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Police told to get better results

Lite Beer

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You will never get rid of drugs, if you can't even get rid of it in prison... When are these fools going to realize that

The harder they try, they higher the profit margin. The higher the profit margin, the more people who are tempted to enter the trade. You are 100% correct. The same goes with prostitution and gambling.

wow I bet a prostitute in prison makes a fortune.clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gif

Stop fantasizing. tongue.png She/He will be in a same-gender prison where the strong just take what they want; not that there isn't a lot of homosexual prostitution in prisons.

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..it's worth a try.

But I have noticed many people chewing Yaba(?) But they seem addicted - with brown stuff ousing through their teeth, with a silly grin,

whilst their eyes look far gone..

Yabba is indeed quite a dangerous drug Maroon Watcher and has many serious effects on the body as well as highly addictable. Trafficking in Yabba should be strongly illegal and policed actively to restrict the free supply, but please to not punish the sad individual users as they are truly not the criminals here. Those users should be freely and openly be able to seek medical help not prosecution.

Sure I agree with Gazzpa as to marijuana not being an addictable drug but can easily become a habit. But such people who smoke it every day are not the norm any more than folk getting drunk everyday but either taken occasionally then it is not harmful. I have taken both Alcohol, to get merry and even drunk, as well as getting stoned on marijuana during my life time. I am now nearly 70 and my doctor tells me I am healthy and strong though have recently been diagnosed with age related Diabetes 2, which I have sensibly under careful control, and a now fully recovered fatty liver (alcohol related for sure so drink much less these days). So I am not at my age one to fool myself or indulge really these days, particularity with alcohol in excess as this is very harmful to diabetics (btw no real related similar diabetic harmful effects caused my marijuana out of interest). Sure I have gained a lot of wisdom and experience of these things in my life and still learning, and I have seen so many exaggerations and blatant lies told about issues such as this by mainstream society who often know little of the real facts and just often want to control others. All I will say is that alcohol is far far more dangerous and life destroying than marijuana ever is.

I agree with you about smoking but sensibly you do not have to smoke marijuana (or use tobacco with it if you do), as we used to make lovely cookies and other nice ways to ingest just enough to feel much better than being drunk and out of control on alcohol. Sure all drugs will be abused by the few, and you will NEVER stop that, and shouldn't try to either as it is up to each individual what they want to do with their lives, not what you want them to do with it. Driving it underground just makes the problem worse as we all by now must realise. Individual freedom of course is the big word. Sure as I keep saying making hard dangerous drugs either strongly illegal to traffic in and sell and or putting up the tax on tobacco and alcohol as well as legalised marijuana does help people moderate their intake sensibly and will make hard drugs too difficult to obtain as well so agree with quality policing to stop hard drug trafficking.

I have also seen some guys get into daily marijuana taking and what you say is indeed correct as they get lethargic and memory loss (but it will recover when they stop the daily habit) but those who daily indulge in excess alcohol are far far worse and not only mentally damaged by physically permanently damaged particularity with liver,kidneys and even heart. SO of course it is right to compare alcohol to marijuana as one is legalised whilst the much safer alternative is not. Moving folk away form excess alcohol consumption to occasionally getting stones instead with marijuana has to be a good thing. Stone folk are very rarely over aggressive either so do not affect others whereas alcohol we know causes so much crime against other people through over aggressive out of control; behaviour.

Oh and Gazzpa I only try to deal in facts and have watched many serious unbiased open minded seriously scientific documentaries even from the BBC. All drugs can be harmful but it does not help when so many untruths and religiously led twaddle is talked about them misinforming folk into not even believing what is actually true. I seek truth with everything and believe me it is often difficult to sort out the crap from the facts these days. Brushing things under the carpet will never help of course and it si right that we should openly talk about these issues on good sites such as TVF.

Not going to talk about alcohol or drugs. I have had my share and then some.

But I would like to mention that cigarettes have consequences that no one ever really considers. for my self 30 years of 3 pack a day. Been over 26 years now and I still only have 71% use of my lungs.

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You will never get rid of drugs, if you can't even get rid of it in prison... When are these fools going to realize that

The harder they try, they higher the profit margin. The higher the profit margin, the more people who are tempted to enter the trade. You are 100% correct. The same goes with prostitution and gambling.

wow I bet a prostitute in prison makes a fortune.clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gif

Stop fantasizing. tongue.png She/He will be in a same-gender prison where the strong just take what they want; not that there isn't a lot of homosexual prostitution in prisons.

I was just caring along with the general trend started by anantha92.clap2.giftongue.png

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The police have been getting good results for years, but nobody heard about this because the dealers etc paid off the cops before the cases went public/to court. Police everywhere in Thailand have been raking in the cash, the army thing is nothing more than a lull in business as usual. The Thai police will/can do as they please, nothing will ever change that fact.

I think you are opin' ing more than you can prove.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I don't need to prove what is common knowledge do I! Anyway its a fact of life, do something illegal then carry cash in Thailand!

The "police getting good results for years" ain't common knowledge lol

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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It's the mindset that is boggling! he said that officials strictly must not be involved in trading illicit drugs" Surely they wouldn't do such a thing!!!!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

An amazing thing to slip in.

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It's the mindset that is boggling! he said that officials strictly must not be involved in trading illicit drugs" Surely they wouldn't do such a thing!!!!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

An amazing thing to slip in.

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You will never get rid of drugs, if you can't even get rid of it in prison... When are these fools going to realize that

so whats your solution carry on as normal,there is some awful drugs out there nowadays..i dont mean grass..wai.gif

The most awful of drugs like Oxycontin and various Bath Salts are completely legal. And yes I mean legalize all of it from grass to Ya Ba and Heroin. If there is demand, there will always be a supply, and the recent spate of drug killings shows you that even thousands of deaths cannot stop the drug trade, the profits and demand is just too high. Efforts should be made to educate people, especially teenagers on how certain drugs affect and damage your body. If it was legalized, it could be regulated so that it would be out of reach from teenagers. Im sure there are plenty of drug dealers who sell Ya Ba to kids without even caring a single bit.

And anyway, once really good quality cannabis, ecstasy (which is much safer than tobacco and alcohol), mushrooms and LSD are legalized, the demand for extremely dangerous drugs like Ya Ba and Heroin will die a natural death.

Not really.

You might want to look at Portugal. They seem to have a great program. It does have some limitations but still is having better results than other countries.

The problem with Portugal's model is that since drugs are only decriminalized, it legitimizes the black market and drug smuggling. These smugglers who are desperate for profits use their established smuggling routes to traffic things like fake medicine, weapons and even humans. Legalizing the production, taxation and distribution not only helps by providing to the tax base, but it also creates jobs within the country, and even provides a boost to pharmacology and mental health research, highly paid and skilled jobs.

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"We will use mechanisms that allow us to identify problematic zones within 30 days. That way, we will know whether any official has been negligent or involved in drug trafficking," Pongsapat said." I think it is high treason if the military new this for long time and did not shhare their wisdom with the police so they could do something about the problem.

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The police have been getting good results for years, but nobody heard about this because the dealers etc paid off the cops before the cases went public/to court. Police everywhere in Thailand have been raking in the cash, the army thing is nothing more than a lull in business as usual. The Thai police will/can do as they please, nothing will ever change that fact.

I think you are opin' ing more than you can prove.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I don't need to prove what is common knowledge do I! Anyway its a fact of life, do something illegal then carry cash in Thailand!
The "police getting good results for years" ain't common knowledge lol

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Well its common knowledge amongst the Thais!

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I don't know the army are starting to win me over with the way they are scolding the police into actually doing some work

But then you have Prauth talking about the need for kids to learn about "being Thai" more in schools like they haven't all been getting that knocked into their heads since birth

It's based on the Nth Korean model where everyone unconditionally supports little kimmie and the military or else. More brainwashing and the ability to have individual thoughts and feelings has to be removed from Thais then there is be no more Suthep protests and everyone will walk around like robots with exactly the same thoughts.


Ha Ha ha !!

Not working out so well for you now Red Chook.

The Red Brainwashing is being reversed and the reds are going to jail for all their crimes.

Actually I think the reds are low life pieces of trash and their leader should be in jail, so if that makes a red supporter then so be it. I also think the other side is just as bad. The people caught in the middle are the ones I really support.

Mister, this is TV. You are red or yellow, with us or against us. Nothing else seems to be allowed..

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I agree with many writers, it must start with education, and better police recruitment for a decent wage.

Thailand is corrupt from top to bottom. Police do not need further education to make themselves very rich, and the thai police force only attracts undesibles. Corruption is about greed not a decent wage, the Thai police are and will remain criminals with the law in their hands.

Let's also mention the corrupt foreigners who are the tourist police, working hand in hand with the Thai police to shake down any and all foreigners who break the Thai law.

Corruption has ingrained itself into the very fabric of Thai society, now having loads of phoney tourist cops in on the take as well.

See!!? Now that's an awesome post firmly grounded in reality...

"Reality" - a concept that might escape persons living their fantasy life.

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I agree with many writers, it must start with education, and better police recruitment for a decent wage.

Thailand is corrupt from top to bottom. Police do not need further education to make themselves very rich, and the thai police force only attracts undesibles. Corruption is about greed not a decent wage, the Thai police are and will remain criminals with the law in their hands.

Let's also mention the corrupt foreigners who are the tourist police, working hand in hand with the Thai police to shake down any and all foreigners who break the Thai law.

Corruption has ingrained itself into the very fabric of Thai society, now having loads of phoney tourist cops in on the take as well.

See!!? Now that's an awesome post firmly grounded in reality...

"Reality" - a concept that might escape persons living their fantasy life.

Don't know where you lot live in Thailand, if you have ever been here at all and are not just parroting what others have written.

I have never had a problem with the police, but then I dont break any laws, I don't get cheated when I want to buy something, price is the same for me as anyone else. Lots of smiles and friendly people.

Only Govt office I have contact with is immigration and they don't try to scam me, always friendly and helpful

But then again I suppose I haven't quite been here 10 years yet so possibly in another ten I might come across all the baddies you write about.

While saying that I do realize there is corruption in many areas but to try to translate that to everyone, particularly the ground roots people is just a load of crap.

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I agree with many writers, it must start with education, and better police recruitment for a decent wage.

Thailand is corrupt from top to bottom. Police do not need further education to make themselves very rich, and the thai police force only attracts undesibles. Corruption is about greed not a decent wage, the Thai police are and will remain criminals with the law in their hands.

Let's also mention the corrupt foreigners who are the tourist police, working hand in hand with the Thai police to shake down any and all foreigners who break the Thai law.

Corruption has ingrained itself into the very fabric of Thai society, now having loads of phoney tourist cops in on the take as well.

See!!? Now that's an awesome post firmly grounded in reality...

"Reality" - a concept that might escape persons living their fantasy life.

Don't know where you lot live in Thailand, if you have ever been here at all and are not just parroting what others have written.

I have never had a problem with the police, but then I dont break any laws, I don't get cheated when I want to buy something, price is the same for me as anyone else. Lots of smiles and friendly people.

Only Govt office I have contact with is immigration and they don't try to scam me, always friendly and helpful

But then again I suppose I haven't quite been here 10 years yet so possibly in another ten I might come across all the baddies you write about.

While saying that I do realize there is corruption in many areas but to try to translate that to everyone, particularly the ground roots people is just a load of crap.

Asiatique ferris wheel

white face 500 baht for private car

thai face 300 baht

Soapy massage in BKK?

2500 2nd tier thai female for Thai an

3000 baht per hour, for white man

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"In a related development, a team of police and soldiers engaged in a gunfight with suspected drug traffickers in the border province of Beung Kan in the far Northeast early yesterday.

Following the exchange of gunfire, drug traffickers retreated into a boat on the Mekong River and sped away. The group, of seven to eight men, left behind six sacks. An inspection of the sacks revealed they were stuffed with 240 kilograms of marijuana. The haul is worth about Bt2.4 million.

Beung Kan police chief Maj General Chaiporn Panich-atta said security officials saw a "suspicious" Toyota Fortuner leaving the scene during the gunfire.

"We believe that vehicle might have gone there to pick up drugs but left after noticing officials," he said."

Personally, I find all Fartunas 'suspicious'--like I do Samoan transvestites...

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