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'anti-red' Miss Universe Thailand concedes crown


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Back to the bitch in question. She claims to be a royalist and by doing so is stating that if you are a red shirt, PTP supporter you dont support the monarchy...what utter nonsense. Used regularly by elitist groups to justify their total ignorance.

Everybody needs to realise that there was a percentage of the last electorate that voted for the PTP that werent farmers. That may come as a surprised to the avid yellow manual readers. Some, in fact a lot of the 11,000,000+ that voted PTP were doctors, lawyers, business owner and professional people from all walks off life who this little princess wants to have executed. A little bit Singha beer heiress. She mirrors everything that is bad about this country. With people in privledged positions voicing opinions like this will there ever be peace in Thailand.

Good post khun Manc, i see you are in the real world,and not a man poo ponce lol

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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.

When that "open and honest opinion" advocates the murder and "extermination" of millions of Thai, the people she is supposed to represent, it might be best to keep your thoughts to yourself. Unless she only represents the rich, elite and privileged Bankokians, and not the rest of Thailand.

Which of course she does.

The feeling on Thai websites was that the contest was fixed. Apparently her father was a

big sponsor of the pageant . It was clear to the Thais present at the contest that Ellie should have

won. That is why everyone was astonished and booed when this girl won. The red shirt

thing was a side issue that came up later.....

That just about sums up this country. And that's not a party political comment. No point in entering anything like this, there'll always be some rich hi-so with the financial clout to cheat in order to get exactly what he wants.

A great working class post,well done,no doubt some will accuse you of being with a brown bargirl from Issan, horrible comments from horrible people

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It might be an idea NOT to publish 'related' subject on TV

As a matter of self censorship.

TV is about visa and visa related subject's like




Experts-Expats and more..........

lets stay away from any sensitive subject.

wha????? How is farming related to visa's???????

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No matter how you look at it, a young girls' dream destroyed. Yes she should have watched out, are we saying none of us has ever made a regretful remark in anger? And this whole media flurry about her looks, how would it make you feel to have your name, identity and whatever it is you think is important be heaped upon with so much &lt;deleted&gt;? I agree she was not the best looking, but its all a hype isn t it? As you can see in relationships people are all interested in something different, its all perception. I hope she can sail through the psychological result of this. I think its a sad personal experience, a lesson nonetheless.

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Back to the bitch in question. She claims to be a royalist and by doing so is stating that if you are a red shirt, PTP supporter you dont support the monarchy...what utter nonsense. Used regularly by elitist groups to justify their total ignorance.

Everybody needs to realise that there was a percentage of the last electorate that voted for the PTP that werent farmers. That may come as a surprised to the avid yellow manual readers. Some, in fact a lot of the 11,000,000+ that voted PTP were doctors, lawyers, business owner and professional people from all walks off life who this little princess wants to have executed. A little bit Singha beer heiress. She mirrors everything that is bad about this country. With people in privledged positions voicing opinions like this will there ever be peace in Thailand.

Good post khun Manc, i see you are in the real world,and not a man poo ponce lol

politics aside, she is a little fat body! looks good for a "regular" female, but to much fat beteween the legs and soft belly, I have a job for her!

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This "poor girl" with the rich daddy probably spends more a month on "whitening creams" than the average Thai makes. Unfortunately, she should have spent some on a fitness trainer as well. And as others have pointed out, there are literally thousands of "average Thai girls" you can see every day that make her look like crap.

But what cracks me up is for all the various Thai "beauty contests", they almost always try to pick the most "European" appearing woman they can find. Tall, white, thin nose, round eyes, while actually disdaining the less-than-white skinned beauties that are the more natural looking Thai women, and who are beautiful in their own right. Thai love to claim their "Thainess", and disdain "farangs", but let them hold a beauty contest, and it's "let's pick the most farang looking one we can".

Very good post, she was used by the elitists to spout disgusting shiiiiiit on the box.A few on here could go on tv and spout horrible racists things about Issan too,maybe with residence address stuck on forehead, love to see the end result

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As I read through these many posts by all these most perfect posters, I can't help but wonder at the thought that popped into my mind.

With so many being so perfect, the opportunity is tremendous for a nail salesman.

..... and judge not .....least ye be judged....

Give the girl a break, and just hope she can take the pressure and does not do something drastic.

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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I think that advocating for the death of those you disagree with might not be part of the original intent of the Miss Universe Pageant.

True that. She appeared to be a fabulously ignorant young woman. And yes, women on that stage should be held to a higher standard. Nothing wrong with that. There is no room for the kind of hate mongering this young tyke engaged in. Kill all people who disagree with me. Sounds a bit more like Stalin, Hitler, Genghis Khan, Alexander the (not so) great, mussolini, and Mao, than a title holder for Miss Universe. I kind of think she reaped what she sowed. If she had spent that time trying to foster understanding, none of this would have happened. She is perhaps the Donald Sterling of Thailand. At least when it comes to wisdom.

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Here's a couple of thoughts. First, when she made her "apology" in regards to her comments, she only apologized for them being made public. She never actually apologized to those she had offended. Second, now that she has been "forced" to give up the title, with her elitist mindset, it will make her even more "anti-red", and she will, no doubt, blame them for the loss of her title. It will be all the fault of the "dirty reds" who made her give it up.

Some people just never learn. Sometimes karma takes a while to kick in, but at other times it's just hiding behind the door waiting to kick you in the backside.

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Back to the bitch in question. She claims to be a royalist and by doing so is stating that if you are a red shirt, PTP supporter you dont support the monarchy...what utter nonsense. Used regularly by elitist groups to justify their total ignorance.

Everybody needs to realise that there was a percentage of the last electorate that voted for the PTP that werent farmers. That may come as a surprised to the avid yellow manual readers. Some, in fact a lot of the 11,000,000+ that voted PTP were doctors, lawyers, business owner and professional people from all walks off life who this little princess wants to have executed. A little bit Singha beer heiress. She mirrors everything that is bad about this country. With people in privledged positions voicing opinions like this will there ever be peace in Thailand.

Umm the PTP did NOT even get the majority of the Thais that did vote. Get over yourself.

[ In reality, of the 74% of Thais that turned out to vote on July 3, 2011, only 48% actually cast votes for Peua Thai (PTP). Of all eligible voters, that is a tenuous 35% mandate, hardly what can be called “decisively backed.” ]

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I think that advocating for the death of those you disagree with might not be part of the original intent of the Miss Universe Pageant.

True that. She appeared to be a fabulously ignorant young woman. And yes, women on that stage should be held to a higher standard. Nothing wrong with that. There is no room for the kind of hate mongering this young tyke engaged in. Kill all people who disagree with me. Sounds a bit more like Stalin, Hitler, Genghis Khan, Alexander the (not so) great, mussolini, and Mao, than a title holder for Miss Universe. I kind of think she reaped what she sowed. If she had spent that time trying to foster understanding, none of this would have happened. She is perhaps the Donald Sterling of Thailand. At least when it comes to wisdom.

I think you mean she is the Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand and his red-shirts of Thailand that actually did execute people that disagree with his Shinawatra dictatorship.

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As I read through these many posts by all these most perfect posters, I can't help but wonder at the thought that popped into my mind.

With so many being so perfect, the opportunity is tremendous for a nail salesman.

..... and judge not .....least ye be judged....

Give the girl a break, and just hope she can take the pressure and does not do something drastic.

But...........we are not running for a beauty contest. She entered this contest knowing

full well her body would be judged, and she was will to do so for fame and money.

But instead of the judges who were bought off doing the judging, instead the reality

was the Thai people did the judging. And on that she came up short . If she was the

most stunning woman in Thailand and a strong contender for Miss Universe,

this anti red shirt story would have gone quietly away. But yeah , being booed when

you win a beauty contest must have been a really sad moment for her.

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Wasn't she right?

Since when is it not allowed to call an idiot an idiot, or a thug a thug?

I agree with you, but sometimes it is not 'smart' to call an idiot an idiot, or a thug a thug, or .... (worse)

It ALL depends on WHO they are (connections, power, etc) and of course who YOU are ;-)

Toes are very long in Thailand, and they are easily stepped on....

Use common sense and be very wary of 'social media'

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This lady made a mistake by putting her silly views on facebook. Yes, if you're not famous, fine, put up whatever stuff you want to on facebook or twitter. But if you are famous, or you are about to be famous, be carefull what you write.
Bit like football players (and other celebrities) who harm their own image by writing silly stuff.

Actually, let's look at those who are supporting her. How about if she actually says right now "look here, I made my comments, I said nothing wrong, it's your tough ___ if you don't like it, I don't care, I'm entitled to my opinion, I will call somebody an idiot if I think they are an idiot, I will call them thugs if I think they are thugs, don't think you can stop me saying what I want to say, and I will compete in Miss Universe, nothing will stop me".

See, reality is, there's a stack of people on Thai Visa and others too, who DO reckon that the lady should actually say this !! :)

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The title should read "Pro Truth" Beauty Queen Concedes Crown.

She spoke from the heart and the hypocrisy was condemnation in the form of threats to her and her family, calling her a fat pig and intimidating her until she handed the crown back. So her condemners that purport to hate someone that speaks openly and with distain did exactly the same thing as her.

Reminds me of Somsak from the EC that said something harsh and critical about red shirts and their reaction fell into the exact narrative as he had described them. So through the red shirts actions they proved Somsak right!

It has played out the same way here and they are their own worst enemy.

Well done Miss Thailand. You will always be remembered as a good judge of character.

So, let me get this straight. When SHE gives her "open and honest opinion" about red shirts, and advocates killing them, that is okay with you. But when those she though should be eliminated and killed send messages to her to express their own "open and honest opinions", that's NOT okay with you. Do the words "biased" and "prejudiced" mean anything to you?


Now we all see just how blinkered djjamie really is. Sad git he is, really.

I wrote - She was open and honest. I inferred that the red shirts were open and honest when they spoke too. She spoke openly and with disdain (grammar nazi's - I incorrectly said distain. That my be where the confusion in your reply lies) The red shirts spoke openly and with disdain. She was wrong to say what she said. The red shirts were wrong to say what they said. The red shirts mimicked the former Miss Thailand's trait they they purport to hate. That is hypocrisy.

She was wrong, but good judge of character??? You bet ya. wink.png

Seems others are blinkered for seeing into something that isn't there...

Time to respect the majority.

Edited by djjamie
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22 first thai girl I've seen who looks 10 years older than she is

Maybe it's actually a picture of her mother. I would say she looks like 48. Maybe it's because

she applies her makeup with a masonry trowel... lol. (Just joking). But she definitely looks old.

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That reminds me of the ms Thailand contest a few years back when the "public" was invited to vote by sms. The (very wealthy) mother of one candidate whom I knew personally told us that she had gone out and bought 200 sim cards and used them to vote. Her daughter won.

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