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What's the biggest lie and hoax you have heard a Thai girl use?

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Whatever category you put yourself in while in Thailand, holidaymaker, investor, bargirl, mamasan, sex tourist, seeking a partner, retiree, bar owner, taxi driver, etc, etc - then you have to realise that Thailand is just a fantasy, a playground of lies. Thai families lie to each other, farang visitors lie to each other, it's very unlikely you will ever go a day without either you, yourself telling a lie or somebody telling you porkies. That's just the way the place is. It doesnt bother me as I never put myself in a situation where this behaviour will ever affect me emotionally, financially or in any other capacity. Trust nobody but enjoy the many delights and beauty this wonderful country offers.

As for lies a Thai girl has told you then just visit your nearest girlie bar where you will be lied to within 10 minutes of ordering your first drink.


Thailand is a bit like opening Pandora's Box while on an acid trip...  For those that survive the initiation period, the multiple paradoxes of the culture make it fascinating... 

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A 50 yr old guy i used to play golf with had a regular caddy who he befriended. When things got somewhat serious, sex, she told him that she was only 17 but would become 18 in 3 months. So when the day came closer he got more excited to be able to have a full relationship with her. A day before her birthday he found out via another caddy that she was only 16 and would turn 17. She told him sorry but that she had to lie because her older, in her 30s, sister, caddy as well, told her to do that. In shock he called me to tell this story. He was devastated. Surprisingly enough the relationship continued on a way. Lost touch with him right after. To note ...it was a tall girl and based on looks nobody would give her only 16 that time.



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Now i understand more of why i, as an honest, but far from perfect person, never fitted in this country where everybody lies. To others and to themselves. My bad.


Not just the lies. The ability to create a one sided very unreal expectation of reality reveals very unusual world views. My missus believes, as do many Thais, she is never wrong. She can do whatever she likes, whenever she wants, and everyone else has to fit in. Not only that, they must fit in willingly, and in a smiling way and must never question, criticize or refuse any request no matter how inconvenient. She must never be inconvenienced, or made to loose face in anyway whereas everyone else must put themselves out and allow her fair remarks without reply.

Not all the time of course. This description fits 90% of Thai females I know of which less than 10% are former bar girls.


Thai men play them at their own game - lie, tell them what they want to here, do the opposite and see if they get caught. Most, not all, but the majority, of non Thais married to Thais that I know don't. They adopt the Western honest approach and don't shirk from that honesty even if it may cause conflict or disharmony.


Classic example - my wife is always prepared to discuss any of my incorrect, badly worded, incorrect and inappropriate statements. Hers - no, she never makes any!!


The biggest lie Thais tell is to themselves - that they are perfect, never ever wrong, never make mistakes and that the world revolves around them. You can mirror this individual level to national level, which explains some of the issues the country faces.


This is so true...My ex wife's logic just does my head in....or should I say non logic....talk about coming from left field...I will never understand..I am very honest and truthfull and glad for that..I can live with that..the sad thing is most Thai girls dont care about honesty..a lie is almost a part of life and thats what you do




Edited by Nigeone
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There's a Thai girl I know who is living with a farang in the UK. He's paid for breast enhancement, teeth, lips etc. She tells the other Thai girls he pays her £500 per day and she regularly gets the wad out. She's obviously a total BS'er but it's pathetic to see the other Thai girls fawning over her and behaving like schoolgirls. It would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic.
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Now i understand more of why i, as an honest, but far from perfect person, never fitted in this country where everybody lies. To others and to themselves. My bad.

Not just the lies. The ability to create a one sided very unreal expectation of reality reveals very unusual world views. My missus believes, as do many Thais, she is never wrong. She can do whatever she likes, whenever she wants, and everyone else has to fit in. Not only that, they must fit in willingly, and in a smiling way and must never question, criticize or refuse any request no matter how inconvenient. She must never be inconvenienced, or made to loose face in anyway whereas everyone else must put themselves out and allow her fair remarks without reply.
Not all the time of course. This description fits 90% of Thai females I know of which less than 10% are former bar girls.

Thai men play them at their own game - lie, tell them what they want to here, do the opposite and see if they get caught. Most, not all, but the majority, of non Thais married to Thais that I know don't. They adopt the Western honest approach and don't shirk from that honesty even if it may cause conflict or disharmony.

Classic example - my wife is always prepared to discuss any of my incorrect, badly worded, incorrect and inappropriate statements. Hers - no, she never makes any!!

The biggest lie Thais tell is to themselves - that they are perfect, never ever wrong, never make mistakes and that the world revolves around them. You can mirror this individual level to national level, which explains some of the issues the country faces.

Many of the points you raise I agree with, however I have to ask, presumably you knew your wife was like this before you married her, so why did you marry her?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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