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Many Thai kids in Isarn getting abducted for their organs


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In the past 2 months, many Thai kids have been abducted. This is the result:


On previous posts in TV, several members said there is no evidence. Where is the evidence?

This is the evidence.

Be careful, if you have kids. They usaully turn up in white vans, small gangs. Some cover as the ice cream vender.

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Gruesome picture, you posted there.

Yes, this horrible practice, is going around in Issan for a long time now.

Parents, police and schools are well aware of it.

Unfortunately, I haven't heard of anybody caught up to now.

This also takes place not only in Issan but all over the world.

Humanity and greed at it's best.

PS. Please change your user name to ChiangMaiFarang and not Falung.

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This is a picture of a mutilated corpse.It is horrible but it is not evidence of anything.

A picture cannot tell you how or why the things it displays happened.

There are no organs missing, and for an organ to be usable it must be removed under sterile conditions, in an aseptic room, and refrigerated immediately. In most case organs must be tissue matched and used within a short period of time in complex and sophisticated surgery. This horrible photo shows something as far from the reality of organ transplantation as it is possible to get.

I call BS on this.

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PS. Please change your user name to ChiangMaiFarang and not Falung.

Please advise how you change a username ?

There are always, your friendly Mods, that can help you.

Chao Lao Beach..........yours all right, why would you change it?

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Just last night I was told about vans going around and grabbing kids in Korat, I thought it must have been human trafficking.

Two years ago I heard about people being grabbed near Thai Burma border for body parts.

Yes it is going on some people will do anything for money.........Its called GREED!

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Yep this happens all over Thailand, not just Issan.

The op is right about gangs stealing children, and not just for body parts.

In the villages they are certainly well aware and they do what they can to protect kids, but kids aren't quite wrapped in the same cotton wool like kids in the west tend to be.

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A couple of years ago the Mirror Foundation carried out an investigation into these stories. They went to areas where this was meant to be happening but they found that it was always in the next village or district. Everyone knew that it was happening but they couldn't find a single person who'd lost their child in this way, or anyone who actually claimed to have seen a mutilated body themselves.

Kids do go missing of course, but not by the dozen and there aren't gangs roaming the countryside in white (or black) vans that are carving up kids for their organs.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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Where in Thailand are hospitals that are transplanting these organs as I am fairly sure that it is quite a complicated procedure? Perhaps look for a pick up truck with a plastic tub in the back in the parking lot.

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Thanks for your reply. Yes they have caught people. A man was caught by police recently this month in Nakhon Panom, a 52 year old - (Mr Sakhon Sinarkeh). It has also been in the Thai news - A case 2 days ago in Saraburi. A small girl recently ran away from the van, after her friend threw a rock at the guy that had her by the arm and trying to pull her into the van. The rock hit him in the head and he fled without the girl.

Reading on the internet, the Chinese have been using prisoners organs for years now. They are reducing this due to international criticism, also have banned international patients that was previously a big part of the business. Because it is a lucrative trade, they are now sourcing elsewhere. Some have speculated that Thailand is one of the sources.

Another case quite some time back, where 5 women were caught in the van in Surin (Amphur Sikonpoom), with a well prepared system, freezer inside and all tools and instruements required. The woman spoke Yarwi (Southern Thai Dialect - Near Malaysia). I have pictures of this as well, but it is too graphic.

Chiang Mai Falung

(Costas2008 -BTW- I prefer to use Falung - not Farung - Thais pronounce this word with an L not an R).

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Gruesome picture, you posted there.

Yes, this horrible practice, is going around in Issan for a long time now.

Parents, police and schools are well aware of it.

Unfortunately, I haven't heard of anybody caught up to now.

This also takes place not only in Issan but all over the world.

Humanity and greed at it's best.

PS. Please change your user name to ChiangMaiFarang and not Falung.

Sorry, I meant, Non Human practice, but too late to edit.

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Thanks for your reply. Yes they have caught people. A man was caught by police recently this month in Nakhon Panom, a 52 year old - (Mr Sakhon Sinarkeh). It has also been in the Thai news - A case 2 days ago in Saraburi. A small girl recently ran away from the van, after her friend threw a rock at the guy that had her by the arm and trying to pull her into the van. The rock hit him in the head and he fled without the girl.

Reading on the internet, the Chinese have been using prisoners organs for years now. They are reducing this due to international criticism, also have banned international patients that was previously a big part of the business. Because it is a lucrative trade, they are now sourcing elsewhere. Some have speculated that Thailand is one of the sources.

Another case quite some time back, where 5 women were caught in the van in Surin (Amphur Sikonpoom), with a well prepared system, freezer inside and all tools and instruements required. The woman spoke Yarwi (Southern Thai Dialect - Near Malaysia). I have pictures of this as well, but it is too graphic.

Chiang Mai Falung

(Costas2008 -BTW- I prefer to use Falung - not Farung - Thais pronounce this word with an L not an R).

can you provide a link to the Thai news story that you mentioned from a couple of days ago?

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Looks like we we still have some doubters out there.

Here is one case in the Thai news:


You will need a Thai to translate it for you, unless you are one of the very few Falungs (with a L) that can read Thai at that level.

The cops are keeping this stuff out of the news, it is too shocking. (My wife is a Thai cop).

Chiang Mai Falung (with an L - the way the Thais pronounce it)

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Thanks for your reply. Yes they have caught people. A man was caught by police recently this month in Nakhon Panom, a 52 year old - (Mr Sakhon Sinarkeh). It has also been in the Thai news - A case 2 days ago in Saraburi. A small girl recently ran away from the van, after her friend threw a rock at the guy that had her by the arm and trying to pull her into the van. The rock hit him in the head and he fled without the girl.

Reading on the internet, the Chinese have been using prisoners organs for years now. They are reducing this due to international criticism, also have banned international patients that was previously a big part of the business. Because it is a lucrative trade, they are now sourcing elsewhere. Some have speculated that Thailand is one of the sources.

Another case quite some time back, where 5 women were caught in the van in Surin (Amphur Sikonpoom), with a well prepared system, freezer inside and all tools and instruements required. The woman spoke Yarwi (Southern Thai Dialect - Near Malaysia). I have pictures of this as well, but it is too graphic.

Chiang Mai Falung

(Costas2008 -BTW- I prefer to use Falung - not Farung - Thais pronounce this word with an L not an R).

This thread is rather alarmist, don't you think? If it's happening, it's certainly not an epidemic as you imply. I have not heard one iota of this from anyone. I have heard of this going on in various parts of the world and yes, it's horrific. But not in Thailand.

Regardless, one should always be concerned where their children are. But I'd be more worried about my kids being in an accident or getting some sort of infection, rather than being abducted for their organs.

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I am not implying an epidemic. That is your word only. Be careful what you accuse others of.

But yes, a little alarmist is what is needed. I am trying to get the message out there. Trying to protect peoples kids. We also need to counter the posts that are denying that it exists. It needs to be communicated, so that people are aware it is happening.

If you need more proof, if you still don't believe it, contact me personally. I will give you enough eveidence. I am off out soon to visit a friend. I will take a look at the site tomorrow.

Chiang Mai faLung (with a capital L).

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Looks like we we still have some doubters out there.

Here is one case in the Thai news:


You will need a Thai to translate it for you, unless you are one of the very few Falungs (with a L) that can read Thai at that level.

The cops are keeping this stuff out of the news, it is too shocking. (My wife is a Thai cop).

Chiang Mai Falung (with an L - the way the Thais pronounce it)

I can read that for myself. Although the title talks about a gang it's actually a lone icecream man from Surin. It mentions that children were recently killed for their organs in a neighbouring country. Nothing about it happening in Thailand.

Parents should always be watchful of their children because of people like this guy and other examples that there have been even in Bangkok.

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I am not implying an epidemic. That is your word only. Be careful what you accuse others of.

But yes, a little alarmist is what is needed. I am trying to get the message out there. Trying to protect peoples kids. We also need to counter the posts that are denying that it exists. It needs to be communicated, so that people are aware it is happening.

If you need more proof, if you still don't believe it, contact me personally. I will give you enough eveidence. I am off out soon to visit a friend. I will take a look at the site tomorrow.

Chiang Mai faLung (with a capital L).

I'm not having a go at you. Perhaps it's a good warning to parents. I can't imagine having a child abducted for such horrific reasons. But there's so much that could happen to one's children that it would be prudent to consider what's more likely than to worry about every little thing. Just having your child kidnapped--regardless of why--is worry enough. Is there a high likelihood? In Nigeria, maybe. Thailand, I think not. But hey, it's up to the parents.

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Old wives tale or not,I personally have no evidence to back up the OP post,all I will add is that I have heard of similar kidnappings here in Phetchabun,but then again I've heard similar stories on the streets on inner city London and the like.

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