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Thai men and their offspring - why do so many not care after a divorce?

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OP I'll try to answer some aspects of your post.

On a personal note my father abandoned my mother as soon as he knew she was pregnant, my mother later found out he was already married with children. I can tell you at the time my mother experienced a great deal of discrimination from family & friends. She had had a very tough time financially for a number of years even though her family were fairly wealthy. Generally, as far as I know, Thai families are not so harsh.

When I met my future wife we visited her family home to meet her immediate family; I've now known them for 18 years. I later found out that three of the kids were supported & loved by my wife's sisters and brothers after the fathers had left their birth mothers and the mother entered a new relationship. None of the three children received financial support from their fathers or mothers. To this day none of the three hold any resentment regarding their past.

All of the three are now functioning, working members of Thai society who, with their husband/wife, lovingly care for their children.

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Thai men are just less susceptible to blackmail.

My former western wife tried it on with me, being a sensible Thai man, I just moved country.

They/we just place "not being a pussy whipped doormat" above "being a dad".

Sounds like a loser attitude, real men take care of their kids.

thats the typical "im a farang, I know better then everyone attitude", and is completely BS

I actually agree with you on the concept, but not on the delivery, referring to "real men" is a cop out

some countries, the men dont do housework, cooking and cleaning, as think long as the father financially supports the kid, then his responsiblities are done,

who are you to say which is better, you could also argue that being blackmailed and badmouthed by the mother is just as toxic and its better for the child to not know the father instead of knowing the father while being poisoned by the mother,

who are you to judge

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To add to some of the more reasoned responses. Curiously there was a BP opinion piece a couple of days ago on the topic of teenage pregnancy. In today's BP there was a letter response from a Thai woman, basically saying that if Thai men actually had to pay for their kids upbringing, condom sales would skyrocket. To me this is the problem, there are no consequences for fathering kids. Have sex, woman pregnant, move on. Now I'm not saying it's just a guy thing, yep, I've known Thai women who drop their kids faster than a pair of dirty underwear, but in general it's men. I'm not justifying some of the excesses of western systems with regard to child support, but equally I could never have imagined not supporting the upbringing of my kids. Not so true of 'most' Thai men I'm sorry to say

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To add to some of the more reasoned responses. Curiously there was a BP opinion piece a couple of days ago on the topic of teenage pregnancy. In today's BP there was a letter response from a Thai woman, basically saying that if Thai men actually had to pay for their kids upbringing, condom sales would skyrocket. To me this is the problem, there are no consequences for fathering kids. Have sex, woman pregnant, move on. Now I'm not saying it's just a guy thing, yep, I've known Thai women who drop their kids faster than a pair of dirty underwear, but in general it's men. I'm not justifying some of the excesses of western systems with regard to child support, but equally I could never have imagined not supporting the upbringing of my kids. Not so true of 'most' Thai men I'm sorry to say

It's only 40bht for a morning after pill from any pharmacy.

That's cheaper than a condom.

So why blame the guy?

Of course,

I know the answer, you've been conditioned by women all your life, to think it's your fault.

So why do they keep telling us, their body, their choice?

It it's their body and their choice, shouldn't it also be their responsibility?

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Thai men are just less susceptible to blackmail.

My former western wife tried it on with me, being a sensible Thai man, I just moved country.

They/we just place "not being a pussy whipped doormat" above "being a dad".

So you just abandoned your child?

Nice, must be really proud of yourself.

I have seen a fair few farangs adopting this attitude in Thailand, they leave their kids to be raised in some shithole up in Issan while they party it up every weekend in Bangkok. Blokes who don't raise their own children are scum, blokes who send a few thousand baht every month to keep the guilt at bay are equally scummy. There's nothing pussy whipped about being a father.

You've never been married then.........?..............coffee1.gif

I am married, what are you on about?


Thai men are just less susceptible to blackmail.

My former western wife tried it on with me, being a sensible Thai man, I just moved country.

They/we just place "not being a pussy whipped doormat" above "being a dad".

So you just abandoned your child?

Nice, must be really proud of yourself.

I have seen a fair few farangs adopting this attitude in Thailand, they leave their kids to be raised in some shithole up in Issan while they party it up every weekend in Bangkok. Blokes who don't raise their own children are scum, blokes who send a few thousand baht every month to keep the guilt at bay are equally scummy. There's nothing pussy whipped about being a father.

You've never been married then.........?..............coffee1.gif

I am married, what are you on about?

OK, ever been married in farangland..?


To add to some of the more reasoned responses. Curiously there was a BP opinion piece a couple of days ago on the topic of teenage pregnancy. In today's BP there was a letter response from a Thai woman, basically saying that if Thai men actually had to pay for their kids upbringing, condom sales would skyrocket. To me this is the problem, there are no consequences for fathering kids. Have sex, woman pregnant, move on. Now I'm not saying it's just a guy thing, yep, I've known Thai women who drop their kids faster than a pair of dirty underwear, but in general it's men. I'm not justifying some of the excesses of western systems with regard to child support, but equally I could never have imagined not supporting the upbringing of my kids. Not so true of 'most' Thai men I'm sorry to say

It's only 40bht for a morning after pill from any pharmacy.

That's cheaper than a condom.

So why blame the guy?

Of course,

I know the answer, you've been conditioned by women all your life, to think it's your fault.

So why do they keep telling us, their body, their choice?

It it's their body and their choice, shouldn't it also be their responsibility?

You got some serious issues dude. Sorry whatever happened with you and your ex, but what I was talking about was basic human responsibilities. As the saying goes, It takes two to tango, and unfortunately only one dance partner gets left holding the baby. If you think walking away from from that is OK, well I'm not going to comment, but no one is blameless, and there is plenty of fault to spread around. But at the end of the day there is a child, who like it or not IS actually blameless

So a nice guy, is nooooooooooo problem, is part to blame.................laugh.png


To add to some of the more reasoned responses. Curiously there was a BP opinion piece a couple of days ago on the topic of teenage pregnancy. In today's BP there was a letter response from a Thai woman, basically saying that if Thai men actually had to pay for their kids upbringing, condom sales would skyrocket. To me this is the problem, there are no consequences for fathering kids. Have sex, woman pregnant, move on. Now I'm not saying it's just a guy thing, yep, I've known Thai women who drop their kids faster than a pair of dirty underwear, but in general it's men. I'm not justifying some of the excesses of western systems with regard to child support, but equally I could never have imagined not supporting the upbringing of my kids. Not so true of 'most' Thai men I'm sorry to say

It's only 40bht for a morning after pill from any pharmacy.

That's cheaper than a condom.

So why blame the guy?

Of course,

I know the answer, you've been conditioned by women all your life, to think it's your fault.

So why do they keep telling us, their body, their choice?

It it's their body and their choice, shouldn't it also be their responsibility?

how much is a pkt of condoms in the great USA,

you should of bought some, instead of sitting here braging how you left your children,, and came running back to thailand,

whats up would the police be after you in the good old USA,,failing to pay for your children against the law there?


Please remove.

Why? Is it not a legitimate observation? How many high profile custody court cases have you read about in Thailand where the father is fighting for custody for visitation rights? I haven't. Why?

I was at Family court this week myself and there were a lot of Thai fathers fighting for custody rights. Maybe not high profile but for sure there were a lot of them.

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The shorter, plump dark lady with two dark skinned kids and a FAT OVERAGE white dad.


Reminds me of a caricature cartoon i once saw. you see an asian looking brown female, 2 brown kids, a fat white guy and they meet the womens ex who greets them by saying (in a bubble) how is your wife and my kids?

Doubt theres any truth to it though.

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Many Thai men that live with a new Thai woman have no interest in the children born to her by the ex husband. Western men might learn a lesson here. American women are notorious for using the slanted US court system to ream the ex husband. As a business manager on Guam, I received letters of threat in incarceration for an employee who's wife had remarried to wealth, and still wanted child payments from the ex husband, 7000 miles away. (He paid).


Responsibility and consequences have a lot to do with it, there is none. There is no legal requirement to look after the baby if you are not married (legally, not an Isaan wedding). In a Thai mans eyes women are inferior, it's what their previous lives dealt out to them in this life. It's Buddha’s will the same as everything else.....

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These kinds of posts...attract bottom feeders...lack any relevance...and are demeaning to posters and readers...



Of course I don't want to generalize as I see many decent Thai men taking care of their kids. Of course, they also tend to be more affluent and upper society as those are the circles I roll in. Except when I ghetto down sometimes and partake in Isaan cuisine. But I would never marry one, unlike so many of the readers here.

Take it easy Mr. whereustay. I am married to an Isaan lady with two kids from a father that didn't run away but my wife got devorced from him.

She is a flawless diamont and so are her two daughters. I'm really greatful to her ex-husband to leave them all for me.

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In Thai society woman are not as important as men and as for a child. It has to do with the law. In western countries there is clear law about child support In Thailand there is little if non to force someone to pay. This is a sad affair but this is the way it is . More to do with laws or lack of laws. And a lot of Thia men ( sorry guys you know who you are) just dont care about their kids when they exit a marriage. Most just move onto the next woman get her pregnant and then do it again.

This is one of the reasons many Thai woman prefer Western Men .

This is a great problem in Thai society and needs to be addresses but I suspect because men run the country not much will be done


Surprised not to see "Bodhisattva CharlieHH" show up, citing this general discussion as an example of "cultural imperialism."

Anyway, whereyoustay, what do you hope to accomplish by dragging out this stereotype, the uncaring Somchai abandoning his errant sperm dribbles without a care, to be raised by old ladies back in the village, while poor Nok has to go grind away at Nana Plaza, waiting for Mister Right/Whitey. Sure, it happens all the time. There's no "answer" for it.

We would have a lot more of this situation in the West if the courts were not so adamant about support enforcement. A lot of guys pay up faithfully because they fear the consequences of not doing so, (garnishment of wages, ruined credit, jail time) not because they love the kids so much.

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What % grow up without a father do you think?......

The kids seem to turn out ok, they just get on with it.

In the west they feel like they are denied/owed something.

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