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EC extends Thai senators' asset declaration deadline to July 28th


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Obviously the Thaksin aligned senators are yet to find ways to hide all the money they took in backhanders for loyalty to the Shin Clan.

What was the last speaker's wealth increase again???

Oh yes.... it went from 1 house, 1 car, 1 tractor and 1.2 million baht........ and jumped to something like 250 million baht all within 2 years.

And that's not to even mention the secretive offshore accounts, that we absolutely know that the amart rouge use. Remember ample rich, win-mark etc etc.

Well come on then, share. What are these secretive (obviously not that secret) offshore accounts that "we" obviously know about?

Of course the other side are.so.squeaky clean, they would never stood to do the same.

I am still waiting for anyone to come up with proof or facts to back up the money "we all know" Yingluck stole from the rice scheme.

Have patience. The 500 billion hasn't evaporated. Soon we might know.

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fab4, you and ginjag have hijacked the thread - that's what nicky is complaining about. Me, too. Stop bickering, you silly little children.Stick to what you're both quite good at - throwing in food for thought.

Do you have any thoughts on why this extension on reporting assets was arranged supposedly to be beneficial to "Thaksin aligned" Senators? Is it possible there may be another way of looking at this which would not be regarded as rabid red propaganda by the obsessives on here?

Did it benefit Thaksin's aligned senators? I didn't know that. Who said that?

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Indeed I do, but you two clowns have been cluttering up the thread and boring the pants off us.

This is merely an idea and intended to create discussion. The junta is allowing extra time so that the guilty senators will do more scurrying around to hide their ill-gotten gains, thus creating more paper trails with which to track them down and hang them (so to speak). You may say that the really smart ones would have already done their scurrying around - but perhaps the junta has a "make 'em sweat" plan. Just a theory. The reality might be more simple, like protecting their guilty "friends".

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As much as I like reading some of the comments from all points of view, and I know I'm every bit as guilty of hijacking threads, the "sensitive" ones all end up going the same way, and end up as dick measuring between a few "regular" members, it's been going on for a while now, and yes as guilty as I am, it gets tiresome with the tit for tat, perhaps locking all the threads in the News section for a week or so would be enough time for everyone to just chill out?

Let the authorities do their stuff, and let the forum members enjoy other topics for a change, and not get embroiled in stupid petty arguments ??

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fab4, you and ginjag have hijacked the thread - that's what nicky is complaining about. Me, too. Stop bickering, you silly little children.Stick to what you're both quite good at - throwing in food for thought.

Do you have any thoughts on why this extension on reporting assets was arranged supposedly to be beneficial to "Thaksin aligned" Senators? Is it possible there may be another way of looking at this which would not be regarded as rabid red propaganda by the obsessives on here?

Stands to reason that if you need time to cover up and forge documents to conceal illicit income, that having more time to prepare documents will be a big help.

I have it in mind of a somewhat rotund wife of a former champion of the poor, that forged paperwork relating to one of her trials but called herself Khunying , although at the time the deal took place she had not been made a Khunying yet. No doubt you remember the case.

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As much as I like reading some of the comments from all points of view, and I know I'm every bit as guilty of hijacking threads, the "sensitive" ones all end up going the same way, and end up as dick measuring between a few "regular" members, it's been going on for a while now, and yes as guilty as I am, it gets tiresome with the tit for tat, perhaps locking all the threads in the News section for a week or so would be enough time for everyone to just chill out?

Let the authorities do their stuff, and let the forum members enjoy other topics for a change, and not get embroiled in stupid petty arguments ??

Or how about you just read the first post of the topic and not the rest? You do have a choice not to read the debate section if you don't like it, you know. Free and open discussion is the lifeblood of democracy, Fat Haggis.

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Somsak cleared 200 million of his debt when he was working for PT/Yingluck. I am amazed Fab 4 don't know that... His assets didn't jump, his net worth jumped.

RT@tulsathit: Ex-House speaker Somsak Kiatsuranont cleared Bt200 million debts btw 2011-2013, his asset reports show. via @Prasong_lert (1)

RT@tulsathit: Somsak's last asset report showed quite modest wealth _ Bt1.4 million in bank, 1 car, 1 tractor. That's it. via @Prasong_lert (2)

RT@tulsathit: In a 2011 report, Somsak had Bt42 million in assets and Bt139 million in liabilities. via @Prasong_lert (3/end)

Wonder where he got the money from.....whistling.gif

How does Prasong get 200 million from these figures? Anyway, if you ask Somsak he'd probably say he sold some land. Because that's what they all say lol. Also in Fab4's defence, I also assumed that Whoopy was referring to the Senate speaker, not the house speaker.

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I agree with you to an extent, but when you can ban people for stating opinions and trolling etc, that's not exactly a democracy, TVF is like any other forum with a registration process, you abide by the rules. I do generally read the headlines, and if I think I can contribute to an extent within these topics I will, however, it's all too easy to get sucked into Off topic posting, and mud slinging, I don't participate in threads that have no common interest.

I do know where you're coming from though ;)

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I agree with you to an extent, but when you can ban people for stating opinions and trolling etc, that's not exactly a democracy, TVF is like any other forum with a registration process, you abide by the rules. I do generally read the headlines, and if I think I can contribute to an extent within these topics I will, however, it's all too easy to get sucked into Off topic posting, and mud slinging, I don't participate in threads that have no common interest.

I do know where you're coming from though wink.png

I know, but these threads have always been like this and always will be. Don't see why it should all suddenly stop now. But I'm not really keen on the idea of enforced unity, so that's probably why I feel that way. lol. Anyway, I don't think anyone really takes these arguments too seriously.

Edited by Emptyset
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I can declare my assets and funds in less than 60 seconds!! I have a wife, and two ex wives, my assets and funds are ZERO!!! cheesy.gif

Sorry mate but with 3 women involved I am not surprised. ( I am not bad painting the female species)

Just joking nowt personal cheesy.gif

I wonder if yours is zero what will their assets be ???

They are sitting on theirs... rolleyes.gif

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Obviously the Thaksin aligned senators are yet to find ways to hide all the money they took in backhanders for loyalty to the Shin Clan.

What was the last speaker's wealth increase again???

Oh yes.... it went from 1 house, 1 car, 1 tractor and 1.2 million baht........ and jumped to something like 250 million baht all within 2 years.

And that's not to even mention the secretive offshore accounts, that we absolutely know that the amart rouge use. Remember ample rich, win-mark etc etc.

Well come on then, share. What are these secretive (obviously not that secret) offshore accounts that "we" obviously know about?

Always happy to educate a friend. Here you go, have a little butchers at this, from el jefe's fave mag, you know the one that he boasted to that Yingluck had sent him 30,000,000,000 increasing his wealth was it 450%?.



I think you need a serious rethink on this.

Wealthy people in every free world nation (and corporations) use offshore and foreign accounts to "go around" the tax laws in their home country - and "go around" is a Forbes quote. Thaksin did not break the law in "going around" the law. He circumvented it. Forbes did remark that it was a factor in his prosecution. A factor, not the whole equation.

The main reason the free world questioned the proceedings was for two very important reasons. 1) selective enforcement, and 2) no changes made to the law so those who are not selectively enforced upon can continue with business-as-usual (up to and including the very moment you are reading this). Make a note of that -- selective enforcement and no change to the law to make such a process illegal -- sorry, that smells like rat salad, and I don't even like Thaksin.

But proving his uniquely vile nature is a fool's errand and one that is part obfuscation, part selective memory, and part sheer mendacity -- and the new sport of punters until the world cup begins. If you want to talk facts, please do so inclusively, or your opinions are blatantly and incompletely suspicious and hilariously malicious in a self-serving egotistical manner.

The laws were never changed to make such "going around the law" qualify as a criminal activity. That loophole was left on the books and is still being enjoyed by the embattled opposition, the current power brokers, and all concerned who have assets that...cannot and will not ever be accounted for. They are called loopholes, and are put into laws and left in laws on purpose.

All they (both sides of the fence) needed was a little more time to make sure all the bases are covered, and no investigation will yield one baht more than the desired result. The EC handed that time to them. The EC fingerprints are all over this corrupt weapon ....but no one will be taking prints.

The very people charged with digging dirt have corpses buried in their own back yards.

This is Asia, and heroes and villains are cut from the same ambiguous cloth. I am happy to educate anyone.

Edited by FangFerang
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fab4, you and ginjag have hijacked the thread - that's what nicky is complaining about. Me, too. Stop bickering, you silly little children.Stick to what you're both quite good at - throwing in food for thought.

Who's hijacked the thread ?? sorry if you didn't like the childish bickering, if you read the posts you would understand more over 3 years.

Where did you crawl out from kid, haven't seen your contribution much on threads, so if you feel like being the strict dad, do that at home kiddo.

I had no gripe with you on any individual, I have gripes with posts not people.

So before you issue statements like that try and sign up to be a wannabe moderator.

There is always plenty of room on topics to say what YOU want so stop the name calling--

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Obviously the Thaksin aligned senators are yet to find ways to hide all the money they took in backhanders for loyalty to the Shin Clan.

What was the last speaker's wealth increase again???

Oh yes.... it went from 1 house, 1 car, 1 tractor and 1.2 million baht........ and jumped to something like 250 million baht all within 2 years.

Isn't this exactly the contentious writing that is denounced by the military as keeping the hateful separation continuing to be an issue? You are spending time denouncing only one side of the equation, or do you propose to oppose Thailand's history of political largesse practiced for many decades?

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I can declare my assets and funds in less than 60 seconds!! I have a wife, and two ex wives, my assets and funds are ZERO!!! cheesy.gif

Sorry mate but with 3 women involved I am not surprised. ( I am not bad painting the female species)

Just joking nowt personal cheesy.gif

I wonder if yours is zero what will their assets be ???

They are sitting on theirs... rolleyes.gif

Assets or gussets ???thumbsup.gif

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fab4, you and ginjag have hijacked the thread - that's what nicky is complaining about. Me, too. Stop bickering, you silly little children.Stick to what you're both quite good at - throwing in food for thought.

Nicky mentioned ME ??? did he say that ?? thought he was referring to Fab 4- couldn't see where he thought I was hijacking.

Leave me out of your rant, and do not bring my name into your post unless it is warranted. stop trying to pick up brownie points, I have always been anti PTP government a strong critic, that is why you see this bickering as a few Pro PTP will forever keep trying to promote their agenda.

Look what is posted and why then you may not get your knickers in a twist. Sorry you were only trying to make your post look good.

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Indeed I do, but you two clowns have been cluttering up the thread and boring the pants off us.

This is merely an idea and intended to create discussion. The junta is allowing extra time so that the guilty senators will do more scurrying around to hide their ill-gotten gains, thus creating more paper trails with which to track them down and hang them (so to speak). You may say that the really smart ones would have already done their scurrying around - but perhaps the junta has a "make 'em sweat" plan. Just a theory. The reality might be more simple, like protecting their guilty "friends".

Feel free to clutter the thread--Quote'-clown'---lovely man--the name calling makes you special.

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why not a ban forever in politics ? 5 years waiting to have you hand again in the moneybag? time passes quickly...

and assets confiscated if proven they became unusual wealthy during their stint

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I don't think its just the PTP senators that should be worried..

Maybe the gang of 40 will be doing some creative accounting over the next month also..

Remember nearly 50% of the senate is NOT elected wink.png

Indeed, and fully expect the vamped system to avoid elected senate even more. A move to 80% or so unelected would not be a surprise.... jobs for the family and friends, just as long as its the "right" thinking type.

Transparency I doubt very much will apply to everyone here, ever.

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Indeed I do, but you two clowns have been cluttering up the thread and boring the pants off us.

This is merely an idea and intended to create discussion. The junta is allowing extra time so that the guilty senators will do more scurrying around to hide their ill-gotten gains, thus creating more paper trails with which to track them down and hang them (so to speak). You may say that the really smart ones would have already done their scurrying around - but perhaps the junta has a "make 'em sweat" plan. Just a theory. The reality might be more simple, like protecting their guilty "friends".

Feel free to clutter the thread--Quote'-clown'---lovely man--the name calling makes you special.

Goodness me. You have over-reacted. You should calm down a little, matey - all that was initially being said was about you and fab4 sniping at each other instead of sticking to the thread - nickymaster made that point, and I agreed. But you two just kept on going and it was getting wearisome (even you'd have to agree with that, if you go back and look). Honestly mate, you should not be so sensitive, and you should not be reacting to fab4. We all know what he is. I apologise if the word "clown" offended you, although if we were having a beer in the pub, I'm sure you'd just laugh it off. As I said, you offer food for thought in your posts, and I want to read what you have to say about a subject, not your running battle with fab4. Once again, sorry for having upset you. All the best.

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Indeed I do, but you two clowns have been cluttering up the thread and boring the pants off us.

This is merely an idea and intended to create discussion. The junta is allowing extra time so that the guilty senators will do more scurrying around to hide their ill-gotten gains, thus creating more paper trails with which to track them down and hang them (so to speak). You may say that the really smart ones would have already done their scurrying around - but perhaps the junta has a "make 'em sweat" plan. Just a theory. The reality might be more simple, like protecting their guilty "friends".

Feel free to clutter the thread--Quote'-clown'---lovely man--the name calling makes you special.

Goodness me. You have over-reacted. You should calm down a little, matey - all that was initially being said was about you and fab4 sniping at each other instead of sticking to the thread - nickymaster made that point, and I agreed. But you two just kept on going and it was getting wearisome (even you'd have to agree with that, if you go back and look). Honestly mate, you should not be so sensitive, and you should not be reacting to fab4. We all know what he is. I apologise if the word "clown" offended you, although if we were having a beer in the pub, I'm sure you'd just laugh it off. As I said, you offer food for thought in your posts, and I want to read what you have to say about a subject, not your running battle with fab4. Once again, sorry for having upset you. All the best.

First of all -I didn't see where Nicky complained about me bickering with Fab4, the second thing was the speaking of me being childish and the clown so naturally it disturbed me, as I do not like this especially from a like minded person.

Nicky seems to post roughly the same stuff as me, and I did not see where he said where I was hogging the thread, and you also spoke -and did you ask him for his permission to speak on his behalf re Quote' boring the pants off US' naturally I was upset about this. You would have been.

Not over reacted, if you read your post again, it didn't come over as friendly.

If I do have a running battle with someone and it rattles your cage, ignore it. This is because I tend to be a little pit bull when a pro PTP poster is still rattling on about any critic even after they have been floored. Hope you get my drift ???

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Goodness me. You have over-reacted. You should calm down a little, matey - all that was initially being said was about you and fab4 sniping at each other instead of sticking to the thread - nickymaster made that point, and I agreed. But you two just kept on going and it was getting wearisome (even you'd have to agree with that, if you go back and look). Honestly mate, you should not be so sensitive, and you should not be reacting to fab4. We all know what he is. I apologise if the word "clown" offended you, although if we were having a beer in the pub, I'm sure you'd just laugh it off. As I said, you offer food for thought in your posts, and I want to read what you have to say about a subject, not your running battle with fab4. Once again, sorry for having upset you. All the best.

"We all know what he is"

Do we? Would you care to share? Preferably a PM, as the forum doesn't really want to know what you think I am. I don't really, but when you go public with your insults....................

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