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Thai Consulate-General Sydney claims that Australians are confident to travel in Thailand


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If it's restricted to over 55, and sometimes the want financial info, then the visa is for retirement, not for tourism. I am surprised that you mark the form as tourist and they allow it, but I am not surprised some consulates don't allow it for tourists, because that is not what it is for.

business-working-retirement etc are issued here are they not ???

Cat O IS a tourist visa, that had written on it ' long stay'

1 year issued at the country of your birth, or a 90 day O visa from a Thai Con/Embassy--example Vientiane -Laos.

A non-immigration O visa is not a tourist visa. It is a long-stay visa, used for retirement (ie over 50), accompanying spouse or children, or voluntary work.

Just because some people might be able to get it without showing the relevant financial requirements doesn't make it a tourist visa.

A retirement visa is for that purpose made in Thailand and to qualify you report rather than leaving the Kingdom every 90 days.

The O visa you have to leave the Kingdom every 90 days that is why you are classed as a tourist and will be added to tourists figures as in TAT calculations.

Retirement has nothing to do with the O visa, only they allow more mature stable people of 50 ish to qualify. Who retires from work normally under 60 years in the UK ??? it suits for all classes that have longer holiday opportunities . My o visa states work prohibited, and also includes voluntary work at schools-non paid---prohibited. You have to have separate voluntary permits to help or/work permits, But an o visa is classed as a tourist category hence the out and in 90 day rule.

Maybe I can be corrected with little matters but the main thing is a retirement visa is not an O visa.

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A retirement visa is for that purpose made in Thailand and to qualify you report rather than leaving the Kingdom every 90 days.

The O visa you have to leave the Kingdom every 90 days that is why you are classed as a tourist and will be added to tourists figures as in TAT calculations.

Retirement has nothing to do with the O visa, only they allow more mature stable people of 50 ish to qualify. Who retires from work normally under 60 years in the UK ??? it suits for all classes that have longer holiday opportunities . My o visa states work prohibited, and also includes voluntary work at schools-non paid---prohibited. You have to have separate voluntary permits to help or/work permits, But an o visa is classed as a tourist category hence the out and in 90 day rule.

Maybe I can be corrected with little matters but the main thing is a retirement visa is not an O visa.

A "retirement visa" IS a non-imm O visa.




According this the consulate in Cambodia, you can get a non-imm O for voluntary services ... http://www.thaiembassy.org/hochiminh/en/services/2886/34924-Non-Immigrant-Visa-%22O%22---Voluntary-Servi.html

There are various categories of Non-imm O visas - retirement and marriage are the most common. Retirement you can't work and marriage you can.

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A retirement visa is for that purpose made in Thailand and to qualify you report rather than leaving the Kingdom every 90 days.

The O visa you have to leave the Kingdom every 90 days that is why you are classed as a tourist and will be added to tourists figures as in TAT calculations.

Retirement has nothing to do with the O visa, only they allow more mature stable people of 50 ish to qualify. Who retires from work normally under 60 years in the UK ??? it suits for all classes that have longer holiday opportunities . My o visa states work prohibited, and also includes voluntary work at schools-non paid---prohibited. You have to have separate voluntary permits to help or/work permits, But an o visa is classed as a tourist category hence the out and in 90 day rule.

Maybe I can be corrected with little matters but the main thing is a retirement visa is not an O visa.

A "retirement visa" IS a non-imm O visa.




According this the consulate in Cambodia, you can get a non-imm O for voluntary services ... http://www.thaiembassy.org/hochiminh/en/services/2886/34924-Non-Immigrant-Visa-%22O%22---Voluntary-Servi.html

There are various categories of Non-imm O visas - retirement and marriage are the most common. Retirement you can't work and marriage you can.

Please tell me why the question is asked --the purpose of your visit. --tourist is the box you tick.

As you said there are different types of O visa.

the retirement visa is the one that you have to have 800,000 in the bank -or this that and the other and is not available in the UK it is available at immigration offices here. This is the retirement visa.

I am telling you for the over 50 O visa standard type you tick a tourist box. and exit the kingdom every 90 days. and has been for 20-30 years for sure.

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best comment I saw on this in free media was.

Visitors human rights are not affected. The totaliltarian subjugation of human rights only applies to the people who are driving your taxi, cleaning your room, serving you beer or selling you tourist tat.

Come and dance and party and show the world how little you know about WW2 and appeasment.

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Just too bad it's not reciprocal!

Yes true and ask my wife who owns 3 investment properties in Melbourne and she will say Thai, land is for thais and Thailand doesn't have as much as Australia.

I would like to see OZ Govt. tax the owners of property that reside overseas. This would be on top of capital gains tax and would also need to put them on a register as a forigen owner at the lands department. As soon as any trading is done at the lands department, they are red flaged. Yeah and give them an extra tax on rental income. With properties in Sydney, Darwin and even Perth achieving around the $1 m mark and Brisbane, Melbourne not far behind could make some good money.

I would then put their taxed money into social housing and let them know they are paying for our poor. They can get a really nice letter from our tax department that they could show all their friends.clap2.gifcheesy.gif

As an Aussie who is a non resident and house owner in Australia, we are already severely worked over by the tax office. No18k threshold and a flat 30% tax rate on rent plus no relief on capital gains, and this is on my home That I lived in for more than 10 years and will live there again one day.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Bc, Aussies are exempt in my idea of taxing overseas buyers. Its the forigen buyer who basicaly puts nothing in but takes all the profit out. At present, we have overseas buyers buying off the plan and artifically increasing the values. Its OK if you own, but hard for people to get into the market or need to travel 2-3 hours to get to work. They should also have to pay land tax on all purchases, maybe at a higher rate. Somewhere we shouid be able to skim off the top so that we benefit from our own country' unique position and qualities.thumbsup.gif

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australia has had a long list of foreign born prime ministers,billy hughes comes to mind.at the moment we also have a german finance minister,but as is said theres not much worse than abbot the rabbit.

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Thai investments in Australia are worth around AUD7 billion, including mining, construction materials and real estate.

Just too bad it's not reciprocal!

Yes true and ask my wife who owns 3 investment properties in Melbourne and she will say Thai, land is for thais and Thailand doesn't have as much as Australia.

I would like to see OZ Govt. tax the owners of property that reside overseas. This would be on top of capital gains tax and would also need to put them on a register as a forigen owner at the lands department. As soon as any trading is done at the lands department, they are red flaged. Yeah and give them an extra tax on rental income. With properties in Sydney, Darwin and even Perth achieving around the $1 m mark and Brisbane, Melbourne not far behind could make some good money.

I would then put their taxed money into social housing and let them know they are paying for our poor. They can get a really nice letter from our tax department that they could show all their friends.clap2.gifcheesy.gif

The problem with doing this is that all of the Chinese, Thais etc would start jumping up and down and calling Australia a racist country

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Australians a bit like the Dutch can travel just about anywhere under most conditions because they make an effort to be friendly and fit in. Admittedly some school leavers and those on the 'drink all the beer in the world' mission' are from a different planet and are the exception and are easily avoided.

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Thai investments in Australia are worth around AUD7 billion, including mining, construction materials and real estate.

Just too bad it's not reciprocal!

Yes true and ask my wife who owns 3 investment properties in Melbourne and she will say Thai, land is for thais and Thailand doesn't have as much as Australia.

I would like to see OZ Govt. tax the owners of property that reside overseas. This would be on top of capital gains tax and would also need to put them on a register as a forigen owner at the lands department. As soon as any trading is done at the lands department, they are red flaged. Yeah and give them an extra tax on rental income. With properties in Sydney, Darwin and even Perth achieving around the $1 m mark and Brisbane, Melbourne not far behind could make some good money.

I would then put their taxed money into social housing and let them know they are paying for our poor. They can get a really nice letter from our tax department that they could show all their friends.clap2.gifcheesy.gif

The problem with doing this is that all of the Chinese, Thais etc would start jumping up and down and calling Australia a racist country

If we put the profits into social housing we can call them greedy bsatards? The other thing it would do is slow the overheated market. Investing in a forigen country is always a gamble and these two country's are the biggest gamblers.

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Oh please Julia from Wales (UK) running the country, the Welshwoman stuffed it. Tony numbnuts from England is now in control and he is the laughing stock of the world.

Yingluk is out of a job and Australia employs foreigners to be P.M and she would be 100% better than these two british numbskulls put together.

Better at what ???? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Well British imports to be Prime Ministers have totally failed. I personally think Yingluk would be 100% better than the last couple of international imports. Yingluk would be a blessing if she applied for the Australian P.M job. British imports have failed.

I never said the 2 PMs from the UK were decent, I know different.

BUT to say that Yingluck would do far better, is the joke of the year.

Can you imagine her - unable to answer questions on TV in Aussie land, and taking orders from Dubai ??? can you imagine what the Australian people would think of that ???? and to be a PM there and run the government PTP style ??? The Aussies would have had her out in 6 months no problem with NO re election chance FACT

Right now Australia has Tony dumb dumb as PM who he is as dumb as Yingluck and Tony dumb dumb takes his orders from the demented plutocrat Murdoch in New York.

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australian government is as dumb as dog shit (really dumb) so don't sweat about this. they are sooooooo dumb that they follow everything the USA government says blindly.

i'm as happy as a pig wallowing in mud since i moved here in march

I will second that

It all started with the Vietnam conflict ( it was not a war so the government said )

Later Little Johnny Howard yapped and begged like a dog to be seen with the USA

And still it continues facepalm.gif


Australians know Thailand is safe and the General is doing a very good job.

The Australian Govt. is currently being run by a bunch of Tea Party nutcases.

The Australian PM Tony dumb dumb is a Tea Party nutcase who had diner with the demented plutocrat Murdoch last night in New York

while Cantor was losing his GOP primary to a Tea Party nutter. .

View vid of Tony dumb dumb. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1y1ez7_tony-abbott-last-week-tonight_news

Bring back bruvver comrade Kev and sister Julia...they knew how to run the country........into the ground. God help Oz if Electricity Bill ever gets into power.

Seems you reds are true reds no matter where you go.

Must be hard for you right now having Tony dumb dumb as your hero. 30% approval rating and 60% disapproval rating.

That 30% are a real worry and you are one of them.

However there is help on it's way for you in the form of Clive Palmer.

Good luck on that one...


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australian government is as dumb as dog shit (really dumb) so don't sweat about this. they are sooooooo dumb that they follow everything the USA government says blindly.

i'm as happy as a pig wallowing in mud since i moved here in march

I will second that

It all started with the Vietnam conflict ( it was not a war so the government said )

Later Little Johnny Howard yapped and begged like a dog to be seen with the USA

And still it continues facepalm.gif


Australians know Thailand is safe and the General is doing a very good job.

The Australian Govt. is currently being run by a bunch of Tea Party nutcases.

The Australian PM Tony dumb dumb is a Tea Party nutcase who had diner with the demented plutocrat Murdoch last night in New York

while Cantor was losing his GOP primary to a Tea Party nutter. .

View vid of Tony dumb dumb. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1y1ez7_tony-abbott-last-week-tonight_news

was totally agree with you till you got to your second line

then you went down hill faster than a 20 ton weight on 4 wheels

Must be hard for you right now having Tony dumb dumb as your hero. ...30% approval rating and 60% disapproval rating.

That 30% are a real worry and you are one of them.

However there is help on it's way for you in the form of Clive Palmer.

Good luck on that one...


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It is true that Aussies are confident to travel in Thailand, it's just that we don't want to anymore because of all of the scams, ladyboys, pickpockets, dangerous drivers etc etc etc. It does seem however that this may be changing for the better under the new leadership. I live in hope because Thailand is a beautiful country

Mate, I have it on good authority that the Aussies bloody well come here heaps for the Snagtarts - they're right into them like a fat kid into a pavlova. They call it Seam Gas Drilling. Be warned if a group of Aussies tell ya to "have a crack"

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It is true that Aussies are confident to travel in Thailand, it's just that we don't want to anymore because of all of the scams, ladyboys, pickpockets, dangerous drivers etc etc etc. It does seem however that this may be changing for the better under the new leadership. I live in hope because Thailand is a beautiful country

Mate, I have it on good authority that the Aussies bloody well come here heaps for the Snagtarts - they're right into them like a fat kid into a pavlova. They call it Seam Gas Drilling. Be warned if a group of Aussies tell ya to "have a crack"

What can I say, there are sick f**ks from every country. However after seeing the BBC series on ladyboys it would seem that Poms like to do a bit of drilling as well.thumbsup.gif

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