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'Independent agencies' continue to probe deposed PM Yingluck


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When/if the powers that be decide that it is in their interest to jail or exile Yingluck, well then she will be jailed or exiled. Obviously at present it suits their interests for her to remain at liberty.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So what law is it that she can't buy a watch? No matter how much it cost. damn I think she has the money to avoid the damn watch.

Are you really that dim ?

next to you I look like a genius

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I wouldn't mind probing her too

She's up there in age...but if you like moldy oldies, go for it. keep the young ones & ones with brains for me.

I guess when you get to learing at and shagging the 17 year old mingers from the bars then a bird who hasn't got shorts and on and tits hanging out is a strange thing to comprehend for you

You have a point but don't forget there's a very good reason why most middle aged mums haven't worn shorts for years!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

When/if the powers that be decide that it is in their interest to jail or exile Yingluck, well then she will be jailed or exiled. Obviously at present it suits their interests for her to remain at liberty.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"Obviously at present it suits their interests for her to remain at liberty."

Perhaps it might be better to realize that these cases are going through a process and they are not yet completed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'm not saying that if she's guilty, she shouldn't be held accountable, but:

"The EC will swiftly complete the three cases, because they are of great interest to the people," Mr. Somchai said. "I believe all of the cases could reach a verdict by August."

So that means a verdict in 2 months or so. Meanwhile cases against PAD and their leaders for taking over Government House and occupying the airport are still sitting on a shelf somewhere gathering dust.

If you're going to apply justice, apply it evenly and equally to all.

A verdict? The EC (as well as the NACC) does not have the power of the court to find someone it investigates to be guilty. However, it is somewhat suspect to consider the EC (and NACC) now as an independent organization given the suspension of the constitution that established its authority and that fact that any trial will be conducted in a military court by the same military that overthrew the government.

And it's already been said by the NCOP many times that the judicial etc., systems are working as normal.

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I'm not saying that if she's guilty, she shouldn't be held accountable, but:

"The EC will swiftly complete the three cases, because they are of great interest to the people," Mr. Somchai said. "I believe all of the cases could reach a verdict by August."

So that means a verdict in 2 months or so. Meanwhile cases against PAD and their leaders for taking over Government House and occupying the airport are still sitting on a shelf somewhere gathering dust.

If you're going to apply justice, apply it evenly and equally to all.

Wrong voice organisation. The cases against the PAD have nothing to do with the E.C.

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So what law is it that she can't buy a watch? No matter how much it cost. damn I think she has the money to avoid the damn watch.

No law against buying a watch, it's failing to report it as an asset that's against the law. If she failed to report this, how many other assets were not reported? Just saying...it is the law.

To be hung out to dry for not reporting a damn watch is clutching at straws. Let's find out instead where her and Plod's money came from. Can you even imagine if all the politicians around the world were brought to being held accountable for something as ridiculous as a watch? Only in Thailand would anyone give a s**t.

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and who is investigating the EC for failing to make sure the elections on Feb 2nd were not conducted properly?

It's as obvious as day is to night, that there's a concerted effort to rip the PTP to shreds, not without merit, however there's a very clear agenda going on..

Remember when the EC told PT about 50 times that the election could not happen because there would be so many problems ? The EC did their job properly until PTP started strong arming them because they so desperately wanted to get back into power to be able to revive the 'amnesty' bill to whitewash all their crimes. Come on man, take your red blinkers off and find 2 brain cells to rub together....

Under the rules of the constitution after the dissolution of Parliament an election had to be called with 90 days if I remember correctly, and the date was actually held several days AFTER that date. It was the EC's single task to make sure that the elections could go ahead, so thank you for pointing out that they were not prepared to hold elections at the time, or up to the task.

They failed to secure the ballot boxes and the polling stations and failed to protect those who wished to vote from being intimidated from doing so.

They failed to ensure that polling stations remained open, instead they allowed these stations to shut up shop..

The PTP may have been informed that the elections would have problems, but it was THEIR (EC) responsibility to make sure these problems would not infringe on the voters... they failed!!

IF the PTP hadn't of called on the elections as per the constitution, the protesters and the courts would have been baying for her blood, just like they are now, if the elections were not held. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't.

You keep harping on about this amnesty bill, it was never ever going to get passed after the first time, and even the democrats agreed to it, it was the last minute change that stopped it in it's tracks. So why keep bringing it up? It's a red herring.

My blinkers are of no particular colour, you make an assumption because I slate the PDRC and EC that I must be a red, well here this is just for you, seeing as you're another one who reads my posts, but only see what you want to see... I have NO love for the Reds, I have no love for the Yellows, my loyalty lies with my family, I am a farang with absolute NO say, so treating Thai politics like a football team, as other farangs seem to do, hold no merit for me. I think that there is no better party, I did on many an occasions clearly state that IF I WERE THAI, I'd vote Democrats and have Abhisit as my vote, so I must be the only red spectacle wearing democrat if there's such a thing!! I wouldn't vote PTP/UDD even if you paid me to, but considering Abhisit seems to be AWOL, I'd be hard pushed to support a man, who lacked a backbone to stand against the PTP/UDD in an election.

Popularity isn't measured by being placed in a position of power and authority,it's earned through trust and respect, and probably still is the only way the democrats will get into power, write off the Issan peoples votes at your peril, IF there's ever to be an election held again.

The constitution will be re written again by the Military, and the main opponents of the Dems will be banned, I don't know about you tingtongseesod, but that smacks of rigging the game every bit as bad as vote buying don't you think?

And for two months the E.C. warned the government that under the circumstances they could only advise to postpone the elections. Even with help of Police Special Forces things went wrong. The Emergency Decree didn't help either apart from letting an International Community watching with growing alarm. Pheu Thai threatened the E.C. Yingluck even asked the Military to guard polling stations, imagine. The Constitutional Court ruled elections could be postponed, Yingluck said thank you, a meeting was organised with the right people who advised Yingluck of the 'right' thing to do and go on with the elections (even under Emergency Decree) and Yingluck lamenting that she only followed the advise given to her. And so on and so forth.

Clearly the E.C. to blame, obviously to see for all who look at the 'right' details.

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I wouldn't mind probing her too

keep the young ones & ones with brains for me.

Please let me know on what planet you find YOUNG + BRAINS, and I'll take the first spaceship out of here.

Though, assuming someone with 600m doesn't have a brain, shows you may not have one yourself. tongue.pnggiggle.gifwink.png

I too would have 600M if my brother was the greatest thief that Thailand has ever had as a PM

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Just another witch hunt they tickles the yellows fancy.

This ones going nowhere !

The best you've got is to insult her looks?

Her class and dignity are way above you guys!

In the topic "EC dismisses charge of power abuse against Yingluck" a stuttering parrot wrote

"Oh boy the yellows are going to be in a tizz over this one!"

Mind you that was almost a life time ago, on 2014-06-26 17:41 rolleyes.gif

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Just another witch hunt they tickles the yellows fancy.

This ones going nowhere !

The best you've got is to insult her looks?

Her class and dignity are way above you guys!

Her so called " class " was paid for by Thaksin and tax payer paid overseas shopping trips, and she has no dignity after screwing over the rice farmers, school children and first car buyers to name a few

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So what law is it that she can't buy a watch? No matter how much it cost. damn I think she has the money to avoid the damn watch.

Are you really that dim ?

next to you I look like a genius

But Bob, if you turn the light on then it's a different storey

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and who is investigating the EC for failing to make sure the elections on Feb 2nd were not conducted properly?

It's as obvious as day is to night, that there's a concerted effort to rip the PTP to shreds, not without merit, however there's a very clear agenda going on..

Remember when the EC told PT about 50 times that the election could not happen because there would be so many problems ? The EC did their job properly until PTP started strong arming them because they so desperately wanted to get back into power to be able to revive the 'amnesty' bill to whitewash all their crimes. Come on man, take your red blinkers off and find 2 brain cells to rub together....

Under the rules of the constitution after the dissolution of Parliament an election had to be called with 90 days if I remember correctly, and the date was actually held several days AFTER that date. It was the EC's single task to make sure that the elections could go ahead, so thank you for pointing out that they were not prepared to hold elections at the time, or up to the task.

They failed to secure the ballot boxes and the polling stations and failed to protect those who wished to vote from being intimidated from doing so.

They failed to ensure that polling stations remained open, instead they allowed these stations to shut up shop..

The PTP may have been informed that the elections would have problems, but it was THEIR (EC) responsibility to make sure these problems would not infringe on the voters... they failed!!

IF the PTP hadn't of called on the elections as per the constitution, the protesters and the courts would have been baying for her blood, just like they are now, if the elections were not held. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't.

You keep harping on about this amnesty bill, it was never ever going to get passed after the first time, and even the democrats agreed to it, it was the last minute change that stopped it in it's tracks. So why keep bringing it up? It's a red herring.

My blinkers are of no particular colour, you make an assumption because I slate the PDRC and EC that I must be a red, well here this is just for you, seeing as you're another one who reads my posts, but only see what you want to see... I have NO love for the Reds, I have no love for the Yellows, my loyalty lies with my family, I am a farang with absolute NO say, so treating Thai politics like a football team, as other farangs seem to do, hold no merit for me. I think that there is no better party, I did on many an occasions clearly state that IF I WERE THAI, I'd vote Democrats and have Abhisit as my vote, so I must be the only red spectacle wearing democrat if there's such a thing!! I wouldn't vote PTP/UDD even if you paid me to, but considering Abhisit seems to be AWOL, I'd be hard pushed to support a man, who lacked a backbone to stand against the PTP/UDD in an election.

Popularity isn't measured by being placed in a position of power and authority,it's earned through trust and respect, and probably still is the only way the democrats will get into power, write off the Issan peoples votes at your peril, IF there's ever to be an election held again.

The constitution will be re written again by the Military, and the main opponents of the Dems will be banned, I don't know about you tingtongseesod, but that smacks of rigging the game every bit as bad as vote buying don't you think?

Fat Haggis if people keep thinking like you then there should never be another election. Get a grip on reality and take OFF your red panties.

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I wouldn't mind probing her too

keep the young ones & ones with brains for me.

Please let me know on what planet you find YOUNG + BRAINS, and I'll take the first spaceship out of here.

Though, assuming someone with 600m doesn't have a brain, shows you may not have one yourself. tongue.pnggiggle.gifwink.png

There are lots of young 30 year olds with PhDs, and Master's degrees, who are also very beautiful.

Unfortunately, you don't meet them in bars, or take-a-ways or brothels. Thus, unfortunately I can't help you on this one, until you are over aged 18. ;)

Must be the put-down of the year.

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Just another witch hunt they tickles the yellows fancy.

This ones going nowhere !

The best you've got is to insult her looks?

Her class and dignity are way above you guys!

Her so called " class " was paid for by Thaksin and tax payer paid overseas shopping trips, and she has no dignity after screwing over the rice farmers, school children and first car buyers to name a few

Exactly how were they screwed over ???

My staff who bought new cars are very happy and up to date with their payments.

The rice farmers i know ( in Suphan ) are well aware that it was Sutheps and AV's machinations that stopped them getting paid on time. ( Although they are now happy to be paid ).

Who exactly screwed who ?

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and who is investigating the EC for failing to make sure the elections on Feb 2nd were not conducted properly?

It's as obvious as day is to night, that there's a concerted effort to rip the PTP to shreds, not without merit, however there's a very clear agenda going on..

It's as obvious as day is to night...

Maybe, if you're a Fat Haggis.

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and who is investigating the EC for failing to make sure the elections on Feb 2nd were not conducted properly?

It's as obvious as day is to night, that there's a concerted effort to rip the PTP to shreds, not without merit, however there's a very clear agenda going on..

Remember when the EC told PT about 50 times that the election could not happen because there would be so many problems ? The EC did their job properly until PTP started strong arming them because they so desperately wanted to get back into power to be able to revive the 'amnesty' bill to whitewash all their crimes. Come on man, take your red blinkers off and find 2 brain cells to rub together....

Under the rules of the constitution after the dissolution of Parliament an election had to be called with 90 days if I remember correctly, and the date was actually held several days AFTER that date. It was the EC's single task to make sure that the elections could go ahead, so thank you for pointing out that they were not prepared to hold elections at the time, or up to the task.

They failed to secure the ballot boxes and the polling stations and failed to protect those who wished to vote from being intimidated from doing so.

They failed to ensure that polling stations remained open, instead they allowed these stations to shut up shop..

The PTP may have been informed that the elections would have problems, but it was THEIR (EC) responsibility to make sure these problems would not infringe on the voters... they failed!!

IF the PTP hadn't of called on the elections as per the constitution, the protesters and the courts would have been baying for her blood, just like they are now, if the elections were not held. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't.

You keep harping on about this amnesty bill, it was never ever going to get passed after the first time, and even the democrats agreed to it, it was the last minute change that stopped it in it's tracks. So why keep bringing it up? It's a red herring.

My blinkers are of no particular colour, you make an assumption because I slate the PDRC and EC that I must be a red, well here this is just for you, seeing as you're another one who reads my posts, but only see what you want to see... I have NO love for the Reds, I have no love for the Yellows, my loyalty lies with my family, I am a farang with absolute NO say, so treating Thai politics like a football team, as other farangs seem to do, hold no merit for me. I think that there is no better party, I did on many an occasions clearly state that IF I WERE THAI, I'd vote Democrats and have Abhisit as my vote, so I must be the only red spectacle wearing democrat if there's such a thing!! I wouldn't vote PTP/UDD even if you paid me to, but considering Abhisit seems to be AWOL, I'd be hard pushed to support a man, who lacked a backbone to stand against the PTP/UDD in an election.

Popularity isn't measured by being placed in a position of power and authority,it's earned through trust and respect, and probably still is the only way the democrats will get into power, write off the Issan peoples votes at your peril, IF there's ever to be an election held again.

The constitution will be re written again by the Military, and the main opponents of the Dems will be banned, I don't know about you tingtongseesod, but that smacks of rigging the game every bit as bad as vote buying don't you think?

Fat Haggis if people keep thinking like you then there should never be another election. Get a grip on reality and take OFF your red panties.

I don't really care as the elections are for the THAI people to decide the outcome, not a bunch of coloured shirt/panties wearing Farangs ;)

You're another one who has difficulty reading what I wrote, I am neither yellow nor red, don't care for either but please do try to FOCUS on the entire contents of my post and previous posts where I'm constantly having to repeat myself due to people making assumptions and unable to grasp their own reality....just in case you missed the bold part... IF I were a Thai, I would vote democrat, can it be explained to you any clearer?

The reality ... I'm not a Thai, am not a permanent resident, like 95% posters here, DONT have a vote, therefore all I have to say is mere opinion that means very little to the Thai's who will have a say, and who will have a vote, after the constitution has been changed, and if you believe that the constitution will NOT be altered by the current Junta, well, I'd actually ask you to heed your own advice and get a grip on reality and take off your Yellow panties ;)

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Just another witch hunt they tickles the yellows fancy.

This ones going nowhere !

The best you've got is to insult her looks?

Her class and dignity are way above you guys!

Her so called " class " was paid for by Thaksin and tax payer paid overseas shopping trips, and she has no dignity after screwing over the rice farmers, school children and first car buyers to name a few

Exactly how were they screwed over ???

My staff who bought new cars are very happy and up to date with their payments.

The rice farmers i know ( in Suphan ) are well aware that it was Sutheps and AV's machinations that stopped them getting paid on time. ( Although they are now happy to be paid ).

Who exactly screwed who ?

Even in October 2013 Ms. Yingluck said that her government didn't need new loans for the RPPS as sufficient moneys were available and could be surplussed with income of stock sales. That's why a few months already bills didn't get paid and why the caretaker government wanted to 'borrow' 130 billion Baht to pay some bills. It would seem that since that date about 200 billion has been paid out.

Now of course your example shows how propaganda works to hide ugly facts.

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So what law is it that she can't buy a watch? No matter how much it cost. damn I think she has the money to avoid the damn watch.

No law against it.

It is how ever an asset and she was supposed to claim it.

You were worried about the law. Are you going to condemn her now that you know she broke it?

Not that I like her or even find her good looking below the neck but we are rid of here. Time to focus on more important things grab her passport and get back to her after they have undone the damage she has done to Thailand.

Yes I know she is an airhead and was just being used as a tool by her brother Thaksin in Dubai. But never the less she is still guilty.

First things first.

Like off shore bank accounts on all those involved in the rice scam. Human trafficking the plight of the refuges from Burma and Laos and education

unification of the nation. there are a lot more important things to be done.

I think so far they have done a great job and I hate to see them get side tracked with minor things.

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I don't really care as the elections are for the THAI people to decide the outcome, not a bunch of coloured shirt/panties wearing Farangs wink.png

You're another one who has difficulty reading what I wrote, I am neither yellow nor red, don't care for either but please do try to FOCUS on the entire contents of my post and previous posts where I'm constantly having to repeat myself due to people making assumptions and unable to grasp their own reality....just in case you missed the bold part... IF I were a Thai, I would vote democrat, can it be explained to you any clearer?

The reality ... I'm not a Thai, am not a permanent resident, like 95% posters here, DONT have a vote, therefore all I have to say is mere opinion that means very little to the Thai's who will have a say, and who will have a vote, after the constitution has been changed, and if you believe that the constitution will NOT be altered by the current Junta, well, I'd actually ask you to heed your own advice and get a grip on reality and take off your Yellow panties wink.png

The 'constitution modification' seems in vogue.

Just now I read an item on a Dutch news site saying

"Assuming the current cabinet can get it done, the constitution will be extended with a general article in which it will be emphasized that the Netherlands is a Democratic 'rechtsstaat ("legal state", "state of law", "state of justice", "state of rights", or "state based on justice and integrity".). The cabinet has decided such this Friday. A sentence is to be added to article 1 of the constitution saying ""The constitution guarantees the democracy, the 'legal state' and the fundamental rights"

Dept. PM Asscher during his weekly press conference said that many countries had added general articles in their constitution in which it is emphasized that the country is democratic and a 'state of law'. DPM Asscher was quoted saying "it is worthwhile to clearly name what makes the constitution so important".

Now for a moment imagine a Thai politician or even our Gen. Prayuth said such ... ...

(Translation by yours truly, any mistakes are mine only.)

Edited by rubl
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Exactly how were they screwed over ???

My staff who bought new cars are very happy and up to date with their payments.

The rice farmers i know ( in Suphan ) are well aware that it was Sutheps and AV's machinations that stopped them getting paid on time. ( Although they are now happy to be paid ).

Who exactly screwed who ?

Even in October 2013 Ms. Yingluck said that her government didn't need new loans for the RPPS as sufficient moneys were available and could be surplussed with income of stock sales. That's why a few months already bills didn't get paid and why the caretaker government wanted to 'borrow' 130 billion Baht to pay some bills. It would seem that since that date about 200 billion has been paid out.

Now of course your example shows how propaganda works to hide ugly facts.

Thank you for dispelling the propaganda and lies with the factual events and timelines.


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Just another witch hunt they tickles the yellows fancy.

This ones going nowhere !

The best you've got is to insult her looks?

Her class and dignity are way above you guys!

Her so called " class " was paid for by Thaksin and tax payer paid overseas shopping trips, and she has no dignity after screwing over the rice farmers, school children and first car buyers to name a few

Exactly how were they screwed over ???

My staff who bought new cars are very happy and up to date with their payments.

The rice farmers i know ( in Suphan ) are well aware that it was Sutheps and AV's machinations that stopped them getting paid on time. ( Although they are now happy to be paid ).

Who exactly screwed who ?

I suspect this known lie was posted merely to incite an angry response, but it serves a useful purpose. This is exactly why democracy has failed in Thailand. Having fallen victim to the barrage of Thaksin's propaganda a large segment of the population are, simply put, too stupid to handle the responsibility of voting.

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".........a large segment of the population are, simply put, too stupid to handle the responsibility of voting."

Which segment is that then ???

Them in Bangkok ???

The ones who believe your nonsense.

But thankfully for politicians they are allowed to vote. Other wise Thailand would see a lot better government.

Like the one it has now. you see how much better it is when they don't vote.clap2.gif

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".........a large segment of the population are, simply put, too stupid to handle the responsibility of voting."

Which segment is that then ???

Them in Bangkok ???

The ones who believe your nonsense.

But thankfully for politicians they are allowed to vote. Other wise Thailand would see a lot better government.

Like the one it has now. you see how much better it is when they don't vote.clap2.gif

Are you really that blind to not see that whatever the junta is doing now are just populist policies? If you really think that mandating taxis to use the meters is more important than freedom of speech, removal of a constitution, denying the voting rights of individuals and a 3 trillion baht plan approved with absolutely no due process and debate then I have truly lost hope with a lot of yellows on this forum.

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