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My friend had a baby with his friend and now current girlfriend is jealous


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Your gf is completely right to be jealous.

She's jealous that you didn't have the baby with her.

She's jealous that your friend may be Bi instead of lesbian, or not lesbian at all.

She's jealous that you have a genetic connection that has nothing to do with her.

What she knew before is irrelevant; sometimes things only hit home when they actually happen.

Anyway, you're in it now, so try these strategies:

Create opportunities for the three of you to meet in pleasant situations and include your gf in all conversations.

Definitely spend much more time with your gf than your friend.

Let your gf know when you are going to meet your friend and always ask if she'd like to come along.

Let your friend and her gf spend time with your gf so that your gf knows that your friend is in a loving relationship and that your gf has nothing to fear.

Remember, you are trying to counter millions of years of evolution designed to ensure that your gf's consideration is to spread *her* genes rather than be party to help spread another woman's genes.

Good luck.


Very good suggestions. Thank you

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You posted on TV so should be willing to answer some questions not just ask them. You got your lesbain friend pregnant--is she lesbian or Bi? Is she in a relationship with another girl ? If she isn't then I can see your current preggy G/F being a little suspecious of whats really going on If we know more facts can give better responses

She is BI. I guess. I didn't really ask her when she told me she likes girls if it's both. She told me she had a Thai BF and he cheated on her (they had a baby at a very young age). Yes I have been paying a ton of money for the handsome little guy. I paid for all hospital bills including the birth. I donated at a fertility clinic so we didn't have sex. I give her money monthly to help with bills and food. So far besides my girlfriend being jealous things have been great. No drama just pure love from two parents who happen to be friends. I think more people should do it. The mandatory two parent system living together seems a bit outdated. I would have rather had my parents split a lot sooner than put us through all the drama and trauma of fighting constantly. Marriage isn't sacred like it once used to be. It's not uncommon in western company for gay couples to share parenting with straight or other gay couples.

Ready for more ridicule. but prefer wholesome comments from sober posters.


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Why worry, Thai gfs come and go quite quickly.

Ignore the problem, in a while it will be gone.

Option 2

Don't tell the gf where you go, what you do or who you do it with.

Not her business.

I really considered option two but switched to option one. I am bringing friends with (my foreign friend and his Thai wife and baby) I want to keep my relationship clean with her. I don't want her to ever have a reason not to trust me. If she does then this would be a whole new ball game. I say have I ever lied to you or given you a reason not to trust me and she says no. So then she knows she's the one with the jealousy issues. not me.

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"It all started as kinda a joke" and now its not?. What were you thinking? Anyway its done now. Good luck, shocking story.

Her and her girlfriend were contemplating adoption or a sperm donor. Someone in the Yoga class suggest to have a half baby. I was the only foreigner in the room! Everyone laughed and giggled but then they started talking about it more and fap fap in a cup. there's a baby 9 months later. (two weeks early to be exact haha baby was too big for her and they had to do a C section) He was only 3.5 kg!

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What a crazy world we live in today.......A most private event in your friends life and he doesn't know how to handle it.....and it seems you, as his friend, wouldn't know how to handle it either....so......go on TV and ask the whole world how it should be handled?....It blows the mind

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What a crazy world we live in today.......A most private event in your friends life and he doesn't know how to handle it.....and it seems you, as his friend, wouldn't know how to handle it either....so......go on TV and ask the whole world how it should be handled?....It blows the mind

Read from post number one. It is him himself, not his "friend".

Anyway, Mr Supersperm, i hope you can figure everything out for the kids sakes. Good luck.

In the UK it is the Jeremy Kyle Show a lot like Springer but the guests teeth are worse!!

In fact, it starts in five minutes... Byeeee.

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You posted on TV so should be willing to answer some questions not just ask them. You got your lesbain friend pregnant--is she lesbian or Bi? Is she in a relationship with another girl ? If she isn't then I can see your current preggy G/F being a little suspecious of whats really going on If we know more facts can give better responses

She is BI. I guess. I didn't really ask her when she told me she likes girls if it's both. She told me she had a Thai BF and he cheated on her (they had a baby at a very young age). Yes I have been paying a ton of money for the handsome little guy. I paid for all hospital bills including the birth. I donated at a fertility clinic so we didn't have sex. I give her money monthly to help with bills and food. So far besides my girlfriend being jealous things have been great. No drama just pure love from two parents who happen to be friends. I think more people should do it. The mandatory two parent system living together seems a bit outdated. I would have rather had my parents split a lot sooner than put us through all the drama and trauma of fighting constantly. Marriage isn't sacred like it once used to be. It's not uncommon in western company for gay couples to share parenting with straight or other gay couples.

Ready for more ridicule. but prefer wholesome comments from sober posters.


Thai government hospital is free for any Thai lady.

Thai private hospital is free for legally employed Thai lady.

Sounds like you are being scammed.

Sure the baby is yours?

(either one?)

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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What a nice and responsible individual, let's have a baby. OK no strings, Lets bring a new person into this world and to hell with the consequences. Your friend needs counseling

Counselling and as others have suggested, an appearance on Jerry Springer. Small wonder aliens pass us by, with behaviour like this we must seem like the dumbest of species.

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Let's get the story straight for us older people.

How old are you? How many more are you going to spawn?

You had a baby with a lesbian friend, how lovely, and now your girlfriend is pregnant.

So you have two children almost?

Why would you have a baby with a lesbian? Are you just nice, or stupid? Throwing sperm around like confetti?

Babies cost money, lozza money. Are you paying for all these children or just having a laugh....

Seriously, if you agreed to give your sperm to a lesbian couple, and signed papers etc. you have no rights over that child. That's how it is in the West. You are just a sperm donor.

I need a drink..... David, where's me smirnoff...!!!!

I offered patsy a donation but she declined and now I'm starting to see why.

Can you even imagine the monster we would produce? Some sort of Ozzie/Irish hybrid with a mid atlantic accent.

Wanting an i pad before it was even born. And preferring One Direction's music over Bruce Springteen?!! Or the twerking Mylie Cyrus.

And wanting to wear jeans around the knees. Me as the mother only wears jeans which keeps my belly under wraps.

The mind boggles.

Edited by Patsycat
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Let's get the story straight for us older people.

How old are you? How many more are you going to spawn?

You had a baby with a lesbian friend, how lovely, and now your girlfriend is pregnant.

So you have two children almost?

Why would you have a baby with a lesbian? Are you just nice, or stupid? Throwing sperm around like confetti?

Babies cost money, lozza money. Are you paying for all these children or just having a laugh....

Seriously, if you agreed to give your sperm to a lesbian couple, and signed papers etc. you have no rights over that child. That's how it is in the West. You are just a sperm donor.

I need a drink..... David, where's me smirnoff...!!!!

I offered patsy a donation but she declined and now I'm starting to see why.

Can you even imagine the monster we would produce? Some sort of Ozzie/Irish hybrid with a mid atlantic accent.

Wanting an i pad before it was even born. And preferring One Direction's music over Bruce Springteen?!! Or the twerking Mylie Cyrus.

And wanting to wear jeans around the knees. Me as the mother only wears jeans which keeps my belly under wraps.

The mind boggles.

It would be bloody good looking though !

Anyway, if it turned out to be a dud we could boil and eat it and try again. Making babies is fun :P

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Oh dear i spelt Springsteen wrong!! Whip me Sheryl!!!

You promised you wouldn't call me Sheryl in front of the other TVF members, next you'll be mentioning my high heel shoes and cruthless leather studed panties !

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Oh dear i spelt Springsteen wrong!! Whip me Sheryl!!!

You promised you wouldn't call me Sheryl in front of the other TVF members, next you'll be mentioning my high heel shoes and crotchless leather studded panties !

I thought I was the only one who knew about your attire.......giggle.gif ..............laugh.png

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Oh dear i spelt Springsteen wrong!! Whip me Sheryl!!!

You promised you wouldn't call me Sheryl in front of the other TVF members, next you'll be mentioning my high heel shoes and crotchless leather studded panties !

I thought I was the only one who knew about your attire.......giggle.gif ..............laugh.png

I'm a man in demand tranny am ;)

Besides you were just a distraction for me, when patsy was outa town that week ;)

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I saw an episode on Dr Phil, just like this.

Was your friend on Dr Phil?

Ps: It's a strange situation and virtually everyone in the GF's situation might feel a bit strange about it.

Dr Phil? ND this looks more like a situation for TVs very own Dr Will, although he's had some rodent problems recently which have kept him busy.

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You posted on TV so should be willing to answer some questions not just ask them. You got your lesbain friend pregnant--is she lesbian or Bi? Is she in a relationship with another girl ? If she isn't then I can see your current preggy G/F being a little suspecious of whats really going on If we know more facts can give better responses

She is BI. I guess. I didn't really ask her when she told me she likes girls if it's both. She told me she had a Thai BF and he cheated on her (they had a baby at a very young age). Yes I have been paying a ton of money for the handsome little guy. I paid for all hospital bills including the birth. I donated at a fertility clinic so we didn't have sex. I give her money monthly to help with bills and food. So far besides my girlfriend being jealous things have been great. No drama just pure love from two parents who happen to be friends. I think more people should do it. The mandatory two parent system living together seems a bit outdated. I would have rather had my parents split a lot sooner than put us through all the drama and trauma of fighting constantly. Marriage isn't sacred like it once used to be. It's not uncommon in western company for gay couples to share parenting with straight or other gay couples.

Ready for more ridicule. but prefer wholesome comments from sober posters.



Jeez I thought my ex wife played me, but this one takes the cake. Paying all that $ and not even getting one good session? To act like you are not building some sort of life with your "bi" friend is disingenuous at the very least. Hopefully gf will decide doesn't want to be with a man this easily conned (tho that can be a + in many women's eyes...). This whole thing smacks of some sort of California hippy drippy foolishness. "No drama just pure love from two parents who happen to be friends" I should smack myself for falling for such troll bait.

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Oh dear i spelt Springsteen wrong!! Whip me Sheryl!!!

You promised you wouldn't call me Sheryl in front of the other TVF members, next you'll be mentioning my high heel shoes and cruthless leather studed panties !

What are cruthless panties?!! I did try to google, but stopped. You must know my For Sheryl thread in the ladies forum!

Anyway, back on topic, this so called daddy of the year has really got himself in a spot of bother.

If i was your girlfriend, i would run for the hills. If i was the bi sexual lesbian mother of your baby i would run for the hills.

In fact, after reading your story i may run for the hills too. But i can take the bus slowly.

And yes, Neverdie, our child would be absolutely mind boggling gorgeous. She could perhaps marry one of David's twins and then she would be rich. And we could retire to some beach somewhere.

Edited by Patsycat
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This one is new, well for me anyway ...

... know many guys that have babies everywhere, well the girls claim they never slept around and is "VERY SURE" his

Just to be correct it is my friend not me, oops that was another topic

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because i also know people who have done this and it worked out , my two cents...

the gay male couple did this, with a lesbian woman actually. but in the states, and they have an actual legal agreement as to visiting, vacation, monetary support, medical and also, a clause that stipulates like most american style things, the distance the couple or the otehr woman can move so as to ensure visiting etc... LEGAL PAPERS DRAWN UP.

not just a friendly shake of the hand (no pun...) and a promise, and with , i am assuming, two thai women who are lesbians but might not neccesarily be in the american style of child raising as a threesome on weekends...

therefore, get legal papers settled with them.

involve your girlfriend.

and btw, now she wont say anything, but when she has your child, there WILL be problmes fo the sort that many divorced families face: whose children get more attention, finanancial benefits , inheritance etc and if she is a good mother, she iwll fight like a tiger to protect her and your child, even at the expense of the other couple's and your's child. be prepare.

women , not jsut thais, change their minds.what i say or mean now doesnt mean that after the fact i that i still feel that way, especially when it comes to emotions, children, and money.

also, your girlfriend is new to you also, and you will be building up a relationship with a pregnant and then post partum woman, and two newborns... you are in for a hell of a long ride with very little sleep or free time...

i wish you good luck,

btw i think there are forums for alternative families as these are called, that discuss these situations, i know we have them in israel, so check. not so sure this ist he best place, as u can see by the reactions of the people.

and if this is a troll and i answered, well, maybe someone else needs this info and takes the advice

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because i also know people who have done this and it worked out , my two cents...

the gay male couple did this, with a lesbian woman actually. but in the states, and they have an actual legal agreement as to visiting, vacation, monetary support, medical and also, a clause that stipulates like most american style things, the distance the couple or the otehr woman can move so as to ensure visiting etc... LEGAL PAPERS DRAWN UP.

not just a friendly shake of the hand (no pun...) and a promise, and with , i am assuming, two thai women who are lesbians but might not neccesarily be in the american style of child raising as a threesome on weekends...

therefore, get legal papers settled with them.

involve your girlfriend.

and btw, now she wont say anything, but when she has your child, there WILL be problmes fo the sort that many divorced families face: whose children get more attention, finanancial benefits , inheritance etc and if she is a good mother, she iwll fight like a tiger to protect her and your child, even at the expense of the other couple's and your's child. be prepare.

women , not jsut thais, change their minds.what i say or mean now doesnt mean that after the fact i that i still feel that way, especially when it comes to emotions, children, and money.

also, your girlfriend is new to you also, and you will be building up a relationship with a pregnant and then post partum woman, and two newborns... you are in for a hell of a long ride with very little sleep or free time...

i wish you good luck,

btw i think there are forums for alternative families as these are called, that discuss these situations, i know we have them in israel, so check. not so sure this ist he best place, as u can see by the reactions of the people.

and if this is a troll and i answered, well, maybe someone else needs this info and takes the advice

Yes I see this was definitely the wrong place to ask this question. Lots of drunken troll replies. Sad souls really. I guess it's a cultural thing. I am from the states and yes lived in California and this type of arrangement is not all that uncommon. SO I can see how people who aren't cultured won't understand. (including my girlfriend)

For the few that answered honestly and whole hardheartedly- thank you. I really didn't know where else to turn. My girlfriend was so hurt/sad/jealous that she decided to break up with me today. Actually a first in my life. Can't wait to hear the trolls but yeah it happened. I guess I understand her position but she already knew about this before we got together. So... :( Sucks but I can move on to the next chapter.

I think having an agreement is a good idea but do you think it would really be enforceable here? They seem very conservative here.

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I hope you have enough money to support the two babies. Are you sure the 1st is really yours? I can't understand why you ever put your problem on TV in the first place. And I'm a nut for even bothering to reply.

DNA test and yes I am comfortable paying monthly. I put this on here because it's THAI people I'm dealing with and maybe someone had similar experiences on here. (which they did :)

Have a great night

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I saw an episode on Dr Phil, just like this.

Was your friend on Dr Phil?

Ps: It's a strange situation and virtually everyone in the GF's situation might feel a bit strange about it.

Funny how these folks ALWAYS write in and talk about "A Friend," have to wonder why the "Friends" never write.

Anyway, sounds like a good "story line" for a TV Soap.

Yes I'm busted. I guess I don't want to share too much info with strangers. haha

Ultimately she did know about this when we first got together. She is trying. Funny thing though is my girlfriend is also pregnant. I guess I need to grow a pair and go see my son. A pregnant girlfriend isn't going anywhere. I just wanted to try to compromise with her. Her only compromise was that she come with and shout out that she is my girlfriend. This would be the 2nd time I see my son. I don't want drama just a healthy relationship with my boy.

You should sign up for sperm donation instead of running around making Thai woman pregnant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I saw an episode on Dr Phil, just like this.

Was your friend on Dr Phil?

Ps: It's a strange situation and virtually everyone in the GF's situation might feel a bit strange about it.

Funny how these folks ALWAYS write in and talk about "A Friend," have to wonder why the "Friends" never write.

Anyway, sounds like a good "story line" for a TV Soap.

Yes I'm busted. I guess I don't want to share too much info with strangers. haha

Ultimately she did know about this when we first got together. She is trying. Funny thing though is my girlfriend is also pregnant. I guess I need to grow a pair and go see my son. A pregnant girlfriend isn't going anywhere. I just wanted to try to compromise with her. Her only compromise was that she come with and shout out that she is my girlfriend. This would be the 2nd time I see my son. I don't want drama just a healthy relationship with my boy.

You should sign up for sperm donation instead of running around making Thai woman pregnant.

I want to be able to share the care of the baby though. Issue has been resolved. Any time I want to go see said baby my girlfriend takes a xanex. lol

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