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How long can I stay in Thailand as a tourist?

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I'm arriving in Thailand at the end of July - for tourism purposes - and hoping to stay for as long as possible. Which visa will allow me the most time in the Kingdom? (Including any visa runs etc that I would need to do). Thanks!

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I'm not sure what country you are in but check with Thai Embassy there and get a 2 month double entry...or I hear they also may have a 2 month triple entry.

This means you have 2 months...then you can go to Thai Immigration in Thailand..( ie. Bangkok,Jomtien etc ) and you can get a 1 month extension for 1900 baht...

Then you have to leave the country...say to Cambodia or Laos and re-enter on your 2nd 2 month ( or the double entry part of the visa ).

Then reappy for 1 month extension at Thai Immigration....another 1900 baht..that gives you 6 months ...or if you get the triple entry 9 months I am guessing.

After you use your 2 month (double or triple) visa you can get another 2 month double entry visa by applying at Thai Consulate outside the country preferably Laos..many people go to Vientiane..I prefer Savannakhet,Laos.

Then redo the same process.

You can safely do this 3 times at Vientiane,Laos but I have always had good success at Savannakhet for more as they are not as strict as Vientiane..but things can change.

Also you could look into a education visa that I believe is good for a year...I believe costs around 20,000 baht...but you have to go to the language classes...but actually a good way to learn the language.

Otherwise if you just arrive at airport in Thailand you get a 30 day tourist visa. ( I think ).. 14 day visa if you come into Thailand from land at a border.

Best to check with Thai Embassy in your country.

Good luck ..I'm sure others will add more details to what I have..I have only experience with 2 month double entry.

Edited by iphad
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yes kinda complicated...

you also have to pay attention to the date on the small stamp they put in your passport when you enter Thailand .. as that will tell you when you have to leave the country...or apply for the 1 month extension ( for this you can apply in advance like a week before so you don't have to leave to last day...especially if it falls on a weekend )

Also if you get the 2 month double entry there is a date on that visa when you have to re-entry Thailand before that or on that date...

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out but probably would help.

But if you have never been to Thailand before it is worth all the hassle ...especially if you love Thai food, or taking photos etc...also plan to see Angkor Wat in Cambodia...worth the trip I think but definitely not as easy as a trip to a Club Med.

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Its not complicated once you understand the ins and outs, you may want to do some reading here as they are starting to take a look at people who stay long term on 30 day permission to stay and even people who stay long term on tourist visa. You may need proof of hotel reservations, air tickets and funds for living in Thailand they can ask for proof of funds, they like to see 20,000baht in cash. There have been a few reports about this happening to people. Enjoy your stay

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Small notes........

The "30 day visa exemption on arrival" is virtually automatic for USA and UK. Note that it is not a visa. Works for air arrival.

For the final final info, take personal visit to Thailand Embassy or consulate near you.

Enjoy !

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I'm not sure what country you are in but check with Thai Embassy there and get a 2 month double entry...or I hear they also may have a 2 month triple entry.

This means you have 2 months...then you can go to Thai Immigration in Thailand..( ie. Bangkok,Jomtien etc ) and you can get a 1 month extension for 1900 baht...

Then you have to leave the country...say to Cambodia or Laos and re-enter on your 2nd 2 month ( or the double entry part of the visa ).

Then reappy for 1 month extension at Thai Immigration....another 1900 baht..that gives you 6 months ...or if you get the triple entry 9 months I am guessing.

After you use your 2 month (double or triple) visa you can get another 2 month double entry visa by applying at Thai Consulate outside the country preferably Laos..many people go to Vientiane..I prefer Savannakhet,Laos.

Then redo the same process.

You can safely do this 3 times at Vientiane,Laos but I have always had good success at Savannakhet for more as they are not as strict as Vientiane..but things can change.

Also you could look into a education visa that I believe is good for a year...I believe costs around 20,000 baht...but you have to go to the language classes...but actually a good way to learn the language.

Otherwise if you just arrive at airport in Thailand you get a 30 day tourist visa. ( I think ).. 14 day visa if you come into Thailand from land at a border.

Best to check with Thai Embassy in your country.

Good luck ..I'm sure others will add more details to what I have..I have only experience with 2 month double entry.

"I'm not sure what country you are in but check with Thai Embassy there and get a 2 month double entry...or I hear they also may have a 2 month triple entry."

There is nothing called a two month tourist visa. Depending on where it is issued, it may be valid for 3 months or 6 months.

The validity of a visa is three months or six months. That means that you must utilize your visa within 90 or 180 days (dependent on number of entries) .


Obviously a double entry tourist visa that is valid for three months would mean you'd need to ensure you make your second entry before the "use by" date shown on the visa, so if you were careful about your timing you could stretch it to 180 days. A triple entry tourist visa valid for 3 months would allow you to enter three times within 3 months, which might be convenient for a genuine tourist, but would not extend the length of your stay because the visa would expire in three months whether or not you had made three entries.

A triple entry tourist visa valid for 6 months, again if you were very careful about your timing, would get the maximum permitted stay in Thailand, but finding an embassy/consulate that issues triple entry tourist visas for 6 months may not be easy.

And the 3 month or 6 month validity of the visa starts from when it is issued, not when you first enter the country.

Edited by Suradit69
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OP you say you are from the UK. I am also and I'm on a triple entry in TH right now. I got mine from the Liverpool consulate, if it near to you go on there website and call them. They are very helpful, you will just need to book a visit in person as I believe mail in applications have recently been stopped, and can only be sent to the embassy in London.

Arrange an appointment, download and fill in the application form, take your passport, photos.

A triple will be 85 pounds. 3 x 25 pound for the entries and 10 pound for in person processing (basically the consulates fee). I would definitely recommend this consulate, I've got 2 triples from them, very friendly and I was in and out within 15 minutes.

Also, if u are thinking of hiring a motorbike or car, get an AA international drivers permit. 10 pound (plus application form, your licence and photo needed) from either a main post office that issuses them (check online) or directly with the AA.

Hope this helps, have a good trip.

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If you want to stay for a prolonged period of time then an Ed VIsa is the way to go. Just sign up at any school for Thai lessens that offer an Ed Visa and they will give you proper paper word to get an Ed visa

Then you have the ability to stay for up to 3 years and more

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As your in the UK you can go to the Thai Consulat in Hull and get a 6 month triple entry visa within half an hour for £85.00. Call and make an appointment, its that easy. And you can get an extension at the Thai Embassy in Bangkok.

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As your in the UK you can go to the Thai Consulat in Hull and get a 6 month triple entry visa within half an hour for £85.00. Call and make an appointment, its that easy. And you can get an extension at the Thai Embassy in Bangkok.

Their is no Thai embassy in Bangkok.

You can apply for the 30 day extension at any immigration office.

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How much time do you get for a double entry visa - WITHOUT - leaving the country?

You can get 90 days total in the country by doing the 30 day extension of the 60 day entry you get when you enter the country.

If the visa is only valid for 90 days you have to be sure you do the 2nd entry before the enter before date on the visa sticker.

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Last year and the year before and the year before that I got a triple entry 6month tourist visa which I extended by one one month at CM immigration and then three visa runs to Mai Sai which adds up to the ten months per year that suited my purposes.

This year things suddenly changed after my first exit so I had to do a run to Vientiane which was ultimately successful but seriously gruelling, although if I ever have to do it again I know how to make it a little easier.

I don't know how old you are but if you are receiving a UK pension there is apparently a one year Non-O available from Hull with no 80K bank deposit required just proof that you are on the pension. (If anyone knows more about this please let me know)

That is my first option for next year. . My second option is an ED-visa which would actually make me learn Thai which seriously can not be a bad thing for anyone planning to live here long-term. After that I may have to join a monastery but whatever I never want to have to live in England again. Here I don't have to touch my small savings and live on less than my pension per month and have a nice life. There my pension would hardly pay the rent for a cold and uncomfortable life.



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I'm planning a trip later this year arriving October 30th and departing on December 4th (total of 36 days) I'm coming from the USA and I know I get 30 days on arrival, but can I still travel to Cambodia,(I always wanted to see Angkor Wat),and get my passport stamped upon re-entry for 15 more days(land crossing) Is this possible?

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You could do it that way but you would now get 30 days at the border since you are from the US.

The problem you could have is that you could be denied boarding of your flight because you will not have a ticket out of the country within 30 days of arrival.

You should get a single entry tourist visa or buy a one way ticket to Siem Reap.

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everyone seems to assume a ED visa is for learning thai. i understand they can be issued for

other reasions, such as learning thai cooking, muay thai, or buddhism. i've also been told

that these can be obtained back to back and your ED visit for up to 10 years, or more.

anyone with any experience in this?

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everyone seems to assume a ED visa is for learning thai. i understand they can be issued for

other reasions, such as learning thai cooking, muay thai, or buddhism. i've also been told

that these can be obtained back to back and your ED visit for up to 10 years, or more.

anyone with any experience in this?

You can get an ED visa or extension of stay for many courses of study as long as the school is registered with the Ministry of Education.

I don't think there is any official limit on how long you could do it for as long as you can get supporting documents from the school and the MOE.

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