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Where do you go to get your drivers license in Hun Hin?


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You can't get it in Hua Hin. You have the choice of Pranburi or Cha-Am. I've never been to the Cha-Am office but the Pranburi office is located down a small soi beside the big military base that has it's entrance at one of the main Pranburi traffic lights. Go south into Pranburi until you get to that light. You'll know it as a right turn will put you into the gate of the big Pranburi military base. Make a U turn at the light and immediately get into the far left lane where you will make a left into the very next small soi running beside the base. The driving license testing facility is about a kilometer down that small road on the left.

You'll need a letter from immigration, a medical certificate from a doctor or hospital, your previous foreign license and an international license if you have one (hopefully you do as it makes it much easier). You also need a photo but that can be taken near or at the facility.

At a minimum you'll have to take three simple physical tests, reaction time, vision, and depth of field (lining up two sticks with strings at a distance of about 10 feet). These three tests are very easy. You may also have to watch a safety movie and depending on your paperwork (previous licenses) you may or may not have to take a written test and a driving test.

I recommend you take someone with you who can read and speak Thai.

Edited by hhfarang
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I've been to the Cha Am office, you have to drive through Cha Am and turn left onto the main Petchaburi road which goes north, the same road you would take if you were driving to Bangkok. About 5 KM away (I think) from the main junctions you do a U-Turn.

When to do the u-turn ? It's shortly after a footbridge over the road. As you approach the bridge get into the middle lane as the U-Turn entrance is quite near to it. There is only one footbridge within a few miles of this area.

After the U-Turn you need to take the first sharp left down a tiny little road which looks like it leads to nowhere, go down this road keeping left and you will come across a government building - this is the driving license place.

This is the footbridge before the place where you do the u-turn : https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@12.839144,99.931083,3a,75y,341.85h,76.54t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1soor2yL0FXwCEAGhcR2Eymg!2e0

This is the small road where you turn left : https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@12.84113,99.930305,3a,75y,145.9h,80.31t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1salzk0f-Z-cudCA89z6Eoew!2e0

Edit : Above links don't appear to be working - they go straight into Google streetview and show you a photo of the actual location - I don't know why they don't work - I posted them exactly as they are in my browser.

Edited by ukrules
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You can't get it in Hua Hin. You have the choice of Pranburi or Cha-Am. I've never been to the Cha-Am office but the Pranburi office is located down a small soi beside the big military base that has it's entrance at one of the main Pranburi traffic lights. Go south into Pranburi until you get to that light. You'll know it as a right turn will put you into the gate of the big Pranburi military base. Make a U turn at the light and immediately get into the far left lane where you will make a left into the very next small soi running beside the base. The driving license testing facility is about a kilometer down that small road on the left.

You'll need a letter from immigration, a medical certificate from a doctor or hospital, your previous foreign license and an international license if you have one (hopefully you do as it makes it much easier). You also need a photo but that can be taken near or at the facility.

At a minimum you'll have to take three simple physical tests, reaction time, vision, and depth of field (lining up two sticks with strings at a distance of about 10 feet). These three tests are very easy. You may also have to watch a safety movie and depending on your paperwork (previous licenses) you may or may not have to take a written test and a driving test.

I recommend you take someone with you who can read and speak Thai.

Good information - was just going to say the same but in less detail! I went to the Pranburi Office last week - had to do the reaction time and depth of vision test and also call out the colours of three dots (red yellow and green) the officer doing the testing was calling out, to check for colour blindness. I didn't have to do the exam or a practical driving test. I did get a letter from Immigration in Hua Hin first - go past the Hua Hin hospital and then turn left at the sign, then turn left again after about 200 m and drive for about 1km until you see the Immigration office on the left - it's a small and inconspicuous building (there was a sign saying they are going to shift soon). The Pranburi office gave me a provisional license for a year on showing them my New Zealand driver's license - will have to sit the full exam in June next year to get the 5-year license.

I took the attached photo at the Pranburi office. I think it the Thai way of saying "This counter is unattended". So funny!


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One month ago I visit the office in Cha-am so too to renew my 5 year license again, at the entrance outside there is sign what do you need for a extension.

But only I have to listen and look for one hour to a instruction movie on television in Thai, no eye check, no colorblindness check, no depth of vision test, no doctor atest I have with me. Only I have to go back to the imigration in Hua-hin for a proof of my home address.

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The directions given to the Pranburi Traffic Office are misleading. Go south out of Hua Hin town towards Pranburi until the the road merges with the by-pass section of Phetchakasem Road. Continue straight ahead through the first set of traffic lights (Thanarat Military Base entrance on the right) then ahead to the second set of traffic lights getting into the U -turn lane on approach. On the right is the entrance to the Pranburi Police Office. Make a U-turn wide into the lefthand lane then turn left into the first Soi.

Drive ahead watching out for a pothole 50m down. Ahead another 100m or so and on the left is a hut then left into the traffic office car park where you can witness elated drivers driving out the IN gate and in the OUT gate and driving around the carpark the wrong way according to the pavement arrows.

Park, enter the front door of the office and turn right through the open door then immediately right again to climb upstairs to the licence office. The downstairs office is Vehicle Registration.

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