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I live on the 16th floor in a modern apartment in Bangkok, despite being a bit of a self - confessed clean freak, I keep seeing the little buggers in my kitchen over the last month or so. They aren't the big 'uns you see on the street, they're small ones about the size of your thumb nail.

All my food is either in the fridge or in sealed plastic boxes and I clean daily around the sink and hobs. I've used some of the repellents and sprays from Tesco but they don't make a difference.

I've been on google and many sites have recommended using Borax or Boric acid to kill the infestation. Does anyone have any idea where I could purchase them, or any tips on how to eradicate these things from an apartment kitchen?


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Aye, that's the ones according to the internet. Bloody Germans!

Any recommendations on a type of bait poison?


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Definitely not weevils, there's no rice in my place.

I'm pretty sure it's the German cockroaches, they're never around in the day. I only see them at night so I'm assuming there's a little infestation somewhere around the cupboards. It seems to match what's on Google about them.

I'll check out HomePro and places like that for some stuff. If anyone knows any decent poison let me know, the sprays are <deleted>.


Boric acid is available at compounding pharmacies (where they mix their own concoctions). You won't find it in the chains like Boots. Mix 1/2 and 1/2 with caster sugar (icing sugar) and sprinkle anywhere you think the may be hiding out. It's not toxic to humans or pets unless ingested in large amounts. If you just use it in you kitchen, a teaspoon of each will suffice.

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I had the same, I got some borax liquid from foodland.. filled a few bottle tops full of it dotted around my place which worked, even the ants have gone but it takes a while


Suggestion - make sure your sink plugs are in at night - they come up the drains. Personally I put a inch of water in both my kitchen sink tubs with the plugs in (sometimes find drowned ones in the morning). I live in a house, and even get the big buggers coming in - from no idea where. I have laced the inside of the kitchen cupboards, and under cupboards etc with powder which works, I rarely find live ones - usually they have got in at night and die on the floor. Hate it, but given up trying to track them - house is only 4 years old and no cracks etc - windows have netting and door is always shut to keep the cats out of the kitchen, cupboards are basically empty too (only gas bottles and 5 gallon tubs of vinegar and other chemicals) - food in fridge, kitchen clean, dished etc in a closed larder. They still appear!

Got the powder from BigC - more expensive than the usual stuff but lasts ages (haven't put any down for 6 months and it is still killing them! - but like I said, don't use under counter cupboards)

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search function

been discussed often.

I used the search function on my app, I searched for 'cockroaches'. Loads of threads appeared, however only one was similar to mine, the rest were about all sorts of nonsense.
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they often come from the waste water tubes....that you have only small one, may mean that the big ones can't come out....maybe there is something you can close?


Agreed they come in via the drains, we live on the 12th floor and they are regular visitors. Find the Thai equivalent of a dime store and buy inexpensive copper mesh filter inserts and fit them over the drains of the sink and tub, they will help prevent the waste pipes from getting blocked also.


I don't cover over the sink but I will now. I'm yet to discover where they come from but that's definitely a potential place.


I don't cover over the sink but I will now. I'm yet to discover where they come from but that's definitely a potential place.

Three areas of attack for us, bathroom sink drains, bathtub drains and a key floor drain in the bathroom. Putting the plugs into the sinks and tub after use, does help.


I really hate cockroaches, filthy disgusting creatures. That has got that off my chest..............

When I had a new bathroom built on the side of my house I would find one or two several times a week. I made sure all drain plugs were used to close access. They still got in. Sticky pads caught them, but that doesn't stop them coming in. One day, about three years ago, my wife saw one coming in through one of the holes at the bottom of the toilet where it would normally have a screw fastening it to the floor. It was sunk into concrete with tiles all around so it didn't need screws. Plugged that hole and never saw another one.

To the OP, buy a large can of termite and cockrach killer with a long nozzle, spay it into every crack, crevice, hole of any kind that you can find. Repeat daily until they have been eradicated.

Then spray it all again.

Good luck.


Like rats, it is near impossible to be more than 6' to 100' away from them. Near anywhere on Earth. Seeing them is the tough part. Unless they are part of your cuisine. In that case post your address, I'll get you some fine dining. I honor you for being clean.


There are a number of posts regarding Borax on TVF.... usually to do with getting rid of ants.... just do a forum search!

Can't find a pic of the box, at the moment....

It's not easy to find in some locations in Thailand, you may need to get a pharmacy to order it in for you... wink.png


Icing or castor sugar and plaster of Paris, the first thing a dying cockroach does when it has been poisoned is lay it's egg(s) which contain some extraordinary amount of offspring. The plaster of Paris solidifies in their gut preventing this and kills them, thus stopping the cycle. Even if you eradicate them now they will be back in 3 months when the new born's hatch. It takes a while but it is non toxic. Some of the big ones fly and you can't do much about it except keep them under control, but the German ones are the worse, they are disease carrying MoFo's. Once they get a hold it's VERY difficult to get rid of them, unless you can break the cycle. I think we used to use 50/50.

Surface spray helps usually in the short term.


Start with 'Hoy hoy trap a roach' sticky floored traps then use Bayer Blattanex gel (a poison bait) - the one specific to cockroach. reason for not using the poison first is that you will be ankle deep in dead cokroaches so catch as many as you can first with the traps. Both available from Foodland.


Don't know where they got the name from. My dictionary defines 'hoy' as:

1) A shellfish

2) A device for extracting money.


search function

been discussed often.

Noted, but it's nice to see fresh posts even for an old topic.

Live and Let Live.


Fish, centipedes, chickens and badgers are some of the natural predators of cockroaches, take your pick and get a new pet.

I believe gerbils and ducks are a natural predator of the cockroach

Icing or castor sugar and plaster of Paris, the first thing a dying cockroach does when it has been poisoned is lay it's egg(s) which contain some extraordinary amount of offspring. The plaster of Paris solidifies in their gut preventing this and kills them, thus stopping the cycle. Even if you eradicate them now they will be back in 3 months when the new born's hatch. It takes a while but it is non toxic. Some of the big ones fly and you can't do much about it except keep them under control, but the German ones are the worse, they are disease carrying MoFo's. Once they get a hold it's VERY difficult to get rid of them, unless you can break the cycle. I think we used to use 50/50.

Surface spray helps usually in the short term.

What's 50/50?

From reading the only other thread I found about Borax on here it seems nigh on impossible to find it in Bangkok, perhaps I'll have to purchase something else.

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