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How to bring bad cholesterol down?


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After a blood check before I come to Thailand doc says my cholesterol , the more dangerous part is to high!

There are to diffrent. !

Medicine have many side effects!

Another doctor says. He not would do any medication just drink enough water!

Level in blood was around 167 If I remember right!

My wife give me no a special herbal tea bidder and sour, I drink everyday a half litter!

So any other ideas what I can do?

Stop eating fat and sugar?

Iam addicted in milk products

I not drink alcohol!

Everyday I drink around 2 liter milk

And this since over 30 years!

In my home country also the yogurts are very delicious eat every day 3 sometime a half kg in total over 100 a month

In total I spend around 200€ for yoghurt and milk at home

Here I eat less yoghurt coz not good in Thailand , is there something known for milk addiction. !


I cannot stop same a alk man see a Chang !

When I see a chock chai milk a must but them all!

Bit milk here has less fat then in Europe

Is 3,7 Procent here often under one

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You do not give enough information on what you various levels are to be given any advice. Do not stop what you do just cut back on the amounts, moderation in all things seems to work for most people.

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Hello friends!

Have the doctor paper at home

I will send it when I check blood again!

I eat nearly everything what Thai kitchen offers, only the pork I not like !

Proberbly 3 ice creams a week and sometime a snickers could be the reason..

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Iam a diabetic as well and have found that the best thing is

no meat, little alcholol an occasional beer is ok.


Lots of veggies i am a salad man lol

and lipitor.

not sure where you live but I have been seeing a doctor for the past 2 years and getting a monthly check up.

The cost is minimal and it does not take long I get in the hospital at 8 give blood get a coffee, read the post and see the doctor.

This gives me a little peace of mind also allows me to take a look at how i am doing as far as the numbers are concerned.

If I try something different it usually shows up in the numbers.

lipitor has not affected me at all and is not that expensive here.

Hope this helps

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A reading of 167 sounds fine to me! When I trained many years ago, 300 was considered high! Another factor we learned that high cholesterol is often a maker for low thyroid function. Get your thyroid checked. I also think you drink far too much milk!

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Sandman, I have had a heart attack and fear basically drove me to Google out the truth, as it stands at the present time anyway. Read all about it online but the basics that work are firstly NO carbs, cut out rice pasta bread potatoes, this all turns to sugar in your blood, as does fat and of course sugar. Also less calories if your over weight.

daily exercise regime, maybe walk 30-40 min a day, and I dont mean dawdle along with the girlfriend. Try low carb beer, I have 3-4 a day Sanmig, found it the best. my cholesterol crashed down along with my weight.

Look to the Internet my friend and good luck.

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I take Bestatin also... for over 10 years... 40mg... No side effects...

I eat whatever I want...

Never eat oatmeal...

Eat as many Snickers bars as I want...

No need to live a watered down life...

My cholesterol has been fine... coffee1.gif

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I come from a family of Doctors one small piece of dark chocolate 85 to 99% cocoa and hand full of wall nuts believe it or not will bring it down also Beststin 40 mg I have been taking for yrs walking30 mins a day after a short time you should see it go down

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I come from a family of Doctors one small piece of dark chocolate 85 to 99% cocoa and hand full of wall nuts believe it or not will bring it down also Beststin 40 mg I have been taking for yrs walking30 mins a day after a short time you should see it go down

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I come from a family of Doctors one small piece of dark chocolate 85 to 99% cocoa and hand full of wall nuts believe it or not will bring it down also Beststin 40 mg I have been taking for yrs walking30 mins a day after a short time you should see it go down

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2010 I experienced 90% blockage in the heart and died; I was resusitated and admitted to Intensive care. Doctors wanted to insert stent - I refused. Doctors prescribed pile of meds with statins which i used for only 120 days, then started vegetarian diet. My first diet was not well enough planned so my lipids went back up. Then, I adapted Dr. Esselstyn's diet of no meat, no dairy, no OIL, and more. That diet reduced my CHL, LDL, Triglicerides, and VLDL by more than the hospital did with all its powerful medicines and the dangerous side effects. I now swim 1 to 2 km daily and adhere to a "Vegan plus diet"

Happy tp share the stats but do not know how to post the chart on this reply method.....

Hospital improvements: CHL down 111 points, LDL down 59 points, Triglicerides down 237 points

Diet improvements: CHL down 154 points, LDL down 11 points, Triglicerides down 111 points

Remember, doctors make money on medications and surgery..... no profit for them in changing your diet.

Good luck.....

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Big Pharma is using the cholesterol scare to try and wean us all on to a lifetime's use of statins, cholestgerol reducing drugs which can do more harm than good - like INCREASING your chances of a heart attack. I agree with an earlier poster who said you need to do more research. Here's a link you should find helpful:


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I am a medical doctor with the same problem as u.

As u complain about side effect if statin, u are intolerant to them, about 3% people are fully intolerant! as I.

I can keep my LDL at 100 doing the following.

1. Avoid all fat from meat source. This means avoid to eat beef, pig. Chicken, duck, turkey are ok, but NOT THEIR SKIN.

2. Eat as much as possible of fish, but less shrimp , crab as rich in Uric acid. No ham, sausage, ...

3. Avoid palm oil, which is highly saturated, as well as coconut. Use corn, soya, or other poly non saturated oil.

4. Eat as much of food which lower bad cholesterol : eat bruin red complete rice, avocado, nut such as walnut, etc, .. But not fried salted peanut.

5. Eat as much as salad and Fresh vegetable, but not fried in oil. No French fried. Eat a LOT OF FRUIT.

6. Use skim milk and not UHT milk and low fat 0% fat yoghurt. No cheese, except low fat, no ice cream, except sorbet.

7. Use Omega 3 to lower u triglyceride, mine is at 50!!

9. Drink one glass of red wine daily, drink a lot of "green tea" and nut. Dark chocolate with contain cocoa at 85% is good.

10. EXERCICE daily, a good way is to drive bicycle. Or swim daily. Ir protect u knees!,

Such diet is difficult if u eat outside, but if u have a regular restaurant u can provide it with complete rice ( it take more time to cook it) and bring u own corn oil.

Well, this is a good start.

I can guaranty it work.

When I have guess stay in my place one month, they lost easily 8 kilo in one month!,

Good luck.

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