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Sleeping pills when flying long distances

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I am sure some take sleeping pills on lomg flights.

coming form edmonton to BKK is a long hall some times i am up more than 30 hours .

With layovers and my arrival to the first airport for my departure , flights are different depends were I am flying to like Hong khong as an example is about 13 hours from Vancouver.

I can not sleep on a plane I am baged when i get to Bkk

Do any posters have a patricular sleeping pill or drousy drug they take and any recomdations ?


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I take tablets on long haul flights every time. That's not very often though, I haven't flew long haul for over two years now.

Go to a doctor and get them to prescribe something strong but short acting. If you're worried about DVT take a few aspirin before flying and get a business class seat, even then there's no guarantees. You can still get one anyway it's just less likely if you're in a lie flat bed.

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I'm not that old, but always take something. I use to take 2 Dramamine. Now I take Ambien CR. Works fantastic. I can never sleep on a plane. And if I need to wake up, it's a breeze. But enough to keep me out even if a baby's crying a few seats away. I always get a window seat and wifey is normally in the next seat. My buddy flies to the US for business quite a few times every year. He takes Xanax and swears by it.

The longest segment is some 12-14 hours. I usually get 6-7 hours sleep on that leg. Still plenty of time to get up before landing and walk around a bit. Cuppa joe on arrival and I feel great.

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I also used to take Xanax. I thought it was perfect for this purpose. It wouldn't put you to sleep if you weren't tired but it relaxed you just enough if you were.

Should add that Xanax does seem to have a bad rep now. My first time using it was by prescription but you were able to buy it easily in Pattaya from most small pharmacies. I think they have cracked down on selling it OTC.

Edited by Smokin Joe
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I'm so jealous of people that sleep on long flights, I really want to keep nudging them but I don't :)

I had a DVT 7 years ago and now I think I must be paranoid, my leg starts aching as soon as I get near a plane!

Think I walk on the plane further than I fly sometimes :) I do take half an aspirin before boarding which helps a little...

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I know people who take what is called "Dormicum" (not sure what it is called in other countries) and they get it on prescription only, puts you out for 4-6 hours, you wake up completely fresh. I have received it prior to my paradontosis operation and it really worked, I had no whatsoever recollection about the surgery.

However, for me and flying Europe-Asia, a business class seat, getting pre-loaded with good red wine in the lounge, some more wine with the meal and a double single-malt helps me to sleep for 6 hours and waking up for breakfast. But my flights are during the night, which of course helps even more. Europe-US flights are during daytime and I try hard NOT to sleep, so that on arrival, I can have a long night sleep and need neither pills nor booze for the flights.

I think each One has to find his own "recipe" and I think it depends on which way you travel at what times.

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After surgery I could not sleep from the pain, even with Morphine. ( yes ). Dormicum solved that

When getting home, a whole tablet would wipe me flat till next morning, and then dizzy / groggy when get up. Take half tablet helped.

I have same issues when flying , even flat in biz class can't sleep without help. Would love to find something to help sleep, but not be groggy

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Edited by skippybangkok
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glass of red wine, 1 10 mg valium, (prefer to Xanax)

out for 6-8 hours,

wake up fine :-)

Exactly the same for me except maybe just 5 hours and a couple times in the flight I go to an open area and go through a stretching routine. Get into LAX, grab a big cup of coffee good to go.

The poster who posted the deaths, and the "don't do it" is alarmist. The lady in question was on other things too and probably in horrible physical condition.

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Football Shaped & Purpleish Blue = 1 mg Xanax (Alprazolam)

Or one of the generics, still Alprazolam. Much easier to buy OTC than original Xanax.

I prefer Valium/Diazepam but anyone with a surplus or good doctor please PM.

Edited by Bpuumike
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I have some little purple, football shaped pills. What are those?

amitriptyline 25


What shape is a football where you come from ? This makes all the difference.

Ah, good point. Real football, Aussie Rules

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Go to Phnom Penh. There you can buy Xanax 0.5 mg, box of 100 (containing 10 light blue foil-packed strips of 10) for $27 in many pharmacies. Genuine generic product manufactured in Indonesia by Mersifarma. Bright pink pill that's scored so you can easily cut it down to doses of one-eighth of a milligram (0.125 mg) if necessary. Very effective and just half a tab (0.25 mg) puts me out if I ever have trouble sleeping. You won't get 100 x 0.5 mg Xanax pills for anything like $27 in Thailand. More like $100 these days since they clamped down on OTC sales due to it being one of the ladyboys' weapons of choice for robbing their victims.

Edited by Thainess
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I have some little purple, football shaped pills. What are those?

amitriptyline 25

Yes they are excellent but I used the 50mg tabs or 5x10mgs.........An anti depressant but for first few days makes you sleepy until body gets used to it. Ideal if you just take very occasionally

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