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First execution carried out in US since botched lethal injection


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What do your 'civiised / civilzed' countries do with child murderers? Teach them that killing is bad manners? Help them overcome their fixation with guns?

Maybe you holier-than-thou types should stick to teaching grammar.

We certainly don't treat them like they do in the US. When it comes to killing and execution , Americans are no better than the Islamists they would try to "educate"

Yeah, no better than the Islamist beheading innocent people in the streets, mass executions of innocent peoe in the streets, slaughteing a bus load of 48 individuals that could not answer certaint questions about Islam, stoning and beating innocent women with impunity and intentionally targeting and blowing up or killing innocent women and children.

Then you have these awesome countries that permit the above activities sentencing people to life or death for possession of drugs, but its okay in their country to sexually abuse and exploit children.

Who are the out of control savages or heathens? Those running around in Iraq committing mass beheadings and mass executions in the street. Those targeting and intentionally dropping barrell bombs and chemical weapons in school yards and public markets to kill and maime children and civilians in Syria? How about the gangs that gang rape, torture and leave young women hanging from trees after they are done with them. Cultures that permit jealous losers to throw acid on innocent women to maime and disfigure them. Those attacking, killing and dragging tortured dead American bodies through the streets in Libya. Mass beheadings, people burned alive in barrells, people dismembered alive and mass execution graves of innocent people whose murders are never investigated in Mexico, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Columbia.

US streets are safe and full of good people. I don't even lock my doors at night. I don't walk around in fear or worry about my children being kidnapped or victims of crime. I don't see maniacs running around in the streets commiting beheadings or mass executions in the street.

The majority of crime in the US is by certain races which have an even more pitiful record in other countries where they are not kept in check by a string justice system. School shootings are horrible, but they are so one-off that I worry more about being struck by lightening than that happening to me or my children.

What is civilized? Living in peace, being surrounded by good people with good values, knowing my children are safe and happy, having the opportunity to be anything I want and having the opportunity to own anything I am willing to work for. I see that and live that every day in the US so our justice system is working.

Edited by capcc76
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Coma, the death penalty was sold by politicians as a deterrent and not a punishment.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I understand that. But it is up to an individual as to how they view it. Whether it be deterrent, punishment or plain out sweet justice. Call me vengeful if you like but I quite enjoy seeing child rapist/killers and serial offenders of major crime pay the ultimate price. And it makes the families of victims feel better. In most cases.

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Civiised country? bloodthirsty killers more like !

I do feel pity for Mr.Marcus Wellons....in my country he would have got 20 years max,guaranteed to be let out after 10 years to roam the society again.

Bless those countries who does execute the worst of the worst or lock them in and throw away the key,some criminals are just evil !!

Edited by Yahooka
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All of you Americans on TV should be ashamed of your country. Execution of murderers is something that went out 30 years ago in civilized countries . Add to that your gun carrying fixation from the days of the Wild West and one starts to understand why when you criticize how the rest of the world should behave, no one listens.

That's your opinion based on your view of what is civilized.

The scumbag kidnapped, raped and murdered a 15 year old. The fact he has been allowed to exist since 1989 is questionable.

Where guilt is proven, beyond absolute doubt, then there can be only one punishment for such a foul crime.

Or do you think the offender deserves more care than the innocent victim?

Many people in the UK would vote for a return of capital punishment.

Me included.

I've always admired the tough stance on violent crime in the USA.

People that commit serious crime get real jail terms, not like the crap that goes on in bloody Australia.

Murderer & rapist of a 15 y.o girl > GOOD RIDDANCE !

I have no objections to capital punishment, but I do object to "Humane" methods of capital punishment,

I can't see what is wrong with just taking the guilty party out the back and putting a few bullets in them couple to the heart, couple to the head

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All of you Americans on TV should be ashamed of your country. Execution of murderers is something that went out 30 years ago in civilized countries . Add to that your gun carrying fixation from the days of the Wild West and one starts to understand why when you criticize how the rest of the world should behave, no one listens.

That's your opinion based on your view of what is civilized.

The scumbag kidnapped, raped and murdered a 15 year old. The fact he has been allowed to exist since 1989 is questionable.

Where guilt is proven, beyond absolute doubt, then there can be only one punishment for such a foul crime.

Or do you think the offender deserves more care than the innocent victim?

Many people in the UK would vote for a return of capital punishment.

Me included.

I've always admired the tough stance on violent crime in the USA.

People that commit serious crime get real jail terms, not like the crap that goes on in bloody Australia.

Murderer & rapist of a 15 y.o girl > GOOD RIDDANCE !

I have no objections to capital punishment, but I do object to "Humane" methods of capital punishment,

I can't see what is wrong with just taking the guilty party out the back and putting a few bullets in them couple to the heart, couple to the head

I don't know mate, rape and murder a 15 y.o. girl, any child and you deserve to be strung up by ur goolies and subjected to live skinning as far as I'm concerned. How bout 30cm of barbed wire inserted in and out the eye of his penis every day for a few months.

Would have to be on the mind of any male thinking about committing such a hanious crime.

I agree in though, all torturous deaths should not be prolonged past the six months mark ;).

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All of you Americans on TV should be ashamed of your country. Execution of murderers is something that went out 30 years ago in civilized countries . Add to that your gun carrying fixation from the days of the Wild West and one starts to understand why when you criticize how the rest of the world should behave, no one listens.

2. Execution while legal in America is not legal in every state (I think 32 out of 50 states have the death penalty as well as the Federal Government) and in many states while legal, they tend not to execute. The big three are California, Texas and Florida. Much of America opposes the death penalty if not out some kind of morality because it is expensive. Due to our lengthy appeals process it costs more to sentence someone to death and go through the appeals process than to just lock them up for life. Execution was actually abolished in America in 1972 but reimposed in 1976 (both by the Supreme Court). Our history of execution and guns is actually a holdover from our English roots and our revolution and split from England. The execution process was handed down via English law and due to having a tyrant on the throne in England which we revolted against, the second amendment to the constitution was passed so the people could rise up against any other tyrant who may come to power. Both are outdated, we know that.


The big three are not what you state..... Texas, Oklahoma and Virginia are the big 3. Florida comes in 4th and California makes the 17th position.


Your statement that much of America opposes the death penalty is FALSE. The last Gallup poll I can find showed 60% in favor of the death penalty and 37% opposed.


Your statement about the Supreme Court abolishing the death penalty is false, see Furman vs. Georgia. But to make it brief:

"In a 5-4 decision, the Court's one-paragraph per curiam opinion held that the imposition of the death penalty in these cases constituted cruel and unusual punishment and violated the Constitution.[3]However, the majority could not agree as to a rationale and did not produce a controlling opinion. In fact, none of the five justices constituting the majority joined in the opinion of any other." so "The Court's decision forced states and the US Congress to rethink their statutes for capital offenses to assure that the death penalty would not be administered in a capricious or discriminatory manner.[4]

In the following four years, 37 states enacted new death penalty laws aimed at overcoming the court's concerns about arbitrary imposition of the death penalty. Several statutes mandating bifurcated trials, with separate guilt-innocence and sentencing phases, and imposing standards to guide the discretion of juries and judges in imposing capital sentences, were upheld in a series of Supreme Court decisions in 1976, led by Gregg v. Georgia. Other statutes enacted in response to Furman which mandated imposition of the death penalty upon conviction of a certain crime were struck down in cases of that same year.

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I don't know why they refer to the earlier execution as 'botched'. The guy died and that is what an execution is all about.

It didn't go exactly as planned, but he died and it didn't take so long that anyone had to stay late and collect overtime pay.

The exeution was botched. It was supposed to be as a euthanasia. A vein in the man's arm burst during the injection and the process was halted and he ended up dying of heart failure. Do you really think that you sound astute by posting a trivial semantic wisecrack? Daah!

They all die of heart failure. It's what is the definition used for death...Daah.

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I don't know why they refer to the earlier execution as 'botched'. The guy died and that is what an execution is all about.

It didn't go exactly as planned, but he died and it didn't take so long that anyone had to stay late and collect overtime pay.

The exeution was botched. It was supposed to be as a euthanasia. A vein in the man's arm burst during the injection and the process was halted and he ended up dying of heart failure. Do you really think that you sound astute by posting a trivial semantic wisecrack? Daah!

They all die of heart failure. It's what is the definition used for death...Daah.

They should all die of lead poisoning. It's cheaper and quicker.

(.308 caliber lead.)

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All of you Americans on TV should be ashamed of your country. Execution of murderers is something that went out 30 years ago in civilized countries . Add to that your gun carrying fixation from the days of the Wild West and one starts to understand why when you criticize how the rest of the world should behave, no one listens.

Bite me and have a good day.. coffee1.gif

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All of you Americans on TV should be ashamed of your country. Execution of murderers is something that went out 30 years ago in civilized countries . Add to that your gun carrying fixation from the days of the Wild West and one starts to understand why when you criticize how the rest of the world should behave, no one listens.

That's your opinion based on your view of what is civilized.

The scumbag kidnapped, raped and murdered a 15 year old. The fact he has been allowed to exist since 1989 is questionable.

Where guilt is proven, beyond absolute doubt, then there can be only one punishment for such a foul crime.

Or do you think the offender deserves more care than the innocent victim?

Many people in the UK would vote for a return of capital punishment.

Me included.

I've always admired the tough stance on violent crime in the USA.

People that commit serious crime get real jail terms, not like the crap that goes on in bloody Australia.

Murderer & rapist of a 15 y.o girl > GOOD RIDDANCE !

I have no objections to capital punishment, but I do object to "Humane" methods of capital punishment,

I can't see what is wrong with just taking the guilty party out the back and putting a few bullets in them couple to the heart, couple to the head

Much too civilsed, look at the scum that are held captive in the UKs jails at the taxpayers expense.

Brutal child killers such as Hindley and Brady should have been strung up years ago.

If all you bleeding heart liberals dont have the stomach for it, please step aside, I would sting these bastards up and top them at the drop of a hat, and not lose a moments sleep, nothing more than getting rid of vermin.

If you feel so strongly about it, why not invite these sickos into your house, you pay for their upkeep.

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Civiised country? bloodthirsty killers more like !

What do you suggest for someone who kidnaps, rapes, and kills a young girl--or anyone for that matter? Would you rather put them in jail and let taxpayers take care of the kidnapper/rapist/murder for the rest of their life? Or better yet, send them to counseling and let them out?

I suggest zero tolerance; period.

Especially for anyone who kidnaps, rapes, kills, or even harms a child--they should be put to death.

Anyone who does any of the above to an adult--same same. Bet there would be a lot less physical crime.

Anyone who uses a gun to rob, murder, or even hurt someone, same same, put to death. Accidental shooting--put to death. Because once you put the bullet in the chamber; accident finish. It is premeditated.

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All of you Americans on TV should be ashamed of your country. Execution of murderers is something that went out 30 years ago in civilized countries . Add to that your gun carrying fixation from the days of the Wild West and one starts to understand why when you criticize how the rest of the world should behave, no one listens.

I'm not ashamed. This guy was a piece of scum. I should support this guy the rest of his life with a place to live, food, and medical care. Glad he is gone. There are not enough executions to suit me. If you are so worried about being civilized, maybe you should spend the rest of your life donating your hard earned cash to do good organizations or doing volunteer work to help the starving and afflicted. A civilized society helps the helpless. No need to worry about a rapist and murderer.

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Civiised country? bloodthirsty killers more like !

Yeah well. Until some creep does it to someone that you love it is savage. Did you ever see or read Steven King's "The Green Mile"? Remember the prolonged and agonizing electrocution that occurred because the electric chair head piece did not have a sponge soaked with salt water strapped under it? That would be fine for the bastard who did the girl spoken of in this article.

Yes, I remember "The Green Mile", they killed the wrong guy !

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I don't know why they refer to the earlier execution as 'botched'. The guy died and that is what an execution is all about.

It didn't go exactly as planned, but he died and it didn't take so long that anyone had to stay late and collect overtime pay.

Well I wasn't there either but it was well reported as botched, or at best flawed.

Have you heard the phrase 'cruel and unusual punishment'?

I am perplexed by a strangers need to exact revenge and give suffering to a convicted person.

The victims related directly to his crime, yes I can appreciate. But we have to work under the law.

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He was unconscious

I don't know why they refer to the earlier execution as 'botched'. The guy died and that is what an execution is all about.

It didn't go exactly as planned, but he died and it didn't take so long that anyone had to stay late and collect overtime pay.

Well I wasn't there either but it was well reported as botched, or at best flawed.

Have you heard the phrase 'cruel and unusual punishment'?

I am perplexed by a strangers need to exact revenge and give suffering to a convicted person.

The victims related directly to his crime, yes I can appreciate. But we have to work under the law.

He was unconscious while he was dying and had no idea what was going on. No cruel and unusual punishment there. He raped and murdered two teenage girls and buried one alive. They were the ones that received cruel and unusual punishment and he answered for his vicious crime.

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My only issue with capital punishment for heinous crimes is the possibility of an innocent man being executed.

The argument that it costs more to put some one on death row than life in prision I think is offset by the plea bargining process. I am sure a lot of court time has been saved when an accused is given the choice of trial for their life or a plea bargin for life in prison.

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I don't know why they refer to the earlier execution as 'botched'. The guy died and that is what an execution is all about.

It didn't go exactly as planned, but he died and it didn't take so long that anyone had to stay late and collect overtime pay.

Well I wasn't there either but it was well reported as botched, or at best flawed.

Have you heard the phrase 'cruel and unusual punishment'?

I am perplexed by a strangers need to exact revenge and give suffering to a convicted person.

The victims related directly to his crime, yes I can appreciate. But we have to work under the law.

What is cruel or unusual about it exactly? I am genuinely interested in how you perceive this.

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My only issue with capital punishment for heinous crimes is the possibility of an innocent man being executed.

The argument that it costs more to put some one on death row than life in prision I think is offset by the plea bargining process. I am sure a lot of court time has been saved when an accused is given the choice of trial for their life or a plea bargin for life in prison.

Canman, I am not clear about the point you make in the last sentence.

Could you clarify?

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If you take a life you should give your life. Capitol punishment can deter a killer and it will defiantly deter him from ever killing again. You spinless wimps stand back and let a real man do what needs doing. You liberals do not have enough common sense to protect your daughters, wives and mothers so let a good American conservative do a mans job.

I know a fair number of Conservative Christians who are against the death penalty and the taking of any and all human life. I know a fair number of liberal Democrats who fully support the Death Penalty.

It does not fall along partisan boundaries.

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All of you Americans on TV should be ashamed of your country. Execution of murderers is something that went out 30 years ago in civilized countries . Add to that your gun carrying fixation from the days of the Wild West and one starts to understand why when you criticize how the rest of the world should behave, no one listens.

Would you be from Great Britain? Yes or no, would you consider Great Britain "civilized"?

You are aware that for several years Great Britain has been handing out capital punishment without the benefit of a trial?

Great Britain flies US made stealth drones over Afghanistan and kills people by surprise with high tech missiles. Yes they do. For several years they have.

If it can be done from 50,000 feet, the killer has clean hands I guess. Just don't go sticking needles in anyone or you become uncivilized. ermm.gif.pagespeed.ce.7f2Kr9k8HC.png

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My only issue with capital punishment for heinous crimes is the possibility of an innocent man being executed.

The argument that it costs more to put some one on death row than life in prision I think is offset by the plea bargining process. I am sure a lot of court time has been saved when an accused is given the choice of trial for their life or a plea bargin for life in prison.

Canman, I am not clear about the point you make in the last sentence.

Could you clarify?

When the prosecution has the death penalty on the table they may offer a plea bargain which avoids a lengthy and costly trial. My point is the money saved in court time, public prosecuters and all the rest of the prosecution / defense process involved in a murder trial would more than offset the extra cost of putting people on death row and the appeals process that involves. This as a counterpoint to the premise that having the death sentence on the books is a net extra cost.

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He was unconscious

I don't know why they refer to the earlier execution as 'botched'. The guy died and that is what an execution is all about.

It didn't go exactly as planned, but he died and it didn't take so long that anyone had to stay late and collect overtime pay.

Well I wasn't there either but it was well reported as botched, or at best flawed.

Have you heard the phrase 'cruel and unusual punishment'?

I am perplexed by a strangers need to exact revenge and give suffering to a convicted person.

The victims related directly to his crime, yes I can appreciate. But we have to work under the law.

He was unconscious while he was dying and had no idea what was going on. No cruel and unusual punishment there. He raped and murdered two teenage girls and buried one alive. They were the ones that received cruel and unusual punishment and he answered for his vicious crime.

I saw a report that suggested otherwise.

Unconscious is actually an unspecific term but I was drawn to one definition that suggested an unconscious person would not move unless subjected to deep pain.

His crime was heinous, but to suggest the punishment should be somehow equivalent in suffering as the victims of the crime is ludicrous.

Once sentenced to the death penalty, the actual crime need figure no more. I think they should get on with it more quickly though.

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I don't know why they refer to the earlier execution as 'botched'. The guy died and that is what an execution is all about.

It didn't go exactly as planned, but he died and it didn't take so long that anyone had to stay late and collect overtime pay.

Well I wasn't there either but it was well reported as botched, or at best flawed.

Have you heard the phrase 'cruel and unusual punishment'?

I am perplexed by a strangers need to exact revenge and give suffering to a convicted person.

The victims related directly to his crime, yes I can appreciate. But we have to work under the law.

What is cruel or unusual about it exactly? I am genuinely interested in how you perceive this.

Well you already suggest that the death penalty itself is not 'cruel and unusual'...... that has been argued a lot in the USA previously.

In the case of the botched OK execution, I saw one report suggesting the vein receiving the drugs burst, hence they were administered into the soft tissue and not the blood-stream directly.

This ponders the question...was he fully sedated/unconscious.

Did the second drug truly paralyse him, since he moved it would seem not.

So perhaps he was not fully unconscious nor paralysed when the potassium chloride was administered..

The use of a paralysing drug also suggests trying to mask any suffering.

I don't want to get into a death penalty debate, I just don't feel it is the right of a completely non-involved person to express his desire for a sadistic punishment of another human being.

Since I already feel the death penalty is 'cruel and unusual' punishment, performing it in a way that elevates suffering, would certainly be more cruel.

Edited by jacko45k
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His crime was heinous, but to suggest the punishment should be somehow equivalent in suffering as the victims of the crime is ludicrous.

No one 'suggested' that in the posts that you quoted - only you did. wink.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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His crime was heinous, but to suggest the punishment should be somehow equivalent in suffering as the victims of the crime is ludicrous.

No one 'suggested' that in the posts that you quoted, other than you. wink.png

There are other posts........I just quoted yours as it was erroneous.

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Why arent they on TV so we can all watch; El qaeda could do it by cutting their throats and let the childern play with the heads after. Or by way of stoneing em and everyone could throw a stone?

But what if the person was innocent? What if the person didn't have proper legal representation which happens with a lot of the poor and blacks? What if the person drove a ferrari? What if the person doing the killing wanted to die but wouldn't commit suicide?

The other thing is that executions don't alter the murder rates, so as a deterent they have little or no effect. The only exception is for mass murders and hitmen killings which alter murder rates.

If someone has some empirical eveidence to say that executions work please post it.

The cost for executions is a lot higher than keeping the person in goal for the rest of their life.

"A 2003 legislative audit in Kansas found that the estimated cost of a death penalty case was 70% more than the cost of a comparable non-death penalty case. Death penalty case costs were counted through to execution (median cost $1.26 million). Non-death penalty case costs were counted through to the end of incarceration (median cost $740,000)."
(December 2003 Survey by the Kansas Legislative Post Audit)

The death penalty diverts resources from genuine crime control measures. Spending money on the death penalty system means:

  • Reducing the resources available for crime prevention, mental health treatment, education and rehabilitation, meaningful victims' services, and drug treatment programs.
  • Diverting it from existing components of the criminal justice system, such as prosecutions of drug crimes, domestic violence, and child abuse.
  • Emergency services, creating jobs, and police & crime prevention were the three highest rated priorities for use of fiscal resources.
  • Schools/libraries, public health, and roads/transportation also ranked higher than the death penalty.

"Ronald Carlson wanted vengeance when his sister was murdered in 1983 in Texas. But when he witnessed the execution in 1998 of the person who committed the murder he changed his mind. In a recent op-ed in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Carlson said he had no opinion on capital punishment before his sister’s death and remembers feeling hatred and “would have killed those responsible with my own hands if given the opportunity.” But he later discovered that, “Watching the execution left me with horror and emptiness, confirming what I had already come to realize: Capital punishment only continues the violence that has a powerful, corrosive effect on society.”

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