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Ipstar Speed Tests


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To My fellow IpStar user's:

Let's speed test everyday and forward the results to CSLOXINFO customer service email at least once a day with a closing statement of something to the effect that we'll pay the correct fraction of what we have been receiving. AND maybe Post a letter once a month to their office stating the same. Then we pay only what we know is correct and "roll the dice"!

Suggestions Welcome. We'll have to working out the payment ratios, for instance I pay 4,200

per month for 512/256 today I get 70.5 / 63.5 what should I pay?

My speed test result at 09:34 - and I have 512 / 256. I've high lighted the glaring Ipstar short comings:

WEB100 Enabled Statistics:

Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done

running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 63.59Kb/srunning 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 70.52kb/s

------ Client System Details ------

OS data: Name = Windows XP, Architecture = x86, Version = 5.1

Java data: Vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc., Version = 1.5.0_02

------ Web100 Detailed Analysis ------

Link detection algorithm failed due to excessive Round Trip Times.

Link set to Full Duplex mode

No network congestion discovered.

Good network cable(s) found

Normal duplex operation found.

Web100 reports the Round trip time = 0 msec; the Packet size = 1460 Bytes; and

There were 15 packets retransmitted, 18 duplicate acks received, and 0 SACK blocks received

The connection stalled 2 times due to packet lossThe connection was idle 0 seconds (Na%) of the time

Web100 reports TCP negotiated the optional Performance Settings to:

RFC 2018 Selective Acknowledgment: OFF

RFC 896 Nagle Algorithm: ON

RFC 3168 Explicit Congestion Notification: OFF

RFC 1323 Time Stamping: OFF

RFC 1323 Window Scaling: OFF

Packet size is preserved End-to-End

Server IP addresses are preserved End-to-End

Information: Network Address Translation (NAT) box is modifying the Client's IP address

Server says [] but Client says []

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Well I'm up for that. I pay 4200 a month for 512/256 but now get only 140 on a good day. This morning I can't even test it's so slow. But my average bandwidth this month from 16 June is 102.2 kbps.

Already told them I'm not paying their rotton bill for June until I see a credit note for at least 50% of the invoice.

What more can we do? Keep chasing them I guess.

As far as I'm concerned they can come and pick up their tot from outside the door and I'll get Hutch, at least then I'm only paying 1/4 of IPStop and Start bill a month.

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I'm a 512/256 , 4,200 Baht a month subscriber.

Sorry digitele, but I don't understand all that stuff you posted. What link did you use?

Can we agree on a link to get our bandwidth readings? Surely it doesn't matter much which one, as long as we're comparing "apples with apples"?

Somebody decide.

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I'm a 512/256 , 4,200 Baht a month subscriber.

Sorry digitele, but I don't understand all that stuff you posted. What link did you use?

Can we agree on a link to get our bandwidth readings? Surely it doesn't matter much which one, as long as we're comparing "apples with apples"?

Somebody decide.

Moby, it could any that do up down.

I use 2 :


Moby, on the second one (telecom Malaysia) click 512 for speed and up/download.

But, as I said - Any with Up/Down.


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Gharkness, the problems with iPSTAR and Maxnet are quite different!

Maxnet (together with True and some others) simply does misleading advertising!

They simply do not state clearly enough with how many people they let you share a single 512/256 line.

Remember, they pay roughly 12500 Baht for a 512kbps link to the CAT, so you are sharing this line with 20 other people (although I reckon they share even more heavily right now, hence the very slow speeds you are getting now!). You have one of those 20 doing big downloads and your speed goes down!


I'm on maxnet4life (1:10 sharing) and my speeds hardly ever drop below 60% of rated speed...

With iPSTAR it's a different story alltogether! They pay over 4000 Baht for 512/256, so they should be getting a much better sharing ratio, something like 1:7... Obviously they are not getting that level of service. On a 1:7 sharing, speeds should not drop below 70% of rated speed, even during peak hours!

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Gharkness, the problems with iPSTAR and Maxnet are quite different!

Maxnet (together with True and some others) simply does misleading advertising!

They simply do not state clearly enough with how many people they let you share a single 512/256 line.

Remember, they pay roughly 12500 Baht for a 512kbps link to the CAT, so you are sharing this line with 20 other people (although I reckon they share even more heavily right now, hence the very slow speeds you are getting now!). You have one of those 20 doing big downloads and your speed goes down!


I'm on maxnet4life (1:10 sharing) and my speeds hardly ever drop below 60% of rated speed...

With iPSTAR it's a different story alltogether! They pay over 4000 Baht for 512/256, so they should be getting a much better sharing ratio, something like 1:7... Obviously they are not getting that level of service. On a 1:7 sharing, speeds should not drop below 70% of rated speed, even during peak hours!

I don't disagree in principal to your post, I have been using Maxnet for about 8 months now and usually get >300k, this is a recent developement, I believe they do have a technical problem, will wait and see what developes over the next week, if no improvement I will cancel my account.

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It seems there were quite a few (but still a small percentage) of Maxnet4home users who got pretty good speeds.

But most of my friends who haven't ditched it yet, in the last 10 months or so never got much more then 100 kbps, apart from between 2 and 7 am!

I'm not sure how your local speed is (from adslthailand or another Thai based server), but my friends get full speed within Thailand but seldom more then 25% of this speed internationally...

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I am also with IPstar, the 4200 plan and like a previous poster, have not paid my June bill. I actually had a technical support rep hang up on me last week. I will be looking for an alternative soon. Today was some better but the bandwidth was at a max of 125. They just don't have a firm grip on what they are doing. I do fine in the middle of the night until 8:30 in the morning then lags and stoppages that won't even let me send an e-mail. Today the problem didn't start until 10:30am. 125 is about the best I have gotten and I am paying for 512.

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I am also with IPstar, the 4200 plan and like a previous poster, have not paid my June bill. I actually had a technical support rep hang up on me last week. I will be looking for an alternative soon. Today was some better but the bandwidth was at a max of 125. They just don't have a firm grip on what they are doing. I do fine in the middle of the night until 8:30 in the morning then lags and stoppages that won't even let me send an e-mail. Today the problem didn't start until 10:30am. 125 is about the best I have gotten and I am paying for 512.

They know what they are doing all right and what they are doing is throttling back every body's bandwidth in order to fit more people into the pipe.

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I have had IPSTAR for over 2 months now and cannot complain.

Service is through TOT, not Loxinfo: 1Mbps/512Kbps home package at 2600 B per month plus tax.

My domestic bandwith (Loxinfo speed test and Thai TV feeds) conform that I am getting around 1 Mbps, however international bandwith is much lower. About 350 Kbps for Asian sites, 250-300 Kbps for US sites and less than that for European sites. Evenings, of course, are the most problematic.

Connectivity has been fairly reliable. I have not had any disonnects for the past week, and usually these can be solved switching the modem off and on. I do keep the modem and PC on UPS in an air-conditioned room.

I can't understand why service through Loxinfo would be so much more expensive and less reliable?! :o



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Ok Here's some test results at 10 pm

Stanford: Outbound 216, inbound 130

Speedometer: D/L 125, U/L 226

ADSL Thailand - Internet : Seattle server: D/L 190, U/L 58; New York server D/L 189. U/L 37

This is 10 pm and the world cup is on, so I guess not many users. Better results than of late, but not very consistent with each other. Confuses the he_ ll out of me anyway.

That's why I suggested we all use one source - which one doesn't matter as long as we all have consistent results. Yes No?

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114.9 from Thai Visa test site at 10.41 pm Saturday 24th

Mobi, The figures are always higher on ADSL Thailand overseas tests for some reason.

That's what I'm trying to say - can we agree on a site so when we start compiling joint stats, they're all comparable.

My Thai visa B/w a couple of mins ago was 161 . How about that? I bet its down in the morning.

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Mine is working great today;

Your current bandwidth reading is:


which means you can download at 16.35 KB/sec. from our servers.

I would be happy if it stayed like this but unfortunately it is normally NOT this good.

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Mine is working great today;

Your current bandwidth reading is:


which means you can download at 16.35 KB/sec. from our servers.

I would be happy if it stayed like this but unfortunately it is normally NOT this good.

ADSL Thailand: 151.9 kbps

Stanford: Out 190.9; In 166.5

Speedometer D/L 139.1;U/L 225.5

All at around 11.20 a.m.

Yes it is much better - but I am paying in excess of 4,000 Baht for 512 kbps, not 100 kbps. I got this sort of speed with my 256 connection a month ago. :o

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The problem is if you read your contracts it will only say something like the line is capable of this speed, not that they guarantee it. Yes, it's like selling rubber bands by the meter, but it's how it's done everywhere (but they stretch the rubber band more than usual here).

Edited by madsere
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All at around 11.20 a.m.

Yes it is much better - but I am paying in excess of 4,000 Baht for 512 kbps, not 100 kbps. I got this sort of speed with my 256 connection a month ago. :D

Actually I was being a little sarcastic BUT the fact is that this is the best it has been for a while. IPSTAR STINKS :o

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26 June, as at 11.30 a.m.

ADSL Thailand 127.4

Thai Visa 134.4

Stanford D/L 125.1; U/L 179.6

Speedometer D/L 124.6; U/L 185.9

All speeds fairly consistent. Usable but a long way from the contracted 512.

I've never yet succeded in opening TVU Player for more than a couple of seconds.

Does anyone happen to know if there is minimum contractual period for Loxinfo Ipstar? Is it one year? I seem to remember reading somewhere that I could cancel and pay one a month cancellation fee, but I can't recall where I saw this. Does anyone know?

Also, if you change from Loxinfo to TOT, do you get a new dish and box from TOT or can you use the old stuff from the Loxinfo contract?

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26 June, as at 11.30 a.m.

ADSL Thailand 127.4

Thai Visa 134.4

Stanford D/L 125.1; U/L 179.6

Speedometer D/L 124.6; U/L 185.9

All speeds fairly consistent. Usable but a long way from the contracted 512.

I've never yet succeded in opening TVU Player for more than a couple of seconds.

Does anyone happen to know if there is minimum contractual period for Loxinfo Ipstar? Is it one year? I seem to remember reading somewhere that I could cancel and pay one a month cancellation fee, but I can't recall where I saw this. Does anyone know?

Also, if you change from Loxinfo to TOT, do you get a new dish and box from TOT or can you use the old stuff from the Loxinfo contract?

Its 1 month, on loxinfo web site also TOT give new equipment, I changed about 3 months ago to the TOT corporate 2048/1024 but in the afternoons I'm lucky to get 500-600, the bandwidth out of Thailand is shared between who knows how many companies via CAT, TOT don't give you an email address and my old email address in Australia sometimes takes nearly 4-5 mins to load, I'm about to cancel this sub and go down to home user 512k or 1024k just for emails, the whole Ipstar system is basically rubbish

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Its 1 month, on loxinfo web site also TOT give new equipment, I changed about 3 months ago to the TOT corporate 2048/1024 but in the afternoons I'm lucky to get 500-600, the bandwidth out of Thailand is shared between who knows how many companies via CAT, TOT don't give you an email address and my old email address in Australia sometimes takes nearly 4-5 mins to load, I'm about to cancel this sub and go down to home user 512k or 1024k just for emails, the whole Ipstar system is basically rubbish

Thanks for that info.

Off the top of your head, do you happen to know how much the 1024 or 512 TOT Ipstar costs per month? It sounds better and probably cheaper than loxinfo.

Why don't you open a free hotmail or a gmail account for your emails? I use them both and they work fine here, and pretty fast.

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Its 1 month, on loxinfo web site also TOT give new equipment, I changed about 3 months ago to the TOT corporate 2048/1024 but in the afternoons I'm lucky to get 500-600, the bandwidth out of Thailand is shared between who knows how many companies via CAT, TOT don't give you an email address and my old email address in Australia sometimes takes nearly 4-5 mins to load, I'm about to cancel this sub and go down to home user 512k or 1024k just for emails, the whole Ipstar system is basically rubbish

Thanks for that info.

Off the top of your head, do you happen to know how much the 1024 or 512 TOT Ipstar costs per month? It sounds better and probably cheaper than loxinfo.

Why don't you open a free hotmail or a gmail account for your emails? I use them both and they work fine here, and pretty fast.

Thanks for advice I have these allready, was just giving an example of out of Thailand bandwith

Prices for TOT home use 512/256 2200 baht 1024/512 2600 baht Corporate 512/256 3300 baht

1024/512 4900 baht all plus 7% tax

Corp usually online most of the time but bandwidth is very variable

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