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Thai honey trap fear: Starving brain-damaged Scot banged up after he's found near dead


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Its quite likely the mother has a learning disability as well.

I empathise with your generosity of spirit but the headline stated he was brain damaged, not learning disabled.
Point taken but I always read these articles with a healthy dose of liberal interpretation.

Unless the article clearly indicated brain damage as a result of a specific accident/injury then I don't take it for granted.

Point taken,.......The article didn't show a copy of the lad's birth certificate either, so how do we know the woman is actually his mother? We didn't see the phone bill either, so maybe it wasn't a phone call but a letter that the "mother" sent?

Maybe the lad is not a male but a female? That birth certificate sure would be handy.

Some things we should take for granted.


A much better response would have been to cut and paste the description of how he received his brain injury.

He was assaulted in Glasgow 15 years ago.

Looks like a nice guy from the photo--the mother too.

Hope he is sent home.

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A much better response would have been to cut and paste the description of how he received his brain injury.

He was assaulted in Glasgow 15 years ago.

Looks like a nice guy from the photo--the mother too.

Hope he is sent home.

He does seem like a nice enough guy. What I get out of this story--as it pertains to TV--is that if a brain-damaged bloke with a mental age of 12 can get a Thai GF, then anyone can, i.e., it's rather silly to brag about it. That was for Mr. whereustay...and those like him.

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Ordinarily you'll find that guys like this would have had some sort of social work support, and be allocated vulnerable adult status. I have an uncle in that position now. Years ago the majority of vulnerable adults would have been committed to institutions however they have mainly been closed down.

What has replaced them is care in the community. One of the positive aspects of care in the community is to allow as many people as possible to live as normal a life as possible. My uncle lived alone and in a shambolic state for years, my father was driven mad by the regulations reference social work conduct. In the rush to give vulnerable adults more rights - a noble sentiment - it often became counter-productive.

I have cousins that are social workers are they are also driven mad by the layers of regulations. On the other hand, there have been plenty of examples of social workers taking advantage of vulnerable adults. It's believed, but cannot be proven, that my uncle was ripped off to the tune of about ten grand by his social worker. Where it can't be proven is that my uncle is an alcoholic that suffers from Korsakoff syndrome - amnesia. The social worker claimed that she gave the money to my uncle, he couldn't recollect it.

Anyway - what happened next was that my father eventually got full power of attorney, and delivered my uncle to a sheltered housing complex, along with other vulnerable men with various conditions. These sheltered housing complexes are not prisons. The adults can come and go as they please, and there is a reliance upon family member in particular, where available, to keep the vulnerable adults in check.

Now and then, my uncle will wander out and literally forget where he lives. It's got to the point that he has to wear a dog tag now. This is the sad reality of his life, and the life of many others. I would say that my uncle has also a mental age of about twelve now, he's a gentle soul, and grateful for any kindness shown to him. So grateful it is in it's own way heartbreaking to watch.

So, this gentleman that has been found in a bad way in Pattaya. I get it - he wasn't a prisoner of anyone - he could come and go as he pleases. A lot of times vulnerable adults do come from vulnerable families, that's why I wouldn't rush to judge the mother. I have seen plenty of examples of where people rush to condemnation where compassion was required.

The cheap shot against the embassy is out of order. I lay you odds as soon as the embassy was notified of this man's condition they were onto it immediately. It's not the embassies job to be the carer of every Brit that decides to travel overseas. I despair at the pathetic mentality shown by many of my fellow Brits in that regard. Grow up.

Who in Pattaya knew him? who mocked him? who ignored him or took advantage of him? was he invisible? did any of you turn your back on a fellow Brit? Did any of you turn your back on a fellow human being? Society depends upon walking towards the vulnerable, not walking away.

What would you have done if you saw him?

Now that was a well-spoken and insightful post.

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What kind of people would take advantage of a mentally handicapped person? True predators as you might find in Pattaya.

But I once saw a version of this type of thing in the US. About 40 years ago my buddies and I frequented a strip joint there. One night I noticed all the girls not dancing were hovering around one man right by the stage. There must have been 5 of them. The man appeared to be mentally handicapped and he was giving the girls $20 bills right and left. They were trying to hide the money exchange, but we saw it. They must have known he was mentally handicapped, as it was obvious by his body language, and they moved in for the "kill". Never saw him again.

Why not? We are all mentally handicapped when it come to sex with a beautiful woman. biggrin.png

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>> I lay you odds as soon as the embassy was notified of this man's condition they were onto it immediately.<<

But what have they done to help him ?Sweet F... all ,i would bet . Same with the mentaly ill German chap ,who lived on the streets of Pattaya for months .Nobody did anything including the German Embassy ,although it was a big story in Biltzeitung.Only when his clothes started to fall apart (he was offered new clothes by some expats but refused them) ,did it force the Thai police to act and take him away .( i dont know where to?,and he has not been seen since )

>>The cheap shot against the embassy is out of order.<<

If you can tell me anything constructive they have done to help the poor chap ,i may then change my opinion.

Edited by anto
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Great idea, stick him in jail. thumbsup.gif

This is not the first time Pattaya police have put mentally ill foreigners in jail. Sometimes they haven't come out alive.

The police don't really have anywhere else to put him, other than to leave him where he is and check round every once in a while to see if he's ready for the morgue. At least the embassy and his mother know where to find him if he's in jail.


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Sorry for being non PC here (left the UK in 1990, so not up to date on the latest NewSpeak).

How the heck did an imbecile/spastic get his hands on enough money to fly over to Thailand and "meet a lassie a few times"

Lets assume this means at least three times, 3 x return airfare, lets say 500 quid and a thousand quid spending money, hecks theres damn near 5 grand gone, plus the 4 grand he blows this time, total it up, thats almost 10 grand.

For fox sake, this guy has more money than me, perhaps I should head back to the "nanny state" and get myself certified, can I self certify or do I need a Drs note?

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For fox sake, this guy has more money than me, perhaps I should head back to the "nanny state" and get myself certified, can I self certify or do I need a Drs note?

Shouldn't be too difficult based on your post.

What do reckon, ban everyone from travelling who doesn't meet your idea of normality? lock em up?

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People asking how he could get 4000 sterling togeather ?Maybe he is a Politician ,as that does not seem to take much brains .lol (i include Irish and British Politicians in this )

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For fox sake, this guy has more money than me, perhaps I should head back to the "nanny state" and get myself certified, can I self certify or do I need a Drs note?

Shouldn't be too difficult based on your post.

What do reckon, ban everyone from travelling who doesn't meet your idea of normality? lock em up?

Read some of the posts on here by the bitter and twisted, scammed out of their life savings by a girl with no more than a P2 education.

Would love some background on the "lassie" our lovestruck helpless schmuck was flying over to see.

Oh Thats right, she worked in the Bkk Bank, Beach Rd branch.

Personally I dont give a dying duck, TIT, no nanny state here, we are all grown men and come of our own accord.

Some can handle it, others cant.

As for this imbecile, I blame "care in the community", some need protecting from themselves.

Never mind I am sure you are reaching for you cheque book as we speak.

This should be splattered over the front page of every newspaper in the UK, should be on Sky News, what the heck, the mugs will keep deluding themselves.

My girl is different, chai plao?

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Sorry for being non PC here (left the UK in 1990, so not up to date on the latest NewSpeak).

How the heck did an imbecile/spastic get his hands on enough money to fly over to Thailand and "meet a lassie a few times"

Lets assume this means at least three times, 3 x return airfare, lets say 500 quid and a thousand quid spending money, hecks theres damn near 5 grand gone, plus the 4 grand he blows this time, total it up, thats almost 10 grand.

For fox sake, this guy has more money than me, perhaps I should head back to the "nanny state" and get myself certified, can I self certify or do I need a Drs note?

Based on your post--you shouldn't have much trouble qualifying.

Good luck.

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Mental age of 12 but allowed to get a passport and travel alone with 4000 gbp, then the mother waits 7 months...actually waited 7 months but was only prompted to question the situation when a woman asked for money.

99.99% responsibility for the current situation her son is in lies with her. My bet is she's the Scottish version of trailer trash and looking now to cash in on sympathy donations.

Its quite likely the mother has a learning disability as well.

Did either of you read the full article ? He is brain damaged from beibg attacked at the age of 28.

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Mental age of 12 but allowed to get a passport and travel alone with 4000 gbp, then the mother waits 7 months...actually waited 7 months but was only prompted to question the situation when a woman asked for money.

99.99% responsibility for the current situation her son is in lies with her. My bet is she's the Scottish version of trailer trash and looking now to cash in on sympathy donations.

Its quite likely the mother has a learning disability as well.
Did either of you read the full article ? He is brain damaged from beibg attacked at the age of 28.

Yes, it was addressed in a later post.

What a terrible situation for the young man.

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Great idea, stick him in jail. thumbsup.gif

This is not the first time Pattaya police have put mentally ill foreigners in jail. Sometimes they haven't come out alive.

The police don't really have anywhere else to put him, other than to leave him where he is and check round every once in a while to see if he's ready for the morgue. At least the embassy and his mother know where to find him if he's in jail.


May I draw your attention to the conditions in Thai jails. There is plenty of material out there. You might like to focus on certain aspects which are particularly harmful to one's physical health such as high rates of TB, beatings by other inmates, great difficulty in obtaining anything a healthy diet and total lack of medical care. Also the stress of being locked in a small room with 30 or so others is immense and will have very detrimental effects on mentally ill people leading to them making noises or complaining leading to beatings. The sleep deprivation is also particularly harmful to mentally ill people.

Feel free to read up on this.

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For fox sake, this guy has more money than me, perhaps I should head back to the "nanny state" and get myself certified, can I self certify or do I need a Drs note?

Shouldn't be too difficult based on your post.

What do reckon, ban everyone from travelling who doesn't meet your idea of normality? lock em up?

Read some of the posts on here by the bitter and twisted, scammed out of their life savings by a girl with no more than a P2 education.

Would love some background on the "lassie" our lovestruck helpless schmuck was flying over to see.

Oh Thats right, she worked in the Bkk Bank, Beach Rd branch.

Personally I dont give a dying duck, TIT, no nanny state here, we are all grown men and come of our own accord.

Some can handle it, others cant.

As for this imbecile, I blame "care in the community", some need protecting from themselves.

Never mind I am sure you are reaching for you cheque book as we speak.

This should be splattered over the front page of every newspaper in the UK, should be on Sky News, what the heck, the mugs will keep deluding themselves.

My girl is different, chai plao?

Half the problem with the UK is, is that there are thousands of people who have been left to fend for themselves in the community, who do not have the skills to do so. They are often open to abuse, both physical, sexual and financial in the UK. BTW, some of them get significant amounts of benefits and DLA, so they aren't short pf a few bob.

Apparently, this type of choice is " a human right", personally I think it's a load of &lt;deleted&gt; and fed up of listening to some of the so called "human rights" shit that gets spouted - many of these people were better cared for, and had better quality of lives when they were in some of the old long term psych/LD hospitals.

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Great idea, stick him in jail. thumbsup.gif

This is not the first time Pattaya police have put mentally ill foreigners in jail. Sometimes they haven't come out alive.

The police don't really have anywhere else to put him, other than to leave him where he is and check round every once in a while to see if he's ready for the morgue. At least the embassy and his mother know where to find him if he's in jail.


May I draw your attention to the conditions in Thai jails. There is plenty of material out there. You might like to focus on certain aspects which are particularly harmful to one's physical health such as high rates of TB, beatings by other inmates, great difficulty in obtaining anything a healthy diet and total lack of medical care. Also the stress of being locked in a small room with 30 or so others is immense and will have very detrimental effects on mentally ill people leading to them making noises or complaining leading to beatings. The sleep deprivation is also particularly harmful to mentally ill people.

Feel free to read up on this.

I hear the point, but also note that even in the UK mentally Ill people go to jail, and often some get picked up in the street on a section 136 and are bundled into a police station cell, it's called place of safety. The issue then is finding a place for them to go, and that's not always easy either, as the system is &lt;deleted&gt;.

I guess there is no simple way here, as the services are just not geared to dealing with the mentally ill here in Thailand, you just got to look around and see acutely unwell people wandering around streets.

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What kind of people would take advantage of a mentally handicapped person? True predators as you might find in Pattaya.

But I once saw a version of this type of thing in the US. About 40 years ago my buddies and I frequented a strip joint there. One night I noticed all the girls not dancing were hovering around one man right by the stage. There must have been 5 of them. The man appeared to be mentally handicapped and he was giving the girls $20 bills right and left. They were trying to hide the money exchange, but we saw it. They must have known he was mentally handicapped, as it was obvious by his body language, and they moved in for the "kill". Never saw him again.

Oh it happens in the States, for sure.

You should see the way nursing home staff steal from the elderly patients.

And how caregiver nurses pilfer all they can on home visits.

And how relatives issued "Power of Attorney" clean out lifetime savings account as fast as any politician dipping into SS.

Turns your stomach how the elderly are preyed on.

And of course there are always the churches where the elderly are also prayed preyed on.

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