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'anti-red' Miss Universe Thailand concedes crown


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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.

The lady got what she deserved, If i gave my honest and open view about things on here, i would be banned for life. One has to keep one,s gob shut if one is in public. She was a stupid little girly

Yes she opened her half farang Thai gob and she got true Justice like all dogs should bye big mouth

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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.

She's young and impulsive and made a mistake ... and sure, she has the right to express her opinion. However, as someone who represents the whole of Thailand she definitely should not have stated her opinion in such a vile manner. Calling redshirts dirty is bad enough, but saying they "should be executed" is way over the line. She did the right thing in abdicating.

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Wasn't she right?

Since when is it not allowed to call an idiot an idiot, or a thug a thug?

Are you really that obtuse? In spite of what you may "feel" .... vs actually know for a fact ... hundreds-of-thousands of red shirts are not idiots and thugs.

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Isnt it great, the same posters who have been calling Suthep, Buddah Issara and other protesters much worse over the last few months are now coming out and condemning this lady for saying what she thinks.

And they have the cheek to talk about the armys censorship, what do you think this young ladys been subject to ?

Yea right, censorship, no freedom of speech for her, only abuse and apparently threats to her family.

That abuse and threats has only proved that what she said was true.

Instead of apologising she should have said "Here take it stick it up your gunga, I will say whatever I feel is true"

Where and when was she not allowed freedom of speech? When has she been censored? Right up to today, she has said whatever she wanted, unless I missed something.

What it has to do with Suthep, who ALSO was using his freedom of speech then and today, only Mr Nz knows.

And so far as I know, she said roughly what you said she should say. As was her right as a Thai citizen back in the day the country had freedom of speech.

Listen up: Your defence of her call for the mass executions of million of Thais is atrocious, hateful and idiotic. It is an actual danger to society.

There. I criticised you. I think your statement is as low, and as dangerous as it gets. Do you feel censored yet? Or do you feel pretty proud of being able to use your right to (limited) free speech to back mass killings?

Here's the deal: My incisive and brilliant criticism of your ridiculously hateful post isn't censorship. It's criticism. Similarly, no one censored this pea-brained woman who ALSO called for mass killings of her fellow citizens, the same as you just did. People criticised her. She believed so strongly in her views she broke out crying and quit her job.

How about you? Are you as strongly committed to her views as she was?


Wow a nerve has been hit and its brought out conclusive proof of a troll

A shot in both feet, keep up the good work.

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Her comments were derisive, one-sided and patently kissing the bottoms she (according to many Thais) paid to win.

The entire general populace told BP, the Nation and Khaosad they were "greatly surprised" she had won. These were audience watching the contest, people in the contest, and anonymous administrators of the contest.

On a similarly encouraging note that also tweaks both sides, just as this issue does, General Prayuth O-cha in the BP said "Everyone who administered the country in the past has to take responsibility." Emphasis mine, and well deserved both ways.

It's fun being centrist -- it makes extremists satirical cannot fodder.


It would be nice to be a centrist.

But hard for me to do what with the way Thaksin has divided the nation.

No way can I condone that.

I live here and this is my home so I am taking a position. I also live here because I like it here the people are friendly and the culture is so different. Things I can appreciate but I have no problem understanding that some people only want the culture they left.

Now if it was Nigeria I could be a centrist.

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At least now she will be able to devote even more time to the welfare of animals and children. rolleyes.gif

.......personally, I thought the headline was that shed resigned for criticising them

"she accused Redshirts of being "dirty," "anti-monarchy" dissidents and that Thailand would be cleaner without." Don't see how she can be criticised for that!!

.....You failed to mention the " Ms. Weluree wrote. "I'm so angry at these evil activists. They should all be executed." bit didn't you?

Thailand's Miss Universe representative advocating killing 10 or 20 million of the population clap2.gif

Lovely girl whistling.gif

Oh sorry - i thought red shirts LIKED genocide - i can think of 28 victims in the last 3 months!!! they don't however like it when the boot is on the other foot - at least she was only `talking about it - your tin pot Dubai demi god pays for it to happen in real life - who is worse!!

Straight out of the anti Shin manual that many on here like to quote from.

28 people is not genocide

And most of the deaths were caused by the PDRC and its khaki gunmen who were trying to raise the level of violence to justify a coup. In the end they just had to coup without reason

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The title should read "Pro Truth" Beauty Queen Concedes Crown.

She spoke from the heart and the hypocrisy was condemnation in the form of threats to her and her family, calling her a fat pig and intimidating her until she handed the crown back. So her condemners that purport to hate someone that speaks openly and with distain did exactly the same thing as her.

Reminds me of Somsak from the EC that said something harsh and critical about red shirts and their reaction fell into the exact narrative as he had described them. So through the red shirts actions they proved Somsak right!

It has played out the same way here and they are their own worst enemy.

Well done Miss Thailand. You will always be remembered as a good judge of character.

So, let me get this straight. When SHE gives her "open and honest opinion" about red shirts, and advocates killing them, that is okay with you. But when those she though should be eliminated and killed send messages to her to express their own "open and honest opinions", that's NOT okay with you. Do the words "biased" and "prejudiced" mean anything to you?


Now we all see just how blinkered djjamie really is. Sad git he is, really.

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The title should read "Pro Truth" Beauty Queen Concedes Crown.

She spoke from the heart and the hypocrisy was condemnation in the form of threats to her and her family, calling her a fat pig and intimidating her until she handed the crown back. So her condemners that purport to hate someone that speaks openly and with distain did exactly the same thing as her.

Reminds me of Somsak from the EC that said something harsh and critical about red shirts and their reaction fell into the exact narrative as he had described them. So through the red shirts actions they proved Somsak right!

It has played out the same way here and they are their own worst enemy.

Well done Miss Thailand. You will always be remembered as a good judge of character.

So, let me get this straight. When SHE gives her "open and honest opinion" about red shirts, and advocates killing them, that is okay with you. But when those she though should be eliminated and killed send messages to her to express their own "open and honest opinions", that's NOT okay with you. Do the words "biased" and "prejudiced" mean anything to you?


Now we all see just how blinkered djjamie really is. Sad git he is, really.

At least, he did not give his "I respect them, I really do..." speech again. That would have made me throw up (again).

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The merit of the position she took is irrelevant. I kinda agree with her general sentiment, but...

This woman had her words and history collide, and she was found lacking. Her statement, if left among countless others online- unnoticed, was meaningless. However, now that a reconciliation (attempted) process is underway, and she has a title, she does deserve a second look. Calling for injury or death to anyone does not comport with a national figure who represents all of Thailand. Had she not "resigned" she should have been made to. In a "neighborhood" where people, once in power, have executed others, her comments were provactive irrespective of her winning.

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Phuket: Controversial Miss Universe Thailand steps down in tears

BANGKOK: Miss Universe Thailand winner, Weluree Fai Ditsayabut today (June 9) relinquished her crown following public criticism of perceived inappropriate remarks she made on social media, including anti-Red Shirt comments, and criticism of her chubby appearance.

A tearful Fai told a press briefing at a Bangkok hotel that she had decided to unconditionally surrender her title.

I also want to thank the people who made comments about me, both good and bad ones, through the media, said the 22-year-old actress and former host of the teen television show Strawberry Cheesecake.

When reporters asked whether she would regret giving up this opportunity, Fai said she was not sorry at all.

At first, my family was happy for me when I was crowned. But theres no more happiness following waves of criticism from the society, Fai said.

She had initially decided to perform her duty as Miss Universe Thailand but later resigned after seeing her mother losing sleep because of her.

Organisers of Miss Universe Thailand told reporters that they will have to review other criteria, such as social media, when screening and selecting contestants in the future.

Asked who will replace Fai as Miss Universe Thailand, after photos of first runner-up Pimbongkod Ellie Chankaew kissing a man surfaced on the internet, the organisers said they will have to talk with each individual contestant.

Fai was crowned this years Miss Universe Thailand on May 17. The result came as a surprise to many viewers, as the favourites were Ellie and third-placed Sunnanipa Namphet Krissanasuwan.

When Fai was crowned many members of the audience at the show repeatedly shouted Ellie, Ellie and Keep on fighting Ellie, amid boos and jeers.

On May 19, Fai apologised publicly for her use of words on social media and promised to get in shape before going to the international pageant.

On social media, many netizens wrote messages expressing their shock and disappointment at the outcome of the national beauty pageant. Internet users posted photos of Fai and Ellie, comparing their looks, while others shared inappropriate comments made on Fais Twitter account (@fyiiee) before she was crowned. Some of her comments:

Hmmm, monitor lizard, ha ha ha.

Actually Im fat, you animal!

Animal! Women with big breasts are f*#%ing halfway to victory.

According to a report in Khao Sod newspaper, Fai on Facebook in November accused pro-government Red-Shirt supporters of being anti-monarchist, and said that the country would be cleaner without them.

Consequently, her crowning as Miss Universe Thailand was not well-received by the red-shirt group, who questioned whether she was the appropriate choice to represent Thailand.


-- Phuket News 2014-06-09

How does on pronounce her surname?

Did say it but?

Rather apt.

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Wasn't she right?

Since when is it not allowed to call an idiot an idiot, or a thug a thug?

But calling for the execution of people because they have a different political view is not very nice.

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Miss Universe Thailand steps down after social-media row

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- BOWING TO PRESSURE, Weluree Ditsayabut yesterday tearfully relinquished her Miss Universe Thailand crown.

I give up this title," the young beauty queen said at a press conference.

Appearing before media without a crown and a sash, Weluree said she had taken the move to end huge pressure that had taken a toll on both her and her mother's happiness.

"I understand that a public figure is subject to public scrutiny. But I couldn't take it when those comments gave my mother sleepless nights. When she is unhappy, I can't be happy either," she said, as tears ran down her face.

Not long after claiming the Miss Universe Thailand 2014 title last month, Weluree came under a barrage of severe criticism. She was criticised for having a less-than-perfect figure and for many things she had posted previously on social media. They included rude words and harsh remarks about red shirts.

When the social-media storm against her started, Weluree tried at first to ask for understanding and an opportunity. She promised to improve herself and insisted that she was not affiliated with any political group.

Asked why she had opted to toss it in, Weluree said yesterday: "I am worried about my mother. At first, I wanted to keep going. But any struggle isn't worth if that makes my mother unhappy."

Weluree also denied speculation that the organiser of the Miss Universe Thailand 2014 event pressured her to step down.

"The organiser only advised me to make a careful decision," she said.

Weluree said she hoped all youths would learn a lesson from her case.

"An act out of ignorance can come back to haunt us," she warned.

Pranom Thavornvej, manager of the Miss Universe Thailand pageant, said the organiser would conduct more extensive background checks on applicants, including their posts on social media, next year.

With Weluree giving up her crown, first-runner up Pimbongkod Chankaew will assume Weluree's duties from |now on.

"I wish to express my moral support to her," Weluree said, adding that she would talk with the pageant organiser on what needs to be done about prizes worth about Bt4 million that she won in the event.

-- The Nation 2014-06-10

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