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Missing British Children In Thailand


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how did the kids travel? Can it be that she left the country with them? Let's say to Norway for example?

They would need passports for that. It would not take much to check for visas with the Norwegian Embassy.

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Must be a good reason that custody was awarder to the Western father instead of the Thai mother by the Thai courts.

Again, a settlement document can be arrived at between the two parties by mutual agreement, either at the Ampur, or later during court proceedings. In which case custody is decided in favour of the father because that was what was agreed.

When my ex and I were at the Ampur for this purpose, there were no questions whatsoever from officials as to the suitability of one or other partner to take care of our daughter.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Moral of the story ? Don't get involved with Pattaya girls.

Interesting, but how do you explain the tens of thousands of farangs living quite happily with their Thai partners in hundreds of villages in Isaan and other areas? Do you suppose they all met their virtuous Thai wives in banks and at hospital socials?

Characterizing all women who work in the "hospitality" (for the lack of a better word) industry in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Hua Hin and any other area that attracts male tourists, as "prostitutes and bad women",is naive or just plain ignorant.

Most men marrying Thai women do not marry wealthy, university educated Chinese Thai heiresses who speak fluent English.

Many of the farang- Thai relationships in this country involve men and women living together happily raising a family or caring for children from a previous failed marriage to a Thai man due to his proclivity to get drunk, race around on motorbikes and butterfly.

Many of these women are merely trying to find some security and farang males often provide just that.

A fool and his money are, however, soon parted regardless of the nationality of their partner.

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What a sad story. It is amazing that the Thai courts awarded custody to the father.

Either she took money to make a deal like that, or she must not be a good mother.

In any event, kidnapping her kids now is certainly not improving her image.....

The father should put up a substantial reward, think that results would show up in

a few days . Am sure he knows what village she is from, would be easy to find there.

Doubt she would have the resources to go on the lam in Cambodia.

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Divorced mom without custody has probably realized that the poor little girls are a sound future business asset. Have seen lots of similar cases like this one in my over 20 years in LOS. I know of a dad who found his missing teenage daughter more than 10 years after she has been abducted by her Thai mother in a shoddy beer bar somewhere in Samui... For the sake and sanity of the girls and the father, let's hope for the best. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Edited by catweazle
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Moral of the story ? Don't get involved with Pattaya girls.

Interesting, but how do you explain the tens of thousands of farangs living quite happily with their Thai partners in hundreds of villages in Isaan and other areas? Do you suppose they all met their virtuous Thai wives in banks and at hospital socials?

Characterizing all women who work in the "hospitality" (for the lack of a better word) industry in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Hua Hin and any other area that attracts male tourists, as "prostitutes and bad women",is naive or just plain ignorant.

Most men marrying Thai women do not marry wealthy, university educated Chinese Thai heiresses who speak fluent English.

Many of the farang- Thai relationships in this country involve men and women living together happily raising a family or caring for children from a previous failed marriage to a Thai man due to his proclivity to get drunk, race around on motorbikes and butterfly.

Many of these women are merely trying to find some security and farang males often provide just that.

A fool and his money are, however, soon parted regardless of the nationality of their partner.

Come on ratcatcher, we all know everyone on ThaiVisa is married into Thai/Chinese families.

Hope the kids are safe and well.

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If the court ruled full custody to the foreign father. Think about how bad this sounds and based on evidence that the mother had to be ruled unfit/irresponsible for the Thai court to rule against the Thai mother which it seldom does...

Now she steals the kids which supports the initial Thai ruling...

Lets hope this does not end badly for the kids...

Mother living in Pattaya? Sorry but that's one strike to start with...

Mislead title by the way...


Why would a woman living in pattaya be a strike against her believe it or not there are plenty of women living there who do not work in Bars. Get out a bit and take a walk bars are not the be all and in all of Thailand

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Must be a good reason that custody was awarder to the Western father instead of the Thai mother by the Thai courts.

This isn't going to help her in the future.

Good luck to the father and hopefully the girls will be returned to the proper parent soon.

Notwithstanding some of the posters on this thread who are clearly in receipt of superior information than that provided to the courts.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Custody is not awarded , custody is bought , its as simple as that. It doesn't matter the character of the Mother or father The custody of the child is decided by a financial agreement . Any solicitor will tell you that on you first consultation with them. Forget all this Kramer versus Kramer Rubbish , right and wrong have nothing to do with it

Must be a good reason that custody was awarder to the Western father instead of the Thai mother by the Thai courts.

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Why all the negative comments about a woman living in Pattaya? It's not all walking street you know, in fact Pattaya has some beautiful parts, despite my not living there.

Anybody who made negative comments about the mother living in Pattaya care to explain what they know about this woman that is not in OP?

Well I do live here and to find 'beautiful parts' you sometimes have to search hard then focus on the horizon. :D

I have a friend in similar circumstances, without the abduction so far. I feel nervous every-time he visits Thailand and the child's mother takes her for a spell. I sometimes fear that her actions could be driven by anger at not getting her own way. I am sure if she sorts her life out she will want her daughter back one day, and that would be detrimental to the child.

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If the law granted a farang custody over a Thai citizen the only conclusion to be drawn is that she was deemed incapable . . . . . .this is a dangerous situation.

All you manginas supporting the idea that the woman misses her kids and is just spending time with them . . . .come on, really.

If the situation were reversed and a father did this . . . . it would be front page news.

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This is a difficult one, I always think a child is best with a mother, but then this is not always the case, I seem to recall also in the UK a child over 14 is also consulted over who he or she wishes to live with.

In this instance the children have been with their farther in the UK for a number of years receiving a UK education and for them to return to a school under the Thai education and language system will be very disruptive for their education, I would imagine the youngest child does not even understand spoken Thai.

And I would have the same views if the farther had run away with the children.

Actually in the UK the kid can decide from 14, but can give input (and their preference if any) from about 7 years old. The court can of course overall any of it. Courts in the UK usually gove joint care and control (as used to be called custody) and residency with the mother - especially for pre-school (i.e.5 and under), unless there is reason enough not to (danger to the children of whatever type).

Here in Thailand, mothers almost always get custody, even when in the west there would be question (like being a prostitute or drug addict - even a serving prisoner - grandparents heve them in the interim!). Custody only usually goes to the father if the mother has signed off on it - or for very serious reasons.

Mother's signing off after payment, says much about the worth their children have to them - all monetary - and have no right to reneg on it IMO. As a father I would not sign my kids over for all the money in the world - what real parent would?

Lets hope the kids get spotted and reported soon - and safely returned to the father. One thing is for certain, she has kissed her right to access goodbye for good!

It is not correct to state that the mother is usually givern custody, that only happens when the Father is not interested. Thai courts are very fare to the father, not like in the west, they will nearly always award joint custody to both parents, with the child remaining with one. A simple way they decide, is quite often if the child is female, it gets to stay with the father, if male it stays with the mother. In the event that one of the parents is none Thai, then unlike the normal Thai courts the children's courts will not discriminate against a non Thai parents, their only concern is for the well being of the child.

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They are with their mother, they are late back, but hardly 'missing'. I am sure the separation from her children must be difficult for her,

"they are late back, but hardly 'missing"?

An interesting assetment.

Do you have some pertinent information to share?

Yes, i do have some 'pertinent information to share', the last line of the article. Try reading it. It says the mother was allowed to take the children and they are late back


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They are with their mother, they are late back, but hardly 'missing'. I am sure the separation from her children must be difficult for her,

"they are late back, but hardly 'missing"?

An interesting assetment.

Do you have some pertinent information to share?

Yes, i do have some 'pertinent information to share', the last line of the article. Try reading it. It says the mother was allowed to take the children and they are late back


Sorry to be the team pedant here but the children are 'missing', however you dress it up. 18 days late is hardly a little oversight on timing and the father and police are unaware of their location. I would be inclined to call that missing as a minimum way of describing the situation.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Custody is not awarded , custody is bought , its as simple as that. It doesn't matter the character of the Mother or father The custody of the child is decided by a financial agreement . Any solicitor will tell you that on you first consultation with them. Forget all this Kramer versus Kramer Rubbish , right and wrong have nothing to do with it

Must be a good reason that custody was awarder to the Western father instead of the Thai mother by the Thai courts.

I have full custody of my children including specifically the right to take them to live back in my home country. There was no payment made - so while your comment may be true in some circumstances it is certainly not the only outcome.

The Thai courts were very thorough and justice was served at the family court.

This MAN, the father, lived up to his responsibility and has taken care of his offspring. He has shown his mettle and allowed the kids contact with the mother whilst abroad, believing it for their benefit as there would be little benefit for him to do so. He has even stumped up a size able sum to bring them here to see their mother and in return has lost his children.

How anyone can defend the mother here in any way disheartens me greatly. It shows the complete lack of thought or understanding of the circumstances at all. Any sympathy here should be for the father. Why should he have to stump up a reward on top of all he has done! It does not sound to me like he is a particularly rich guy!

In all probability the mother does love and miss her kids, but then maybe not and it is not impossible that there are other driving factors for the woman, spite, money and the like spring immediately to mind and far outstrip the likelihood that it was for the benefit of the kids rather than herself.

The guy must be distraught and deserves compassion and assistance. The world needs people who are responsible and quite possibly that is the reason the court gave him custody in the first place.

The children are British citizens and have been kidnapped - by that fact alone let's hope they are returned to the caregiver. Get it in the Thai media and shame the woman.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Timwilltell , your experience with the Thai courts is different to mine , which actually was what i was warned about by my solicitor. Basically the courts are unpredictable and if you want to be 100% successful you need to "Buy" the custody .

This is after the mother had Stolen "Spunked" 3M Baht playing cards and was awaiting Trail for possession with intent to supply of Yeh Bah , I shit you not( She got caught after we were separated) . So I was more than a little surprised at my lawyers advice (A very well known Bangkok solicitors firm). I had to take the kids to a social welfare interview , which was inside the Juvenile prison in Udon Thai. I gave her the House and half a million and i got full custody, she has access to them , twice a year, but she has not seen them in 9 years (Never). I feel for this fella in the story , I lived in fear of this happening for years

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Custody is not awarded , custody is bought , its as simple as that. It doesn't matter the character of the Mother or father The custody of the child is decided by a financial agreement . Any solicitor will tell you that on you first consultation with them. Forget all this Kramer versus Kramer Rubbish , right and wrong have nothing to do with it

Must be a good reason that custody was awarder to the Western father instead of the Thai mother by the Thai courts.

I have full custody of my children including specifically the right to take them to live back in my home country. There was no payment made - so while your comment may be true in some circumstances it is certainly not the only outcome.

The Thai courts were very thorough and justice was served at the family court.

This MAN, the father, lived up to his responsibility and has taken care of his offspring. He has shown his mettle and allowed the kids contact with the mother whilst abroad, believing it for their benefit as there would be little benefit for him to do so. He has even stumped up a size able sum to bring them here to see their mother and in return has lost his children.

How anyone can defend the mother here in any way disheartens me greatly. It shows the complete lack of thought or understanding of the circumstances at all. Any sympathy here should be for the father. Why should he have to stump up a reward on top of all he has done! It does not sound to me like he is a particularly rich guy!

In all probability the mother does love and miss her kids, but then maybe not and it is not impossible that there are other driving factors for the woman, spite, money and the like spring immediately to mind and far outstrip the likelihood that it was for the benefit of the kids rather than herself.

The guy must be distraught and deserves compassion and assistance. The world needs people who are responsible and quite possibly that is the reason the court gave him custody in the first place.

The children are British citizens and have been kidnapped - by that fact alone let's hope they are returned to the caregiver. Get it in the Thai media and shame the woman.

Timwilltell , your experience with the Thai courts is different to mine , which actually was what i was warned about by my solicitor. Basically the courts are unpredictable and if you want to be 100% successful you need to "Buy" the custody .

This is after the mother had Stolen "Spunked" 3M Baht playing cards and was awaiting Trail for possession with intent to supply of Yeh Bah , I shit you not( She got caught after we were separated) . So I was more than a little surprised at my lawyers advice (A very well known Bangkok solicitors firm). I had to take the kids to a social welfare interview , which was inside the Juvenile prison in Udon Thai. I gave her the House and half a million and i got full custody, she has access to them , twice a year, but she has not seen them in 9 years (Never). I feel for this fella in the story , I lived in fear of this happening for years

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Custody is not awarded , custody is bought , its as simple as that. It doesn't matter the character of the Mother or father The custody of the child is decided by a financial agreement . Any solicitor will tell you that on you first consultation with them. Forget all this Kramer versus Kramer Rubbish , right and wrong have nothing to do with it

Must be a good reason that custody was awarder to the Western father instead of the Thai mother by the Thai courts.

I have full custody of my children including specifically the right to take them to live back in my home country. There was no payment made - so while your comment may be true in some circumstances it is certainly not the only outcome.

The Thai courts were very thorough and justice was served at the family court.

This MAN, the father, lived up to his responsibility and has taken care of his offspring. He has shown his mettle and allowed the kids contact with the mother whilst abroad, believing it for their benefit as there would be little benefit for him to do so. He has even stumped up a size able sum to bring them here to see their mother and in return has lost his children.

How anyone can defend the mother here in any way disheartens me greatly. It shows the complete lack of thought or understanding of the circumstances at all. Any sympathy here should be for the father. Why should he have to stump up a reward on top of all he has done! It does not sound to me like he is a particularly rich guy!

In all probability the mother does love and miss her kids, but then maybe not and it is not impossible that there are other driving factors for the woman, spite, money and the like spring immediately to mind and far outstrip the likelihood that it was for the benefit of the kids rather than herself.

The guy must be distraught and deserves compassion and assistance. The world needs people who are responsible and quite possibly that is the reason the court gave him custody in the first place.

The children are British citizens and have been kidnapped - by that fact alone let's hope they are returned to the caregiver. Get it in the Thai media and shame the woman.

Timwilltell , your experience with the Thai courts is different to mine , which actually was what i was warned about by my solicitor. Basically the courts are unpredictable and if you want to be 100% successful you need to "Buy" the custody .

This is after the mother had Stolen "Spunked" 3M Baht playing cards and was awaiting Trail for possession with intent to supply of Yeh Bah , I shit you not( She got caught after we were separated) . So I was more than a little surprised at my lawyers advice (A very well known Bangkok solicitors firm). I had to take the kids to a social welfare interview , which was inside the Juvenile prison in Udon Thai. I gave her the House and half a million and i got full custody, she has access to them , twice a year, but she has not seen them in 9 years (Never). I feel for this fella in the story , I lived in fear of this happening for years

I don't doubt your story at all. I was just making the point that your circumstances are not necessarily a given. You have my sympathy though far worse is happening to me and my children. It is strange that no one seems to give a second thought to the impact on the children in Thailand - the court has been the only place I found a modicum of understanding. Everyone else seems to think 'Mai pen rai', actually to the extent of hatred against me for trying to get justice in other criminal matters just because it is Thai people I am against.

However I know that foreigners are always at the whim of Thai's trying to extract money at every opportunity and that includes interaction with the law. It is a national disgrace actually and the Embassies turn a blind eye for diplomatic reasons. It doesn't mean every Thai is bad, far from it, it is just that you only need meet one bad Thai to be surrounded by a whole mass of others seeking to soak up your money. The good Thais then seem very hard to see.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Poor children !

Being raised, schooled Etc in the UK and finding themselves in this (which must be for them ) terrible situation.

Strange country, strange people, Etc, Etc.

As a father, my heart really goes out to them, and I sincerely hope that they will not be harmed in any way, and returned to their legal gaurdian.

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Some grounds for a Court deciding the awarding of custody of children. Apologies it was sent to me by my estranged and I had to use an online translation service so it may not be totally clear,

* Separated for a period of 3 years.

* One spouse has deserted the other party more than a year.

* A husband or wife or dependents Elig Yong praised others my wife or husband.

* Husband or wife extramarital affair

* Either spouse offense (whether or not an offense under criminal law).

* Either spouse. Imprisonment for a period exceeding one year.

* Either spouse. Physical or mental harm one another.

* Not for dependents as appropriate spouse.

* Either spouse. The insanity that can not be treated for at least 3 years.

* Either spouse has behaved badly.

* Either spouse. A disease that can not be treated.

* Either spouse can not be a condition of physical intercourse with cohabitation.

A lot of these are very open as to how behaviour can be construed.

Edited by socksy01
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Some of you guys on here! While I don't doubt your heart is in the right place, your head is not. Those spouting the 'she must miss her kids terribly' line and deserves to be with them for being the mother etc ad nauseam, are being very green and have likely been here all of 5 minutes. This is not Kansas or Coventry for crying out loud!

Many girls, whether working the bar or not, will often dump their kids with khun mae to earn or simply because they are too lazy/not grown up enough. And it has happened time and again that they dump them with father for monetary gain and to get back on their back. The female in question has likely done this and the ONLY good one in the equation is the father.

How many scenarios can folks dream up that places the mother in a good light, bearing in mind the court order? Whether she rues that decision or wants more money is immaterial, she is a bad egg and not fit to be a mother.

If I were him, as others have suggested, I'd be stumping up as much reward as possible, one promised to police and another public. Let the bastard have her cash and get those children away from her, for good!

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My poor old Mate Mr Gary. The rubber broke she said keep going; they then broke up. 9 months later gets call from Hospital in CM "Mr Gary we have your baby" and the mother simply says to him "Do you want this baby?" and of course huge sums involved for him to get the baby and then get UK citizenship. Imagine a mother saying that about her baby do you want it?

Moral of the story - Don't let the condom break!

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Some of you guys on here! While I don't doubt your heart is in the right place, your head is not. Those spouting the 'she must miss her kids terribly' line and deserves to be with them for being the mother etc ad nauseam, are being very green and have likely been here all of 5 minutes. This is not Kansas or Coventry for crying out loud!

Many girls, whether working the bar or not, will often dump their kids with khun mae to earn or simply because they are too lazy/not grown up enough. And it has happened time and again that they dump them with father for monetary gain and to get back on their back. The female in question has likely done this and the ONLY good one in the equation is the father.

How many scenarios can folks dream up that places the mother in a good light, bearing in mind the court order? Whether she rues that decision or wants more money is immaterial, she is a bad egg and not fit to be a mother.

If I were him, as others have suggested, I'd be stumping up as much reward as possible, one promised to police and another public. Let the bastard have her cash and get those children away from her, for good!

agree with you da.in over 30yrs I have seen enough for a belly full,but I am sure there will be more to fill it its called baby of conveinance when the conveinance runs out so do they.lets hope they are found safe and well and hope they are not used as bargaining tools.and if the new husband is reading this TAKE NOTE it could happen to YOU.

so do the proper thing and return those innocent children to their father.

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Moral of the story ? Don't get involved with Pattaya girls.

Interesting, but how do you explain the tens of thousands of farangs living quite happily with their Thai partners in hundreds of villages in Isaan and other areas? Do you suppose they all met their virtuous Thai wives in banks and at hospital socials?

Characterizing all women who work in the "hospitality" (for the lack of a better word) industry in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Hua Hin and any other area that attracts male tourists, as "prostitutes and bad women",is naive or just plain ignorant.

Most men marrying Thai women do not marry wealthy, university educated Chinese Thai heiresses who speak fluent English.

Many of the farang- Thai relationships in this country involve men and women living together happily raising a family or caring for children from a previous failed marriage to a Thai man due to his proclivity to get drunk, race around on motorbikes and butterfly.

Many of these women are merely trying to find some security and farang males often provide just that.

A fool and his money are, however, soon parted regardless of the nationality of their partner.

I guess it must be just me then Ratcatcher. I wouldn't touch a Pattaya girl with a 40ft pole. But like I said. That is just me.

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