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What's the biggest lie and hoax you have heard a Thai girl use?

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Can't imagine anyone, no matter how wealthy or poor, happy or sad, handsome or ugly, sociable or hermit, not "fitting in" in Thailand.


It's the ultimate who gives a $hit country. Somebody for everybody. Chill!

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I was very ill and she helped me out when I really needed a friend. She said she had dropped out of nursing school and only had a year to go, but no money. Can you guess what i did? It was a lie, of course, the first of many.


You feel so stupid afterward. You thought you've been around, you know how people are. But you don't.



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The biggest lie i have experienced was not a lie. It was staying silent. Not telling me as a father 10k km away that the kids's mother was not being the responsible mother as not only i, but the inlaws as well, thought. A month ago i heard this from a familymember 2 years after it started to happen. Upon me asking, why did nobody tell me, the answer was......they were more familiar with my wife and they did not dare tell me. It left me flabbergasted but confirmed the way how young innocent children are perceived. Shocking !

In my personal experience the thai familyunit must stay united no matter the consequences.
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another troll thread so that the poor sick bar trollers can pull thai girls down,
this site just gets funnier,,
my mate this my mate that,
what did you do OP look in the miror when writing this

Thing is we all know one.

First classic story I heard was of an EU development guy in Khon Kaen, driving to work and leaving his bag at home. Turned around and went home to find the gardner boning the missus.

Turns out Gardner was hubby, his name in chanote, not wife. And pick up and many other bits of assets.

Bye bye husband minus biiiiig wedge.
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another troll thread so that the poor sick bar trollers can pull thai girls down,



this site just gets funnier,,


my mate this my mate that,


what did you do OP look in the miror when writing this





What prompted me to use that headline was a story breaking around me that will come to a head today.

When hopefully he will move out before telling her he has been informed  about what's been going on with her cousin( not related of course!)

Not shocking, just ground hog day Thailand style!-


I was approached by our mutual wealthy Thai friends about their concerns for another friends wifes Thainess activetys.

Of which by the way, all of us were aware off, but had no details and no interest to get involved.
I my self became aware 3 years go.
Apparently this particular affair started immediately as her last gic departed 6 months before she married my friend 4 years earlier.
A 'resting' soi 6 girl, I was aware she had been blatantly playing away from home the past 5 years, and it was plain to see without a DNA test the new born baby was not his.
I assumed he knew and accepted it, ' like pussy whipped door mats' do!
My advice is always, let sleeping dogs lie.
As I've not known any guy take too kindly to accusations that his wife is playing around or still hooking.
If an uneducated peasant prostitute can rip a house and car of an educated, informed guy.
Good luck to her,is my feeling.
Don't blame the player blame the game!
But, when they told me the Thai boyfriend was getting impatient to wait for him to die.
And that they thought his bouts of sickness were due to her cooking.
This is coming from a 'connected, wealthy' Thai family.
I decided against my better judgement, to tell his best friend.
I took his best friend to see the Thai person who had all the evidence.
The best friend then told the victim last night.
He said he will move out today.
I hope her begging him to stay will not change his mind.
Amusingly he said yesterday he had to bite his tongue hard yesterday when his wife instructed him to put put 100 baht on her gics mobile!
The 7 million baht  house is in her name and the new truck.
I did warn him.
I gave him all the typical books to read and these 2 Stickman threads to read.
Which should be compulsory before you go out to play in the land of lies.
But with all the will in the world, you can't fix stupid!
What Falangs ''don't get'' about Thais.
Why I never married a Thai.
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another troll thread so that the poor sick bar trollers can pull thai girls down,
this site just gets funnier,,
my mate this my mate that,
what did you do OP look in the miror when writing this

Thing is we all know one.

First classic story I heard was of an EU development guy in Khon Kaen, driving to work and leaving his bag at home. Turned around and went home to find the gardner boning the missus.

Turns out Gardner was hubby, his name in chanote, not wife. And pick up and many other bits of assets.

Bye bye husband minus biiiiig wedge.



the thing is we all know many relationships that are good too, but i supose there not as entertaining as the ones that go pearshaped,


the one that has gone pearshaped that i know of was because my friend wanted to go out shagging younger girls and his wife said she didnt want him to as she loved him, they split up he is shagging around, and his wife is still alone,, and if i dont move of this seat again that is true,

i could give names, the place was surin,



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The biggest lie I have heard in Thailand came not from a Thai girl but from a fellow English teacher, an avid alcoholic and consumer of pills, he has worked in and been dismissed from an extraordinary number of schools.

The lie he has told schools on more than one occasion to explain his absence is that one of his 2 young children had died in Ubon and he had to take a few days off to attend the funeral.


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  • 4 weeks later...

When me and my ex girlfriend were together, a friend of mine spotted her on Thai lovelinks whilst I was visiting England and informed me of this. I went and had a look and her account was there and she had recently been online with it.  I confronted her with it and she came out with an amazing story.  Her friend was jealous of her and wanted to be like her.  Her friend set up a new account using my girlfriends picture and was pretending to be her.   Thing is when I am typing this and reading this it is such an amazing obvious lie... but at the time I was doubting myself.... love really is blind.

Edited by Jay1
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When i first came here 24 years ago i lived with a Bar girl ,she was lovely and really looked after me ,but it was not to be and we broke up(still friends would you believe) she now lives in the UK and is very respectable ,20 years ago i met my wife ,i dont think she has ever lied to me ,except little ones which i always catch her out on ,she is my friend ,my love and looks after me so well , so although i did the rounds and heard it all in the early years ,on the whole i think i have been very lucky. 

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One of my p**** whipped doormat friends got a girl from a GoGo bar and they had a pretty typical turbulent, violent relationship, that door mat types have.
He had 2 daughters with her and asked her to marry him legally after 4 years living together, so he could take her and their kids to the UK.
And take advantage of our wonderful DHS system.
When they got to Bangkok to get legally hitched, she plucked up the courage to tell him her brother was actually her husband!
He paid for the divorce and agreed to pay the guy a lump sum of money to grant a divorce and each month a sum of money for taking care of his wifes son who was staying with the Thai brother/ husband.
My friend then went to live with the two daughters and his new Thai wife in the UK.
Where she run of with my friends best friend a year later!
The two daughters now live with his mother and father and are doing very well.
The X wife now on the game in the UK.
He came back to Thailand, got another working girl.
Had an even more violent relationship, including trips to the hospital for knife wounds and the police station to pay ''her'' money when defending himself.
Had two more babys, and split up again.
You can't fix stupid!

Maybe stupid but more than likely very, very low self esteem. Some guys feel they do not deserve a great gal. Why hook up with a hooker? Talk about asking for trouble. I am sure there are exceptions, but most of those relationships would end in disaster. A guy who likes himself, does not allow himself to commit really stupid acts. He takes a long time to get to know a woman, and does not tolerate her pushing the timeline or agenda. He waits to decide if she is worthy of his love. Fools rush in. Fools pay dearly. Fools suffer unnecessarily.

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Brought one girl back after a fetid night at spicy.
The following morning she asked to 'borrow' my car. I nearly fell over laughing. What are the chances I would ever have seen that again?

Another one was a long term girlfriend who I knew had a Thai guy in the background. She said it was her gay friend. We got quite comfortable and she would sit chatting in Thai away to him. I used to pretend to be doing something on my phone and record her conversation and have it translated by a friend fluent in Thai.
The visit to her folks house was super awkward and the walk around her village showing me houses good falang had built for their wives was hilarious. I really had to control my laughter at that one.
Still it was cheap sex and fun.
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another troll thread so that the poor sick bar trollers can pull thai girls down,



this site just gets funnier,,


my mate this my mate that,


what did you do OP look in the miror when writing this




Actually Jake I'm enjoying the thread. If we cant laugh at ourselves and the situations some of us get into, who then can we laugh at. Stop being so serious you in LOS.

You have to admit some of the lines working girls use are cliche, but still funny as all else. 

And no we are not putting the girls down. It all depends on the position one takes, I believe most of the contributors are seeing the humor and not the degradation of human beings.

Enjoy or exit your choice.

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another troll thread so that the poor sick bar trollers can pull thai girls down,



this site just gets funnier,,


my mate this my mate that,


what did you do OP look in the miror when writing this





The thread is about the biggest lie told by a Thai girl... Even if you have not experienced it doesn't mean that you can deny that lying is a way of life in Thailand if for no other reason than to save face...  Some Thai women working the bar trade have mastered the long / short con and know exactly what they are doing... 


The worst lie told to me was by a Thai lady that I befriended in Phuket... She had a day job, but worked bar on the weekends as she was supporting an extended family... Her story... She was a pro and tried punching every button she could trying to get the hooks in me, but I would just smile and deflect... On one occasion we went to the beach for the day and she asked if we could take her son also... I said sure and we had a nice day out with the boy... I returned to Bangkok a few days later... I received a call from this lady telling me a terrible accident had happened and her son had been hit by a car and died... Then came the obligatory RMF to help with final expenses for her son... The odd thing was she didn't seem that torn up on the call which raised my suspicions... I had a friend of a friend in Phuket do some poking around and as it turns out, the boy was not only not dead, he wasn't even her son...    

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When i first came here 24 years ago i lived with a Bar girl ,she was lovely and really looked after me ,but it was not to be and we broke up(still friends would you believe) she now lives in the UK and is very respectable ,20 years ago i met my wife ,i dont think she has ever lied to me ,except little ones which i always catch her out on ,she is my friend ,my love and looks after me so well , so although i did the rounds and heard it all in the early years ,on the whole i think i have been very lucky. 


Mate, this thread is about the biggest lie or hoax you experienced, not about trying to make one up yourself biggrin.png

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another troll thread so that the poor sick bar trollers can pull thai girls down,
this site just gets funnier,,
my mate this my mate that,
what did you do OP look in the miror when writing this

The thread is about the biggest lie told by a Thai girl... Even if you have not experienced it doesn't mean that you can deny that lying is a way of life in Thailand if for no other reason than to save face...  Some Thai women working the bar trade have mastered the long / short con and know exactly what they are doing... 
The worst lie told to me was by a Thai lady that I befriended in Phuket... She had a day job, but worked bar on the weekends as she was supporting an extended family... Her story... She was a pro and tried punching every button she could trying to get the hooks in me, but I would just smile and deflect... On one occasion we went to the beach for the day and she asked if we could take her son also... I said sure and we had a nice day out with the boy... I returned to Bangkok a few days later... I received a call from this lady telling me a terrible accident had happened and her son had been hit by a car and died... Then came the obligatory RMF to help with final expenses for her son... The odd thing was she didn't seem that torn up on the call which raised my suspicions... I had a friend of a friend in Phuket do some poking around and as it turns out, the boy was not only not dead, he wasn't even her son...    

Rent a kid !
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Whatever category you put yourself in while in Thailand, holidaymaker, investor, bargirl, mamasan, sex tourist, seeking a partner, retiree, bar owner, taxi driver, etc, etc - then you have to realise that Thailand is just a fantasy, a playground of lies. Thai families lie to each other, farang visitors lie to each other, it's very unlikely you will ever go a day without either you, yourself telling a lie or somebody telling you porkies. That's just the way the place is. It doesnt bother me as I never put myself in a situation where this behaviour will ever affect me emotionally, financially or in any other capacity. Trust nobody but enjoy the many delights and beauty this wonderful country offers.

As for lies a Thai girl has told you then just visit your nearest girlie bar where you will be lied to within 10 minutes of ordering your first drink.
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A 50 yr old guy i used to play golf with had a regular caddy who he befriended. When things got somewhat serious, sex, she told him that she was only 17 but would become 18 in 3 months. So when the day came closer he got more excited to be able to have a full relationship with her. A day before her birthday he found out via another caddy that she was only 16 and would turn 17. She told him sorry but that she had to lie because her older, in her 30s, sister, caddy as well, told her to do that. In shock he called me to tell this story. He was devastated. Surprisingly enough the relationship continued on a way. Lost touch with him right after. To note ...it was a tall girl and based on looks nobody would give her only 16 that time.
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