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Former pop star Gary Glitter faces 8 sex charges

Lite Beer

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I'm not familiar with GG's songs, but it's a bit unfair that, because of his fame, there's so much focus on his private dallyings. I'd bet a lot of T.Visa posters wouldn't want their dirty laundry looked at with a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass.

If they are "dallying" with 13 year old girls, perhaps they have earned a look at their "dirty laundry".

This guy is a filthy pedophile and has been his entire adult life. I'm just surprised anybody would try and defend him.

Let us just call it presumption of innocence or justice.

Good to see that in the UK they are actually persecuting someone who is still alive and very likely guilty.

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I'm not familiar with GG's songs, but it's a bit unfair that, because of his fame, there's so much focus on his private dallyings. I'd bet a lot of T.Visa posters wouldn't want their dirty laundry looked at with a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass.

You sound like you have something to hide too.

The guy fiddled with kids & you defend him .So ,so wrong on so many levels.

@Boomeragutang has already admitted he was wrong in a later post. Credit where it's due.

"Ok, I acknowledge I didn't know about his history, or how young the victims. You're right, I was wrong." - @Boomerangutang

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There can be fewer more abhorrent crimes than robbing a child of it's innocence and scarring them for life.

There cannot be any time limit on pursuing such vile people and bring the full weight of justice down on them.

I might also add that some parents are totally irresponsible in trying to dress and make up their kids as though they were adults.

Every child has a basic human right to have a childhood - the world over.

Agree - but one should be careful to blame attire on other's inability to control their base desires. This is still used in places like this one, Thailand, when women are raped (by their taxi drivers etc). One might fancy their mates wife, but holds back due to propriety - one might be attracted to a 15 year old girl that looks much older and dresses provocatively, but holds back for reasons of morality (or at least fear of the law). People that cannot control that urge are dangerous and there simply are no adequate excuses for allowing them to roam the streets.

I totally agree. I wasn't attempting to deflect in any way from the guilt and responsibility of perpetrators, merely pointing to what some might misguidedly regard as a 'contributory factor'. Also, that some parents, in trying to make their kids look older or more adult, are themselves, at least in part, depriving their children of a 'normal' childhood. The responsibilities and reality of 'adulthood' comes soon enough without 'fast-tracking' by parents.

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Off-topic posts deleted along with a post which copies text and is not properly formatted and causes problems in reading the page.

Please keep your posts civil.

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Yeah, that bugs me. If he hadn't been imprisoned for child sex abuse before, and busted for child porn, I'd be complaining about that.

When women go to counseling for emotional issues the first thing some counselors do is suspect sex abuse during youth which has been purposely forgotten or memories repressed. So they set about trying to help the "victim" remember what happened decades ago, sometimes using hypnosis. There have been cases where charges were brought and the man convicted and jailed, and later the woman comes forth and says she was mistaken and led to think it.

I'd be the first to string up a proven child molester, but 40 years ago?

My friend's wife back in the UK was raped about 15 years ago (before they married)... It was reported and the guy was arrested... He denied everything.

After 3 or 4 days, a policewoman went to her house and talked her out of pressing charges as the rapist was claiming consent, and I know that woman..... no way!.. She was covered in bruises and the hospital confirmed signs of violent sexual contact. It was my house she came to crying the next day.

The rapist's ex girlfriend also gave a statement to the police that her was an aggressive sex freak.

Anyway, she dropped the charges after she was told in detail how she would be torn to pieces in court by the rapist's defence and likely lose and the press would then attack her.

I couldn't believe it.

To add insult to injury, a few weeks later my mate (her then boyfriend) waled into a pub and spotted the rapist drinking with his pals, and went over to confront him and he was beaten to a pulp by the bunch of them. They also got off scott free for that as well.

I swear.... you couldn't make it up.

Justice has probably already been done to the man and his friends. None of us can escape our bad karma.

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I think the concern or issue is old men sexually abusing young girls. Girls 13 to 15 are young girls and it is illegal for disgusting old creeps to engage in sexual relations with females this young.

Depends what country you live in.

Thailand, you can marry a 13 yo girl, Spain just changed their age of marriage from 13 to 16, but left the age of consent at 13. France 15.

Every country has its own laws, right or wrong.

Please don't confuse morality with legality, they aren't the same thing.

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3 freeking decades ago. Is there no statute of declarations? And I should remind you that being a paedophile is not a crime. Only when he is molesting children.

No there is no statute of limitations in the UK for serious crime at all - as there should be! There are some minor rules for debts, libel, injury claims and driving offences. There is a magistrates guideline (Section 127 of the Magistrates Court Act 1980 ) that limits claims to be made within 6 months - but that is not for serious crime which is passed to Crown Court anyway. Road Traffic Offences have to be brought (served) within 2 weeks (14 days) of the infraction (by the police).

He is accused of molesting children - and in the UK Paedophilia is illegal for more than just abuse - he was convicted of Child Porn (no abuse). He was also convicted in Vietnam of what basically amounts to sexual assault of children (obscene acts with minors) when they reduced it from child rape (which is a death sentence) due to lack of evidence. He was also thrown out of Cambodia for suspected child abuse, but never prosecuted for it there (Honk Kong and Thailand refused him entry based on that deportation).

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3 freeking decades ago. Is there no statute of declarations? And I should remind you that being a paedophile is not a crime. Only when he is molesting children.

One of the brothers at the Catholic boarding school I attended in Australia - just got put away for 2.5 years. For crimes committed in 1977-1981. That's over 3 freeking decades ago. Preferred to grope the younger lads up to about 15 y. o. Pleaded guilty too. The crimes these creatures commit affect people for lifetimes, sometimes into the next generation too. Abused people often become abusers. There is no time limit on their crimes.

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A few comparative stories:

>>> I was walking in a nearly empty 5 and dime store in the US. A boy about 12 was reading a magazine in the middle of an aisle. I turned a corner and suddenly saw him, and gently touched him on the shoulder to indicate I was moving past, and didn't want to startle or knock in to him. A very large woman (his mother?) berated me in a loud voice (for touching the boy on the shoulder?). There were 1,000 things I could have said in response, but I decided it wasn't worth the expenditure of calories, so I moved on.

>>> One of Ronald Reagan's best buddies was the King of Morocco. Often the King would sneak off to the servant's quarters at night, and get nasty with their little kids.

>>> When famous actor Jack Lemmon was 82, he went on David Letterman's show. When David announced Jack had a g.f aged 19, the audience exploded in applause. If Jack was an unknown unshaven old man, those same audience members would be openly disgusted at that coupling. They would probably hound and yell profanities at him in the street.

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I think the concern or issue is old men sexually abusing young girls. Girls 13 to 15 are young girls and it is illegal for disgusting old creeps to engage in sexual relations with females this young.

Depends what country you live in.

Thailand, you can marry a 13 yo girl, Spain just changed their age of marriage from 13 to 16, but left the age of consent at 13. France 15.

Every country has its own laws, right or wrong.

Please don't confuse morality with legality, they aren't the same thing.


Where do you get this? What I just read says Thailand requires both male and femal to be 17 on date of marriage registration. France is 18 for marriage. Spain is 18, 16 with parental consent.


1. Applicants must be aged 17 years on the date of marriage registration. Written parental consent is required if aged below 20 years.

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Where do you get this? What I just read says Thailand requires both male and femal to be 17 on date of marriage registration. France is 18 for marriage. Spain is 18, 16 with parental consent.

Spain & France


"The age of consent in Spain is 13, as specified by the Spanish Penal Code, Article 183(1)"

"The age of consent in France is 15, as specified by Article 227-25 of the Penal Code,"

More info on Spain, age of consent 13, age for marriage changed this year from 13 to 16.



Marriage at age 13 with Judges consent, and all concerned parties agreement.

"Section 277 Whoever, has sexual intercourse with a girl not yet over fifteen years of age and not being his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four to twenty years and fined of eight thousand to forty thousand Baht.

If the offender being the man commits against the girl over thirteen years but not yet over fifteen years of age with her consent and the Court grants such man and girl to marry together afterwards, the offender shall not be punished for such offence. If the Court grants them to marry together during the offender be still inflicted with the punishment, the Court shall release such offender."

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Where do you get this? What I just read says Thailand requires both male and femal to be 17 on date of marriage registration. France is 18 for marriage. Spain is 18, 16 with parental consent.

Spain & France


"The age of consent in Spain is 13, as specified by the Spanish Penal Code, Article 183(1)"

"The age of consent in France is 15, as specified by Article 227-25 of the Penal Code,"


Marriage at age 13 with Judges consent, and all concerned parties agreement.

You need to read the Thai law, not some dodgy translation of a part of Thai law.

More info on Spain, age of consent 13, age for marriage changed this year from 13 to 16.


The disturbing part is one could speak so blaise about creepy old losers hooking up with or marrying a 13 year old. It's disgusting.

Your mixing age of consent for sex with age of consent for marriage and cite a French statute dealing with consent to have sex, not marriage. Dodgy dude.

If going to cite wiki, at least cite the correct page. We were discussing marriage and here is the consent to marriage page. Not sure why you cite consent to sex page . . .


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I have given details for both consent and marriage in Thailand and Spain, and consent in France.

No confusion in my post.

As for creepy or disgusting,

I have only specified the law for the specific countries and not ventured any personal opinions on the morality of the laws.

If you have personal problems with any of the laws, I would suggest you forward your opinions and concerns to the relevant governments and not aim them at me.

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I have given details for both consent and marriage in Thailand and Spain, and consent in France.

No confusion in my post.

As for creepy or disgusting,

I have only specified the law for the specific countries and not ventured any personal opinions on the morality of the laws.

If you have personal problems with any of the laws, I would suggest you forward your opinions and concerns to the relevant governments and not aim them at me.

Where did you get 13 for judicially permitted marriages in Thailand and what are those "those appropriate reasons" where it is permitted. I see the judicial discretion to allow a deviation from the minimum age, but nothing that says 13.

Section 1448. A marriage can occur only when the man and woman have finished their seventeenth year of age. But the Court may, in case of having appropriate reason, permit them to marry before attaining such age.


Either of them should not be less than 17 years of age or should be in marriageable age in accordance to the law enforced from your home country. The Court may, in case of having appropriate reason, allow them to marry before attaining such age.


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Where did you get 13 for judicially permitted marriages in Thailand and what are those "those appropriate reasons" where it is permitted. I see the judicial discretion to allow a deviation from the minimum age, but nothing that says 13.

Section 277 is perfectly clear, and the appropriate reason appears to be "they are already having sex".

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Where did you get 13 for judicially permitted marriages in Thailand and what are those "those appropriate reasons" where it is permitted. I see the judicial discretion to allow a deviation from the minimum age, but nothing that says 13.

Section 277 is perfectly clear, and the appropriate reason appears to be "they are already having sex".

Yes, I buy the 277 interpretation, but you were wrong in France and Spain. Spain has an 18 year age requirement for marriage, but raised the minimum age for marriage with parental consent from 14 (not 13) to 16. Legal age for marriage in France is 18 for both male and female, but 15 with both parents' consent.

Curious as to what kinds of old weirdos have to keep up with or know this stuff. I am 47, wife is 32, and God knows I wouldn't want one younger.

The big issue is not kids acting stupid and getting married at an early age. The big issue is old creepy dudes trying to marry and have sex with children. I understand SE Asia does not protect children with statutory rape laws because they are more concerned with money generated by old creepy sex tourists, but I would hope and have to believe that reasonable countries such as France and Spain would have statutory rape laws. At least one wod hope.

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Please stick on the topic of this thread. Continued off-topic posts will be deleted.

The age of consent in various countries is interesting and vaguely on-topic, however, arguing the intricacies of consent in countries not related to the OP are off-topic.

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The guilty of this heinous crime should be eradicated from society.

Hopefully, GG's cellmate will be a gay stallion with jaw dropping endowment and a brutal hankering for perverted old men.

I'm not familiar with GG's songs, but it's a bit unfair that, because of his fame, there's so much focus on his private dallyings. I'd bet a lot of T.Visa posters wouldn't want their dirty laundry looked at with a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass.

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Sometimes I feel that this whole "Pedo" thing has got totally out of proportion. Not that I personally feel sexually attracted to 13 year old girls, but the fact is that most girls start ovulating much earlier, and that's not because of any laws or rules set down by so called civilized man, but my nature herself. In any other species when the females become sexually fertile sex and motherhood are the next natural progressions.

History tells us that the age of consent around the world used to be much lower than it is now, and even now some countries have surprisingly low minimum age for marriage and sex.

The fact is that it is only more recent in man's history that this obsession with the early years of our sex life has arisen. I believe this has come because of a combination of many reasons including but not limited to:-

1) Rather than the more natural but supposedly primitive practices of women deciding on who and how many lovers they want, society practically dictates monogamy and frowns upon teenage sex.

2) The again more primitive, but common amongst tribal humans, practice of caring for offspring as a group rather than only by the blood parents, solves the issue of young pregnancies.

3) In current society it is impossible for very young mothers and fathers to provide for their children at this early age

4) Protective parents expect their female children to keep their virginity until around their 20's or until marriage

Yes we all want children to have a nice time when they are young and not be sexually abused, but I also feel that public opinion and society in general have pushed the argument way too far, to the point where I hear its so scary in the west, that men are scared to even touch a child that is not theirs, and that;s just wrong.

Men (and women) are still physically almost the same as our primitive ancestors of a few thousand year ago, and hence have the same hormonal responses as animals in the wild. We may attempt to curb or hide them, but the basic fact is that they are there and in all of us, whether we like them to be or not. The fact is that in today's society, Adults also look for lots of other things in a partner apart from sex i.e. intelligence, similar experience/customs, companionship, protection, ability to provide food & housing etc...., therefore sexual relationships between Adults and Children do not make sense, but it doesn't change the fact that Nature has made both male and females of our species sexual beings at a very early age.

I suggest rather than dwelling on the age issue, it is the forced and abusive sex, along with (as in this case) the use of drugs on children that need to be dealt with.

I'm sure I'll get a load of flames for this, but I just thought it needed to be said, and people reminded that its Mother Nature and natural selection that got us here over millions of years. So, when its a choice between trusting mother nature, or some old bloke in a white wig banging on a table, or some religious zealot who conveniently forgets the churches history of child abuse and prostitution, I'll put my trust in Mother Nature 9 times out of 10.

Don't get me wrong, in the case of Gary Glitter or any other accused Pedophiles, if they've been covertly using illegal drugs to seduce young girls and/or abusing young boys, they deserve to be in prison.

Edited by cyborgx
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Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult experiences a primary sexual attraction to prepubescent children, usually under 12 years of age. Gary Glitter seems to be interested in older children, which would make him an old perve, rather than a genuine pedophile.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Sometimes I feel that this whole "Pedo" thing has got totally out of proportion. Not that I personally feel sexually attracted to 13 year old girls, but the fact is that most girls start ovulating much earlier, and that's not because of any laws or rules set down by so called civilized man, but my nature herself. In any other species when the females become sexually fertile sex and motherhood are the next natural progressions.

History tells us that the age of consent around the world used to be much lower than it is now, and even now some countries have surprisingly low minimum age for marriage and sex.

The fact is that it is only more recent in man's history that this obsession with the early years of our sex life has arisen. I believe this has come because of a combination of many reasons including but not limited to:-

1) Rather than the more natural but supposedly primitive practices of women deciding on who and how many lovers they want, society practically dictates monogamy and frowns upon teenage sex.

2) The again more primitive, but common amongst tribal humans, practice of caring for offspring as a group rather than only by the blood parents, solves the issue of young pregnancies.

3) In current society it is impossible for very young mothers and fathers to provide for their children at this early age

4) Protective parents expect their female children to keep their virginity until around their 20's or until marriage

Yes we all want children to have a nice time when they are young and not be sexually abused, but I also feel that public opinion and society in general have pushed the argument way too far, to the point where I hear its so scary in the west, that men are scared to even touch a child that is not theirs, and that;s just wrong.

Men (and women) are still physically almost the same as our primitive ancestors of a few thousand year ago, and hence have the same hormonal responses as animals in the wild. We may attempt to curb or hide them, but the basic fact is that they are there and in all of us, whether we like them to be or not. The fact is that in today's society, Adults also look for lots of other things in a partner apart from sex i.e. intelligence, similar experience/customs, companionship, protection, ability to provide food & housing etc...., therefore sexual relationships between Adults and Children do not make sense, but it doesn't change the fact that Nature has made both male and females of our species sexual beings at a very early age.

I suggest rather than dwelling on the age issue, it is the forced and abusive sex, along with (as in this case) the use of drugs on children that need to be dealt with.

I'm sure I'll get a load of flames for this, but I just thought it needed to be said, and people reminded that its Mother Nature and natural selection that got us here over millions of years. So, when its a choice between trusting mother nature, or some old bloke in a white wig banging on a table, or some religious zealot who conveniently forgets the churches history of child abuse and prostitution, I'll put my trust in Mother Nature 9 times out of 10.

Don't get me wrong, in the case of Gary Glitter or any other accused Pedophiles, if they've been covertly using illegal drugs to seduce young girls and/or abusing young boys, they deserve to be in prison.

"Not that I personally feel sexually attracted to 13 year old girls, but the fact is that most girls start ovulating much earlier, and that's not because of any laws or rules set down by so called civilized man, but my nature herself. In any other species when the females become sexually fertile sex and motherhood are the next natural progressions."

Sorry you are wrong in your assumptions right from the first paragraph - average age of menarche (first period) is just under 13 years of age in most countries, however 50% of girls STILL have not ovulated 2 years later. You are confusing menarche with fertility and being physically and mentally mature enough for sex and motherhood. You will also find that very young mothers suffer many more problems in gestation and birthing as their minds and bodies are still not mature enough. IMO you are wrong. As an example - mother nature lets me have sex with my sister and produce children - BUT roughly 50% of them will suffer genetic abnormalities incompatible with life. A reading of Thai history is informative here. Mother nature can be nasty too. I will go with her most times but we are not primitive hunter-gatherers any more. We need laws to keep people (especially the likes of Rolf and GG) in their place; which of course is in the nastiest prison you can find for them.

On top of that average menarche occurred 3 or 4 years later in earlier times - science is not 100% sure of all the reasons although diet and body fat content is a factor - which following your argument would suggest the girls of today are ready years before girls of yesteryear. I believe the opposite. I read somewhere today's average 8 y.o. has absorbed as much information as our grandparents did in a lifetime. Modern society is so much more complex today; full physical maturity is reached by twenty but full psychological maturity is not reached until the mid-twenties. If you're living a simple agrarian life maybe a few years earlier.

ALL convicted pedophiles should be locked up and castrated. No time limits and no exceptions. There is no other cure.

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GAZZPA...If my post is wrong on every single level, then you just have to point out where those faults (lies) are. You have set an age of 16 for a person to have sex -- many countries in the world would be aghast at that view (USA included) they think its much to young.

If you feel that the majority of the worlds population are "Pretty Sick" so be it, I don't intend to throw insults at you for your opinion.

For these guys though they did have sex with young girls under the age of consent in that country so no discussion required...GAZZPA

Oh OK if you have closed all the discussion GAZZPA ....I guess that's it then.......

This man has a history of raping children so your references to age of consent on this particular topic are in very poor taste and of course will not likely make you popular (which you mention yourself). If I had the same views as you I would keep it to myself,, saying you do not understand why he doesn't go to countries that have a lower age of consent sounds dangerously close to defending/justifying him for what he does to children, you obviously can't see this but to be very clear "he is a child rapist".

And yes, discussion is closed, she wasn't old enough to consent and he raped her.

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Yes, I buy the 277 interpretation, but you were wrong in France and Spain. Spain has an 18 year age requirement for marriage, but raised the minimum age for marriage with parental consent from 14 (not 13) to 16. Legal age for marriage in France is 18 for both male and female, but 15 with both parents' consent.

Curious as to what kinds of old weirdos have to keep up with or know this stuff. I am 47, wife is 32, and God knows I wouldn't want one younger.

Me keeping up with this stuff, professional interest.

Anyway GG appears to have been convicted in the UK for porn on his PC, reviewing his conviction, I'm not sure the chain of possession of evidence was clear enough for him to have been convicted in any country but the UK. It certainly wouldn't have gone anywhere in the US.

His conviction in Vietnam, very iffy, and involving parental consent, did the parents go to jail too, or was it 'extort a foreigner week"

Now we have accusations in the UK form 30-40 years ago, some of those slightly strange too.

One wonders why all the slightly underage perverts haven't just moved to Spain where it's perfectly legal?

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Could he not be "banished" or sent via "reverse deportation"(if such a thing exists) to be confined to living in Pattaya (electronic ankle device) using his own funds?

save the taxpayers a lot of money.

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If they are "dallying" with 13 year old girls, perhaps they have earned a look at their "dirty laundry".--chuckd


Isn't that the age you take a wife--in what is considered one of the most industrialized , & advanced countries in the world---Japan...... or even South Korea

I am not writing in defense of GG--but I expect to get all the knee jerk reactions anyway. The only thing that amazes me about people like him (who have a lot of money & seem to be partial to younger girls) is that they don't go to country's where its not looked at as illegal. Austria, Germany, Portugal, Italy & Canada its 14---& Spain was 13 until quite recently. Argentina, Mexico & Chile its 12--Most of the world (Population wise) its 14 --China & south America.

Why go & be put in Jail somewhere its not. http://www.ageofconsent.com/ageofconsent.htm

The other point, (which I am sure will make me even more popular) is the misuse of the word Pedophile- A person who is attracted to pre-pubescent children, I don't think that covers Glitter & because the tabloids use it, doesn't make it so. A few years ago a British Tabloid was sued--Successfully -- by an English Teacher who had been Jailed for having sex with one of his students (15) efebafile is the word for a person attracted to Pubescent young girls, 14-15-16. But its much more sensational for the Tabloids to class them all the same, the fact that in the majority of the world--those girls are deem to be ready for marriage, seems to escape them.


vgood post, lets face it and be honest, any number of civilizations and cultures 'create' their own versions of a pattern of how life should be lived for any number of reasons usually associated with the politics of power , but that got <deleted> all to do with the reality of being human at a fundamental level, when our bodies change at puberty our genes are saying "right get stuck in and make sure your genes survive to new generations, ages are purely relative, i would say its odd NOT to be attracted to an attractive 14 or 15 year old 'young woman' are guys here trying to seriously say when they were 13,14 or 15 or so they didn't like having a fiddle with the local similarly aged girls, get <deleted> real for the non-existent dieties sake !

Both of your posts are wrong on just about every single level. I guess you would dress this up as a sensible, subjective view but in reality it is pretty sick.

When young girls grow up they may be able to have babies at a very young age but they are NOT mature enough to make decisions about having a sexual relationship. It may be that other countries have differing age for consent, I personally don't agree with anything under 16. i could not ever imagine sleeping with a girl who is as young as 13, it is just so wrong, she is just a kid at that age.

For these guys though they did have sex with young girls under the age of consent in that country so no discussion required.

&lt;deleted&gt; try and read the post,

fundamental human sexuality is at it is, arbitrary and abstract theories of morality are just that arbitrary, we are a species of ape

that want to survive, our bodies are telling us its time to have kids when we pass puberty, our chromosomes, genes could not give a damn what age group supplies the material for reproduction, of course its 'illegal' to have sex with a young woman aged 14,15 etc, but that's only because an arbitrary civilization has decided that's how it wants it's society ordered. (curiously always decided by a small group of men !!!)

but 'illegal' is often very different from 'wrong' at a fundamental biological level, at the biological level there is only correct or incorrect, at such a level morality does not exist

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Yes, I buy the 277 interpretation, but you were wrong in France and Spain. Spain has an 18 year age requirement for marriage, but raised the minimum age for marriage with parental consent from 14 (not 13) to 16. Legal age for marriage in France is 18 for both male and female, but 15 with both parents' consent.

Curious as to what kinds of old weirdos have to keep up with or know this stuff. I am 47, wife is 32, and God knows I wouldn't want one younger.

Me keeping up with this stuff, professional interest.

Anyway GG appears to have been convicted in the UK for porn on his PC, reviewing his conviction, I'm not sure the chain of possession of evidence was clear enough for him to have been convicted in any country but the UK. It certainly wouldn't have gone anywhere in the US.

His conviction in Vietnam, very iffy, and involving parental consent, did the parents go to jail too, or was it 'extort a foreigner week"

Now we have accusations in the UK form 30-40 years ago, some of those slightly strange too.

One wonders why all the slightly underage perverts haven't just moved to Spain where it's perfectly legal?

The suggestion that dirty old men with physchological disorders should be going to Spain to exploit the law and young children there is beyond troubling. Just because there may be a loophole in the law does not make conduct morally right. 50 year old men should not be having sex with 13 year old children.

Individuals that cannot see this are part of the problem and children need to be protected.

Making excuse for or trying to victimize Glitter is disconcerting. Insinuating poor Glitter is the victim on vindictive people . . . Really?

He had issues with child pornography in 97 and convicted in 99 for child porn. (YS does take this charge serious contrary to your assertion). Then this upstanding human being was deported from Cambodia in 2002 due to concerns of child sexual abuse. Within a year of being in VN in 2005, poor Glitter, a victim of bad luck, circumstance and vindictiveness, is convicted of improper acts with 10 and 11 year olds. 10 and 11 . . .

Then we have a scattering of other child sexual abuse allegations in UK since the 1990s. Yeah, lets victimize the predator based in rank speculation and apparent projection of dysfunction as I am sure you have no first hand knowledge of his cases or evidence in those cases.

Edited by capcc76
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Then we have a scattering of other child sexual abuse allegations in UK since the 1999s. Yeah, lets victims the predator based in rank speculation as I am sure you have no first hand knowledge of his cases other than what you chose to read on the Net.

The details of his cases have been discussed in quite a lot of detail over the years.

Much less evidence against him than say, Michael Jackson or Bill Wyman. Mandy Smith even wrote a book detailing their sex when she was 14.

Bill is now 76, and police are quoted as being "not interested". So one must ask, why no interest in Bill, but great interest in Gary?


Same offences, same time period, girls same age, guys same age, one with evidence and a book, no interest, one iffy evidence, great interest.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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