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Dissolve Democrats, Ruangkrai urges EC

Lite Beer

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"He asked the EC to investigate and dissolve the party, alleging that Democrats' comments ahead of the February 2 election might have affected Pheu Thai Party's popularity"

Erm, yes. That's what politics is all about.

Errr,,, not sure if I am right here ,,,, But there was NO election on Feb 2nd . .... This man Ruangkrai is a raving looney... suicide is painless....... whistling.gif

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Later that day - NCPO summons Pheu Thai Party member and former senator Ruangkrai Leekitwattana in for an ass whuppin'

I'll think you'll find the euphemism is "attitude adjustment".

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I would tend to agree the Democrats should be disolved. But so should the PTP and pretty much ALL Thai political parties. And then ban all the politicians of those parties for life from ever holding any elected position again or even any involvement in politics in any form whosoever.

Thailand needs a clean start.

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"Democrats' comments ahead of the February 2 election might have affected Pheu Thai Party's popularity. Such conduct is prohibited under the election law."

LOL. Time for Mr Ruangkrai to report to the army auditorium in Thewes I think.

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I just have to think that this has been totally misrepresented by the time it got past the sub editors. Surely someone is having a laugh? Democrat statements made Pheu' Thai lose popularity?

Either that or the man needs help

I think he is beyond help

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Why even bother as the Dem will split into 3 factions. Suthep, Alongkorn and Ahbisit will break off with their supporters while other disgruntled MPs will either join other parties or contest as independent. The Dem Party unlikely to survive as a party intact by next election.

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This guy needs to get out more. A total idiot just looking for his 15 mins of fame

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A 15 minutes of fame that could end up as 2 years.

I am seeing a proper peaceful Thailand for the first time in my stay in this country (5 years) and I like it. A Thailand without silly bitchy and childish cat fighting among politicians that just end up holding the country back time and again on so many different levels.

A Thailand that was being split by politicians telling their supporters that the other side is trying to destroy them etc... Basically breeding hatred between the people in an attempt to get their people out on the streets to protest and die 'on THEIR' behalf while they sit nice and safe in their ivory towers.

It is now peaceful, the people seem a lot happier and this prick comes along and starts instigating the crap again. He is just a shi7 stirrer.

Lock him up and strip him of all political rights for life.

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A comment from one party might effect the popularity of another party? Well we can't have that, can we! They'll be having debates next. biggrin.png

But it's good to see unintentional humour in Thai politics is not completely a thing of the past. Now that Chalerm and Plopadop are no longer around we've been starved of the morning giggle on TV for too long.

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Why even bother as the Dem will split into 3 factions. Suthep, Alongkorn and Ahbisit will break off with their supporters while other disgruntled MPs will either join other parties or contest as independent. The Dem Party unlikely to survive as a party intact by next election.

Some evidence, please. Or are you merely gazing into a crystal ball?

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I thought there were no more political parties. I'm not impressed with any of them anyway. Ban them all for life, bring in some 10 year olds that can play nice. Audit everyone who has held an elected or appointed position with government and prosecute anyone who has unaccounted for assets.

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I just have to think that this has been totally misrepresented by the time it got past the sub editors. Surely someone is having a laugh? Democrat statements made Pheu' Thai lose popularity?

Either that or the man needs help

Nothing to do with trying to rig the Senate, massively corrupt rice scheme, failing to pay the farmers and so on an so on. Which planet is this guy living on?

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I agree, ban ALL the previous parties and ALL their executives/candidates/members for life . . . let's start afresh with some new blood smile.png

Wish we could do that in the USA. It would be nice to have a fresh start. In fact that might work around the world. Think what it would be like to have all new people in government around the world and new dialogue about everything. One can only wish.

John Lenon's "Imagine". I agree someone needs to "Flush the toilet in USA", long over due !!


and Russia and China!!

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I find the situation in Thailand fascinating - they are proving that there are sometimes better options than peoples interpretations of democracy - he West doesn't like this - it works by convincing people of how free they are and how much they have and how its their world because they vote for it!!. That is the ~Wests interpretation of democracy - Thailand is proving that a paternal autocracy CAN be a better solution. That is a dangerous situation potentially because ~SOME don't want it to succeed!!

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I find the situation in Thailand fascinating - they are proving that there are sometimes better options than peoples interpretations of democracy - he West doesn't like this - it works by convincing people of how free they are and how much they have and how its their world because they vote for it!!. That is the ~Wests interpretation of democracy - Thailand is proving that a paternal autocracy CAN be a better solution. That is a dangerous situation potentially because ~SOME don't want it to succeed!!

Reuters recently reported that some Chinese commentators are running a similar argument:


"China's top newspaper on Monday warned against aping Western-style democracy, pointing to Thailand as an example of the kind of chaos the system can bring."

The stakes are high in terms of wider regional trends, and my view is that the West won't forget that the Thai military wouldn't listen to friendly advice. If Thailand wants to turn east then good luck. As for the usual suspects - perhaps start learning Mandarin?

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I find the situation in Thailand fascinating - they are proving that there are sometimes better options than peoples interpretations of democracy - he West doesn't like this - it works by convincing people of how free they are and how much they have and how its their world because they vote for it!!. That is the ~Wests interpretation of democracy - Thailand is proving that a paternal autocracy CAN be a better solution. That is a dangerous situation potentially because ~SOME don't want it to succeed!!

It may be too soon to say that an alternative democracy is working in Thailand. Western Democracy is all about financial gain, and has nothing to do with demmocratic principals as we knew them before the twin towers were attacked! Since then democracy has taken a back seat to governments supposed fight against terrorism, and taking any democraitc rights away from citizens in that fight!

Democracy in the west is dead!

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I agree, ban ALL the previous parties and ALL their executives/candidates/members for life . . . let's start afresh with some new blood :)

I suppose you mean the children, good idea Einstein.
Children? What are you talking about?

Only the children left to fill the gap isn't there!

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Typical of why politics is a mess in Thailand.

It's the democrats fault that the Pee-euw Thai Party has lost popularity.

The sad thing about that is that he and his followers, believe it!

All I have to say about that statement is Take two steps back and take a good look at your self before you start pointing fingers at anyone!!!!

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I find the situation in Thailand fascinating - they are proving that there are sometimes better options than peoples interpretations of democracy - he West doesn't like this - it works by convincing people of how free they are and how much they have and how its their world because they vote for it!!. That is the ~Wests interpretation of democracy - Thailand is proving that a paternal autocracy CAN be a better solution. That is a dangerous situation potentially because ~SOME don't want it to succeed!!

It may be too soon to say that an alternative democracy is working in Thailand. Western Democracy is all about financial gain, and has nothing to do with demmocratic principals as we knew them before the twin towers were attacked! Since then democracy has taken a back seat to governments supposed fight against terrorism, and taking any democraitc rights away from citizens in that fight!

Democracy in the west is dead!


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I think General Prayuth should end this sort of behaviour, this PTP member hasn't really come to terms with the situation, you are now a nobody Ruankrai , you do not have any say what so ever, get use to it , for you , it may well be for along time.bah.gif

Isn't this a perfect example of the fantasy world that Thai politicians live in ?

He wants us to know he thinks he is still important some how.

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Why even bother as the Dem will split into 3 factions. Suthep, Alongkorn and Ahbisit will break off with their supporters while other disgruntled MPs will either join other parties or contest as independent. The Dem Party unlikely to survive as a party intact by next election.

Some evidence, please. Or are you merely gazing into a crystal ball?

Eric is one of those who frequently gazes into crystal balls. He tends to see things that most members of the TVF community are surprised to hear anyone has ever seen.

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Why even bother as the Dem will split into 3 factions. Suthep, Alongkorn and Ahbisit will break off with their supporters while other disgruntled MPs will either join other parties or contest as independent. The Dem Party unlikely to survive as a party intact by next election.

Some evidence, please. Or are you merely gazing into a crystal ball?

Eric is one of those who frequently gazes into crystal balls. He tends to see things that most members of the TVF community are surprised to hear anyone has ever seen.

Actually it came from a news clipping not long ago. I will try to find that link and have it posted. If you analyse the current situation and the new found popularity of Suthep and the disagreement he has with some senior leaders of Dem plus the low probability of Dem ever winning an election, reasons enough for him to break away. Look he is one of the biggest financier and his return is meager so why continue throwing money.

Alongkorn is really a no brainer. He is forward looking and pushing for party reform but getting no where. If Suthep break away, he will follow suit.

See, not that hard to crystal ball and I will try to find that link.

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I am so over this tit for tat thing that has plagued Thai politics for years. The courts are clogged up and everyone was suing everyone else. When ever anyone denounced the PTP or offered advice or gave constructive criticism they attacked them. Those days are over. It is in the past. Just get over it and move on.

This would be pay back for the below and if the DEM's didn't say what ever they said he would have found something else to pin on them. It is a vicious baseless hollow attack from a dead political party.

Feb 21st, 2014 - Activist groups today called on the Election Commission (EC) to recommend dissolution of the Pheu Thai party, citing the breaching of the Election Law over exaggeration of the success of the rice pledging scheme by the caretaker prime minister.

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Ruangkrai is right. It must have been the remarks of the Dems. NOT the blatant corruption, the call for counter protests, ignoring the farmers' plight, dividing society, the attempt to absolve a convicted criminal or ignoring all the people that did not vote for PTP.

Bugger the emphatetic bs and lets all send him prozac.

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