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Can anyone please give me advise on the following?

My Thai girlfriend was basically married to this Thai guy for 10 years. They have been seperated for, I think, about 4 years. She wanted a divorce those years, but he apparently wanted money, before he would sign for the divorce. He has been hassling her ever since for money and so fourth. What is her rights regarding this? Does she have to pay him money to get legally divorced? They have two kids together and he doesn't pay any support whatsoever.

What does Thai law say in regards to getting divorced?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards.

Can anyone please give me advise on the following?

My Thai girlfriend was basically married to this Thai guy for 10 years. They have been seperated for, I think, about 4 years. She wanted a divorce those years, but he apparently wanted money, before he would sign for the divorce. He has been hassling her ever since for money and so fourth. What is her rights regarding this? Does she have to pay him money to get legally divorced? They have two kids together and he doesn't pay any support whatsoever.

What does Thai law say in regards to getting divorced?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards.

I was under the impression that after 3 years seperation, both parties do not need to consent to divorce. One party can action the divorce without contest from the other party.

He is basically trying to leech from the farang because he can smell a few baht.

Get more advice on this forum before you part with any money, and avoid making any threats to anyone.

Search this forum for " divorce" and let your girl know that you are well informed.

Maybe the demands for money will disapear once she knows your not ignorant to divorce law here?


Tell her to offer him 10,000 baht to go to the Amphur for quicky divorce. If he is not agreeable get a lawyer to file a "for cause" divorce based on 3 years separation. See if the hubby can come up with the funds for a lawyer. :o


My advice would be a little different...find a new gal. Sounds like she has lots of family "entanblements" and why get in the middle of it all. There are many unentangled ladies waiting to meet you. Besides, if this guy is so venal, what's to stop him from getting violent if things get ugly. Don't forget, farang lives are just as cheap as Thai ones.


Thanks for the info!

Neither she nor I want to pay this guy any money. Can she therefore go to a lawyer and apply for a divorce on grounds of 3 years seperation? What will this cost?

Thanks again!


I asked this question a while ago on behalf of a Thai lady and her farang boyfriend. The details, as I remember them, were that the Thai husband had deserted some 6 years previously.

The advice given on the board was that after 3 years, either party could apply for divorce seperately.

Mind you, there weren't any demands for money from the Thai husband in the above instance. He simply couldn't be tracked down.

Thanks for the info!

Neither she nor I want to pay this guy any money. Can she therefore go to a lawyer and apply for a divorce on grounds of 3 years seperation? What will this cost?

Thanks again!

Expensive for a competent one.. 30K B and up would be expected. The most unfortunate aspect of this situation is that as the Thai man, he has many advantages over his wife in the archaic laws of Thai divorce. He sounds typical of the worst with no child support (note: having the kids involved complicate matters more, even though he hasn't supported them.)

He can really make matters sticky and necessitate a lot of trouble in getting him to cooperate with a divorce, which is really what needs to happen. Despite all the negatives against him, he is almost in an upper hand situation with your gf. The laws really are extremely one-sided. He could easily contest or even disprove, by dishonesty or chicanery on his part, the 3 year separation for example, so that isn't the easy out you might think it is. I'm afraid you are looking at a quite a contest to get him to agree to whatever it is agreeable between all of you.

and yes... I've been there, done that.


I would just add that if he's quick-witted and ambitious that he will try and get as much as he can out of the situation. Things have the potential to turn ugly as it's happened before where a husband turned the tables on a wife in similar situation and it ended up with her defending her "adultery"... (even though they had been separated).

Skillful negotiation is paramount.... or depending on your individual situation, delay tactics... If he's not pushing for the divorce, bide your time.

Depending on the person, violence can or can not be a real concern and the potential for things turning very sour is there. Avoid provocation.

Thanks for the info!

Neither she nor I want to pay this guy any money. Can she therefore go to a lawyer and apply for a divorce on grounds of 3 years seperation? What will this cost?

Thanks again!

By Thai law a couple must split all assets that have accumulated since marriage 50-50. So I'm afraid there's no way out of splitting the assets unless he is willing to let it go.

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