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Senior Thai govt officials moved to inactive posts


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The purchase of 200 clocks for 62,000 baht each? If this level of detail is available, why is there never any transparency and oversight in Thailand? Is the army ensuring that checks and balances are in place from now on in Thailand? Maybe the Thai army can implement their excellent spending checks and balances methodology for all those billions and billions of US dollars for 60 years that flowed in to the coffers of the Thai army, courtesy of the US taxpayer.

As I recall, the current annual US military aide to Thailand was slightly north of $10 million. And lets be frank, military aid is self serving to the donor nation. The US issues credits to the Thai government- to buy US made military hardware and technology.

And its not only Uncle Sam playing this game, many countries extend military aid and then sell arms to the recipient. Munitions factories equals good jobs for constituents and votes for politicians.

Edited by Lancelot
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The Junta has done countless moves. Where's the Supreme Court? LOL Wait until the election. It will be back to square one.

I would not like to be hanging by my testicles waiting for these "next" elections you are talking about... I hear from a very good source in the civil service the rumour is next elections around 2019... 2020.. thank God time passes quickly. w00t.gif

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but its a one way correction..

its like wish in one hand, piss in the other and see which one comes full first! as my mum would say wink.png

One way is what we want now. try it for crying out loud OR you want the regime back and fighting on the streets ???

I suppose that depends on who WE is.. I'm not for any colour.. but if it looks like a duck, walks like duck, talks like duck.. its a duck wink.png

"We" as in Thais in general, travelling around and living in Issan I know there is change and Thai people are adapting-they are less afraid of speaking out to administration officials locally. Awareness of what came out of the woodwork is apparent, and the army at the minute are trying to reassure people, getting order on the streets and ridding of mega corrupt persons from positions, moving good projects along and scrapping corrupt ideas.

I also am not for any colour only one Family I admire. If they approve i'm for it all.

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but its a one way correction..

its like wish in one hand, piss in the other and see which one comes full first! as my mum would say wink.png

One way is what we want now. try it for crying out loud OR you want the regime back and fighting on the streets ???

I suppose that depends on who WE is.. I'm not for any colour.. but if it looks like a duck, walks like duck, talks like duck.. its a duck wink.png

"We" as in Thais in general, travelling around and living in Issan I know there is change and Thai people are adapting-they are less afraid of speaking out to administration officials locally. Awareness of what came out of the woodwork is apparent, and the army at the minute are trying to reassure people, getting order on the streets and ridding of mega corrupt persons from positions, moving good projects along and scrapping corrupt ideas.

I also am not for any colour only one Family I admire. If they approve i'm for it all.

I'm all for what you are saying.. so long as the Army is transparent also ;)

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I suppose that depends on who WE is.. I'm not for any colour.. but if it looks like a duck, walks like duck, talks like duck.. its a duck wink.png

And if it looks like a Red, walks like a Red, talks like a Red... It's a new Red troll.

goh hok.. read what I'm saying..

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not engaging in or involving any or much physical activity.

"an inactive lifestyle"

synonyms: idle, indolent, lazy, lifeless, slothful, lethargic, inert, slow, sluggish, stagnant, dozy, unenergetic, listless, languishing, vegetating, torpid;


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Just wonder what the 'outcry' of moral indignation would have been had PTP tried the same stunt?

Stop wondering, they never even tried, they were complicit - the proof is embodied in their (lack of) strategy.

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Can someone explain to me exactly what this quaint exorcism of "removing to an inactive post" really means.

Should someone be shown to be incapable of performing their duties or guilty of malfeasance, then why are they not summarily fired or arrested . In order to solve the problems you have to get the bad apples right out of the barrel and not just play musical chairs.

Years of this practice has helped in the proliferation of corruption that has beset and hindered this country both socially and economically.

It means they lose the key to the executive trough.

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Interesting moves, it does look as if the in house cleaning is progressing slowly but surely, it was to be expected.

The same situation and corresponding actions were utilised and applied by the Thaksin Shinwatra sponsored administration under the ''management '' of Yingluck Shinwatra.

When the chill winds of a political autumn blow the political appointees fall like leaves fall from the tree's in the autumn.

I don't agree - house cleaning - yes, politically motivated - NO

They are being moved because they were either incompetent or biased or both

I'd expect more to follow and they should be fired - how many more of these people are going to be on the payroll

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Just wonder what the 'outcry' of moral indignation would have been had PTP tried the same stunt?

I don't think the PTP would have done any such thing considering the inept and corrupt people in politics were ALL PTP and Thaksin cronies anyway.

Had the PTP done these things, then they would likely still be in power now, but they didn't because they were all corrupt to the core.

So your comment has no base.

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how difficult is it, to check the wealth of those before office and after... salary x months + eventual bonus... if they have built houses , bought cars, with money they could not have earned properly with their civil servant job = ...

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jonclark post # 3

Just wonder what the 'outcry' of moral indignation would have been had PTP tried the same stunt?

They did, it was called an ''Amnesty Bill.'' alt=whistling.gif>

I am nearly convinced some one has been getting info from TVF from the comments re posts.

near all we have answered regarding wrongs of PTP are coming to fruition, is this coincidence ???

Or is it that we understand more than this minority on TVF--"Clocks-example etc.,

Read this 3 times and still don't know what the hell it says...

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how difficult is it, to check the wealth of those before office and after... salary x months + eventual bonus... if they have built houses , bought cars, with money they could not have earned properly with their civil servant job = ...

It would seem to be the obvious thing to do, wouldn't it? Maybe it's in the works, I hope so. The thought of Chalerm and Tarit having to explain their wealth make me warm and fuzzy.

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June 12 news on PBS
A former Democrat MP today submitted a letter to the National Council for Peace and Order to investigate into all the procurement projects undertaken by former secretary-general of of the House of Representatives Mr Suvichak Narkwatcharachai.

Mr Vilas Chanpitak, former advisory chairman of the House Anti-Corruption Committee, said that he wanted the NCPO to investigate all the spending endorsed by Mr Suvichak as well as the procurement deals several of which appear to be highly overpriced.

He cited the GPS-equipped digital wall clocks for the parliament which costs 70,000 baht each while the market price is said to be 18,000 baht at most and the water coolers which costs the parliament 70,000 baht each.

Mr Suvichak was ordered removed Wednesday by the NCPO.

The Democrat also cited free package overseas tours for parliamentary officials organized by Mr Suvichak and the appointment of several of his cronies to sit in various parliamentary committees so they could claim allowance fees.

He asked the NCPO to focus on spendings from the leftover budget amounting to about 400 million baht after the dissolution of the parliament last December.


Edited by Cosmoguy
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I was sort of hoping that Prayuth who seems to be cleaning house, would do away with

the bizarre inactive post. If you have committed something wrong while holding public

office, you are simple stripped of your position. This also sends a message to other

public office holders to be more careful. The inactive post position seems a bit wimpy,

as in yeah we know you did wrong, but we are not really going to punish you. Well except

for the obvious outcome of your snout being removed from the feeding trough......

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how difficult is it, to check the wealth of those before office and after... salary x months + eventual bonus... if they have built houses , bought cars, with money they could not have earned properly with their civil servant job = ...

It would seem to be the obvious thing to do, wouldn't it? Maybe it's in the works, I hope so. The thought of Chalerm and Tarit having to explain their wealth make me warm and fuzzy.

Me too !!!! Chalerm was the poster boy for what was wrong with Thai government. We are not hearing a whole lot of news about him. Maybe Prayuth is saving the best for last, and is letting Chalerm sweat a bit before dropping the hammer on him. I have no direct proof, but I suspect that Chalerm would not fare well with a full investigative background check into his finances....

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Me too !!!! Chalerm was the poster boy for what was wrong with Thai government. We are not hearing a whole lot of news about him. Maybe Prayuth is saving the best for last, and is letting Chalerm sweat a bit before dropping the hammer on him. I have no direct proof, but I suspect that Chalerm would not fare well with a full investigative background check into his finances....

The Democrat party’s former MP for Bangkok Boonyod Suktinthai today questioned the spending by the Center for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO) of over 10 billion baht in just 33 days for keeping peace and order in the capital.

He demanded answer from the CMPO head Chalerm Yoobamrung after the Bureau of Budget reported that it has 70 billion baht reserve as central fund and 10 billion baht has been sought and spent by CMPO as per diems for the police.

This meant that since the establishment of the CMPO until now, or 33 days the center has spent up 10 billion baht for peace and order task or 300 million baht a day.

He then questioned the CMPO and wanted clarification as a daily per diem for a police is 700 baht and after deduction of 300 baht for food, each police will receive 400 baht/day as per diem.

He said a total of 25,000 police were mobilized to keep peace and order in the capital and it was impossible the spending could go up so high as 10 billion baht in 33 days.


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The purchase of 200 clocks for 62,000 baht each? If this level of detail is available, why is there never any transparency and oversight in Thailand? Is the army ensuring that checks and balances are in place from now on in Thailand? Maybe the Thai army can implement their excellent spending checks and balances methodology for all those billions and billions of US dollars for 60 years that flowed in to the coffers of the Thai army, courtesy of the US taxpayer.


come up to present time

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