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China may gain from Thai-US Cobra Gold spat


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China may gain from Thai-US Cobra Gold spat
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- WHILE the United States is considering whether to delay next year's annual Cobra Gold military exercise in response to the coup, China appears to have sent a clear signal of its wish for a greater role in this exercise, the largest in the Asia-Pacific region.

Washington's strong criticism of Thailand's new military junta could drive a wedge between the two countries and provide China an opportunity to ingratiate itself with Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University security expert Panitan Wattanayagorn said.

China participated in the exercise for the first time early this year as an observer by dispatching 17 mechanics and military medical staff.

The fate of next year's Cobra Gold is still unknown, pending further consideration. Washington on Tuesday suspended US$4.7 million (Bt152.7 million) in defence aid and halted a military exercise that had been under way in the wake of the power seizure.

The annual joint exercise, bilaterally controlled by Thailand and the US, has been held every year in the Kingdom.

Though Bangkok and Beijing signed a military cooperation deal more than a year ago, China has shown only symbolic moves because it has yet to accumulate significant military power, Panitan said. Beijing has dispatched missile cruisers to the South China Sea and staged operations against Japan. But it will take China at least 20 years to catch up with the US in terms of military clout, he said.

"The period of 20 years is on the assumption that the US puts its military and arms development on hold. China spends around US$100 billion annually in military and arms development, while the US splurged up to $700 billion a year," he said.

China's modern military force is still in its infancy. Its conventional force has no expertise to stage operations beyond its borders. The country has rarely had joint military training with any country, Panitan said.

"It will take time for China to be equipped with a formidable military force, but the point is the country is ready financially and politically. China has signalled it is ready to strike a security balance against the US."

He believes China might stage some kind of protest against Thailand if it initiated a new military cooperation with the US further on from Cobra Gold.

This year's Cobra Gold, held between January 13 and February 21 at Akatosarot military camp in Phitsanulok province, attracted 8,239 participants from seven countries.

Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Brunei, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Mongolia and the Philippines sent multinational augmentation teams to the event. Also Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, China, South Africa, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Russia, Pakistan and the United Kingdom dispatched 11 combined observer liaison teams.

Cobra Gold 2014

(33rd military exercise)

January 13-February 21

8,239 participants from seven countries

Thailand: 3,010

United States: 4,556

Singapore: 65

Japan: 137

Indonesia: 42

South Korea: 376

Malaysia: 36

Observers: 17 mechanics and military medical staff from China

-- The Nation 2014-06-26

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The other newspaper has quoted an NCPO spokesman as saying the US has as much to lose as Thailand if Cobra Gold is cancelled but does it ?

Apart from the military aspect the LoS will lose a lot of money as, for example, US personnel taking part from Udon Thani are billeted in local hotels and it's the ones at the top end of the scale plus they spend when out in their free time.

I'm presuming this will be the same in other parts of Thailand where the incidence of US military personnel will be much higher than Udon.

I don't think Singapore has reacted to the coup and martial law which is just as well as the Singapore Defence Force uses Udon Thani airport a couple of times a year for training flights and the Thai government has consistently refused to state how much they get paid for this.

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China's modern military force is still in its infancy. Its conventional force has no expertise to stage operations beyond its borders.

Now if every country was like that what a much more peaceful world this would be.

Quite agree, Robby. But let's not forget China's unilateral claiming of 80-90 percent of the South China Sea and sending naval vessels.

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So Thailand wants to get into bed with China and alienate most members of ASEAN, of whom many/ most are having problems with China over its territorial claims.

Well Thailand and China deserve each other, not sure who will be the "lady" and who the "man" though.

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China probably has its long term eye on Thailand's women and food. As the imbalance with male/female proportion continues to gap in China, you can be be sure that the government planners are telling those young Chinese men not to be concerned and that they have a plan.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The other newspaper has quoted an NCPO spokesman as saying the US has as much to lose as Thailand if Cobra Gold is cancelled but does it ?

Apart from the military aspect the LoS will lose a lot of money as, for example, US personnel taking part from Udon Thani are billeted in local hotels and it's the ones at the top end of the scale plus they spend when out in their free time.

I'm presuming this will be the same in other parts of Thailand where the incidence of US military personnel will be much higher than Udon.

I don't think Singapore has reacted to the coup and martial law which is just as well as the Singapore Defence Force uses Udon Thani airport a couple of times a year for training flights and the Thai government has consistently refused to state how much they get paid for this.

The biggest lost is to the soldier, who will miss out on all those K rations the US, Oz and Kiwi's leave behind.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The other newspaper has quoted an NCPO spokesman as saying the US has as much to lose as Thailand if Cobra Gold is cancelled but does it ?

Apart from the military aspect the LoS will lose a lot of money as, for example, US personnel taking part from Udon Thani are billeted in local hotels and it's the ones at the top end of the scale plus they spend when out in their free time.

I'm presuming this will be the same in other parts of Thailand where the incidence of US military personnel will be much higher than Udon.

I don't think Singapore has reacted to the coup and martial law which is just as well as the Singapore Defence Force uses Udon Thani airport a couple of times a year for training flights and the Thai government has consistently refused to state how much they get paid for this.

The biggest lost is to the soldier, who will miss out on all those K rations the US, Oz and Kiwi's leave behind.

Looking forward for China. Chines rations will include Choy Suey, Sweet & Sour Pork, Chow Mee, etc.

Edited by chotthee
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First, All these countries and organization judging the Coup have not clue how bad and corrupt the previous power base was/is/and will be if not brought to task for there "Sins". I believe the fear is ther Thailand Military will go the way Myanmar's Army. I think not, because Thailand has a much different culture and way of life.

The Liberals think they overturned a Democratically Elected Government, not so because a bought and paid for election is not a true Democracy. Thailand was well on the road to a dictatorship and the party in power claimed to be against a dictatorship.

Second, What some call the "Good Book" says judge not unless you be judged. EU, USA and many others do not have a clue what is going on in Thailand outside the Bars and Go Go's.

Third, Be very scared of getting into bed with China, they have the goal as Islam, World Dominance and submission ! No I am not against Isslam, just what I see and hear about their practices. I have a lot of Muslim friends.

Some must have been talking with khun Chan o cha , and have a multy decades experience to can talk about different culture of Myanmar and Thailand. I guess have never been in Myanmar or dont know not even one Burmese.

That you know what all the liberals may be thinking shows that you are very experienced, much more then I am... May be you can then in your next post report where you got the Information about the 45 MILLION corrupt Thais (vote for money is corruption same as buy votes...) from, who voted for Money??!

Some posters just write bla bla from reading what others post - and believe that the MAJORITY of the Thais is CORRUPT (because the majority votet the ousted PM'S!!) or stand with the words of some elites that the Thai people are to dump or to stupid to understand Democracy and all upcountry or outside Bangkok people should only get 1/2 vote or less - and the "educated" ones get 2-5 depending on theyr "Level".

If I would believe that the majority of Thai People really are like that - I would shure not stay - as in the eyes of some "high Level People" my two Kids who are also Thai (and love Thailand as well) should just get just 0.5 of a vote, same as all Thais married to foreigners. Tell me with whom you go , and I tell you who you are....

I still believe in the good and still hope that the "coup" may be, bring some "good" without suppression of just "one side" and in the end can satisfy the majority of the people.

Suppression, force and fear are poor bases and just last limited time as you can see all around the world. To come back to Myanmar ones again - may be you missed the protest in the past where hundreds of unarmed protesters against the Military dictatorship died in the streets.. and hopefully things like that not happen again, nowhere!

Edited by Hardy99
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Looking at today's Thailand Live pinned topic, seems like higher concentration of anti-USA and EU statements by various officials,

academics and businessmen.

Nothing wrong with that, just that seems more related to nationalistic indignation over being called out regarding recent human rights

issues. In general, the Thai responses to international criticism is a bit like throwing toys out of pram and acting sulky. While some of

the indignation can be justified (as in relation to some foreign comments regarding the coup and the previous government), the bits

over human trafficking are just childish.

Considering that most of the current actual measures are either light weight or not yet fully in place, the reactions seem a bit over the

top. Cobra Gold's designated dates are still a few months away, a lot can change by then. Wouldn't be surprised if it will be conducted

as usual. Getting in bed with China is a laugh, and probably wouldn't resonate all that well with some members of ASEAN.

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China probably has its long term eye on Thailand's women and food---Noitom

A long term eye on food maybe--- it can solve its lack of female population long term very easily ..............

Edited by sanuk711
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So Thailand wants to get into bed with China and alienate most members of ASEAN, of whom many/ most are having problems with China over its territorial claims.

Well Thailand and China deserve each other, not sure who will be the "lady" and who the "man" though.

I don't think Thailand is doing that at all. History speaks for itself. Thailand has avoided going to bed with anyone over the past 100 years, and is not dependent on China, the US, or anyone else. This is much more about the US trying to pull Thailand into line with much huff and puff and tokenistic threats. But I'm sure they are worried about China - a bit late when you look at China's influence throughout the whole Asia - Pacific region. The junta has made it very clear that they don't want to stay in this role for any longer than necessary. Their every action supports this goal.

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Grownup boys playing games with their destructive toys, where is the mental awaremess of everyone? Common sense says just stop it all, all soldiers go home worldwide. War creates fear, and fear keeps this planet at a more negative state than positive.

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Thailand should teach uncle Sam a lesson by joining Panda Gold instead.

Call it Red Bear and invite Russia as well.....Thailand has many small islands. Defend Island and conquer islands exercise might be popular with the Chinese.

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Grownup boys playing games with their destructive toys, where is the mental awaremess of everyone? Common sense says just stop it all, all soldiers go home worldwide. War creates fear, and fear keeps this planet at a more negative state than positive.

Well the problem is if the soldiers go home....not all will go home. The remaining will cause troubles.

Or what would Thailand have done if there would be no army. We still would have that corrupt government shooting at protesters.

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The fate of next year's Cobra Gold is still unknown, pending further consideration. Washington on Tuesday suspended US$4.7 million (Bt152.7 million) in defence aid and halted a military exercise that had been under way in the wake of the power seizure.

That paltry amount is hardly significant to Thailand, it's more symbolic than direly needed aid.

I do, however, find it amusing that that this minor slap on the wrist "might drive a wedge" between the USA and Thailand. Yeah maybe but funny how the US is now suddenly popular in Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. Gee why is that?

The real issue is why is the USA protecting rich Asian nations in the first place? Or European ones for that matter.

I simply do not understand why China is an enemy of the USA. Sure, there is no love lost but they are our factory and happily accept the pieces of paper we exchange for real goods. Maybe China will refuse to sell to the USA? I doubt it too much money involved- and full employment in China lessens the chances of the average worker rising up for a change from one party rule. The US should rebuild its manufacturing base any way, good jobs pay good wages. And workers earning a decent wage pay taxes too :)

The Thais kicked the US military out in 1975 after the Republic of Vietnam fell. As a US citizen, I would welcome Thailand's cancelling the military exercises. Yes we have interests in Asia, but I don't see them as requiring military solutions. Bring the US troops home and let the Asian nations settle their differences themselves.

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Third, Be very scared of getting into bed with China, they have the goal as Islam, World Dominance and submission !

Huh? China (with 2% of its population Muslim) wants to spread Islam around the world. facepalm.gif

I imagine you to be like the red neck woman in this video @ 1.30 laugh.png

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actually sorry to burst the bubble for any Americans.

.not that they'd believe me anyways..

China's territory demands or potential conflicts is part of the western media - link to US government - link to Corporations that China is the aggressor when it's the US aggression pushing it's friends like Japan * Philippines.

China would be as a good trading partner as any of the other western outlets..

They want cheap raw materials for their manufacturing base.

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actually sorry to burst the bubble for any Americans.

.not that they'd believe me anyways..

China's territory demands or potential conflicts is part of the western media - link to US government - link to Corporations that China is the aggressor when it's the US aggression pushing it's friends like Japan * Philippines.

China would be as a good trading partner as any of the other western outlets..

They want cheap raw materials for their manufacturing base.

Ask the Africans what they think of the Chinese.

Not the few gov't officials making millions off bribes, ask the people whose lives are affected every day by their "Chinese trading partners".

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actually sorry to burst the bubble for any Americans.

.not that they'd believe me anyways..

China's territory demands or potential conflicts is part of the western media - link to US government - link to Corporations that China is the aggressor when it's the US aggression pushing it's friends like Japan * Philippines.

China would be as a good trading partner as any of the other western outlets..

They want cheap raw materials for their manufacturing base.

Ask the Africans what they think of the Chinese.

Not the few gov't officials making millions off bribes, ask the people whose lives are affected every day by their "Chinese trading partners".

Americans are destroying Africa too..but whereas China uses money to take the countries over the US uses support for terrorist groups to destabilize the Chinese gains there.

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