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Unbearably sad songs only


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Although it is not a song it has a place here. Charles Baudelaire was a extremly complex man and this comes from Flowers of Evil. The second part of this clip is in English if you are not a French speaker and would like to see the words. Beautiful , moving poetry.

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Xen, what a song from Elvis, he couldn't climb the mountain, sadly, the rock n roll circus proved to be too much for him, a simple country boy, but what a voice.

The First World War -100 years ago this year. all those young men going to die for nothing. utterly senseless. The madness of imperialism and nationalism, facing each other across the trenches, full of romantic notions of cavalry dashes,only to be scythed down by the modern horrors of shells, machine guns and gas.

The Second World War was different, but yet another reminder of how war takes the young. The cemetery at Kanchanaburi is full of headstones of soldiers aged 25 or less.

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Bannork, I remember reading Wilfred Owen in primary school and it always evoked a deep sadness in me especially when i related it to how my grandpa suffered from the mustard gas until he passed away. He was in the trenches in France .

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Bannork, I remember reading Wilfred Owen in primary school and it always evoked a deep sadness in me especially when i related it to how my grandpa suffered from the mustard gas until he passed away. He was in the trenches in France .

Primary school! That's heavy stuff to put on someone so young.We read the 1930s poets for our A levels,Auden, Spender, Betjeman, etc, " Come friendly bombs fall on Slough''

But WW1 has always held a special horror for me, the sheer insanity of being in rows of trenches for years on end,being shelled and machine gunned, having a break for a game of football at Xmas , then back to the carnage.All for no purpose. WW2 makes more sense, had to stop the madman, but WW1? The destruction of an entire generation for the follies and vanities of the leaders.And then, just 21 years later, the whole thing starts all over again.

Sometimes we just have to think how lucky our generation(s) has been. Like you, my grandfather was in WW1, his son, my father was in WW2, whilst I have known nothing but peace and great music in the 60s and 70s. So fortunate.

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Ahhhhhh, nothing wrong with a bit of conversation between songs, so long as it remains civil.

Here's a very sad song about war.

Always remember hearing this on a juke box in a pub in Connemara, County Galway, pints of Guinness and pool played by farmers in wellies.

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Scuse me - this thread is about sad songs.

No crap about wars or whatever - take that elsewhere.

I apologize if you think war is not sad and that this thread should not expand to contain verse about incredibly sad and tragic situations that will affect all of us or people we know and love at sometime in our lives. It was not a dominant theme , and most likely would end with the last post made. If only a lost love was the worse we ever experience in life.

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