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Crazy electricity bill, what to do?

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Just had a 25,000 baht electricity bill, but for the company staff house. 2-4 guys staying there during the hot season, using more than 4,000 kwh a month.

How is that possible 7/11 has 4 aircons on 24hours and large fridges all round total bill was 14000 baht .brother in law is the owner

Edited by kwak250
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I find most Thai's to frugal or simply cant afford high electricity bills so they are used to heat and happy to just use cheap to run fans, plus can bet if your neighbors have aircons on they will be set a lot higher than yours.

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Just had a 25,000 baht electricity bill, but for the company staff house. 2-4 guys staying there during the hot season, using more than 4,000 kwh a month.

How is that possible 7/11 has 4 aircons on 24hours and large fridges all round total bill was 14000 baht .brother in law is the owner

Living room and hallway AC + 2-4 rooms + hot water, it all adds up. When you don't pay the bill yourself everybody tends to set the AC to 18 C.

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say the air units running 50 % of the time thru 8 hours a day for 30 days= 120 hours

12,000 btu units use about: 1.2 kw/unit x 2 units = 2.4 kw

power usage= 2.4 kw x 120 hr= 290 kw-hr at say 7 baht/kw-hr= 2000 baht

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I have a 3-bedr house with 2 aircons. I have several night lights for security.

The last bill was 7000. shocker!

My neighbour tells me prices have goneup.

Another thing I have been told is that there is a cumulative charge. Contrary to logic, if you start to use more, it costs more over a certain wattage. It's like if I buy 10 kilos of apples, it is pro-rata more expensive than if i buy 5 kilos. Does anybody know how this bit works?


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I have a 3-bedr house with 2 aircons. I have several night lights for security.

The last bill was 7000. shocker!

My neighbour tells me prices have goneup.

Another thing I have been told is that there is a cumulative charge. Contrary to logic, if you start to use more, it costs more over a certain wattage. It's like if I buy 10 kilos of apples, it is pro-rata more expensive than if i buy 5 kilos. Does anybody know how this bit works?


yes, as new power construction is expensive, they charge more at higher usage rates to encourage conservation

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Also, you landlord may be charging you 10b a unit, (cost about 4.5). Also, see if he is stealing electricity, turn everything off and see if the meter stops.

I was going to say the same - see if someone is "piggybacking" your electricity.

All in all, $100 USD a month isn't bad considering you are running two A/C units.

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2 aircons all night long...yes i think 3200 sounds about right.

LOL...please, please, somebody confirm I can run two aircons all night for a month and pay only 800 baht. One aircon cost me 2500....of course I have standard applicances like refridgerator and tv/computer/lights/hot water etc. Two Aircons with all that for a month would indeed be more that 2500.

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Its because of the air cons and a computer if you are running one . Sure that is what you should pay I will bet the ones you asked about running an air con do sporadically and not every night

If you want to save money Turn of the air Simple

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OP, as other have said, yes, first thing you should do is check the meter. Actually you should have done that from day one you moved in.

In your case, you moved in late April, the hottest time of the year here, last month was also very hot. If you set your A/C below 24C, it will be overworking.

The one thing that doesn't jive in your case is, 700 bht for first 2 weeks and then over 3000 bht for one month, with same usage it sounds like.

As far as your neighbors, remember that Thais negotiate EVERYTHING, including the utilities. So, for example, the landlord says 7 bht / unit electricity, and they say, are you crazy, the electric costs 4.5 bht, and they settle at 5-6 bht.

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Yes, bill is ok .

Someone touched good subject....Clean filters ....Not many are doing this for years . Use rotating fan to help maintain temperature near air unit it helps a lot .I posted info about it in previous post.(fan does not take much electricity and makes air con working much less then without it.

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Our bill jumped from 2000 Baht to 3500 some time ago without any apparent reason, after 2 such bills we contacted the electricity board who then inspected our outside meter. It appeared that rain had got inside the meter and was therefore giving false readings.We had to buy a new meter and the bills returned to normal. These days however with a three bed room bungalow,washing machine,large fridge,3 air con units,2 of which run all night long the bill is now around 3800 per month.

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Check if the refrigerator is cutting out. If the ref is large and old and if it works non stop (due to a fault in the door seals, for example, or the thermostats), then it is possible for the consumption to be excessive.

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Just had a 2 room ground floor place in HH with aircon running every night Left it on to cool the whole place whilst out for the last 4 days so it was cool to come home to. THB4.5/unit - a bit of cooking, standard TV and lights. Total after 24 days THB1800. 2 aircons running all night in hot season doesn't sound outrageous for THB3200 - especially if there's a landlord's mark-up.

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OP says he’s charged 3200 baht for one month, running 2 aircons a night and hardly any other electric stuff. Seems high, but depending on meter rate pr. kWh, sometimes the public rate of around 4 baht is overcharged, and how “hard” the aircons are running.

Using some logic and math:…

3200 baht / 30 days = 106 baht/day

2 aircons: 106/2 = aprox 50 baht each (not taken other electric stuff in consideration, which you say you hardly use, more than up to 1kWh).

Depending on meter price pr. kWh, if maround 4.5 baht then each aircon use 11kWh, which seems too much for a night, 11/10 = 1100W, unless it’s either huge aircons on 1500-2000W, or you keep 1000w aircons running full speed to keep an very low indoor temperature during a hot period.

A fairly modern type aircon in good condition for a bedroom should run average 50% of the time at the stated usage and idle the remaining time, for example 850W x 10 hours x 50% + 10% for idle time = 4.67kWh equals aprox 20 baht a night at meter rate close to 4 baht.

20 baht x 2 aircons x 30 nights = 1,200 baht.

If extremely hot or you keep a very low indoor temperature, the aircons will of course run more than 50 per cent – and if bigger aircons and slightly overcharged price pr. kWh, then your electric bill does not seem that “crazy”…


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All those numbers sound great. We just hit 14k last month in our household with the average over the last 12 months. 11.5k .....sigh.

Thailand electricity is hugely hugely expensive.

Exactly where mine is - 14k per month.

If I make an effort I can get down to 9k in Chiang Mai in the colder months, but that's about the lowest I have ever had.

Am considering solar as a way to save electricity over time...when I get around to it.

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