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Small Review

Touch Shape and Fitness Center info, prices, photos check it out

Nice review. Tells me enough to know it's not for me, but the opening hours do look nice.

ah yeah i forgot to add that, one thing i liked was it closes at 1am as well, must add that, thought it says 12am on the price list, but the staff told me it was 1am will investigate that



There's a mnth old gym on rt 3029 between rt 107 and rt 1001 (that's city hall and rimping/Rumchok). Think it's called Mini Gym but it's not small nor huge but real nice. Not all the equipment but enough for me to get the lifting workout I need. 24,000 bht/ yr with towels, water, locker, steam room and after workout area with free drinks, daily newspapers, that kind of thing. As it's much closer for me then going into the city and my Harris membership is up and theyvonly allow a one month hold yearly I'm going to give it a one month trail before I leave anyway for the school holidays. Will report on how it goes.


There's a mnth old gym on rt 3029 between rt 107 and rt 1001 (that's city hall and rimping/Rumchok). Think it's called Mini Gym but it's not small nor huge but real nice. Not all the equipment but enough for me to get the lifting workout I need. 24,000 bht/ yr with towels, water, locker, steam room and after workout area with free drinks, daily newspapers, that kind of thing. As it's much closer for me then going into the city and my Harris membership is up and theyvonly allow a one month hold yearly I'm going to give it a one month trail before I leave anyway for the school holidays. Will report on how it goes.

That's not price competitive based on the alternatives.


Perhaps but price is only one factor but then again maybe not as it might be competitively priced when I look at the big picture for myself. It saves me at least 20 min of driving each way (but realistically less as I go and do my grocery shopping at Rimping/Rumcho anyway) but say I don't (and don't go to the city for other things some days) that is 40 min driving each time x 3x a week x 52 weeks = 100+ hrs of driving time saved of my personal time and gas for my large van per year. Also I often buy the BKK Post so another 30 bht/ea. time. Also at Harris I have to pay 3000 bht a yr for the time I'm away as their hold policy is only good for 1 month a yr and I'm away for at least 3 months. But there are other factors including ease of parking (Harris you pay at the booth, stamp on the 6th fl, get refund on the 1st fl and give ticket at booth on way out and FT I can't get my tall vehicle in the garage), nice coffee shop with restaurant coming at Mini Gym (I'll try to get link and post), attitude of staff and customers (haven't given MG enough of a trail yet) etc etc so it's really comparing many different things some which can't be as they both don't both offer exactly the same thing. But I agree it's not one of the cheaper ones but with a assigned keyed locker I can leave my stuff there and other things I like such as it's new, has few other customers etc which for now it has, it's attractive for me especially as I can cycle there. I am not involved with this buisness nor am I even recommending it or not or even reviewing it but this is just a response to the reply to my first post. I was just posting my new find and as promised will give a full account after my trail month. As I have previously suggested on other threads about gyms I feel it is necessary for each individual to go and see and have a work out at a gym before a long term commitment as we all have our own unique requirements.


Could some one give me detailed directions to Go Gym as I haven't been able to spot it driving around the area it's been posted it's in (they haven't responded to my English FB message)

Also anyone know if Crossfit has a gym one can pay to use (they also don't respond to FB message)

note to businesses: social media is a great tool esp. if you already have an account up and running but if you ignore inquires then your not using it to the best of your advantage. Facebook is free and potential customers are you future, stop playing candy crush and spend 2 min a day to keep current on your livelihood (but then again what do I know I'm just some old fogey who retired in his 30's from hard work in his own businesses guitar.gif.pagespeed.ce.Rjd-vqhNlw.gif (preaching to the deaf choir) )


Perhaps but price is only one factor but then again maybe not as it might be competitively priced when I look at the big picture for myself. It saves me at least 20 min of driving each way (but realistically less as I go and do my grocery shopping at Rimping/Rumcho anyway) but say I don't (and don't go to the city for other things some days) that is 40 min driving each time x 3x a week x 52 weeks = 100+ hrs of driving time saved of my personal time and gas for my large van per year. Also I often buy the BKK Post so another 30 bht/ea. time. Also at Harris I have to pay 3000 bht a yr for the time I'm away as their hold policy is only good for 1 month a yr and I'm away for at least 3 months. But there are other factors including ease of parking (Harris you pay at the booth, stamp on the 6th fl, get refund on the 1st fl and give ticket at booth on way out and FT I can't get my tall vehicle in the garage), nice coffee shop with restaurant coming at Mini Gym (I'll try to get link and post), attitude of staff and customers (haven't given MG enough of a trail yet) etc etc so it's really comparing many different things some which can't be as they both don't both offer exactly the same thing. But I agree it's not one of the cheaper ones but with a assigned keyed locker I can leave my stuff there and other things I like such as it's new, has few other customers etc which for now it has, it's attractive for me especially as I can cycle there. I am not involved with this buisness nor am I even recommending it or not or even reviewing it but this is just a response to the reply to my first post. I was just posting my new find and as promised will give a full account after my trail month. As I have previously suggested on other threads about gyms I feel it is necessary for each individual to go and see and have a work out at a gym before a long term commitment as we all have our own unique requirements.

I agree that price is not the only consideration. But I did find that paying 25k a year for gym membership at the Shangri la was actually an incentive to make me go exercise whereas paying 8k a year at Holiday Inn was not.

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Could some one give me detailed directions to Go Gym as I haven't been able to spot it driving around the area it's been posted it's in (they haven't responded to my English FB message)

Also anyone know if Crossfit has a gym one can pay to use (they also don't respond to FB message)

note to businesses: social media is a great tool esp. if you already have an account up and running but if you ignore inquires then your not using it to the best of your advantage. Facebook is free and potential customers are you future, stop playing candy crush and spend 2 min a day to keep current on your livelihood (but then again what do I know I'm just some old fogey who retired in his 30's from hard work in his own businesses guitar.gif.pagespeed.ce.Rjd-vqhNlw.gif (preaching to the deaf choir) )

When I searched for Go Gym on Facebook a detailed Google Map showed up on their page. EDIT: I THINK IT IS BING MAPS

Just wondering if you sent any messages in Thai language. I wonder because in my experience English email, SMS, etc. does not normally get answered. Thai language seems to have a better response - not that I personally can send the message in Thai effectively.

Also, it could be that the map is incorrect or they have moved.


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Agreed and why I mentioned I sent in English but Crossfit is a falang establishment (American I believe) os they should be to handle it.

I did look at the ma of FB for GoGym but only China came up but now it shows this:


which is no where near Maya and is actually much closer to Mini Gym that I've been discussing (or am I totally wrong and this is the location??).

And since I've been on a off-topic mini-rant about FB today why the f*#@ do they use Bing maps?? Maybe in the USA and other Western places it works better but for here it's s*$% !! I guess there is some reason like Googlemaps is connected to another site or whatever but then they should have whatever they use in proper working order.


Since we are alrady off topic:

"near" is a relative term. I don't know what you are referring to when you say "no where near Maya..." If someone is comparing "nearer" Maya than Siam Paragon, it would be correct in that context.

I know someone affiliated with Go Gym, and that person is not one that would be UNhelpful, although his English language skills are not that good either.

Many times, and not necessarily in this case, Thai businesses, even though they may be somehow connected to an English language company, do not really care to have Westerners or English speaking clients for a variety of reasons.


I asked my friend..... he answered me on a social network in 1 minute... the location is Kuang Sing intersection.

I asked in English, he answered in English.

  • Like 1

How did you ask him on social network, by message him cell to cell? Is this revelent to my situation? Are you questioning my clear and concise statement of my attempt to communicate with them?

I gave a link to a Bing map of where it was placed AND mentioned where it was which is near San Sai. To me this is not near 1 km from Maya.

You say that many Thai companies don't give a care to have Western or for that matter English speaking clientele, which might be true but goes against your claim the your friend "is not one that would be UNhelpfu" and you talk about relative terms, well what about being vague! But at least we agree that their buisness practices are not in their best interest if they are looking to maximise profits, a basic successful business model.

Sure didn't take long after a long break from TV to hate it again!

p.s. Your friend still hasn't replied!


I wasn't questioning anything you said. I was telling you what I did.

My claim about my friend does not mean their company is one that doesn't care to have English speaking/Westerners. I believe I included , "not necessarily in this case"...

My friend may not be the one that would reply, I don't know. You are just assuming too much.. Maybe someone else will help you.

If you don't want help you shouldn't post a question for help on TV... I was trying to give you answers to your questions.. Sorry.

You do not need to reply.


Typical, yak yak yak and then "I get the final word" without addressing all the responses to your comments.

Feel free to respond as this is an open public forum which not only allows for such but also is actually based on it.

Have a good work out


Typical, yak yak yak and then "I get the final word" without addressing all the responses to your comments.

Feel free to respond as this is an open public forum which not only allows for such but also is actually based on it.

Have a good work out

You are welcome to come to our workouts at CMU, Student Union Building, Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Typical, yak yak yak and then "I get the final word" without addressing all the responses to your comments.

Feel free to respond as this is an open public forum which not only allows for such but also is actually based on it.

Have a good work out

You are welcome to come to our workouts at CMU, Student Union Building, Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Can you give more info on the CMU gym?... What kind of machines/weights do they have... Pricing... And exact location?... Thanks...


I cannot give you information on the anything in the gymnasium. There have been threads before you could search for.

We have a Japanese karate group where I mentioned (Student Union Building). We workout right next to the Aikido workouts.


How did you ask him on social network, by message him cell to cell? Is this revelent to my situation? Are you questioning my clear and concise statement of my attempt to communicate with them?

I gave a link to a Bing map of where it was placed AND mentioned where it was which is near San Sai. To me this is not near 1 km from Maya.

You say that many Thai companies don't give a care to have Western or for that matter English speaking clientele, which might be true but goes against your claim the your friend "is not one that would be UNhelpfu" and you talk about relative terms, well what about being vague! But at least we agree that their buisness practices are not in their best interest if they are looking to maximise profits, a basic successful business model.

Sure didn't take long after a long break from TV to hate it again!

p.s. Your friend still hasn't replied!

Have you ever tried using a business facebook page before? The interface isn't very good for letting you know you have a new message. 1, they probably rarely check the facebook page, maybe just update pictures every now. 2. And when they do update pictures they probably didn't even notice they had a message. 3. im sure they don't care about your business, there's always atleast 20 people in that gym...even during times where a gym would noramlly be slow.

Go gym is less than 1 km from Maya. If you go up the road from North Gate until you hit the super highway, take a left at the lights, drive like 300 meters, theres a bunch of small bars on the left, right after those turn left into the parking lot, go gym is back there beside the coffee shop and car wash place. You can't see it from the street and theres no sign. There's an LPG sign.

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Thanks for the lead, as much as I love giving my business to someone who does appreciate it (thumbsup.gif ) I will check it out, but it sounds like they might be prejudice and I won't pay for that abuse! (I'm not saying that they are as I never meet them or heard for a fact that they have acted in such a manner but from the previous posts it sounds like a possibility but I hope not and will go in wiht an open mind). But you say they don't care, don't check and don't notice, great! Can't wait to see what else there is and if they do actually do anything "helpful".

I have use FB buisness pages often as a customer and seems to be fine if they care they check their messages and comments and post regularly to keep interest up.

I have a private group FB page (no one can post only comment) and have just finished a business page, only waiting for me to finish the logo, but that has not been made publicly known so I havent yet experienced it from that end.

Could you please explain as little as I know about the city it would seem to me that from North gate towards Maya and you turned left you would be on Niman, am I again totally lost? What road from North Gate? The North Gate or perhaps something called North Gate?? Sorry easily confused sad.png


Thanks for the lead, as much as I love giving my business to someone who does appreciate it (thumbsup.gif ) I will check it out, but it sounds like they might be prejudice and I won't pay for that abuse! (I'm not saying that they are as I never meet them or heard for a fact that they have acted in such a manner but from the previous posts it sounds like a possibility but I hope not and will go in wiht an open mind). But you say they don't care, don't check and don't notice, great! Can't wait to see what else there is and if they do actually do anything "helpful".

I have use FB buisness pages often as a customer and seems to be fine if they care they check their messages and comments and post regularly to keep interest up.

I have a private group FB page (no one can post only comment) and have just finished a business page, only waiting for me to finish the logo, but that has not been made publicly known so I havent yet experienced it from that end.

Could you please explain as little as I know about the city it would seem to me that from North gate towards Maya and you turned left you would be on Niman, am I again totally lost? What road from North Gate? The North Gate or perhaps something called North Gate?? Sorry easily confused sad.png

I don't know if they are prejudice or not, but everyone is friendly to me. Also i've been living in thailand awhile, i'm used to "thai" service standards and don't expect much more than barely the bare minimum.

if you want to go from Maya, go down the super highway, away from nimman. Go past the first intersection and Go all the way until you hit the next big intersection, i'm not sure what that road is called but it's the one that connects to North Gate (Chiang Pheuk gate). Then U turn and go back down the super highway back towards maya and it will be on your left about 300 - 400 meters down the road. again you can't see it from the road, you gotta drive into the parking lot and its on the right.

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Great to hear as that sounds they are not! (I'm just wary when ppl say that a place doesn't care if they have falang customers which can as they rather not or begrudglingly will take my money). Most people aren't but sometimes, like everywhere including my home town, some are.

Sounds like it's over by Crossfit, think that the u turn is rt 107 (Mae Rim rd) which is Chang Pueak there. I'll find it now, thanks for the extra effort!

As for Mini Gym I just got back. If you are bored of my rants please stop reading now. Went to the on-site coffee shop and ordered an americano, over 90 bht for middle of the road coffee served in a cold drink cup so the wax melted into my drink. Mind you this is in the middle of nowhere on a big road, not a scenic place or anything. Nice staff so I said this is Ille prices and they told me they use to have Ille but there as a problem (the place is only a month old) and so they have just regular quality beans but still charging high end prices! They then gave me a sliver cocktail stirrer with a crystal top which is for drinks with ice and it didn't work well and they said the owner keeps buying things they think look cool! (maybe stop buying nonsense and charge a fair price)

So I took my quickly degrading coffee to the gym and asked for a one day pass since I'm going away soon and the annual membership (24,000 bht) which can only be put on hold once and I go way for the whole summer too so didn't want to use it up the hold now.

The price for one day is 1000 bht!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My eyes said and I just stood there. Another very nice employee, the manager who spoke English well, explained that the owner wants it to be the best hence the high price. I mentioned that they didn't even have a regular flat bench, incline bench, easy curl bar for cable or free weights etc so it really isn't the best gym as they don't have the full line of equipment that most gyms do. I can only imagine if I worked out what else I would have found missing.

So with 15 employees staring at me, I, the only potential customer and with no paying customers there, I politely told them I am not interested in paying 1100 bht for 1 hr workout and a lousy coffee. Maybe they don't care if they have ANY customers, good luck to them.

Off to check out a few more this week and will report back.

p.s. I understand the whole Hi-So thing, the marketing aspect that ppl feel there getting more if they pay more, other's can't afford to join exclusitivity, snob appeal and and the often found here form over function preference. But I'm writing from my perspective.

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  • 1 month later...
JaideeJing76, on 20 Jun 2014 - 00:06, said:

Powerhouse is so over priced it makes my hair fall out thinking of it!

Totally agree.

Just been there after reading some good reviews around the internet, as I walked in I was proposed a shocking 6,500 baht for 3 months. The ambient was sloppy since the beginning, including the personnel, whose only one was English speaking. Not that I care much, but hey, it was more than 2,000 per month. Rooms were small. Poor lightening. Facilities were totally inadequate for that range of price and looked old and dirty. I wouldn't pay half of that price in Europe to get that. I really wouldn't. The dressing room was squalid, no maintenance at all from long, long time. The price was just indecent, I almost got nervous.

When I said I wasn't interested at all, thank you and bye, I was insistently (though 'kindly') asked to fill a form with my personal data, not sure for what reason on earth. But of course not!

Anyone know about the fees at Go Gym? I am looking for a fair 1,000-1,200 p/m which gives me lot of free weights, squat bench press lat machine and a decent dressing/shower room. Possibly around CMU area.

sfokevin, on 15 Sept 2014 - 09:45, said:Can you give more info on the CMU gym?... What kind of machines/weights do they have... Pricing... And exact location?... Thanks...

For the free weights and basic machines, they have it all, but on the other side everything is very old, it is often quite crowded and damn super hot (no air con, no fans).

No tapis roulants, threadmills and stuff like that.

Value for money is ok though.


Centara Hotel (opposite Le Meridien, Night Bazar) has a promotion "GROUP OF 5 PERSONS, PAY ONLY 4"!

Anybody interested in that? I paid for 1 month now to check the place out and have to say I really like it. Visited plenty of other gyms and this is the best I've found in terms of price-performance! What I like about Centara:

+ Plenty of machines

+ Machines mostly in good condition, good brands and some of them brand new/none very old

+ Relaxing pool for free

+ Free towels (big + small), showers are ok and with soap/shampoo

+ Nice and relaxed atmosphere (no loud music, everything very clean etc.)

+ Free water, sometimes fruits

+ Jacuzzi, sauna (I dunno for what, but they have it)

Me and my gf (?) will sign up end of Nov/beginning of Dec. 12,000 Baht per person, so if we gather 5 persons it will be reduced to 9,600 Baht per head. Let me know if anyone wants to join. For 9,600 Baht this place is stunning!



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I been to three different gym here that people call "the gay gym". IMHO I seems to me that gay men care and take care of thier appreance don't they often frequent gyms. I'd rather work out in a gym with gay men then macho muscle heads who have no gym ediquitte or manners. I made a friend with a man who happened to be gay at the gym and he was a Thai military officer. He asked me to please not mention it as there is still a stigma attached to homosexuality in the army here, too bad it seems to also be present on TV as well.


Centara Hotel (opposite Le Meridien, Night Bazar) has a promotion "GROUP OF 5 PERSONS, PAY ONLY 4"!

Anybody interested in that? I paid for 1 month now to check the place out and have to say I really like it. Visited plenty of other gyms and this is the best I've found in terms of price-performance! What I like about Centara:

+ Plenty of machines

+ Machines mostly in good condition, good brands and some of them brand new/none very old

+ Relaxing pool for free

+ Free towels (big + small), showers are ok and with soap/shampoo

+ Nice and relaxed atmosphere (no loud music, everything very clean etc.)

+ Free water, sometimes fruits

+ Jacuzzi, sauna (I dunno for what, but they have it)

Me and my gf (?) will sign up end of Nov/beginning of Dec. 12,000 Baht per person, so if we gather 5 persons it will be reduced to 9,600 Baht per head. Let me know if anyone wants to join. For 9,600 Baht this place is stunning!



They do not have a squat rack. It is a known gay hangout.

Times certainly change? I belonged for several years. Never got the gay feeling there. Quite the opposite the muscle heads on staff were useless for any thing but talking to the chicks. Also the electronic equipment was for the most part in poor condition and I saw no effort to improve it.


Not particularly interested in if it is gay or not. Does any one know a gym with proper upkeep of their equipment and catering to all not just people who want to lift weights. People also interested in cardio and in some cases like me a few floor exercises.

While I am on about the weight lifters. Does any one have personal knowledge of in later years the people doing the weight lifting with squats. Just wondering how their knees are in later years.


They do not have a squat rack. It is a known gay hangout.

1) They do have.

2) I didn't recognize yet, focusing more on myself, sometimes on the girls. But even if it would be a gay hangout: I don't mind, I'm not homophic.




Centara Hotel (opposite Le Meridien, Night Bazar) has a promotion "GROUP OF 5 PERSONS, PAY ONLY 4"!

Anybody interested in that? I paid for 1 month now to check the place out and have to say I really like it. Visited plenty of other gyms and this is the best I've found in terms of price-performance! What I like about Centara:

+ Plenty of machines

+ Machines mostly in good condition, good brands and some of them brand new/none very old

+ Relaxing pool for free

+ Free towels (big + small), showers are ok and with soap/shampoo

+ Nice and relaxed atmosphere (no loud music, everything very clean etc.)

+ Free water, sometimes fruits

+ Jacuzzi, sauna (I dunno for what, but they have it)

Me and my gf (?) will sign up end of Nov/beginning of Dec. 12,000 Baht per person, so if we gather 5 persons it will be reduced to 9,600 Baht per head. Let me know if anyone wants to join. For 9,600 Baht this place is stunning!



They do not have a squat rack. It is a known gay hangout.

Times certainly change? I belonged for several years. Never got the gay feeling there. Quite the opposite the muscle heads on staff were useless for any thing but talking to the chicks. Also the electronic equipment was for the most part in poor condition and I saw no effort to improve it.


Not particularly interested in if it is gay or not. Does any one know a gym with proper upkeep of their equipment and catering to all not just people who want to lift weights. People also interested in cardio and in some cases like me a few floor exercises.

While I am on about the weight lifters. Does any one have personal knowledge of in later years the people doing the weight lifting with squats. Just wondering how their knees are in later years.

I found this to enlightening: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/rippetoe_throws_down

Proper form coupled with knee wraps and - for the lower back - a good belt, will take harmful stress from the knees and lower back.

Just my personal opinion but I don't believe in exercises that require special equipment to protect you from harm unless you are already damaged in that area. My objective in a gym is to get and maintain a decent physical condition. Not create what for me would be an artificial one.

But I would still be interested in a gym for people like me that maintains their equipment properly.

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