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I can get a letter from my GP, proving I need the medication, I just didnt want to take the chance.

Even though I have had some really great feedback, I think I will get a Doctor in LOS to prescribe it for me, that way, I can stay out of trouble.

You will have extreme difficulty finding a doctor to prescribe it, I was in excrutiating pain and all I got was Ibuprofen. Friend of mine recently had his foot amputated in Pattaya, as soon as he left the hospital he was also reduced to Ibuprofen.

Not true. Please see my other post on page 2.

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Recently got Tramadol prescribed after a kidney colic.

Says 'Tramal Paindol' on the package. 50 mg. for severe pain.

Didn't need them sofar. Lucky me.


Hospitals here can prescribe codeine but are unwilling to do so. If they do it will be a very very low dosage. I think you will have to bring it with you and if you have a genuine medical reason and have a correct doctor's letter (even better with a hospital stamp) should have little trouble although you may be queried. Technically you would need an import permit but if they accept you need it no one will cause a problem.I do not think kere it is likely that you will see jail for that although as codeine can show up I believe in urine tests it may be safest on arival to get a prescription from a hospital doctor here even if it is for a lower amount.

Being involved in many migraine studies, as a sufferer, through many decades, many drugs do nothing more than simply mask the pain and allows the problem to continue in the background, and it starts to return exactly where it left off when the medicine starts to wear off, I found Tramdol to be one of those drugs that forces you to just keep taking it for the masking of the pain, rather than doing anything about it. For migraines anyway, the effect of codeine actually physically makes changes which allows me to stop taking it. I do not want a drug that needs to be continually taken.

Every patient is different of course.


That's a little worrying. My Mother, being a pensioner, has repeat prescriptions in the UK for free. She's tried many times to cancel the codeine without success. So she gave me a few packets she has extra, if I needed pain killer over here. Never gave it a 2nd thought.


I got stopped once on a spot search, bag through the X-ray and asked to explain the tablets I was carrying. They were herbal tablets and not a problem. But it can happen. not very often, I have been through customs hundreds of times


Same here, I just got back from Cambodia, bought 10 packets of Codeine Paracetamol for $4 per package at the pharmacy there compare to 1,000bht from the pharmacy I go to here. I didn't even think about customs at the airport, just went threw. All is OK

In 23 years of flying in and out of Thailand my bags have never been searched ,just stick em in your bag with the prescription , stay calm ,dont panic.thumbsup.gif


Exactly right. More than 100 trips in and out over thirty three years never had my bags searched.


There is a woman in jail in Singapore and has been for a few year bringing a prescription and meds from the UK - legal in Europe but not there. She was lucky not to be executed...Be careful its the same as a Texan carrying a gun in Dallas or carrying the same gun in Bangkok


I need a variety of prescription meds for several ailments - such is life. I keep my meds in their original containers with a short note from my doc, and then go into the red line to declare them (and there's never been a queue at the red line, but horrendous queues in the green lines). I just tell customs that I'm carrying prescription meds, and they let me through. Only once did they check. the bottles, and laughed because the prescriptions were all in Thai. Nice folks at the red line lol...


If you take this to the extreme, could you bring medical marijuana, legally prescribed in the US or other country, into Thailand? The same question goes for the amphetamine-based pharmaceuticals like Adderall. It seems unlikely this would be OK to bring in, right?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Hospitals here can prescribe codeine but are unwilling to do so. If they do it will be a very very low dosage. I think you will have to bring it with you and if you have a genuine medical reason and have a correct doctor's letter (even better with a hospital stamp) should have little trouble although you may be queried. Technically you would need an import permit but if they accept you need it no one will cause a problem.I do not think kere it is likely that you will see jail for that although as codeine can show up I believe in urine tests it may be safest on arival to get a prescription from a hospital doctor here even if it is for a lower amount.

Codeine is often used in the processing of Heroin, as a result Codeine and even medicines with Codeine in are outlawed or very tightly controlled in many countries in South East Asia, where there is or was a Heroin problem.

Your (the OP) condition will be well know to doctors here in Thailand and I'm sure they will have a means of relieving your pain.


Judging by your previous posts you are suffering from OIS..Over Imagination Syndrome. I doubt any drugs, codeine included, will help you. Stay in the UK and do us all a favour.

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If you want to develop adult onset Asthma then keep taking the codeine or paracetamol - the growth rates are linked in every country where they are OTC meds


There is a woman in jail in Singapore and has been for a few year bringing a prescription and meds from the UK - legal in Europe but not there. She was lucky not to be executed...Be careful its the same as a Texan carrying a gun in Dallas or carrying the same gun in Bangkok

Sorry i thought we were discusing Thailand ,not singapore ,do you have a link?


In 23 years of flying in and out of Thailand my bags have never been searched ,just stick em in your bag with the prescription , stay calm ,dont panic.thumbsup.gif

And if you do get searched, or once inside Thailand get a drug search or are asked to piss in a cup you go to jail.

Rubbish ,if its a prescription drug for your own use ,the worst that will happen is they take it off you .

It is called smugling a class 1 drug, the same category as heroine. That is a very serious matter.

You should not advise people to just take it into Thailand and don't worry about the consequences.

Please post a link to this ,otherwise only comment on what you actually KNOW to be true.


Why not visit Boots in the UK and ask them to check with Boots Thailand?

Interestingly, some airports expect you to present the prescription when bringing in medication in your hand luggage; a little difficult when buying prescribed medication from a pharmacy in Thailand, without a physical prescription, which, in any case, would be kept by the pharmacy.


Posting that document answered the question. Amphetamines and THC-containing substances have "no medical" purpose according to the Thai FDA. Good post.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Put them in a bottle labelled 'Vitamin B', or 'Aspirin' or anytbing but Codeine, and enjoy your stay.

Problem solved...no stress solution.

Very bad advice, it could than be look upon as concealing when discovered. It takes only one dogs nose to do that, or one customs officer who looks a bit further than usual.


I am pretty sure Codeine is categorized as a Schedule 2 Controlled Substance. It isn't a Category 1 as has been mentioned in this thread. It's not in the same ballpark as heroin, so I wouldn't have any misconceptions about that.

There's no problem bringing Codeine into Thailand if you have a prescription for it. I am prescribed Codeine Phosphate here in Thailand for an issue I have with my leg. I have been taking it on and off for years. My doctor at Samitvej has no problems giving it to me if I need it. So, it is a fallacy that doctors won't give it to you. It really depends on the doctor. I usually leave my medication at home. However, if I am going to be gone all day which is sometimes the case when I work at night, I always make sure I have the packaging it came in from the hospital which is clearly marked with the contents, my full name, the hospital name, and the doctor's name who prescribed it. I have had the unfortunate experience of being searched at a random checkpoint when I have had the medication on me. Due to the classification of the drug, I was a big nervous about what would happen when they discovered the medication. Much to my surprise, nothing happened. They looked at it briefly. The saw my name matched the one on my license. They put it to the side while they went about searching the rest of the crap I had in my pockets. They were more interested in my pack of cigarettes than the pack of codeine I had!

There was also mention of Vicodin somewhere in this thread. Vicodin is not available here in Thailand under any name. Para-co is not the same as Vicodin. Para-co is Paracetemol and Codeine mixed to varying degrees. Vicodin is hydrocodone which is a different substance. In my opinion, I would be much better off with Vicodin, but I am stuck with Codeine because .... well ... This is Thailand. They do treat opiates differently than they do in the west.


I can get a letter from my GP, proving I need the medication, I just didnt want to take the chance.

Even though I have had some really great feedback, I think I will get a Doctor in LOS to prescribe it for me, that way, I can stay out of trouble.

You will have extreme difficulty finding a doctor to prescribe it, I was in excrutiating pain and all I got was Ibuprofen. Friend of mine recently had his foot amputated in Pattaya, as soon as he left the hospital he was also reduced to Ibuprofen.

Not true. Please see my other post on page 2.

Most people DO find it difficult and in the OP's case, since the condition he states he is taking it for is not one that normally causes any pain, let alone pain requiring an opiate, he is likely to be among them.


Put them in a bottle labelled 'Vitamin B', or 'Aspirin' or anytbing but Codeine, and enjoy your stay.

Problem solved...no stress solution.

Very bad advice, it could than be look upon as concealing when discovered. It takes only one dogs nose to do that, or one customs officer who looks a bit further than usual.

Extremely bad advice indeed, dangerously so.

There really need not be any problem here. There is a clear procedure for legally bringing this medication into the country for personal use if it has been prescribed, and it is clearly described here http://narcotic.fda.moph.go.th/faq/upload/guidance%20for%20travelers%20version%204.doc._e1a4.pdf


If you take this to the extreme, could you bring medical marijuana, legally prescribed in the US or other country, into Thailand? The same question goes for the amphetamine-based pharmaceuticals like Adderall. It seems unlikely this would be OK to bring in, right?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

When doing that you should walk trough the red and show the custom your medicin and prescriptions. The they would probably tell you it's not allowed. And take it. But no jail or fine for you.


agreed. <Mods Please can you move it to medical please>

OP, i am a little confused....

Hypothyroid needs far more medication then painkillers...

Since they removed my Thyroid gland i am constantly considered a Hypo...

Here in Thailand its impossible for me to find the needed medication, so i am adjusting myself with the availables...

my advice... get other medication asap... not a joke... life depending if you suffer from hypothyroid


A number if posts advocating/discussing illegal activity have been removed. The OP came here seeking advise on how to stay on the right side of the law, not how to risk a long jail term by flouting it.


if tramadol will do for a while,you can buy them over the counter here so that might be a way for you to go

Tramadol doesn't seem to work for me, so the OP might want to consult his doctor and give it a trial run beforehand. It actually makes me quite ill for some reason. In my case, Codeine is all that works that I can easily get here in Thailand.

I have read reports and heard from people I know that there have been some restrictions placed on the over the counter purchase of Tramadol in recent months. My understanding is that there has been some concern that children have been taking them. While many pharmacies have no problems selling them and always seem to have them on hand, others have stopped selling them in Bangkok. A few months ago, they were sold at the 'mom and pop' shop around the corner. They are no longer there. The owner claims that they have been widely abused in Thailand and can't be sold as openly as they once were. Another friend had to produce his passport or some form of identification and was limited to purchasing two strips at a time. I don't know how long this "crackdown" on Tramadol will last. For all I know, it may have ended already. It may proceed and turn into an under the counter type of medication. Just be aware that there have been plenty of reports stating that Tramadol is being watched and there are advocates in favor of removing it from being sold over the counter.


When I came here i was on 3 different meds one of them was morphine. I carried them on my person with the letter form my doctor and a copy of the prescription. Do not bring a lot with you just enough to cover your time here. If you need more you can get it from most hospitals.

just act naturally and walk through when I came in they did not even ask but i had it ready in case.


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