simply because a large part of the Thai electorate votes them into office, just as happens all around the world.

The video contained lies such as passing the amnesty bill and other things. Also the video is rigged you can give thumbs up to say you aprove trhe vid but cannot give a thumbs down meaning you disagree with it. I and others have tried.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but your reply is not based on fact either

The amnesty bill was never passed because the Thai people protested and brought a currupt Government to its knees before the 180 days had passed where it would have been law

the rest of you comments is not based on any facts just an opinion

My reply was based on FACT! If you watched the whole video it did not say that Thaksin 'tried to get an amnesty" it said he was given an anmnesty for all past corruption,that is not true.

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Couldn't finish watching that, I wanted to vomit.

And that's not me being a 'commie red' before some ignorant troll pipes up. There was just a slew of mis-information in that propaganda video.

Welcome to Diet China ladies and gents.

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George, I know I am not allowed to criticize the moderators, but as the puu yai baan (headman) of ThaiVisa, actually more akin to the phuu wa ratchakaan (governor) now that your website has grown from the early days, posting that particular political propaganda piece under the news section was, in the politest term I can come up with without being banned for life, terribly unbecoming.

So you too want to censor the news? That is a speech to the world and like it or not, it's news.

Strange that you mention censorship at a time like this.

Let me reiterate, the video was not news and my original post made absolutely no mention of censorship. And what made it not an opinion piece was that the video presented itself as news. That makes it propaganda in my book and thus a poor choice to be placed as a header on a news thread. And I should note that I am still scratching my head over the insertion of a completely unrelated and dated interview with Perkins inserted towards the end of the video.

If the Russian government produced a 12 minute video to attempt to justify its blatantly imperialist invasion and takeover of the Crimea, it very likely would have the same format and (offensive) style as does this propaganda piece.

The same would be true of any similar video the Boyz in Beijing might produce to attempt to justify Mao's invasion and the CCP's long occupation of Tibet, and/or Mao's same successful action against the resource rich East Turkistan Islamic Republic (a year earlier) that since has been known as Xinjiang (Xin Jiang = New Frontier), now the westernmost CCP-PRC.

While this video or any presentation that is like, same, similar, printed or visual, is not literally (new) news, it does belong in news reporting. The matter of whether or not to present it, or of how it might be presented to news consumers, is a matter of the editorial judgement of the news organization. It is not necessarily a question or issue of censorship, agreement or disagreement with the video's content or of the video's sponsors or producers.

That's because the video and its content are current and relevant. They present and deal with immediate public issues domestic and foreign. The video offers a new take on a live and ongoing news situation that immediately impacts real people in real ways.

The video is relevant to the foreign policies of a number of governments to include those of Asean, Oceania, the Americas, the EU, Russia, those throughout East Asia and South Asia, which means the issues the video presents are proximate both geographically to some governments, or politically and in economic terms to others; and are of a broad proximity in that the public issues of the video range from issues of democracy vs dictatorship to national security and, vitally, major geostrategic factors (China vs the world).

A news editor deciding not to present the video is an editorial decision. It is not necessarily censorship. An editor presenting the video may or may not be engaging in propaganda. If it were my decision, I would present the video but I would be clear about it, i.e., I would present the video to include a respectable critique of it by a respected critic of the issues presented by the video and of its purveyors. (This however may or may not be possible to do under martial law.)

However, looking at the fact pattern here and in this instance, TVF normally and routinely presents news journal stories and articles that stand on their own, i.e., that are absent any professional critiques of the news article per se or of the story itself. TVF presents news stories to Forum members to run with as they see fit under supervised moderation. In the instance of this video, formal moderation dictated by martial law.

So the video itself is categorized in journalism as a "feature" piece or a "backgrounder" because it is more than a news story and it is directly related to real and ongoing news (stories) and developments that involve real people in real ways, to include martial law.

As a feature backgrounder, the video reveals the thinking, rationale, ideology, that are generating news events and developments, to include martial law and its consequences and it impact on everyone. The video presents in basic but important ways the story behind the story as freely told by the perpetrators of the current chaos inflicted on Thailand by its own elites and hierarchy.

Going further, the bottom line is that the video is a self-expose by the perps who are responsible for the current chaos. The video reveals the anti-democratic motives of its makers, their bizarre justifications and ideology, their sinister purposes, their fascist methods. The video is a damning self-indictment of its makers, by its makers, so it is worthy of being presented to the public at large.

I watched it again today so the reality of the video is more than clear to me. In he marketplace of ideas, issues, of real people and in their real everyday lives, this video doesn't stand scrutiny by any democratic or progressive people or nation. The video is a horrifying self-condemnation of its makers by its makers. What could be more newsworthy than that.

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Let me reiterate, the video was not news and my original post made absolutely no mention of censorship. And what made it not an opinion piece was that the video presented itself as news. That makes it propaganda in my book and thus a poor choice to be placed as a header on a news thread. And I should note that I am still scratching my head over the insertion of a completely unrelated and dated interview with Perkins inserted towards the end of the video.

I watched it again today so the reality of the video is more than clear to me. In he marketplace of ideas, issues, of real people and in their real everyday lives, this video doesn't stand scrutiny by any democratic or progressive people or nation. The video is a horrifying self-condemnation of its makers by its makers. What could be more newsworthy than that.

I agree but looking at the posts so far how many Thai Visa members have the ability to understand what you are talking about?

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Let me reiterate, the video was not news and my original post made absolutely no mention of censorship. And what made it not an opinion piece was that the video presented itself as news. That makes it propaganda in my book and thus a poor choice to be placed as a header on a news thread. And I should note that I am still scratching my head over the insertion of a completely unrelated and dated interview with Perkins inserted towards the end of the video.

I watched it again today so the reality of the video is more than clear to me. In he marketplace of ideas, issues, of real people and in their real everyday lives, this video doesn't stand scrutiny by any democratic or progressive people or nation. The video is a horrifying self-condemnation of its makers by its makers. What could be more newsworthy than that.

I agree but looking at the posts so far how many Thai Visa members have the ability to understand what you are talking about?

Your point is well taken which is why, based on many posts to date, I took the time to make an extended post to present a vital alternative perspective to the prevailing view against the video.

The video on the surface is damning of the United States, in large part because it is directed at the United States government, Rather than attack Prez Obama directly, however, it focuses on SecState John Kerry, OB's foreign policy guy. Neither is Amb Kenney mentioned because also hammering either OB and/or a U.S. (professional foreign service) ambassador would definitely be further OTT politically.

Still, however, the video is so sweeping and damning that it raises questions among the Americans who may see it. The video is particularly harsh against democracy, which people in the West know is a flawed but best of all the other worst systems of government.

People almost anywhere naturally seek both sides to the story, which makes this provocative video the catalyst to find out the alternative, opposite, points of view and positions, i.e., the positions and policies of the United States government in these matters. To investors and political types in the U.S. who struggle to pay attention, the policies of the U.S. government have also been expressed in major MSM of the USA, and throughout the West in general (and in this region of the world besides).

The mug shot lineup of Western elected leaders in North America, Europe, Oceania (Gillard notwithstanding) invite the viewer to ask why are heads of democracies being frontally attacked by supporters of a coup d'état, one that continues to rule by martial law? When, where, how, have foreign tin-badge generals been champions of democracy? How could the reality of absolute military rule be different this time in coup-prone Thailand, if it would in fact be different?

The one single and first thing any of the democratic peoples would need to know to raise red flags is that this is the 19th coup d'état in the country since 1932, the second in 7.5 years besides. The fact makes South American banana republics of the distant past seem moderate and brings to mind Mugabe style stability.

The same points that the "good guys" who post here make occur to any democratic Western person abroad - if there's something wrong in a government, how and why does it justify a coup to correct?

So everyone here now awaits the video production that will blow this one away, coming soon, one suspects. George knows he himself invited it and I'd bet the farm he's going to get it, and by special delivery. smile.png Robert Amsterdam is likely tuning up his voice at this very moment.

And there is always the perpetual question any person in any country will ask - what is really going on. thumbsup.gif

The Bangkok feudal fools directly invite their own demise.

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