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'anti-red' Miss Universe Thailand concedes crown


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She was roundly panned and roasted in Thai social forums by a wide swath of Thais, for her tasteless comments, dragging the monarchy into her views, being a bit on the girth-challenged side and possibly being undeserving of the crown based on some "corruption". At least she made one bright decision, withdrawing.

Edited by lomatopo
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At least now she will be able to devote even more time to the welfare of animals and children. rolleyes.gif

.......personally, I thought the headline was that shed resigned for criticising them

"she accused Redshirts of being "dirty," "anti-monarchy" dissidents and that Thailand would be cleaner without." Don't see how she can be criticised for that!!

.....You failed to mention the " Ms. Weluree wrote. "I'm so angry at these evil activists. They should all be executed." bit didn't you?

Thailand's Miss Universe representative advocating killing 10 or 20 million of the population clap2.gif

Lovely girl whistling.gif

Oh sorry - i thought red shirts LIKED genocide - i can think of 28 victims in the last 3 months!!! they don't however like it when the boot is on the other foot - at least she was only `talking about it - your tin pot Dubai demi god pays for it to happen in real life - who is worse!!

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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.

So her opinion of wanting all of those people with view different than hers to be executed was OK?

Geez you sure better hope people don't start calling for your execution for having a different view, everyone might just say F.U. to you as well.

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You mean similar to the Army general.

The lady got what she deserved, If i gave my honest and open view about things on here, i would be banned for life. One has to keep one,s gob shut if one is in public. She was a stupid little girly

Looking back at your last 20 posts i think your very lucky to be still posting on here. if it was Thaksins country you wouldn't be!!

Another trolling post from a self-confessed thai housewife.

Looking at your 650 posts it's you, who should be banned, for putting name of ts in every post you make. Never mind waisting your own time, but you are waisting time of many who might still read your posts

"waisting" away indeed.

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"In one "public" comment from November, Ms. Weluree accused Redshirts of being "dirty," "anti-monarchy" dissidents and that Thailand would be cleaner without."

"I am not neutral. I am on the side of His Majesty the King," Ms. Weluree wrote. "I'm so angry at these evil activists. They should all be executed."

She managed to bring HMK into the discussion as if he were on her side. I am no fan of the Shinawats and I am no enemy of the people who call themselves 'Red shirts" I happen to disagree with the Thaksinisation of them and the way they've been used and abused.

Most red shirts are decent hardworking people as are most of the other color coded members of Thai society. This color coded animosity is totally destructive and I believe most Thais want to live in a society where everyone has a chance of a better life.

This airhead used her position in the worst possible way describing them as dirty and evil and advocating their execution. What the hell was she thinking when she made that bizarre statement. She brings shame to herself, family and friends by making such outrageous statements in public. She obviously has led a rather sheltered self centered life.

A good thing she has quit.

Whats more she is not even that beautiful. I could find you a hundred better within an hour of walking out of my door.

and probably 10 in your bar yes?

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It might be an idea NOT to publish 'related' subject on TV

As a matter of self censorship.

TV is about visa and visa related subject's like




Experts-Expats and more..........

lets stay away from any sensitive subject.

All of us shgould be stopped from discussing politics and openly accusing someone in politics of being corrupt, or a murderer, that includes me, it should be stopped forthwith. We have no rights to vote, and are we any different to what the silly girly said

Spot on. We all have different views of the world, but some of the veiws expressed here are way over the top and mostly based on supposition. If legal action were to be taken against some of the garbage spouted here, the person making the comments would not have a leg to stand on. No names mentioned.

Maybe we could back at the last 6 months posts and apply that to red shirt posters - there'd be no one left posting for you if we did - but be careful evidence points to your side being watched for real - keep Yimming!!

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The title should read "Pro Truth" Beauty Queen Concedes Crown.

She spoke from the heart and the hypocrisy was condemnation in the form of threats to her and her family, calling her a fat pig and intimidating her until she handed the crown back. So her condemners that purport to hate someone that speaks openly and with distain did exactly the same thing as her.

Reminds me of Somsak from the EC that said something harsh and critical about red shirts and their reaction fell into the exact narrative as he had described them. So through the red shirts actions they proved Somsak right!

It has played out the same way here and they are their own worst enemy.

Well done Miss Thailand. You will always be remembered as a good judge of character.

So, let me get this straight. When SHE gives her "open and honest opinion" about red shirts, and advocates killing them, that is okay with you. But when those she though should be eliminated and killed send messages to her to express their own "open and honest opinions", that's NOT okay with you. Do the words "biased" and "prejudiced" mean anything to you?

Do the words murder and corruption mean anything to you - thank god for the Army!!

Murder? Yes, that was what SHE advocated. Murder of a large portion of the Thai population.

Corruption? Yes, that's what a large percentage of Thai think won her the contest to begin with.

Army? How do you bring the army into a discussion of a beauty pageant? Grasping for straws, are you?

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You can think of 28 victims? I will raise you 80 from the last protest when the reds where caged in between 2 streets and the bullets started flying at them first, you know right after a sniper shot out a military supporter of the reds, so really who is worse!!!

As for the genocide, who is it that everyone is hunting? Red shirts! Who is it that just walks away from every atrocity they commit? Yingluck fires someone and is removed as PM, her predecessor kills 80+ and finishes his term and is still in government.

It is clear who loves genocide and whom is worse. Your elite gods that want to keep the poor as slaves makes that happen.

.....and I will say you once again have twisted the facts into lies the red shirts were responsible directly for over half the deaths in 2010 and i will raise you 3000 in Thaksins drug war and 300 more in the massacres your tin pot master carried out down south I was there on April 2010 and SAW~ red shirts start to shoot with my own eyes - atrocities in Thailand 95% attributable to red shirts as are lootings, burnings and thefts - the only elite god who's spared this time is the one we had to remove to Dubai. maybe one day you might see the truth today for a change!!

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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.

When that "open and honest opinion" advocates the murder and "extermination" of millions of Thai, the people she is supposed to represent, it might be best to keep your thoughts to yourself. Unless she only represents the rich, elite and privileged Bankokians, and not the rest of Thailand.

millions?? - there was only 10,000 at the last dirty gathering!! Infact there were more M79 grenades than redshirts!!

I'm not talking about rallies and protests, but the every day, average Thai who is red. And, I hate to disappoint you, but, yes, there are millions.

If you go by the last election results (remember when Thailand had elections?) the Red Shirts were decidedly in the majority - about 60/40 I think...

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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.


you are no longer allowed to air your views in public.

Courtesy of the junta.

Not to worry.

The elite will continue to educate the people to be 'mushrooms' .

As sheep tend to follow the red line, they found out.

'A quality education is the privileged of the empowered elite.The masses do not have access to a decent standard of education, and are socially prevented from benefiting from any meaningful advancement.'

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wasn't she right?

Since when is it not allowed to call an idiot an idiot, or a thug a thug?

and ask for them to be all executed.....those dirty reds...RIGHT! wake up man. having a part in a sociall event does not ask for these personal opinions

Edited by myluckythai
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Wasn't she right?

Since when is it not allowed to call an idiot an idiot, or a thug a thug?

Since when wasn't she allowed?

Back in the days when Thailand had freedom of speech, she used it. No one stopped her from using it. No one tried to stop her. No thinking person (sorry, General) would ever try to stop her. What's the problem?


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Isnt it great, the same posters who have been calling Suthep, Buddah Issara and other protesters much worse over the last few months are now coming out and condemning this lady for saying what she thinks.

And they have the cheek to talk about the armys censorship, what do you think this young ladys been subject to ?

Yea right, censorship, no freedom of speech for her, only abuse and apparently threats to her family.

That abuse and threats has only proved that what she said was true.

Instead of apologising she should have said "Here take it stick it up your gunga, I will say whatever I feel is true"

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.....You failed to mention the " Ms. Weluree wrote. "I'm so angry at these evil activists. They should all be executed." bit didn't you?

Thailand's Miss Universe representative advocating killing 10 or 20 million of the population clap2.gif

Lovely girl whistling.gif

Oh sorry - i thought red shirts LIKED genocide - i can think of 28 victims in the last 3 months!!! they don't however like it when the boot is on the other foot - at least she was only `talking about it - your tin pot Dubai demi god pays for it to happen in real life - who is worse!!
Why do you have to put thaksin in your every single post.

You are simple a troll

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It might be an idea NOT to publish 'related' subject on TV

As a matter of self censorship.

TV is about visa and visa related subject's like




Experts-Expats and more..........

lets stay away from any sensitive subject.

farming is a visa issue??

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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.

The lady got what she deserved, If i gave my honest and open view about things on here, i would be banned for life. One has to keep one,s gob shut if one is in public. She was a stupid little girly

She did not give them here on Thai Visa.

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