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The Soprano House


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Thanks for the offer mate, that trick has already been done, a very good friend of mine, he is minted and is a handsome bugger!! came away looking embarrassed!!

When she goes back she wont be returning to that scene I can promise you!!

If your Hansome bugger friend minted her, he'd not tell you! Fool, I say!

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At the end of the day it's down to me what I do and I intend to have a long and loving relationship with my gf so no other random can try to persuade me otherwise!!

Did you know that gf stands for Gay Freind, since you don't know what LOL and troll means. Just helping you out.

maybe in your circle it means gay friend but to me and many others it means GIRL FRIEND!!!

When did I say I dont know what LOL means????

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Thanks for the offer mate, that trick has already been done, a very good friend of mine, he is minted and is a handsome bugger!! came away looking embarrassed!!

When she goes back she wont be returning to that scene I can promise you!!

If your Hansome bugger friend minted her, he'd not tell you! Fool, I say!

haha just goes to show what kind of friends you have, if you have any that is!!

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Thanks for the offer mate, that trick has already been done, a very good friend of mine, he is minted and is a handsome bugger!! came away looking embarrassed!!

When she goes back she wont be returning to that scene I can promise you!!

If your Hansome bugger friend minted her, he'd not tell you! Fool, I say!

haha just goes to show what kind of friends you have, if you have any that is!!

Sorry I sort of hoped you were genuine but im now fairly sure your so young naive is not the word ,or your having a good laugh (noone could say i turst her 100% and keep posting) or your so insecure and unsure its`sad - whats problem 90%+ of guys here tihnbk your being a fool - i dont know if u are but its getting silly - your girl worked in a sort of up market brother (nothing wrong with that) she might might not have had clients )if she had she will be embarissed) - she might or might not have a degree - so what - myself I could not care if my wife came from jungle wasin worst bordello before i met her or whatever - all i know is shes never lied to me ( sorry she spent a couple of thousand extra shopping once) - but then it might all me a dream but im sure not going to find out here - best to stop threaqd its just getting silly

What are you trying to prove ???? MGFID (i found that one recently) it means my girl friend is different - some are some arent most are same after your dosh - just live with her 2 years give her whatever and then decide and stop worrying about it

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What are you trying to prove ???? MGFID (i found that one recently) it means my girl friend is different - some are some arent most are same after your dosh - just live with her 2 years give her whatever and then decide and stop worrying about it

Whats your problem now? I didn't say anything bad to you!! I dont give a <deleted> what the other people think of me and what I'm saying!!

All this started out very genuine on my part then people started to become very disrespectful towards my gf so as any good bf I'm sticking up for her!!

If you think thats wrong you will need to adjust your morals!!

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What are you trying to prove ???? MGFID (i found that one recently) it means my girl friend is different - some are some arent most are same after your dosh - just live with her 2 years give her whatever and then decide and stop worrying about it

Whats your problem now? I didn't say anything bad to you!! I dont give a <deleted> what the other people think of me and what I'm saying!!

All this started out very genuine on my part then people started to become very disrespectful towards my gf so as any good bf I'm sticking up for her!!

If you think thats wrong you will need to adjust your morals!!

the problem is the more you try to defend her the more people wander why you tihnk you need to defend her so much - me thinks thou protests to much or sometihng like that (but im not really a shakespere scholar) - mie penrie ( ask you GF girl firend what it means) ji jen jen (agian ask her)

ok stop as in monti pyhthen sketch this is getting silly it all started with a nice sketch (sorry post) about how much does a greak earn - not very much

chill out mate

probably definitely maybe must be my last post on this subject maybe - i used to be indesisive but now im not sure

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In summary, a lot of prostitutes work there, you'll easily find gals at the local "upscale" massage parlours that are either headed towards these clubs, or used to work as these clubs. It's all part of the same buffet in the end. Is it really important what the %'s are?

It's a place to have a drink, paw and be pawed, and talk with your friends. Note, YMMV, but for most folks I know, this is a last stop of the evening type of place, usually after visiting massage parlours, so IMO it's not really the local version of a farang gogo bar (although there are gyrating dancers present) in terms of meat market ambience, although yes, the barfine type system is in place as well. Myself I prefer The Resort on Ratchada and its sister club Resort Square on Ekkamai.


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In the nicest way possible I would like to suggest that you have realized your GF was involved in prostitution at one time.

That is not a new feeling to a lot who post here.

Some among us don’t have a problem with that.

Knowing Thailand and SEA in general and realizing this is not London or New York see the realities of the situation.

Some see but through a glass darkly and try and paint a picture that would pass in Piccadilly or play in Poughkeepsie.

Will your GF or future wife be able to assume a role in Thai high society with that job on her resume? No, unless it is politics and even then she would probably have to have owned the place.

Does this make her less worthy of respect or less desirable? No, not in my opinion.

Does this make her able to understand men a little better or perhaps be a better wife? Does this make her a little more understanding if you, heaven forbid ever get caught in a moment of dalliance? I think so but that is of course open to discussion.

I think the challenge is for you. I think your challenge is to realize people often do things under circumstances that may not happen again.

On the downside is the realization that working there she could make more than the average Doctor in Thailand and if you treat her poorly she can always go back.

Enjoy your good fortune. Information is power. You have gotten the answers you need to make an intelligent decision. And remember and perhaps google “A good cigar is a smoke.”

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if you like the girl and having a good time, enjoy from today on and don’t worry about what was. Work out the finances till you are comfortable. I was a big time playboy in the real world and dated all kinds of girls, some of the sweetest were the nastiest. I never asked one about their past and never divulged mine. Many of these posters haven’t a clue what their girlfriends have been into......and who cares.....judge not

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if you like the girl and having a good time, enjoy from today on and don’t worry about what was. Work out the finances till you are comfortable. I was a big time playboy in the real world and dated all kinds of girls, some of the sweetest were the nastiest. I never asked one about their past and never divulged mine. Many of these posters haven’t a clue what their girlfriends have been into......and who cares.....judge not

Sound advice my friend!! cheers

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if you like the girl and having a good time, enjoy from today on and don’t worry about what was. Work out the finances till you are comfortable. I was a big time playboy in the real world and dated all kinds of girls, some of the sweetest were the nastiest. I never asked one about their past and never divulged mine. Many of these posters haven’t a clue what their girlfriends have been into......and who cares.....judge not

Finally!!! Somebody talks sense here...Sean, the past is the past, just concentrate on the future, be careful and don't worry.

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i just dont understand why u have to justify your partner SHAUN

if youre happy your happy

you really gotta be trolling to put soooooo many posts about your wonderfull bride

maybe you should spend as much time with her as you are doing writing about her

just a thought :o:D:D

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She really is different isn't she.

After all she worked in a brothel but says she never went with the customers.

There's your 100% proof right there. A Thai lady would never dare to lie about that. They are just too honest, brutally honest about that kind of thing.

Well done on finding a different one, may you sleep easy.

I'm so jealous!!!!

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All I can say is if you have spent any resonable amount of time in LOS you would have known the answer to your first thread and as for this thread I let the others fill you in.

Short and sweet story my friend meet a girl outside of her normal duties if you get my drift started a relationship within 2 months she told him about her line of work and as he had spent everyday of the last 2 months with him he knew she hadn't been at work, cut long story short he said OK that's fine don't do it again and within a year they are happily married and living in UK and have been for the past 3 years and still going strong. And as he's a close friend a take her past with a pince of salt and she is also a very good friend.

I know your getting alot of negative posts but if you have spent any good amount of time in LOS you will know what to be carefull of.

Hope this helps. Just keep an open mind even if you do love her.

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She really is different isn't she.

After all she worked in a brothel but says she never went with the customers.

There's your 100% proof right there. A Thai lady would never dare to lie about that. They are just too honest, brutally honest about that kind of thing.

Well done on finding a different one, may you sleep easy.

I'm so jealous!!!!

Well, he made the same choice as most of the farangs in this country, some get away with it, some are ending up losing houses, money, some of them even their life, his reasons are his and who knows, maybe he is a lucky one. No matter what, as far as I think, the girls who don't admit their previous habits are a long way of becoming subject to a good marriage...just a humble opinion, can't say that those who do would make a big difference

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Sean, you seem to only take the positive posts and ignore all others..

Why ask a question if you don't like the answer?

As good measure, I decided to visit Soprano's last eve... I have just two words for you.. "Whore House".

But hey, each to their own, you have just joined the very high % of farang guys in exactly the same position - I hope your new life as a walking ATM machine is long and healthy.

You can get the girl out of the bar, but you can never get the bar out of the girl.

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Like I just said on another thread, anyone reading this I challenge them to prove me wrong!! give me concrete evidence that my gf has been leading me a merry dance and I will eat my words and anything else!!!

Bon Appetit!

Still waiting for proof? anyone can say anything!!! pictures, descriptions etc etc!!!

She was an accountant for 10 years but for the last year she worked in an exclusive club called The Soprano House as a PR girl, I know some people may think the worst but I totally trust she was a good girl!! wink.gif

Thanks libya 115

I'm 30, wouldn't say rich, I don't have a problem getting gf's not to sound too big headed, I will have a chat tonight with her and see what the story is before I make a rash decision, the last thing I want to do is split as its been a full on year and a half and you do make a strong bond over that time!!!

So how much older is she?

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Sean, you seem to only take the positive posts and ignore all others..

Why ask a question if you don't like the answer?

As good measure, I decided to visit Soprano's last eve... I have just two words for you.. "Whore House".

But hey, each to their own, you have just joined the very high % of farang guys in exactly the same position - I hope your new life as a walking ATM machine is long and healthy.

You can get the girl out of the bar, but you can never get the bar out of the girl.

Unfortunatelty, most of the times this is true

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Sean, you seem to only take the positive posts and ignore all others..

Why ask a question if you don't like the answer?

As good measure, I decided to visit Soprano's last eve... I have just two words for you.. "Whore House".

But hey, each to their own, you have just joined the very high % of farang guys in exactly the same position - I hope your new life as a walking ATM machine is long and healthy.

You can get the girl out of the bar, but you can never get the bar out of the girl.

Hahahahaha so did a girl leave with you? how much did you pay and what was her name?

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Like I just said on another thread, anyone reading this I challenge them to prove me wrong!! give me concrete evidence that my gf has been leading me a merry dance and I will eat my words and anything else!!!

Bon Appetit!

Still waiting for proof? anyone can say anything!!! pictures, descriptions etc etc!!!

She was an accountant for 10 years but for the last year she worked in an exclusive club called The Soprano House as a PR girl, I know some people may think the worst but I totally trust she was a good girl!! wink.gif

Thanks libya 115

I'm 30, wouldn't say rich, I don't have a problem getting gf's not to sound too big headed, I will have a chat tonight with her and see what the story is before I make a rash decision, the last thing I want to do is split as its been a full on year and a half and you do make a strong bond over that time!!!

So how much older is she?

2 months, why?

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She really is different isn't she.

After all she worked in a brothel but says she never went with the customers.

There's your 100% proof right there. A Thai lady would never dare to lie about that. They are just too honest, brutally honest about that kind of thing.

Well done on finding a different one, may you sleep easy.

I'm so jealous!!!!

Really quite mature aren't, enjoy your sad old life alone.

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She really is different isn't she.

After all she worked in a brothel but says she never went with the customers.

There's your 100% proof right there. A Thai lady would never dare to lie about that. They are just too honest, brutally honest about that kind of thing.

Well done on finding a different one, may you sleep easy.

I'm so jealous!!!!

Well, he made the same choice as most of the farangs in this country, some get away with it, some are ending up losing houses, money, some of them even their life, his reasons are his and who knows, maybe he is a lucky one. No matter what, as far as I think, the girls who don't admit their previous habits are a long way of becoming subject to a good marriage...just a humble opinion, can't say that those who do would make a big difference

I actually asked her on a few occassions if she went with the customer, she said no each time and thats good enough for me!

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All I can say is if you have spent any resonable amount of time in LOS you would have known the answer to your first thread and as for this thread I let the others fill you in.

Short and sweet story my friend meet a girl outside of her normal duties if you get my drift started a relationship within 2 months she told him about her line of work and as he had spent everyday of the last 2 months with him he knew she hadn't been at work, cut long story short he said OK that's fine don't do it again and within a year they are happily married and living in UK and have been for the past 3 years and still going strong. And as he's a close friend a take her past with a pince of salt and she is also a very good friend.

I know your getting alot of negative posts but if you have spent any good amount of time in LOS you will know what to be carefull of.

Hope this helps. Just keep an open mind even if you do love her.

Ok mate will do, nice to get a response from a fellow blue, good to see JT captain of club and country.

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Just keep an open mind even if you do love her.

Ok mate will do,

So, open mind or have you parted company, as stated in your other thread?

Just curious.....

Good Luck


That would be telling, if you want to know I dont mind chatting to you in private!

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She really is different isn't she.

After all she worked in a brothel but says she never went with the customers.

There's your 100% proof right there. A Thai lady would never dare to lie about that. They are just too honest, brutally honest about that kind of thing.

Well done on finding a different one, may you sleep easy.

I'm so jealous!!!!

Really quite mature aren't, enjoy your sad old life alone.

My life's not the topic right now.

The topic right now is denial.

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She really is different isn't she.

After all she worked in a brothel but says she never went with the customers.

There's your 100% proof right there. A Thai lady would never dare to lie about that. They are just too honest, brutally honest about that kind of thing.

Well done on finding a different one, may you sleep easy.

I'm so jealous!!!!

Well, he made the same choice as most of the farangs in this country, some get away with it, some are ending up losing houses, money, some of them even their life, his reasons are his and who knows, maybe he is a lucky one. No matter what, as far as I think, the girls who don't admit their previous habits are a long way of becoming subject to a good marriage...just a humble opinion, can't say that those who do would make a big difference

I actually asked her on a few occassions if she went with the customer, she said no each time and thats good enough for me!

Bet when she said "You very hansum man" was also enough for you, eh? :D

Don't want to worry you too much Sean, but it's quite popular for girls to enrol at college to get the student card and use it to prove they're a student. Earns them a better fee you understand. Similarly, getting yourself a Khao Sarn road type degree certificate and pretending you're a sweet accountant, can up your earning potential or your chances of getting abroad at the Embassy. :D

Sorry to be in the -ve camp, but IMHO you've been done up like a kipper son, and now I only hope you can extricate yourself without too much mess. But sounds like she may have already done a runner, so just chalk it up to experience and you can put the "g" word back in your dictionary. :o

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