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Best place for a multiple entry non-O based on marriage?

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I'm currently living in Chiang Mai with my wife, who is Thai. I've extended my tourist visa, and plan to stay longer this year, so I'd like to get a multi-entry non O. My current visa expires in July. I'd really like to geta multi-entry non-O, because I have to leave and visit Australia in August, and having a multi entry visa is probably easier than getting a re-entry permit.

I've heard the best place to do this is Savannakhet, and Vientiane doesn't do multi-entry visas.

I'm currently living in Chiang Mai, and getting to Savannakhet seems a little difficul. I could fly, but if I'm flying maybe it would be better to fly somewhere else?

Are there any other embassies near by that would do a multi-entry non-O based on marriage? KL? Singapore?


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There are aircon buses from Chiang Mai to Mukdahan. Can't remember the bus company but their booth is next to The Green Bus one at the Arcade. It's a long trip with one change, but even if you fly to Udon you still have five hours by bus to Mukdahan.

Might be Phetprasert Tour.

Edited by CNXSTEVE
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Thanks, I'll take a look at the bus option too.

The re-entry permit itself doesn't seem that hard, but it would be more convenient to have a multiple entry non-o so I don't have to satisfy all the condition for the 1 year extension, like transferring money into a Thai account. The multi entry should cover me for the time I intend to stay here.

Also converting to non-o status means a trip to Bangkok and a wait of up to a week, while they change me over to non-o status. I thought leaving, and getting a visa in one day at an outside embassy would be easier. Maybe going to Vientiane for a single entry and then using a re-entry permit is the best option.

Thanks for the tips.

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A re-entry permit adds no time to your entry. When you mentioned the re-entry I assume you meant getting a one year extension of stay at immigration.

If you got a single entry non-o visa you could get a 60 day extension to visits your wife.at immigration.

You could of gotten the same 60 day extension for tourist visa entry. Some immigration offices will let you do a 60 day after getting the 30 day extension.

If you get the multiple entry visa it will valid for a year and can be taken to 15 months of total by doing an entry before it expires..

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Are they asking for proof of more than 400,000 in a thai bank .

Who are "they"?

Immigration in Thailand doesn't ask fro money in the bank account for a 60 day extension, only for a 1 year extension.

The consulate in savankhet doesn't ask for proof of money when you apply for a non-O multiple visa.

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Times may have changed andydarth, but Oz used to be quite good for 1 year visa--especially Brisbane, if you can show some connection, i.e Marriage certif + funds.

Maybe someone will let us know if its still the same & you can juggle the dates around for the visit there.

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Why can't the OP get his non O based on marriage in Chiang Mai? That's where I was planning to go and do it.......

Is the only place to do this in Savannakhet then?

You are getting a one year extension of stay not a visa. You can stay for a full year without leaving. A multiple entry non-o visa requires border runs every 90 days.

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Why can't the OP get his non O based on marriage in Chiang Mai? That's where I was planning to go and do it.......

Is the only place to do this in Savannakhet then?

"Why can't the OP get his non O based on marriage in Chiang Mai? "

You can't get visas inside Thailand. They are only issued by Thai embassies and consulates outside of Thalland.

You are probably talking about getting an extension of stay based on marriage at immigrations in Chiang Mai. That is an extension of stay, it is not a visa and it is not an extension of a non-O visa.

If you entered the country on a Non-O originally, that visa has expired and you are staying in the country based on the extensions of stay issued by Immigrations.

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No need to leave the country - can apply for a one year non-o based on marriage from within Thailand. Its straightforward and mostly easy. I've done it twice now, the second time just now (I had a gap between the first and second year so had to start again and it was the same process). You need

- Thai wife (!) - marriage cert, and marriage registration cert in Thai

- Freedom to marry cert - from your own country/embassy (officially translated into Thai)

- Min of 400,000 baht in an a Thai bank account in your name only (not joint) for a min of two months prior to visa application (copy of bank book showing balance and date of entry together with letter from your bank confirming the account and balance - IMPORTANT must be on the day or at least within 7 days of your visa application

- Photo evidence of you in your house (with appliances!) - with wife and family etc, and outside the front of your house showing house address - or similar

- A local neighbour or similar (not family) who will vouch that you live there (someone from immigration will come and interview you at your home and will speak to this person - they must be Thai, I've used a neighbour (not available second time) and the security guard to our village)

- Your wife's proof of house ownership (do not know what you do if renting, or living with other family - ie if the house is not in your wife's name)

- Your wife's ID card

- Recent passport photos of your good self and copies of your passport ID page, Thai visa page and last Thai entry stamp page (with the number of the departure card)

- Thai immigration form TM7 (can download from Thai immigration website)

- Two copies of all of this

- Must submit no more than a month before your current visa expires (It will take about a month to process)

Good luck

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Hi Andy despite the fact that this should be in the Visa section and you are the third thread about this in as many days I will reply the same as I have to the last 3 people. As other posters have stated Savannakhet is by far the best option it is only a small consulate not an embassy and they are incredibly lax there, they do not need to see any financial statements, they won't check your original documents and hardly any foreigners go there. There is actually a little shop across the road who will fill out all your forms for you and supply you with photocopies, passport photo's etc should you require them. I know because I go there frequently last time was the Friday before the coup and nothing has changed. I live much closer to the embassy at Vientiane but would never even consider going there. This will be my last time though as I myself am now upgrading to the marriage visa so that was my last multiple entry "o" type. In future though might be easier to have a look through the multitude of articles and threads and replies that have been continually posted ad nauseum on this subject. Good luck

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No need to leave the country - can apply for a one year non-o based on marriage from within Thailand. Its straightforward and mostly easy. I've done it twice now, the second time just now (I had a gap between the first and second year so had to start again and it was the same process). You need

- Thai wife (!) - marriage cert, and marriage registration cert in Thai

- Freedom to marry cert - from your own country/embassy (officially translated into Thai)

- Min of 400,000 baht in an a Thai bank account in your name only (not joint) for a min of two months prior to visa application (copy of bank book showing balance and date of entry together with letter from your bank confirming the account and balance - IMPORTANT must be on the day or at least within 7 days of your visa application

- Photo evidence of you in your house (with appliances!) - with wife and family etc, and outside the front of your house showing house address - or similar

- A local neighbour or similar (not family) who will vouch that you live there (someone from immigration will come and interview you at your home and will speak to this person - they must be Thai, I've used a neighbour (not available second time) and the security guard to our village)

- Your wife's proof of house ownership (do not know what you do if renting, or living with other family - ie if the house is not in your wife's name)

- Your wife's ID card

- Recent passport photos of your good self and copies of your passport ID page, Thai visa page and last Thai entry stamp page (with the number of the departure card)

- Thai immigration form TM7 (can download from Thai immigration website)

- Two copies of all of this

- Must submit no more than a month before your current visa expires (It will take about a month to process)

Good luck

This is great advice but you can go to Savannakhet without having to jump through all those ridiculous hoops, so it is up to you... 1 night in Laos or stay in Thailand and provide a raft of unecessary evidence....

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No need to leave the country - can apply for a one year non-o based on marriage from within Thailand. Its straightforward and mostly easy. I've done it twice now, the second time just now (I had a gap between the first and second year so had to start again and it was the same process). You need

- Thai wife (!) - marriage cert, and marriage registration cert in Thai

- Freedom to marry cert - from your own country/embassy (officially translated into Thai)

- Min of 400,000 baht in an a Thai bank account in your name only (not joint) for a min of two months prior to visa application (copy of bank book showing balance and date of entry together with letter from your bank confirming the account and balance - IMPORTANT must be on the day or at least within 7 days of your visa application

- Photo evidence of you in your house (with appliances!) - with wife and family etc, and outside the front of your house showing house address - or similar

- A local neighbour or similar (not family) who will vouch that you live there (someone from immigration will come and interview you at your home and will speak to this person - they must be Thai, I've used a neighbour (not available second time) and the security guard to our village)

- Your wife's proof of house ownership (do not know what you do if renting, or living with other family - ie if the house is not in your wife's name)

- Your wife's ID card

- Recent passport photos of your good self and copies of your passport ID page, Thai visa page and last Thai entry stamp page (with the number of the departure card)

- Thai immigration form TM7 (can download from Thai immigration website)

- Two copies of all of this

- Must submit no more than a month before your current visa expires (It will take about a month to process)

Good luck

This is great advice but you can go to Savannakhet without having to jump through all those ridiculous hoops, so it is up to you... 1 night in Laos or stay in Thailand and provide a raft of unecessary evidence....

Starky, why would I need to provide less evidence in Laos? What 'less' evidence? I thought the procedure would be the same wherever I apply. Could you please tell me more?

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No need to leave the country - can apply for a one year non-o based on marriage from within Thailand. Its straightforward and mostly easy. I've done it twice now, the second time just now (I had a gap between the first and second year so had to start again and it was the same process). You need

- Thai wife (!) - marriage cert, and marriage registration cert in Thai

- Freedom to marry cert - from your own country/embassy (officially translated into Thai)

- Min of 400,000 baht in an a Thai bank account in your name only (not joint) for a min of two months prior to visa application (copy of bank book showing balance and date of entry together with letter from your bank confirming the account and balance - IMPORTANT must be on the day or at least within 7 days of your visa application

- Photo evidence of you in your house (with appliances!) - with wife and family etc, and outside the front of your house showing house address - or similar

- A local neighbour or similar (not family) who will vouch that you live there (someone from immigration will come and interview you at your home and will speak to this person - they must be Thai, I've used a neighbour (not available second time) and the security guard to our village)

- Your wife's proof of house ownership (do not know what you do if renting, or living with other family - ie if the house is not in your wife's name)

- Your wife's ID card

- Recent passport photos of your good self and copies of your passport ID page, Thai visa page and last Thai entry stamp page (with the number of the departure card)

- Thai immigration form TM7 (can download from Thai immigration website)

- Two copies of all of this

- Must submit no more than a month before your current visa expires (It will take about a month to process)

Good luck

This is great advice but you can go to Savannakhet without having to jump through all those ridiculous hoops, so it is up to you... 1 night in Laos or stay in Thailand and provide a raft of unecessary evidence....

I agree. Frankly it's ridiculous what they require to get the extension of stay. A NON 'O' all the way for me.

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No need to leave the country - can apply for a one year non-o based on marriage from within Thailand. Its straightforward and mostly easy. I've done it twice now, the second time just now (I had a gap between the first and second year so had to start again and it was the same process). You need

- Thai wife (!) - marriage cert, and marriage registration cert in Thai

- Freedom to marry cert - from your own country/embassy (officially translated into Thai)

- Min of 400,000 baht in an a Thai bank account in your name only (not joint) for a min of two months prior to visa application (copy of bank book showing balance and date of entry together with letter from your bank confirming the account and balance - IMPORTANT must be on the day or at least within 7 days of your visa application

- Photo evidence of you in your house (with appliances!) - with wife and family etc, and outside the front of your house showing house address - or similar

- A local neighbour or similar (not family) who will vouch that you live there (someone from immigration will come and interview you at your home and will speak to this person - they must be Thai, I've used a neighbour (not available second time) and the security guard to our village)

- Your wife's proof of house ownership (do not know what you do if renting, or living with other family - ie if the house is not in your wife's name)

- Your wife's ID card

- Recent passport photos of your good self and copies of your passport ID page, Thai visa page and last Thai entry stamp page (with the number of the departure card)

- Thai immigration form TM7 (can download from Thai immigration website)

- Two copies of all of this

- Must submit no more than a month before your current visa expires (It will take about a month to process)

Good luck

This is great advice but you can go to Savannakhet without having to jump through all those ridiculous hoops, so it is up to you... 1 night in Laos or stay in Thailand and provide a raft of unecessary evidence....

Starky, why would I need to provide less evidence in Laos? What 'less' evidence? I thought the procedure would be the same wherever I apply. Could you please tell me more?

Hi Craig be happy to PM me if you want all the gory details. If you travel in and out frequently it is actually easier to get an "o" type in your home country. I live here though so it made it a bit harder. The hardest place to get one as I stated is Thailand just because of the stupid amount of documentation you require. Truth be told you don't actually need all of that paperwork until you go for actual marriage visa which is when they require the proof and you no longer have to leave the country at all. You certainly do not all that information for an "o" visa. It's actually not all of Laos only Savannakhet to my knowledge, Vientiane is nearly as hard as Bangkok. I live only 80kms from Vientiane but have always driven the 450km to Mukdahan. There is undercover parking right at the border for 200 baht a night and if you stay at the casino they provide a free VIP minibus that will fast track you across the border (they won't bring you back though). As to why you need less evidence it is just the way things are there as I said it is only a small not very busy consulate (not an embassy) and they seem to be very lax. Of course it would be handy to have originals of your marriage certificate and wife's blue book for the house and of course you will need her ID card and your passport to cross the border but they DO NOT site your originals nor check your financial details or want photo's of you the house the appliances your house number, some bodgy neighbour to vouch for you or any of that rubbish that is required in Bangkok that comes much later. Hope this helps, as I said have been going through the process for quite a while and know the in's and out's of this one so please feel free to PM for any further details.wai2.gif

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I got mine in Ireland and the only documentation required was my birth cert my id card and marriage cert. my sons birth cert.( all copies). I posted my passport on a Wensday and it was back Friday with the visa.

Just on a separate question I enquired about a non o marriage visa in an immigration office down south and he insisted on seeing 800k in my

bank account. He also told retirement better less paper. Do they know the rules or is it up to each branch to interpret them selves .

Edited by blowin
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I got mine in Ireland and the only documentation required was my birth cert my id card and marriage cert. my sons birth cert.( all copies). I posted my

passport on a Wensday and it was back with visa on Friday.

Just on a separate question I enquired about a non o marriage visa in an immigration office down south and he insisted on seeing 800k in my

bank account. He also told retirement better less paper. Do they know the rules or is it up to each branch to interpret them selves .

For an extension of stay (it is not a visa) based upon marriage Thai lady or having a Thai the child the requirements are 400k baht in a Thai bank or income of 40k baht.

For retirement it is 800k baht or 65k baht income or a combination ot the 2 totaling 800k baht.

Local immigration offices can request additional documents. They cannot change the financial requirements.

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I got mine in Ireland and the only documentation required was my birth cert my id card and marriage cert. my sons birth cert.( all copies). I posted my

passport on a Wensday and it was back with visa on Friday.

Just on a separate question I enquired about a non o marriage visa in an immigration office down south and he insisted on seeing 800k in my

bank account. He also told retirement better less paper. Do they know the rules or is it up to each branch to interpret them selves .

For an extension of stay (it is not a visa) based upon marriage Thai lady or having a Thai the child the requirements are 400k baht in a Thai bank or income of 40k baht.

For retirement it is 800k baht or 65k baht income or a combination ot the 2 totaling 800k baht.

Local immigration offices can request additional documents. They cannot change the financial requirements.

Ah yes, point taken but an "o" type multiple entry VISA based on marriage is a visa as the name would infer, not an extension of stay and at Savannakhet where I was a mere 2 weeks ago they DO NOT require any financial proof or documents thereof at all, just sayin and tryin to help some members out thumbsup.gif

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I think I've finally got this figured out ! Joe, how many times can you get a non O visa based on marriage? (Multiple entry) And how many extensions do you get for each one ?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I got mine in Ireland and the only documentation required was my birth cert my id card and marriage cert. my sons birth cert.( all copies). I posted my

passport on a Wensday and it was back with visa on Friday.

Just on a separate question I enquired about a non o marriage visa in an immigration office down south and he insisted on seeing 800k in my

bank account. He also told retirement better less paper. Do they know the rules or is it up to each branch to interpret them selves .

For an extension of stay (it is not a visa) based upon marriage Thai lady or having a Thai the child the requirements are 400k baht in a Thai bank or income of 40k baht.

For retirement it is 800k baht or 65k baht income or a combination ot the 2 totaling 800k baht.

Local immigration offices can request additional documents. They cannot change the financial requirements.

Ah yes, point taken but an "o" type multiple entry VISA based on marriage is a visa as the name would infer, not an extension of stay and at Savannakhet where I was a mere 2 weeks ago they DO NOT require any financial proof or documents thereof at all, just sayin and tryin to help some members out thumbsup.gif

Blowin is asking about an Extension although he states incorrectly a Marriage visa, there is no such thing, it is a Non O based on marriage, and joe is stating correctly the money require to get one, most immigration offices would prefer to issue a non O based on retirement, as it can be done in one day less paperwork and most importantly the paperwork does not have to go the Bangkok or the main district office, that is the reason why they like to push the retirement, VISA"S can not be issued in Thailand Extensions of stay can, lots of people get this mixed up, it is bet to try and learn the correct terminology so people can understand what you are talking about and you will get the correct answer.

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I have done 6 extensions of stay based upon marriage and have not found them to be a that big a deal to do. Just a few documents that you may already have on hand and a couple of photos.

To me it is much better than having to make border runs every 90 days and having to make a trip every year to an embassy or consulate for a new visa,

There is also the extra costs of maintaining a non-o multiple entry visa. Just 1900 baht for the extension verses 5000 baht for the visa is significant. Then if you add in costs for border runs and the the trip out for the visa. It becomes a substantial difference in costs.

Again very true but for most of us you get the "o" visa before you get the spouse visa it is the first step in the process. Then after that, as you say, you get the spouse "visa" or extension of stay if you prefer which only needs to be renewed once a year in your local amphur. Some members may even wish to go down that road and pay the extra 3 thousand baht as opposed to going to Bangkok and providing a raft of unnecessary documents to a pompous official. In particular those of us that have the means and ability to leave Thailand every 90 days or maybe due to work or other commitments do so anyway. No one ever said anything about maintaining it the OP's original question was where was the best place to gain a multiple "o" based on marriage? I believe wai2.gif

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