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Is statistical probablity accurate in Thailand?


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To clarify my statement people lie when surveyed.

For example most Irish men drink to excess but how many would admit to being an alcoholic when surveyed?

The list goes on.

So all statistics can't be trusted in your mind because people lie? Oh yea. Right. Stop the world. Stop the banks. Stop the IMF. Stop every economic transaction in the world today because......... wait for it......... People lie.

I know this is going to be news to you but people stopped counting things years ago. Now they take a sample and through a statistical formula arrive at the answer. Take unemployment. Do you think they count the people who don't work in America and Thailand? Nope. They take a survey of 60,000 people for the 300,000,000 living in America and much less in Thailand and estimate. Do you think the folks lie? 555. Back to school for you Statistics 101.

In America the unemployment rate is easily determinable because they only need to count the people claiming benefit. All the rest will be working legally, illegally.

Determining the unemployment rate in Thailand is far more difficult because there are a lot of people working in the black/shadow economy which they would never admit to.

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To clarify my statement people lie when surveyed.

For example most Irish men drink to excess but how many would admit to being an alcoholic when surveyed?

The list goes on.

So all statistics can't be trusted in your mind because people lie? Oh yea. Right. Stop the world. Stop the banks. Stop the IMF. Stop every economic transaction in the world today because......... wait for it......... People lie.

I know this is going to be news to you but people stopped counting things years ago. Now they take a sample and through a statistical formula arrive at the answer. Take unemployment. Do you think they count the people who don't work in America and Thailand? Nope. They take a survey of 60,000 people for the 300,000,000 living in America and much less in Thailand and estimate. Do you think the folks lie? 555. Back to school for you Statistics 101.

In America the unemployment rate is easily determinable because they only need to count the people claiming benefit. All the rest will be working legally, illegally.

Determining the unemployment rate in Thailand is far more difficult because there are a lot of people working in the black/shadow economy which they would never admit to.

Sorry wrong #1, wrong #2. That is not how America determines unemployment. USA, Thailand and Australia all do it the same way and it is not by counting unemployed.

Some people think that to get these figures on unemployment, the government uses the number of people collecting unemployment insurance (UI) benefits under state or federal government programs. But some people are still jobless when their benefits run out, and many more are not eligible at all or delay or never apply for benefits. So, quite clearly, UI information cannot be used as a source for complete information on the number of unemployed.


Unemployment in Thailand and the USA and Australia is figured by survey and statistics. The US has been doing it this way since 1940. You a bit behind the times.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I like to ridicule papists. I learnt that from my peers at school. But if I do it on the open forum, I get labelled a bigot.


Your mistake is calling them papists. That's like Henry VIII stuff, no wonder. Try religion in general.

And I think there are some who would draw a distinction between religion and superstition. I don't but some might.

Don't forget the question was "I believe stereotyping is far more accurate than statistics" which is absolute balderdash and a flame before you began to join the pedantic Thai Visa group.

I've nothing against the "pedantic's for a brighter forum future" brigade but some might wonder if it was on topic.

If we assume the probability of an event happening is 1, the probability of it not happening is 0.

What is the probability of "purgatory" existing?

What is the probability of the cult of worshipping the deads prayers being answered?

What is the probability that Henry the viii was actually a papist?

What is the probability that most on here dont give a toss?

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I like to ridicule papists. I learnt that from my peers at school. But if I do it on the open forum, I get labelled a bigot.


Your mistake is calling them papists. That's like Henry VIII stuff, no wonder. Try religion in general.

And I think there are some who would draw a distinction between religion and superstition. I don't but some might.

Don't forget the question was "I believe stereotyping is far more accurate than statistics" which is absolute balderdash and a flame before you began to join the pedantic Thai Visa group.

I've nothing against the "pedantic's for a brighter forum future" brigade but some might wonder if it was on topic.

If we assume the probability of an event happening is 1, the probability of it not happening is 0.

What is the probability of "purgatory" existing?

What is the probability of the cult of worshipping the deads prayers being answered?

What is the probability that Henry the viii was actually a papist?

What is the probability that most on here dont give a toss?

You wrote, "What is the probability that most on here dont give a toss?" So, then why post? Flaming? Senseless attack? If you don't give a toss ignore the thread like a grown up would. 63 responses would rebut your statement eh?

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Statistical probability would seem to work well where events are random - or at least we lack the ability to accurately model and come up with a reliable deterministic answer.

I can understand why another poster preferred to rely on stereotypes - he probably doesn't have to hand reliable data on which to make a sound statistical estimate of the risks to which he is exposed, and the stereotypes, which may be based on over-reporting of misfortunes and extreme outcomes, may help him err on the safe side.

Personally, I prefer to rely on my own judgement on a case-by-case basis, despite the obvious folly of such an approach.


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I like to ridicule papists. I learnt that from my peers at school. But if I do it on the open forum, I get labelled a bigot.


Your mistake is calling them papists. That's like Henry VIII stuff, no wonder. Try religion in general.

And I think there are some who would draw a distinction between religion and superstition. I don't but some might.

Don't forget the question was "I believe stereotyping is far more accurate than statistics" which is absolute balderdash and a flame before you began to join the pedantic Thai Visa group.

I've nothing against the "pedantic's for a brighter forum future" brigade but some might wonder if it was on topic.

If we assume the probability of an event happening is 1, the probability of it not happening is 0.

What is the probability of "purgatory" existing?

What is the probability of the cult of worshipping the deads prayers being answered?

What is the probability that Henry the viii was actually a papist?

What is the probability that most on here dont give a toss?

You wrote, "What is the probability that most on here dont give a toss?" So, then why post? Flaming? Senseless attack? If you don't give a toss ignore the thread like a grown up would. 63 responses would rebut your statement eh?

As you have correctly posted, I said most, I didnt say I was one of them.

I didnt say I dont give a toss.

I am awaiting your response to the questions I asked, not a rebuttal of my post.

What is the probability that you cant answer?

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Your mistake is calling them papists. That's like Henry VIII stuff, no wonder. Try religion in general.

And I think there are some who would draw a distinction between religion and superstition. I don't but some might.

Don't forget the question was "I believe stereotyping is far more accurate than statistics" which is absolute balderdash and a flame before you began to join the pedantic Thai Visa group.

I've nothing against the "pedantic's for a brighter forum future" brigade but some might wonder if it was on topic.

If we assume the probability of an event happening is 1, the probability of it not happening is 0.

What is the probability of "purgatory" existing?

What is the probability of the cult of worshipping the deads prayers being answered?

What is the probability that Henry the viii was actually a papist?

What is the probability that most on here dont give a toss?

You wrote, "What is the probability that most on here dont give a toss?" So, then why post? Flaming? Senseless attack? If you don't give a toss ignore the thread like a grown up would. 63 responses would rebut your statement eh?

As you have correctly posted, I said most, I didnt say I was one of them.

I didnt say I dont give a toss.

I am awaiting your response to the questions I asked, not a rebuttal of my post.

What is the probability that you cant answer?

Oh sorry. Now I understand. No I won't answer your question because it does not contribute to the topic as I stated it.

Now if you want to ask is the probability of purgatory existing in the West greater than it existing in Thailand I would say that would be more on topic. I would think the answer would be the same but either way I wouldn't answer the question because it is an attempt to throw the thread off topic and for you to hijack the thread. So, no I won't help you hijack my thread.

You see I'm still waiting for ATF to come back and admit he was 100% wrong and did not have the vaguest idea what he was talking about.

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Statistical probability would seem to work well where events are random - or at least we lack the ability to accurately model and come up with a reliable deterministic answer.

I can understand why another poster preferred to rely on stereotypes - he probably doesn't have to hand reliable data on which to make a sound statistical estimate of the risks to which he is exposed, and the stereotypes, which may be based on over-reporting of misfortunes and extreme outcomes, may help him err on the safe side.

Personally, I prefer to rely on my own judgement on a case-by-case basis, despite the obvious folly of such an approach.


Not true at all. Do you go to the doctor? Have you ever taken a medication?

Have you ever used a petroleum product?

Do you know how oil is located? Seismic survey? Companies want to know as much as possible about the potential profitability of a property before they begin developing it, and seismic surveys are one of the.........

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I thought the "give a toss" was a witty reference to the reliance on coins by statistically minded tossers. Real life is not like tossing a coin. Real life is like calling a coin toss. Why do most people call heads? Should I call Heads as well?

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I thought the "give a toss" was a witty reference to the reliance on coins by statistically minded tossers. Real life is not like tossing a coin. Real life is like calling a coin toss. Why do most people call heads? Should I call Heads as well?

You didn't like the seismic survey one eh? Or maybe you want another 100 examples of how you depend on statistics in your daily life?

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You see I'm still waiting for ATF to come back and admit he was 100% wrong and did not have the vaguest idea what he was talking about.

Stereotypes exist because they are more often correct than not. Statistics try to rationalize the unpredictable. The OP's assumption that when you toss a coin it will usually be a 50-50 chance of being heads or tails is incorrect. Everyone knows there is a much greater chance of it coming up heads.

If statistics were highly accurate we could all make billions by gambling or playing the stock market.

I prefer to trust in facts and you are incorrect with US jobs data etc. because these figures are always revised a month or two after the quarterly figures have been announced.

Statistically speaking Thailand should descend into financial turmoil because there is a military junta running the Country, but we know that will not be the case because we've seen the same thing happen many times before.

I prefer to believe my own experiences to rationalize situations.

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The TV jinx strikes yet again, anyway to answer post #67.

Ok, to answer your question, the laws of proability remain the same, wherever they are applied.

The exact same as the rules of algebra remain the same, I can give any student the following,

AB=CD, any student of alegbra can define A, B, C or D in algebraic terms.

Exactly as I mentioned before, the chances of an event happening are 1, the chances of it not happening are 0, these laws never change.

The only thing that changes is your sample data.

EG, are my chances of meeting a woman who has been married before and has kids more likely in Soi Cowboy or Thong Lor.

What are the statistical odds a go go dancer in NEP is more likely to be tattooed than a girl who works in the Asia Centre building on Silom.

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I thought the "give a toss" was a witty reference to the reliance on coins by statistically minded tossers. Real life is not like tossing a coin. Real life is like calling a coin toss. Why do most people call heads? Should I call Heads as well?

You didn't like the seismic survey one eh? Or maybe you want another 100 examples of how you depend on statistics in your daily life?

What is the probability that many on here are involved in seismic data acquistion and are more likely to live in Pattaya or the ESB than say Issan or Surin?

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Some people think that to get these figures on unemployment, the government uses the number of people collecting unemployment insurance (UI) benefits under state or federal government programs. But some people are still jobless when their benefits run out, and many more are not eligible at all or delay or never apply for benefits. So, quite clearly, UI information cannot be used as a source for complete information on the number of unemployed

In a previous thread, the OP explained how unemployment statistics in different countries are based on the same methodology, surveys, and therefore they can be compared.

Somchai from BKK and Fritz from Berlin are unemployed and surveyed.

Unemployment in Th: 1 /////// Unemployment in DE: 1

Somchai and Fritz decide to do something about their situation.

And what a coincidence, they both get surveyed again.

Fritz wanted to sell bratwurst in the streets of Berlin, but does not meet the 253 legal requirements, therefore unemployment in DE remains 1.

Somchai has set up a noodle shop, next to 253 other noodle shops, and manages to sell 3 portions of noodles each day, therefore unemployment in TH becomes 0.

To the OP: using the same methodology in completely different countries does NOT lead to comparable statistics.

In this particular case, statistics were wrong because the "invisible" or "hidden" unemployment is different in TH and DE.

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I thought the "give a toss" was a witty reference to the reliance on coins by statistically minded tossers. Real life is not like tossing a coin. Real life is like calling a coin toss. Why do most people call heads? Should I call Heads as well?

You didn't like the seismic survey one eh? Or maybe you want another 100 examples of how you depend on statistics in your daily life?

What is the probability that many on here are involved in seismic data acquistion and are more likely to live in Pattaya or the ESB than say Issan or Surin?

Trying to distort and misdirect the thread? Why? It is an interesting topic. The great unwashed and uneducated among us know little of the important role statistics play in our daily lives. Perhaps someone would have learned something. ATF might learn how the unemployment rate is computed in the USA, Australia and Thailand. He might have learned how every medication he has ever taken has benefited by the statistical process. He might have learned that oil is found based on probabilities. Or maybe he will just close his eyes and say Statistics are dumb and I don't want to learn anything that i didn't know when I was 7 years old.

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You see I'm still waiting for ATF to come back and admit he was 100% wrong and did not have the vaguest idea what he was talking about.

Stereotypes exist because they are more often correct than not. Statistics try to rationalize the unpredictable. The OP's assumption that when you toss a coin it will usually be a 50-50 chance of being heads or tails is incorrect. Everyone knows there is a much greater chance of it coming up heads.

If statistics were highly accurate we could all make billions by gambling or playing the stock market.

I prefer to trust in facts and you are incorrect with US jobs data etc. because these figures are always revised a month or two after the quarterly figures have been announced.

Statistically speaking Thailand should descend into financial turmoil because there is a military junta running the Country, but we know that will not be the case because we've seen the same thing happen many times before.

I prefer to believe my own experiences to rationalize situations.

If statistics were not highly accurate we could make millions playing the casino. Games of chance are one of the few areas where you would be well advised to heed the statistics, and stay well clear (unless you wanted to lose some money and gamble on the big time)


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I thought the "give a toss" was a witty reference to the reliance on coins by statistically minded tossers. Real life is not like tossing a coin. Real life is like calling a coin toss. Why do most people call heads? Should I call Heads as well?

You didn't like the seismic survey one eh? Or maybe you want another 100 examples of how you depend on statistics in your daily life?

Probability and statistics are two different things. If you find quartz there is a very highly likely you will find gold. Scientific fact.

Statistically the majority of Chinese are not gamblers but the reason is those that don't gamble don't have enough money to gamble with. Chinese love gambling Macau is the gambling center of the Universe.

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I thought the "give a toss" was a witty reference to the reliance on coins by statistically minded tossers. Real life is not like tossing a coin. Real life is like calling a coin toss. Why do most people call heads? Should I call Heads as well?

You didn't like the seismic survey one eh? Or maybe you want another 100 examples of how you depend on statistics in your daily life?

What is the probability that many on here are involved in seismic data acquistion and are more likely to live in Pattaya or the ESB than say Issan or Surin?

Trying to distort and misdirect the thread? Why? It is an interesting topic. The great unwashed and uneducated among us know little of the important role statistics play in our daily lives. Perhaps someone would have learned something. ATF might learn how the unemployment rate is computed in the USA, Australia and Thailand. He might have learned how every medication he has ever taken has benefited by the statistical process. He might have learned that oil is found based on probabilities. Or maybe he will just close his eyes and say Statistics are dumb and I don't want to learn anything that i didn't know when I was 7 years old.

What is the probability you dont have a clue and are winging it?

What is the probability you are actually, Marky, KerryK, ChaingMaiKelly or the histortyprof in disguise.

What is the probability 5 people on here could all have the same stories to tell under a different user name?

What is the probability you dont even know what "winging it" means?

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You see I'm still waiting for ATF to come back and admit he was 100% wrong and did not have the vaguest idea what he was talking about.

Stereotypes exist because they are more often correct than not. Statistics try to rationalize the unpredictable. The OP's assumption that when you toss a coin it will usually be a 50-50 chance of being heads or tails is incorrect. Everyone knows there is a much greater chance of it coming up heads.

If statistics were highly accurate we could all make billions by gambling or playing the stock market.

I prefer to trust in facts and you are incorrect with US jobs data etc. because these figures are always revised a month or two after the quarterly figures have been announced.

Statistically speaking Thailand should descend into financial turmoil because there is a military junta running the Country, but we know that will not be the case because we've seen the same thing happen many times before.

I prefer to believe my own experiences to rationalize situations.

If statistics were not highly accurate we could make millions playing the casino. Games of chance are one of the few areas where you would be well advised to heed the statistics, and stay well clear (unless you wanted to lose some money and gamble on the big time)


Check out the odds the bookies in Thailand pay, a bit like playing the numbers in NY.

10x10x10 always equalled 1,000 where I came from.

Now check out what Thai bookies pay, you will be lucky to get 600/1 on any three numbers coming up, never saw a poor bookie, saw plenty of poor punters.

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You see I'm still waiting for ATF to come back and admit he was 100% wrong and did not have the vaguest idea what he was talking about.

Stereotypes exist because they are more often correct than not. Statistics try to rationalize the unpredictable. The OP's assumption that when you toss a coin it will usually be a 50-50 chance of being heads or tails is incorrect. Everyone knows there is a much greater chance of it coming up heads.

If statistics were highly accurate we could all make billions by gambling or playing the stock market.

I prefer to trust in facts and you are incorrect with US jobs data etc. because these figures are always revised a month or two after the quarterly figures have been announced.

Statistically speaking Thailand should descend into financial turmoil because there is a military junta running the Country, but we know that will not be the case because we've seen the same thing happen many times before.

I prefer to believe my own experiences to rationalize situations.

No you are wrong, very wrong. Read.....Early each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor announces the total number of employed and unemployed people in the United States for the previous month, along with many characteristics about them. These figures, particularly the unemployment rate—which tells you the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed—receive wide coverage in the media.

It is impractical to count every unemployed person each month, the government conducts a monthly survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country. The CPS has been conducted in the United States every month since 1940.

There are about 60,000 eligible households in the sample for this survey.

A sample is not a total count, and the survey may not produce the same results that would be obtained from interviewing the entire population. But the chances are 90 out of 100 that the monthly estimate of unemployment from the sample is within about 300,000 of the figure obtainable from a total census.


I'm sorry you can't accept reality and see just how wrong you are.

Every facet of your life is controlled by a statistical process from the medications you take to the food you eat to the gas that powers your transportation. Sorry you choose not to see it. I can't help any more. I gave you the quotes from the US government and the link. If you choose to think they are lying to you so be it.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I thought the "give a toss" was a witty reference to the reliance on coins by statistically minded tossers. Real life is not like tossing a coin. Real life is like calling a coin toss. Why do most people call heads? Should I call Heads as well?

You didn't like the seismic survey one eh? Or maybe you want another 100 examples of how you depend on statistics in your daily life?

Sorry - my seismic study response was lost ...

My understanding is that oil is found by using whatever means one chooses - most oil companies seem to prefer seismological surveys, and then drilling exploratory wells, in the hope of striking lucky, and finding oil. Apparently oil companies think that certain seismological patterns have a better chance of indicating the presence of oil than others, though I understand that this is based on deterministic causes i.e. there are models that explain why oil is trapped in certain formations and not in others. Anyway, based on all the data, the oil companies drill in hope, and are sometimes lucky, and sometimes not.

It seems that the Gods favour those that work hard, but I have not seen any analysis of the benefit of roasting a suckling pig and offering it to Lord Guan on the likelihood of finding oil. It would seem, from a cost benefit comparison, foolish not to do so, even if one did not have a precise estimate of the benefit


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Check out the odds the bookies in Thailand pay, a bit like playing the numbers in NY.

10x10x10 always equalled 1,000 where I came from.

Now check out what Thai bookies pay, you will be lucky to get 600/1 on any three numbers coming up, never saw a poor bookie, saw plenty of poor punters.

Agreed, but would you call that a statistic or a stereotype? A winning punter or gambler gets banned by bookies and casinos.

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No you are wrong, very wrong. Read.....Early each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor announces the total number of employed and unemployed people in the United States for the previous month, along with many characteristics about them. These figures, particularly the unemployment rate—which tells you the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed—receive wide coverage in the media.

It is impractical to count every unemployed person each month, the government conducts a monthly survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country. The CPS has been conducted in the United States every month since 1940.

There are about 60,000 eligible households in the sample for this survey.

A sample is not a total count, and the survey may not produce the same results that would be obtained from interviewing the entire population. But the chances are 90 out of 100 that the monthly estimate of unemployment from the sample is within about 300,000 of the figure obtainable from a total census.


I'm sorry you can't accept reality and see just how wrong you are.

Every facet of your life is controlled by a statistical process from the medications you take to the food you eat to the gas that powers your transportation. Sorry you choose not to see it. I can't help any more. I gave you the quotes from the US government and the link. If you choose to think they are lying to you so be it.

Every payout an unemployed person receives has to be accounted for. The only way to do this is with computers otherwise you could be claiming benefits in 50 different states. Plus the state and government has to know how much it is spending.

P.S. I never said statistics were dumb I inferred they were flawed and far from perfect.

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Your position is (basically) that the mathematical process in statistics is accurate. Even this, in itself is dependent on data size and tends towards accuracy as the data pool increases (and as we are talking purely mathematically and not cynically, we assume the perfect cross section therein).

No one, therefore, can argue that mathematically statistical probability tends towards accuracy here, Europe, USA, the moon or anywhere else.

When people talk about "lies, darn lies and statistics" they are talking about the manipulation that is possible at pretty much every juncture - especially if questionnaire based. It is short hand for "the presentation of statistics here are biased, flawed or likely invented". We see this often when different parts of the government, using the same data, tell us different things - TAT says that tourist numbers are at all time high, BoT is saying businesses severely hit by large downturn in tourism - and so on.

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Your position is (basically) that the mathematical process in statistics is accurate. Even this, in itself is dependent on data size and tends towards accuracy as the data pool increases (and as we are talking purely mathematically and not cynically, we assume the perfect cross section therein).

No one, therefore, can argue that mathematically statistical probability tends towards accuracy here, Europe, USA, the moon or anywhere else.

When people talk about "lies, darn lies and statistics" they are talking about the manipulation that is possible at pretty much every juncture - especially if questionnaire based. It is short hand for "the presentation of statistics here are biased, flawed or likely invented". We see this often when different parts of the government, using the same data, tell us different things - TAT says that tourist numbers are at all time high, BoT is saying businesses severely hit by large downturn in tourism - and so on.

When people said, "lies, darn lies and statistics" modern statistics had not been invented.

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Statistics can be flawed if the data gathering procedure was flawed or interpretation of the data was flawed.

The OP is, "Is statistical probability accurate in Thailand?"

Statistical Probability. How likely something is to happen. Many events can't be predicted with total certainty. The best we can say is how likely they are to happen, using the idea of probability. Example: toss a coin 100 times, how many Heads will come up?

I didn't say anything about data gathering. Statistical probability works the same in Thailand as any place else. That was my point. People lump data gathering with statistical probability and say statistics lie. It's not true.

If a person says data gathering in Thailand is not accurate that's OK then we have a starting point of discussion. However to say statistics always lie is not true.

No statistics, in themselves as a mathematical model, do not lie - but they are easy to lie with/about. The rest is semantics.

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Check out the odds the bookies in Thailand pay, a bit like playing the numbers in NY.

10x10x10 always equalled 1,000 where I came from.

Now check out what Thai bookies pay, you will be lucky to get 600/1 on any three numbers coming up, never saw a poor bookie, saw plenty of poor punters.

Agreed, but would you call that a statistic or a stereotype? A winning punter or gambler gets banned by bookies and casinos.

I would say statistically most of these sterotypes come from the backwaters of Thailand.

So statistically you are more likely to find some uneducated Somboon from Issan playing games of chance than you are to find Kh a Lek Chula grad from Thong Lor.

Just as sterotypically Kh Lek is more likely to invest her savings in an LTF with say UOB/ING or Aberdeen, Somboon probably has next months rent money thaied (intentional misspelling) on the results of tonights world cup games.

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My apologies - double post.

I have abused statistics more than most in my career, and I am well aware of the pearls of spurious analysis

No worries, I have abused myself more than most.

Thankfully the rumours were just that, I didnt go blind, my hands didnt develop warts, and the man on the cross didnt come down and condemn me to the fires of hell.

Statistically speaking it should be pointed out I was wearing a condom at the time.

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