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I saw the comments on Agoda. They booked me a upmarket room for $50.00. per night. it did not even have a window in the room. It was a general run of the mill hotel. i asked the manager how much the room was I i booked with them. He replied $30.00. I contacted Agoda but every time it was a different person who dealt with me. So as far as I am concerned Agoda does not exist.

The last time I looked, a hotel about 60 Ks from my village that I use regularly costs me 450 Baht per night, if I booked through Agoda, the price is 650 Baht.

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Get over it, it's been that way since forever and it's not going to change any time soon. If it bothers you so much, don't partake. It's your problem, not theirs.

With your attitude nothing would ever change if you bend over and take whatever they want to stick you with, I personally refused to get ripped off because I am not a Thai, I have in the past sent my g/f to buy the entry tickets and just gone through the gate ignoring their protests relying on the Thai not wanting to make a fuss and lose face


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It is not based on race but nationality. Chinese, Koreans, Japanese etc. all pay the foreigners price. And it hardly ever happens, so far I have not been anywhere where I could not get in for the Thai price.

I understand the policy for (semi) government attractions (locals pay less), for private enterprises it should IMO not be allowed.

I guess that point is arguable .. the Jews are Caucasian but it is still considered racist to gas them.....

Should be a law against blatant discrimination.. it doest send the right message to anyone one on so many different levels.

Well this Adventure mini golf is adamant that they have a different price for Farang no apologies, no exception, and from their email they believe everywhere else is the same.....

Generally Jews aren't caucasian - I have a lot of Jewish friends and they consider it their race as well as their religion. Even UK law is similar, there was a school in Liverpool I believe that was under fire for not allowing non-jews as the point of law argued it was discriminating on race not religion.

Regarding the double pricing issue they really can be asshats about it - I went to the Tiger Temple (I wouldn't recommend it) in Kanchanaburi and my gf had forgotten her ID at the hotel. She's clearly Thai, she looks Thai and obviously speaks fluent Thai but they made her pay the non Thai price as she didn't have her ID. Really spoiled the day as she was in a pissy mood for the whole afternoon!


It is not based on race but nationality. Chinese, Koreans, Japanese etc. all pay the foreigners price. And it hardly ever happens, so far I have not been anywhere where I could not get in for the Thai price.

I understand the policy for (semi) government attractions (locals pay less), for private enterprises it should IMO not be allowed.

Hmmm ... I took some Taiwanese friends to the BKK zoo. I paid double price and they paid Thai price. Of course I was the one buying the tickets.

So you told them your friends were from Taiwan?

BKK Zoo, where I pay Thai price?

No. Just asked for four tickets. Doesn't that reinforce the racial aspect? Seriously it isn't good public relations for Thailand and as I said, it is illegal in the countries where most of tourists come from.

So you should be happy he presumed your friends were Thai and he saved you some money. Now, if you would have shown him your Thai DL you would also have gotten Thai price.


Yeah I think it would be smart to introduce a pricing policy based on residency and not nationality.

Exactly like what happens at the Queensland Theme Parks, where South East Queensland residents get great discounts for yearly passes etc, where as tourists pay a motsa for one visit.

And the residents know not to go during prime tourist time because queues are too long. So win win for the theme park and regular residents who visit.


Totally agree, this is blatant racial discrimination. It has happened to me on few occasions and I just vote with my feet. A guy in Chiang Mai did relent but it took him 20 minutes to realise he was out of pocket but I did not give him the satisfaction. Where ever possible I send the wife or my son to do the shopping in places I feel we may be double charged but in the attractions or National parks I just refuse to surrender to their theft.

You may agree, so you're wrong too, not racial.

Please explain how it is not racial? If I looked to be from a S.E.A. country I could very possibly get the Thai price, but because I am obviously Caucasian I am charged the higher price. Whichever way you look at it, it is racial.

Because it is not based on race, Thai are not a race. With Thai citizenship you'll always get Thai price, even being a caucasian.

And no, if you looked to be from a SEA country that would not be enough, you'd have to look Thai and in case of doubt prove you're Thai.


At my local golf course in Scotland they give locals discount. At the university I studied at free, they charge foreigners a lot more. Get over it or get Thai citizenship.

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you know that thing with 'voting with your feet?' by not entering anywhere that charges double for a farang, right? well the joke with that is they dont give a shit if you go in there or not!!

we could be 25 bikers with money to spend, some with thai DL and some with not but if they insist on 2 without a thai DL paying double and we refuse to go in then they really dont care, even if the place is empty and could really use the money we were going to spend.

so, by all means refuse to pay double, sometimes i do but it really doesnt mean a thing to them.


bunch of cheap Charlies...laugh.pnglaugh.png but in all seriousness, i´ve seen this just about any country i´ve been to.. I stayed in Denmark for a while, and i noticed in 1 bar , they were charging 25 kroner for a beer , but if a foreigner bought a beer, they were getting charged 29 kroner..

.same with taxi´s tuk tuks in phuket / bangkok... to get to Patong im usually charged 500 baht, yet my gf pays 3 or 4 hundred,,, from where i stay in bangkok to asok, they want 250 baht, yet my gf is 100 baht..

When we go to Bangok or where ever doing the tourist stuff , we use the same taxi driver,(had a few try to rip us off , but 1 guy is a top fella) always been fair price and if we need tickets for some where he gets them, saving me a fair bit of money, always wise to keep his number for next time ,

Most of the time i just pay the normal price though, when i think about how much i would have to pay to see an attraction in my own country, the price in Thailand aint that bad


I agree with OP however its ingrained into Thai policies and ain't gonna change anytime soon. In fact, I think your better off. Why? Because my missus always say's give me the money and I'll get things cheaper.

In the long run would have been better paying the prices cause she always - KEEPS MY CHANGE !!!cheesy.gif

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I hear what you are saying and with you 100 percent

The Thais know who has the money and most of them, as well as some expats, will do all within their power to suck your wallet dry. It is a well known and widely usedm say abused Thai system, Not only thailand; while working in Korea my rent and utilities were easily 3 times that of the locals

While on a day trip with Korean friends, we stopped at a war memorial for lunch. The attendent did not know how much to charge a foreigner; a very funny, yet embarrassing moment for my hosts

Here, get used to it nothing because will change it

Sign me always broke in Udon thani


Well I feel the frustration too, but 3 thoughts:

(1) Do we want Thailand to become over-regulated and over-PC as in the west

(2) We can easily get jobs that pay far more than your average Somchai can get in a day

(3) Think selfishly and put on the mask of a cold inhumane money-first robot, if they won't let you in for a fair price go elsewhere without thinking twice, and if the price is 1 satang higher than u think is fair, vote with your feet. There are plenty of good places that won't do the like.

OTOH I was charged 50 baht for Thai NP entrance whereas Thai friend was charged 20 baht. It is 150% more but once in became a superstar and got more than that amount back in free food and fun.

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Sometimes farangs are also positively discriminated.

I have run across examples of guesthouses charging Thai people more than farangs, because they stay with more people in the room, use more water, and maybe on an average make a bit more of a mess of the room.

A lady I know here in Khao Lak whose trade it is to build and rent out houses, only rents out to farangs. They make for more reliable tenants, stay with less people in the house, and keep the house in better shape. I repeatedly negotiated leases with her, and the prices she charges, are on the low side also seen through the eyes of Thai people.

And who do you think gets the friendlier and maybe even better treatment at a public hospital? The dark skinned elderly lady who makes a living selling somtam from a street cart, or the handsome young English teacher who speaks quite a bit of Thai?

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Thai driver's license usually works for me. However, at the Emerald Pool in Krabi (Sa Morakot), the officer was really smart and said that anyone can get a driver's license, and wanted to see a Thai ID Card (really), to give the Thai price.

Same for me at this pool, so now we do not go there and of course do not take visitors there. Are they bothered, not a bit, they still have all the tourist from Ao-nang who pay the full amount through the tour companies.


I would say that it's just about time for you return to you born country and pay 3-4 x the price for what you pay down here.

You have stayed here too long now and you need to go back home, to get your priority in place.

Out here you have more buing power that at your home country.

Maybe if you move to Combodia, Laos, or Vietnam, far out in the countrysite you get the lokal prices. But what can you buy. Lokal stuf, that you don't like anyway.

Anywhere in the world in turist areas you pay more for you things and Thailand is a very big turist area and you pay more than the lokals do. If you had in income the same as a lokal Thai,Ii really could understand your complains. You probably got 3-4 times as much as a hard working Thai and maybe even much more. So what's the problem?

I really don't understand your complain and think you have very small shoes to walk in. You are grumpy and think of yourself as somthing special that should have special prices and treatment. But gues what you already have that, you just forget how good you have it here.

So go home and pay 3-4 times more for your things and try complsin about it there and se how far you get with your complains.

I see it as you just make it more problematik for you to stay here in thelandof smile and you really don't derserw to be hare with your attitude and your opinion towards Thailand and leve to those who are happy here.

Don't walk around being this grumpy, it brings you down. Stay happy and enjoy that you are able to stay here at all.

Life is better when you are happy and you live longer. Grumpy have no joy and live a Shorter life.

(Sorry about my bad english, but it's my second language, but hope you understand what I'm trying to tell.)

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I do not care at all if I have to pay a meager 5 or 10 more than Thai people I do not mean I'm right, I do not say OP is wrong, I do not say I am rich, I simply say I don' give a damn, first of all because it is not every days, not every weeks not even every months...So ! I wont spoiled my day, thats all.

I can understand those who disagree by the way, yes in my country doing that could send one to court. Since I prefer my life in Thailand I do not ask everything to be perfect!

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I totally disagree with you. It is not a higher fee for farangs. It is a lower fee for Thais. Everything you say is the same in USA. Go to a Virginia historical site and show your USA ID. Discount given. Many places do that. Do you think Americans discriminate against Mexicans, etc. You bet they do. You should be discriminated also but not necessarily in a negative way all of the time.

Really you should stay in the country where you were born but you live in a foreign country. There is a huge difference being in another country - language, cost of living, culture, etc

For example, what does $10 mean to you. That is a whole day's wages for a Thai. They would like to go out also but cannot because you have increased their cost of living by simply being here as a tourist, as a business owner, big corp selling into this market, etc. You caused the inflation along with foreign companies that want to do business here. You have actually ruined many of their lives. Now - get on track - pay more!!!!!! Let the Thais - who own this land and are citizens of this land - have their normal price that should go along with $10/day income. You pay more! I am American and have no problems paying more. I should.

Your post starts with a brilliant observation "lower fee for Thais" but quickly moves to ridiculous. Putting your sound comment first doesn't make the rest true. The absurd assertion that "Americans discriminate against Mexicans" is offensive and wholly incorrect. The entire north American landmass is being integrated with Latin America by refusal to enforce existing national laws. To even assert that the law should be enforced has "citizens" silenced for fear of retribution. The arrangement is so one sided as to be madness, but Americans, by an large, are not as you suggest. Moronic statements deserve rebuttal. American or not, your self loathing does not constitute an indictment of an entire population!

The idea that $10 is nothing to an older, disabled western steel worker living on a fixed income in Ubon with his wife is equally unfair; you have no idea! None! ( I quickly peeked again at your further comments and "yep!" they continue to grow idle, and cancerous. Your post is actually a hate filled diatribe, concealed as a Thai Public Defender.) The obvious underlying point the OP presents is that his life experiences and observations inform him that universally, people should be treated equally both before the law and in commerce. Doesn't mean he is correct, but this is not an issue that is easily extrapolated to reach the poppycock conclusions you have.

I found my lip curling at the corner imagining you speaking your hate filled invective. Any of your points could/may be valid. You may note I never once defend the OPs point. The reason is in large part I tend to agree with you. However, I don't express myself with poison as you do, and when someone masks ignorance for discourse they should be called on it! You just don't achieve any contrary point with your attack. Your post even gets personal and blames a poster for greater Thai woes- indeed the poster's very presence here makes the Thai's suffer. Yours is not fairly called a point of view because an advocate for you would have to sift through the acid you wrote to produce some free standing ideas/rebuttal from your post. It's just an inferior and rude post to others. It's drivel!

BTW- your arrogance that you are an American and are okay paying more does not confer upon you any additional credibility. As your final comment it's fair to suspect this was your closing, your wrapping up. All this does is reinforce your arrogance!

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I rarely have this problem. I guess I have been lucky, that and I don't go out much. The one place I have this problem is when I take guests to the Grand Palace. Here I am a tax payer in Thailand and I have to line up and pay at the foreigner booth while the guards want to let my Asian but foreign tourist friends in for free.

Agreed. This is not right.


On May 15th, Pattaya City Hospital increased their prices for what they call "International Visitors", (non-Thai), by exactly 100%. Show them a DL or proof that you have lived here for years means nothing. The price is automatically doubled.


I would say that it's just about time for you return to you born country and pay 3-4 x the price for what you pay down here.

You have stayed here too long now and you need to go back home, to get your priority in place.

Out here you have more buing power that at your home country.

Maybe if you move to Combodia, Laos, or Vietnam, far out in the countrysite you get the lokal prices. But what can you buy. Lokal stuf, that you don't like anyway.

Anywhere in the world in turist areas you pay more for you things and Thailand is a very big turist area and you pay more than the lokals do. If you had in income the same as a lokal Thai,Ii really could understand your complains. You probably got 3-4 times as much as a hard working Thai and maybe even much more. So what's the problem?

I really don't understand your complain and think you have very small shoes to walk in. You are grumpy and think of yourself as somthing special that should have special prices and treatment. But gues what you already have that, you just forget how good you have it here.

So go home and pay 3-4 times more for your things and try complsin about it there and se how far you get with your complains.

I see it as you just make it more problematik for you to stay here in thelandof smile and you really don't derserw to be hare with your attitude and your opinion towards Thailand and leve to those who are happy here.

Don't walk around being this grumpy, it brings you down. Stay happy and enjoy that you are able to stay here at all.

Life is better when you are happy and you live longer. Grumpy have no joy and live a Shorter life.

(Sorry about my bad english, but it's my second language, but hope you understand what I'm trying to tell.)

You need to up the meds mate. People like you don't add any wisdom to topics other than give your own views that cannot possibly help any tv members or the OP. All this crap about adopting things to suit others through or own expense is HOGWASH !!!!!


Whilst I agree with you Epicstuff, you could look at it that we farangs pay the normal price and the indigenous population get a hefty discount. I live near Phanom Rung ( supposedly ) a site of historic interest. Personally all I see is a pile of old stone that over the years has collapsed. If I want to go in, I'm charged the normal farang rate whilst the family get the huge discount -- or is it the other way round, they get in cheap and I'm fleeced. So now, if anyone wants to go, I'll wait in one of the shaded seating areas to relax while the others risk limbs climbing to the demolition site.

What ever you pay at Phanom Rung you are being ripped. The toilets are DISGUSTING!


I agree with OP however its ingrained into Thai policies and ain't gonna change anytime soon. In fact, I think your better off. Why? Because my missus always say's give me the money and I'll get things cheaper.

In the long run would have been better paying the prices cause she always - KEEPS MY CHANGE !!!cheesy.gif

LOL ;-) :-)


I'm happy to see some have the right attitude: "We farangs pay the normal price and the indigenous population get a hefty discount"

Well spoken.

Pay or stay away !!!!!

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I totally disagree with you. It is not a higher fee for farangs. It is a lower fee for Thais. Everything you say is the same in USA. Go to a Virginia historical site and show your USA ID. Discount given. Many places do that. Do you think Americans discriminate against Mexicans, etc. You bet they do. You should be discriminated also but not necessarily in a negative way all of the time.

Really you should stay in the country where you were born but you live in a foreign country. There is a huge difference being in another country - language, cost of living, culture, etc

For example, what does $10 mean to you. That is a whole day's wages for a Thai. They would like to go out also but cannot because you have increased their cost of living by simply being here as a tourist, as a business owner, big corp selling into this market, etc. You caused the inflation along with foreign companies that want to do business here. You have actually ruined many of their lives. Now - get on track - pay more!!!!!! Let the Thais - who own this land and are citizens of this land - have their normal price that should go along with $10/day income. You pay more! I am American and have no problems paying more. I should.

You're an idiot. Tourists and foreigners have ruined Thai lives? They caused inflation? First of all, tourism and expats contribute about 20-25% of Thailand's GDP (be careful before you challenge me on that figure).

Second, price discrimination is universal here, in any sector, any industry. The historical sites you mention are one thing (tax subsidized). As an American, do I get the fruits in the US at a lower price at the street vendor? do I get an apartment rental at 25-50% discount compared to a foreigner in the US?

Third, price discrimination is being done away with even in places like China. But hey, nobody accused Thailand that it's not backwards enough.

You are the classic type of foreigner who is being fleeced regularly, but I'm sure you get the Thai smile along with it.


There is a simple way out of this problem but it involves time and application.

Learn to speak Thai and be aware of Thai ways at all times.

They will soon realize that treating you with a lack of respect only rebounds on them and makes them look rash and stupid.


I totally disagree with you. It is not a higher fee for farangs. It is a lower fee for Thais. Everything you say is the same in USA. Go to a Virginia historical site and show your USA ID. Discount given. Many places do that. Do you think Americans discriminate against Mexicans, etc. You bet they do. You should be discriminated also but not necessarily in a negative way all of the time.

Really you should stay in the country where you were born but you live in a foreign country. There is a huge difference being in another country - language, cost of living, culture, etc

For example, what does $10 mean to you. That is a whole day's wages for a Thai. They would like to go out also but cannot because you have increased their cost of living by simply being here as a tourist, as a business owner, big corp selling into this market, etc. You caused the inflation along with foreign companies that want to do business here. You have actually ruined many of their lives. Now - get on track - pay more!!!!!! Let the Thais - who own this land and are citizens of this land - have their normal price that should go along with $10/day income. You pay more! I am American and have no problems paying more. I should.

You're an idiot. Tourists and foreigners have ruined Thai lives? They caused inflation? First of all, tourism and expats contribute about 20-25% of Thailand's GDP (be careful before you challenge me on that figure).

Second, price discrimination is universal here, in any sector, any industry. The historical sites you mention are one thing (tax subsidized). As an American, do I get the fruits in the US at a lower price at the street vendor? do I get an apartment rental at 25-50% discount compared to a foreigner in the US?

You are the classic type of foreigner who is being fleeced regularly, but I'm sure you get the Thai smile along with it.

That's the spirit don't mince your words with these imbeciles who are Thai - ANIZED .....cheesy.gif

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