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Baht Bus Fares Explained...


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Wrap yourself around the handle when you are on the backstep. :o

Is that with the helmet on as well brit? :D

Well helmets are useless - don't make the right size. If one ever needed it - fly right off after a good jolt and still crack the skull. :D

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I have never used one, been on the motocy many times and quite often a tuk tuk (Sriracha) but normally just drive my own car.

Tuky you don`t know what you have missed.....the open air thrill of the bus as it speeds you on your way....the plastic pull down sheets when it rains....the smile of the drivers.... the `toot toot` of the twin horns.....the aroma of spices floating through the air.... and if it`s full you can hang onto the rail at the back and travel standing up......all for a measly 10 baht :D

or for 5 baht, enjoy the same atmosphere with Sriracha's finest.... :o

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Baht bus chief says fares set in accordance with Land Transport Department guidelines

Says foreign tourist fares are higher because of currency differences

Vimolrat Singnikorn

That is such a joke. It might have legs, IF the fares were being paid in different currencies !

If differences in currencies were the reason the baht bus fares are doubled for tourists (and any locals travelling with tourists :o ), then why doesn't that standard apply to everything in Thailand ? Does Thai Air charge double for a farang to fly from Bangkok to Chang Mai ? Is the bus fare from Ekamai to Pattaya doubled for farangs ?

What about currencies that aren't equal ? I should get a 10% discount, as the Canadian $ is valued at (approx) 90 cents US. Europeans should be paying even more than Americans. Indonesians should be getting paid to ride, as their currency trades around 240 to the baht.

Even with the "farang fare" being doubled what it is supposed to be, I still find the current system better than most of the alternatives tried so far. Then again, I haven't used a baht bus for a couple months now. :D

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Here's the problem. It's 10 baht today, then 20 baht tomorrow, then 30 baht etc. Where does it stop. The only way to handle this is to not take a baht bus. When the locals stop taking baht buses the baht bus mafia will get the word. Walking is good excersize any way.


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Here's the problem. It's 10 baht today, then 20 baht tomorrow, then 30 baht etc. Where does it stop. The only way to handle this is to not take a baht bus. When the locals stop taking baht buses the baht bus mafia will get the word. Walking is good excersize any way.


Ha ha. Thais don't walk much, and farang who don't want sunstroke don't either. At least when its hot.

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Here's the problem. It's 10 baht today, then 20 baht tomorrow, then 30 baht etc. Where does it stop. The only way to handle this is to not take a baht bus. When the locals stop taking baht buses the baht bus mafia will get the word. Walking is good excersize any way.


Well, the locals pay 5 baht and are unlikely to be charged more in the near future. It would send a message though if the locals stopped using the service, but that probably won't happen either. Too many depend on it, and too many others won't walk a block if they don't have to.

I see people on my block that take their moto to the Family Mart at the end of the block ! I can walk there in 30 seconds, but the locals drive their moto. When I tell a (Thai) friend that I'm going for a walk to Royal Garden, or Big Buddha or some other destination, they look at me like I have three heads.

If I'm with a girl and let it be known we are going to walk somewhere, the icy glare I usually get is almost as good as air-conditioning ! :o

Considering how much the price of fuel has gone up over the last 2 years, I'm surprised the fares haven't risen, say by 5 baht. It's affected other transport (like air-travel and taxis to/from Bangkok).

I remember the touts at Don Muang telling me the taxi fare to Pattaya had risen 500 baht (from 1,700 to 2,200) because gas prices had risen (from 17 baht/liter to almost 20 baht/liter) ! I laughed and told them I would take a different method of travel. Ended up getting the taxi for 1,800.

Now gas is over 24 baht/liter.

Despite an increase of over 7 baht/liter for gas, the "official" baht bus rate has remained the same.

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Now gas is over 24 baht/liter.

Despite an increase of over 7 baht/liter for gas, the "official" baht bus rate has remained the same.

And there is talk of the stuff going up to 30bt a litre :D

On that basis I would have no objection if they upped the ante to say 6 bt but they could not call it a ha (5 ) bt bus anymore.....could serve up ice cream... :o

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My only complaint is there are too many of them, that is why you will see an increase in fares over the coming months, there's not enough customers for them to make decent money so what few customers the can manage will pay more, I'd rather see maybe 250 baht buses round the town, this would relieve the serious traffic congestion, improve public safety (for many reasons) improve the environment, improve customer relations with the drivers as they would actually be making money as opposed to sitting/driving around intheir empty baht bus feeling angry because they can't fill it up

It's rediculous

Also nice to know every driver is a foreign exchange expert, what a silly thing to say

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The baht bus drivers are the best.

It?s a great service for all in Pattaya and the surrounding areas.

I have never been threatened or ripped off by them ever, the salt of pattya they are.

Think they should put the fare up a bit say 25 baht, would enough to keep them all just above the bread line.

Long live the baht bus drivers.

Beep beep.

love them all


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I would like to say that walking is the best way to travel for me its good exercise. The baht bus will have to go someday as the city can not keep that number of empty pickups on the road in the future as the traffic keeps increasing every year. There will have to be a new way of public transport with meter taxis & a bus service that is fair to everyone but when thats the big question?I will be happy to walk until then :o

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I would like to say that walking is the best way to travel for me its good exercise. The baht bus will have to go someday as the city can not keep that number of empty pickups on the road in the future as the traffic keeps increasing every year. There will have to be a new way of public transport with meter taxis & a bus service that is fair to everyone but when thats the big question?I will be happy to walk until then :o

People have been saying that for years and years...and still the baht bus survives...why??...because for every one that knocks the service 100`s use it and love it.

...and you know...at peak times a lot of the busses are running quite full with local workers...who find them convenient and cheap.. :D

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The more it is "OK" to double the price for Farangs for things like baht buses, the more the practice will spread to other things. It's not that hard to figure out. :D

You're ###### straight. :D It's the principle.

It would actually make more economic sense to REDUCE the price to say 2 bt a trip....then to earn a tip :o the drivers would really have to do their homework and perhaps complete a course in customer appreciation....

Life is tough out there and those sods have had it TOOOO easy for years.......time to get real.... :D

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The more it is "OK" to double the price for Farangs for things like baht buses, the more the practice will spread to other things. It's not that hard to figure out. :o

You're ###### straight. :D It's the principle.

F**king right!

When I was in Patters this month I guess I made 50 journeys in 2 weeks & on only 2 occasions did the driver demand 10bt when I'd given him 5. One was the driver who has a female tout, packing the punters in the northbound bus at 1 am on 2nd Road/North Pattaya Road. (He obviously pays her commission). As he chased me down the road, I thought it prudent to pay the other 5bt!

On the other occasion, I paid 10bt each for me & the gf under duress, but when the girl intervened I got a refund! (I kid you not!)

It just proves the majority of drivers will accept the true fare of 5bt, but they must think Christmas has come early when they get a busload of farangs paying 10. :D

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Given the rate of fuel price increases over time, I personally believe ฿10 to now be a 'fair fare'.

But, if they choose not to increase it from ฿5, then ฿5 is the price that should be paid, period.

Yes, this is a matter of principle as perceived ability to pay has no bearing...

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Baht bus chief says fares set in accordance with Land Transport Department guidelines

The Pattaya Transport Cooperative is a songtaew service that transports passengers on fixed routes throughout Pattaya. It was founded 29 years ago in 1977, and at present there are 700 member vehicles.

Source: Pattaya Mail

How do you know what the fixed route of each taxi is, although I never used them the big busses were colour coded,

Traveling from Tukcom to Big C (north Pty) the taxi can either go to Jomtain or 2nd road then at Tops they can go straight to Big C or left to the beach or right to Carrefore

Now that 2nd road is one way its even harded to get back, either way it can cost me 10 or 20 baht and usually a walk from south Pattaya lights back to Tukcom, in the pouring rain its no fun changing taxi's, IMO they should be colour coded like the busses and have 2 way traffic on 2nd road

Tufty tired legs

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Given the rate of fuel price increases over time, I personally believe ฿10 to now be a 'fair fare'.

But, if they choose not to increase it from ฿5, then ฿5 is the price that should be paid, period.

Yes, this is a matter of principle as perceived ability to pay has no bearing...


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Baht bus chief says fares set in accordance with Land Transport Department guidelines

The Pattaya Transport Cooperative is a songtaew service that transports passengers on fixed routes throughout Pattaya. It was founded 29 years ago in 1977, and at present there are 700 member vehicles.

Source: Pattaya Mail

How do you know what the fixed route of each taxi is, although I never used them the big busses were colour coded,

Traveling from Tukcom to Big C (north Pty) the taxi can either go to Jomtain or 2nd road then at Tops they can go straight to Big C or left to the beach or right to Carrefore

Now that 2nd road is one way its even harded to get back, either way it can cost me 10 or 20 baht and usually a walk from south Pattaya lights back to Tukcom, in the pouring rain its no fun changing taxi's, IMO they should be colour coded like the busses and have 2 way traffic on 2nd road

Tufty tired legs

What I find really annoying is, for example, when you are on a baht bus travelling along second road, with a reasonable expectation of going to to Big C, and the driver pulls over and allows a group of Japanese (e.g.) to charter the bus to go somewhere quite different - suddenly turns off up Soi Diana, perhaps - and you have no recourse but to get off and find another bus. I can understand that there's probably more cash in it for him to do this but I was there first!

2-way traffic on 2nd road - aaarrrghh!!! Actually, it already is, formally, from Pattaya Klang to the Dolphin and informally everywhere else for motorcycles! It's pretty risky crossing 2nd road, as a pedestrian, already. Making it two-way traffic throughout the entire length would make crossing next to impossible. The stripy 'killing zones', aka pedestrian crossings don't help one iota either!


Edited by doctormann
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Baht bus chief says fares set in accordance with Land Transport Department guidelines

The Pattaya Transport Cooperative is a songtaew service that transports passengers on fixed routes throughout Pattaya. It was founded 29 years ago in 1977, and at present there are 700 member vehicles.

Source: Pattaya Mail

How do you know what the fixed route of each taxi is, although I never used them the big busses were colour coded,

Traveling from Tukcom to Big C (north Pty) the taxi can either go to Jomtain or 2nd road then at Tops they can go straight to Big C or left to the beach or right to Carrefore

Now that 2nd road is one way its even harded to get back, either way it can cost me 10 or 20 baht and usually a walk from south Pattaya lights back to Tukcom, in the pouring rain its no fun changing taxi's, IMO they should be colour coded like the busses and have 2 way traffic on 2nd road

Tufty tired legs

What I find really annoying is, for example, when you are on a baht bus travelling along second road, with a reasonable expectation of going to to Big C, and the driver pulls over and allows a group of Japanese (e.g.) to charter the bus to go somewhere quite different - suddenly turns off up Soi Diana, perhaps - and you have no recourse but to get off and find another bus. I can understand that there's probably more cash in in for him to do this but I was there first!


All part of the wonderful experience of taking a ride on a baht bus....even mystery tours thrown in :o .....blame the Japanese they are known for throwing their money around.

Of course you could have asked the driver before you boarded if he was going past Big C that`s what I would have done :D

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Baht bus chief says fares set in accordance with Land Transport Department guidelines

The Pattaya Transport Cooperative is a songtaew service that transports passengers on fixed routes throughout Pattaya. It was founded 29 years ago in 1977, and at present there are 700 member vehicles.

Source: Pattaya Mail

How do you know what the fixed route of each taxi is, although I never used them the big busses were colour coded,

Traveling from Tukcom to Big C (north Pty) the taxi can either go to Jomtain or 2nd road then at Tops they can go straight to Big C or left to the beach or right to Carrefore

Now that 2nd road is one way its even harded to get back, either way it can cost me 10 or 20 baht and usually a walk from south Pattaya lights back to Tukcom, in the pouring rain its no fun changing taxi's, IMO they should be colour coded like the busses and have 2 way traffic on 2nd road

Tufty tired legs

What I find really annoying is, for example, when you are on a baht bus travelling along second road, with a reasonable expectation of going to to Big C, and the driver pulls over and allows a group of Japanese (e.g.) to charter the bus to go somewhere quite different - suddenly turns off up Soi Diana, perhaps - and you have no recourse but to get off and find another bus. I can understand that there's probably more cash in in for him to do this but I was there first!


All part of the wonderful experience of taking a ride on a baht bus....even mystery tours thrown in :o .....blame the Japanese they are known for throwing their money around.

Of course you could have asked the driver before you boarded if he was going past Big C that`s what I would have done :D

I doubt that this would make any difference (10 Baht from me vs at least ten times that from a Jap. charter) and anyway, if you do this, you are maybe putting yourself in the position of requesting a charter. Same as negotiating with one of the drivers parked up along 2nd road in the evenings - 10Baht to the dolphin? I don't think so!


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Baht bus chief says fares set in accordance with Land Transport Department guidelines

The Pattaya Transport Cooperative is a songtaew service that transports passengers on fixed routes throughout Pattaya. It was founded 29 years ago in 1977, and at present there are 700 member vehicles.

Source: Pattaya Mail

How do you know what the fixed route of each taxi is, although I never used them the big busses were colour coded,

Traveling from Tukcom to Big C (north Pty) the taxi can either go to Jomtain or 2nd road then at Tops they can go straight to Big C or left to the beach or right to Carrefore

Now that 2nd road is one way its even harded to get back, either way it can cost me 10 or 20 baht and usually a walk from south Pattaya lights back to Tukcom, in the pouring rain its no fun changing taxi's, IMO they should be colour coded like the busses and have 2 way traffic on 2nd road

Tufty tired legs

What I find really annoying is, for example, when you are on a baht bus travelling along second road, with a reasonable expectation of going to to Big C, and the driver pulls over and allows a group of Japanese (e.g.) to charter the bus to go somewhere quite different - suddenly turns off up Soi Diana, perhaps - and you have no recourse but to get off and find another bus. I can understand that there's probably more cash in in for him to do this but I was there first!


All part of the wonderful experience of taking a ride on a baht bus....even mystery tours thrown in :o .....blame the Japanese they are known for throwing their money around.

Of course you could have asked the driver before you boarded if he was going past Big C that`s what I would have done :D

I doubt that this would make any difference (10 Baht from me vs at least ten times that from a Jap. charter) and anyway, if you do this, you are maybe putting yourself in the position of requesting a charter. Same as negotiating with one of the drivers parked up along 2nd road in the evenings - 10Baht to the dolphin? I don't think so!


Just to put your mind at ease I have asked many drivers many times if they are for example going past Big C and never had to pay other than the normal circuit route, which for me I am happy to pay 10 baht.

Now if you stop a baht bus or engage one which is parked up and request to go to a certain place then this is considered as chartering the baht bus. This would be an occasion to negotiate the fare :D

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Usually I don't have a problem, except last time. I stopped a baht bus on second road and asked him if he was going to Big C and he said "Yes, 100 baht". Naturally I said no so I asked the next baht bus and he said "Yes, 80 baht. Again, I said no. So I just jumped on the next bus with no questions and want to Big C for 10 baht. Live and learn. Also, I have to agree, crossing 2nd road as a pedestrian is a suicide mission.

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Unfortunately, if you ask the driver if he's going past somewhere, he automatically thinks you are ordering a ride and will charge you 100 or 200 baht. Just like the last time myself, my wife and my son came back from bangkok on a bus. from the bus station North Pattaya road they have several baht buses lined up to go specific routes and charge 20 baht. This is OK, but their were no seats, we would have to stand. So we walked out on the road and got a baht bus for 60 baht to take us where we wanted to go which was tops where we had our vehicle parked.


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Unfortunately, if you ask the driver if he's going past somewhere, he automatically thinks you are ordering a ride and will charge you 100 or 200 baht.

That's why I will wave-off an empty bus and wait for one that already has people in it. Once in awhile it will turn off in a direction different that where I want to go, I hop off (pay my fare), cross the street and grab one I know is going the right way. 20 baht is usually more than enough to get me pretty much anywhere I want to go within Pattaya (even out to Jomtien).

I will charter a bus on ocassion, if I've been shopping for big items or if I'm drunk and just want to get home as quick as possible. I usually get my "companion" to negotiate and pay the fare. Less hassles and usually cheaper than if I did it myself.

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