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'anti-red' Miss Universe Thailand concedes crown


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Looks like "Potty Mouth" got what she deserved...

Hopefully it will teach the rest of the so-called HiSo Thais a valuable lesson. Good looks and money (whereas I would rate her looks as slightly above average) do not necessarily come with a license to babble stupid and dangerous nonsense in public and leave the stage unpunished.

Edited by catweazle
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No matter how you look at it, a young girls' dream destroyed. Yes she should have watched out, are we saying none of us has ever made a regretful remark in anger? And this whole media flurry about her looks, how would it make you feel to have your name, identity and whatever it is you think is important be heaped upon with so much <deleted>? I agree she was not the best looking, but its all a hype isn t it? As you can see in relationships people are all interested in something different, its all perception. I hope she can sail through the psychological result of this. I think its a sad personal experience, a lesson nonetheless.

Not a tear shed. This girls opinion has been formed by her parents and her friends who undoubtedly share the same low opinion of many fellow Thais because they were born in the wrong bed. It is apparent she depises many who she truly feels are beneath her. She unfortunately is not alone. It is not the reds that need re-educating its these hiso people who need to show some respect to their fellow countrymen.

Without these truly despicable human beings there would be no need for any reds. The red shirt movement was created to counter act behaviour such has the little princess has displayed. Dont criticise her, the same as a red shirt, she is a product of the system called Thailand

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Back to the bitch in question. She claims to be a royalist and by doing so is stating that if you are a red shirt, PTP supporter you dont support the monarchy...what utter nonsense. Used regularly by elitist groups to justify their total ignorance.

Everybody needs to realise that there was a percentage of the last electorate that voted for the PTP that werent farmers. That may come as a surprised to the avid yellow manual readers. Some, in fact a lot of the 11,000,000+ that voted PTP were doctors, lawyers, business owner and professional people from all walks off life who this little princess wants to have executed. A little bit Singha beer heiress. She mirrors everything that is bad about this country. With people in privledged positions voicing opinions like this will there ever be peace in Thailand.

Umm the PTP did NOT even get the majority of the Thais that did vote. Get over yourself.

[ In reality, of the 74% of Thais that turned out to vote on July 3, 2011, only 48% actually cast votes for Peua Thai (PTP). Of all eligible voters, that is a tenuous 35% mandate, hardly what can be called decisively backed. ]

Still crying huh.....GET OVER IT

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What a brain dead, ignorant bimbo this one is! And you wonder why Thailand's so called elite are such idiots and have driven their country into 3rd world status. Your not fat young lady but you are dumb as a rock! And by the way, your sisters up country are far more attractive than you bleached-skinned wanna be's who have no idea what real wealth is!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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A hard lesson in life but I would be proud if she was my daughter and made the same decision.

HM the King is #1 in Thailand followed by what is best for Thailand.

Don't care about red shirt or yellow shirt, but about Thailand.

Interesting that all the loyal red shirt followers are those individuals who are corrupt and milking Thailand for every thing they can get their hands onto.

Look at the former PM, scandal after scandal but she won't go to jail. She will relocate her residence to Dubai with her brother.

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She was only telling the truth.

I guess I must be a little dense. Please explain how "all people who disagree with my political views should be executed" is in any manner an expression of the truth? This lost soul and her clueless mother got what they earned. No sympathy here. It would be displayed.


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No matter how you look at it, a young girls' dream destroyed. Yes she should have watched out, are we saying none of us has ever made a regretful remark in anger? And this whole media flurry about her looks, how would it make you feel to have your name, identity and whatever it is you think is important be heaped upon with so much <deleted>? I agree she was not the best looking, but its all a hype isn t it? As you can see in relationships people are all interested in something different, its all perception. I hope she can sail through the psychological result of this. I think its a sad personal experience, a lesson nonetheless.

Not a tear shed. This girls opinion has been formed by her parents and her friends who undoubtedly share the same low opinion of many fellow Thais because they were born in the wrong bed. It is apparent she depises many who she truly feels are beneath her. She unfortunately is not alone. It is not the reds that need re-educating its these hiso people who need to show some respect to their fellow countrymen.

Without these truly despicable human beings there would be no need for any reds. The red shirt movement was created to counter act behaviour such has the little princess has displayed. Dont criticise her, the same as a red shirt, she is a product of the system called Thailand

With power and position comes responsobilty.

She liked the position but was irresponsible with her opinions. There is a price to pay.

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I have a question for those who agreed with her comments about the red supporters. Having read an article earlier tonight,this is especially those who wish to have a true "democracy" in Thailand.

"Are all Thai Citizens politically equal" ??

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I have a question for those who agreed with her comments about the red supporters. Having read an article earlier tonight,this is especially those who wish to have a true "democracy" in Thailand.

"Are all Thai Citizens politically equal" ??

Name a country where are all citizens politically equal?

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A hard lesson in life but I would be proud if she was my daughter and made the same decision.

HM the King is #1 in Thailand followed by what is best for Thailand.

Don't care about red shirt or yellow shirt, but about Thailand.

Interesting that all the loyal red shirt followers are those individuals who are corrupt and milking Thailand for every thing they can get their hands onto.

Look at the former PM, scandal after scandal but she won't go to jail. She will relocate her residence to Dubai with her brother.

I'm a little confused by that sentence, are you accusing forum members of being corrupt, and milking Thailand ? You do realise that's quite a defamatory statement to make.?

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I have a question for those who agreed with her comments about the red supporters. Having read an article earlier tonight,this is especially those who wish to have a true "democracy" in Thailand.

"Are all Thai Citizens politically equal" ??

Name a country where are all citizens politically equal?

I honestly couldn't answer that one, the question is merely asking the forum members if they think differently?. There there's a reason why I'm asking this question and it comes really comes down to social status, and was in an article by Robert Dayley that I read tonight, and it featured part of a study by Alexis de Tocqville, and it equally applies to Thailand today, it's about social standing, based on the French Aristocracy attitudes during the 19th century.

And I wondered if the same things are applicable today in Thailand, especially those labelled "Hi Sos" .. if there's to be reconciliation among st Thai's then social prejudice, like that displayed by the fallen Beauty Queen has to stop, and I just don't think that's possible.

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In Thailand, they can do it one election cycle.

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.


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I have a question for those who agreed with her comments about the red supporters. Having read an article earlier tonight,this is especially those who wish to have a true "democracy" in Thailand.

"Are all Thai Citizens politically equal" ??

Name a country where are all citizens politically equal?

I honestly couldn't answer that one, the question is merely asking the forum members if they think differently?. There there's a reason why I'm asking this question and it comes really comes down to social status, and was in an article by Robert Dayley that I read tonight, and it featured part of a study by Alexis de Tocqville, and it equally applies to Thailand today, it's about social standing, based on the French Aristocracy attitudes during the 19th century.

And I wondered if the same things are applicable today in Thailand, especially those labelled "Hi Sos" .. if there's to be reconciliation among st Thai's then social prejudice, like that displayed by the fallen Beauty Queen has to stop, and I just don't think that's possible.

I don't think it is all that much different in other countries, just that some (namely, Western countries) do a better job of glossing it over. That, or the relevant upper classes learned to play the democratic game better, taking up some acting lessons. While one may find people from all walks of life serving on parliaments, it is almost never a true representation of the general public in terms of social standing and wealth.

Reconciliation, in its fullest meaning, as closure, mending of social rifts, and bringing some unity to the people - that's a different level of the above. Not that hard, perhaps, to have superficial actions and policies aimed at this, and the same goes for rhetoric. Probably much more difficult to make it happen on a deeper, meaningful level. Social perceptions and view are usually well rooted, not an easy thing to change them.

I am not sure that Thai society got what it takes for full reconciliation. This usually involves at least some measure of true acceptance and humility, both of which aren't the hallmark of Thais in general. Oh, there's a lot of it on the outside, for sure, but got my doubts how deep it runs. The usual procedure is for everyone to smile a lot, use some nice vocabulary. and wait for the next opportunity to get at their opponents. More like a truce, which compared with worse alternatives, is not really that bad.

The social divisions, HiSO-LoSO perceptions, Us vs. Them mentality and Winner Takes All attitude are all present in force. Reconciliation is a long drawn process, often taking generations, and then some. Hard to imagine anyone really believes that it is an attainable goal for the time frame specified by the coup leadership (or for that matter, any leadership), at least not in any but the shallowest of meanings (but again, better than the alternative). While social change can be jump started by authority's actions, this is more akin to sowing a seed - still a long way to go. No magic shortcuts on this one.

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No matter how you look at it, a young girls' dream destroyed. Yes she should have watched out, are we saying none of us has ever made a regretful remark in anger? And this whole media flurry about her looks, how would it make you feel to have your name, identity and whatever it is you think is important be heaped upon with so much <deleted>? I agree she was not the best looking, but its all a hype isn t it? As you can see in relationships people are all interested in something different, its all perception. I hope she can sail through the psychological result of this. I think its a sad personal experience, a lesson nonetheless.

Not a tear shed. This girls opinion has been formed by her parents and her friends who undoubtedly share the same low opinion of many fellow Thais because they were born in the wrong bed. It is apparent she depises many who she truly feels are beneath her. She unfortunately is not alone. It is not the reds that need re-educating its these hiso people who need to show some respect to their fellow countrymen.

Without these truly despicable human beings there would be no need for any reds. The red shirt movement was created to counter act behaviour such has the little princess has displayed. Dont criticise her, the same as a red shirt, she is a product of the system called Thailand

Always knew proper mancs were the salt of the earth, nice post mate

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What a brain dead, ignorant bimbo this one is! And you wonder why Thailand's so called elite are such idiots and have driven their country into 3rd world status. Your not fat young lady but you are dumb as a rock! And by the way, your sisters up country are far more attractive than you bleached-skinned wanna be's who have no idea what real wealth is!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


I cannot disagree with anything you say

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She was only telling the truth.

I guess I must be a little dense. Please explain how "all people who disagree with my political views should be executed" is in any manner an expression of the truth? This lost soul and her clueless mother got what they earned. No sympathy here. It would be displayed.


Did Hitler say this about the jews????/

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I hope all the low life creatures who put pressure on her and talk sh_t about her are absolutely perfect and have never made a single mistake in their life.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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She wasn't anything great to look at but they say beauty is only skin deep. The final decision to her winning by all accounts didn't go down too well with the sections of the audience who were booing her and chanting "Ellie" "Ellie".

Maybe now she have a new vocation in life, passing the message of world peace to all the children in Issan?

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The internet has certainly changed the way we are now held accountable for our words, actions and pictures.

Once released into cyberworld via FB, IG, Twitter etc. our personal life is at scrutiny to be dissected at will by others.

In a way the new generation and some of us old timers are becoming "exhibitionists" addicted with a need to be "recognized and accepted by society" via likes. Like an addictive drug, kids nowadays seek highs via "likes" to feel good about themselves but a small misstep can instantly produce a "low" from being insulted, ridiculed and bullied.

For some reason people are meaner on the internet. Has it brought out more honesty in us or has it produced a generation of people who do not understand the need to respect the opinion of others?

Edited by smileydude
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This girl is getting smashed for opening her gob and saying what she thinks. Fark it...everyone on TV opens their gob to say their bit.

I applaud her for saying her bit and copping the &lt;deleted&gt; storm that ensued.

All the snide remarks that she's somehow a half farang hi so spoilt chick is crap. She is a ballsy chick who said her bit. At least she didn't hide on TV to say it. Who gives a toss if she is mixed farang..she is young, free and able to express herself.

Go girl and bugger anyone that's can't see that. I hope my daughter has conviction, cos I will back her.

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At last someone who stands up for what the believe. I like it.......good looking also.

Executing millions of people?

That's what you like?

Tell it to the commie red-shirts that did actually murder many yellow-shirts that were peacefully protesting.

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This girl is getting smashed for opening her gob and saying what she thinks. Fark it...everyone on TV opens their gob to say their bit.

I applaud her for saying her bit and copping the <deleted> storm that ensued.

All the snide remarks that she's somehow a half farang hi so spoilt chick is crap. She is a ballsy chick who said her bit. At least she didn't hide on TV to say it. Who gives a toss if she is mixed farang..she is young, free and able to express herself.

Go girl and bugger anyone that's can't see that. I hope my daughter has conviction, cos I will back her.

Most TVF members would probably not qualify for the Miss Universe Thailand pageant, and therefore are free to vent their

minds. Same as this girl, once she stepped down.

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She would never have been allowed to stand. the world body would have kicked her off.

Least she can spend more time now cutting out pictures of Suthep and sticking them in her scrapbook.

She is entitled to say what she feels. Even fascists can say what they feel in a free society. It's the rank and file citizens who have to profess happiness only.

What next... Ken Dodd for PM? Will we all have to swear tattifalariousness every morning or face jail.

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