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What Gets Wasted At Your House - Drinking Doesn't Count


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"Coming from Scottish origins - frugal was something I'd not been great at but always tried to get good return value for what I did spend - something I guess I learned from my folks........even so - it always surprises me..."

Reminds me of the canny Scotsman who walked into a pharmacy, and threw a used condom down on the counter.

"Do ye do repairs?" he asked.

The pharmacist was a bit taken aback, but after turning the condom over with his pencil, replied, "I can repair that....50p"

The Scotsman was aghast, and grabbing the condom back, left the shop muttering, "Robbery, sheer robbery!"

A week later he returned to the pharmacy, threw the condom down on the counter, and said, "The clan has agreed with your proposal."

Yes, the Scots are mean, the Irish are thick, what are the English? Now there's a good topic for someone to start. No, I won't bother, I don't feel like a posting holiday yet.

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For me, the same.

Nothing is wasted in this house.

The kids leave every light on and if I don't get up to switch off they will be on all night.

3 air conditions are running from 4 in the afternoon till 7 in the morning, because the apple of her eyes can not live without air condition. They did till the age of 9, but then the rich farang came.

Food is cooked for 10, although we are 4, the rest is going to the bins.

Keep asking them at least to throw to the soi dogs, but it's a big job.

Bottles of mineral water is taken to their rooms, they drink half of it the rest goes in the sink.

That I discovered recently.

Clothes never mended, as my mother used to do, they are thrown in the bin.

I got angry now.....must be more, but I can't think at the momentw00t.gif

Who wears the trousers and who wears the skirt?

You're paying half to support her kids right?

Have you seen what Greek men wear? Nice and frilly too!

Gees, I've seen a photo like that before, and there was me thinking they were Scots, oh wait, they are not exactly tartan, are they?

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I am not hitched but I like your lady's style, particularly on not throwing stuff away. Being from the States I am familiar with wasting things. Personally do not like the mentality. If someone else can use it then think about them.

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For me, the same.

Nothing is wasted in this house.

The kids leave every light on and if I don't get up to switch off they will be on all night.

3 air conditions are running from 4 in the afternoon till 7 in the morning, because the apple of her eyes can not live without air condition. They did till the age of 9, but then the rich farang came.

Food is cooked for 10, although we are 4, the rest is going to the bins.

Keep asking them at least to throw to the soi dogs, but it's a big job.

Bottles of mineral water is taken to their rooms, they drink half of it the rest goes in the sink.

That I discovered recently.

Clothes never mended, as my mother used to do, they are thrown in the bin.

I got angry now.....must be more, but I can't think at the moment:w00t:

Give your wife a fixed amount to pay for food and electricity each month.

No top ups!

She will soon be saving money on everything (she gets to keep any underspend).

Lights and air will be turned off.

OOps, post 26,

Iaislica already beat me on this cunning plan!

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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You married guys need to all grow a pair and lay down rules. I have never seen such a pathetic assortment of p whipped guys outside of Asia.

A really great and interesting post.

What was the topic again?

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For me, the same.

Nothing is wasted in this house.

The kids leave every light on and if I don't get up to switch off they will be on all night.

3 air conditions are running from 4 in the afternoon till 7 in the morning, because the apple of her eyes can not live without air condition. They did till the age of 9, but then the rich farang came.

Food is cooked for 10, although we are 4, the rest is going to the bins.

Keep asking them at least to throw to the soi dogs, but it's a big job.

Bottles of mineral water is taken to their rooms, they drink half of it the rest goes in the sink.

That I discovered recently.

Clothes never mended, as my mother used to do, they are thrown in the bin.

I got angry now.....must be more, but I can't think at the momentw00t.gif

I have same problem. When relies come to visit, lights, tv left on etc etc.

At least they can't leave the AC on as I only have AC in my bedroom, but they'll leave the fan running with no one in the room.

Unfortunately, my wife wastes a lot of food, but she only gets 2,000 a month from me for food regardless of how much she uses, so that's her problem, not mine. I used to pay for all the food till I realised how much she wastes. She also buys a lot of clothes and then doesn't wear them much, but I won't pay for her clothes at all, so again, not my problem.

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Likely water for the garden because I tend to soak everything and then let it dry out. The garden looks good. Water costs about 800 THB/month but I also water my neighbours plants because they seldom are there. Electricity because sometimes I forget to turn things off or purposely leave them on. Power has gone from 700 THB to 3000 THB/month since getting air-conditioning. Sometimes rice because my Thai wife tends to cook too much. We give the extra rice to the birds or to the fish.

I think i could save money on electricity and possibly water. Monitor the moisture level with greater accuracy. Turn off the computer more often. Turn off lights sooner. Turn off water dispenser for a greater part of the day. Turn off fans sooner. Thai wife likes turning the fans on all night even when she puts a cover over herself. I do not want to argue with her on this point because some things really do not matter and it is wise to concede small points. I tried to point out the logic but it is her long time habit. I do not like the ketah caused by the fans.

Yeah,what is it with fans.Oh its hot,so run the fan,and as soon as she lays down,pulls a blanket up to the chin.Why do that i ask,it's cold!!!

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For me, the same.

Nothing is wasted in this house.

The kids leave every light on and if I don't get up to switch off they will be on all night.

3 air conditions are running from 4 in the afternoon till 7 in the morning, because the apple of her eyes can not live without air condition. They did till the age of 9, but then the rich farang came.

Food is cooked for 10, although we are 4, the rest is going to the bins.

Keep asking them at least to throw to the soi dogs, but it's a big job.

Bottles of mineral water is taken to their rooms, they drink half of it the rest goes in the sink.

That I discovered recently.

Clothes never mended, as my mother used to do, they are thrown in the bin.

I got angry now.....must be more, but I can't think at the momentw00t.gif

I have same problem. When relies come to visit, lights, tv left on etc etc.

At least they can't leave the AC on as I only have AC in my bedroom, but they'll leave the fan running with no one in the room.

Unfortunately, my wife wastes a lot of food, but she only gets 2,000 a month from me for food regardless of how much she uses, so that's her problem, not mine. I used to pay for all the food till I realised how much she wastes. She also buys a lot of clothes and then doesn't wear them much, but I won't pay for her clothes at all, so again, not my problem.

You sound happy.

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We feed 4-6 people but alsays cook for more. If visitors show up then welcome if not food is eaten next day. left over Steamed rice and sticky rice is fed to dogs with scraps. If their is one thing I won't get cheap with it's food, If we buy fish it's 2 for us and one for temple, we buy take out, we always buy more than enough. it will be eaten the next day.

Stop ctitizising the food thing. Fans turned off when room is empty, A/C in room is for the real hot nights, not everynight. Only room with baby has A/C. I guess we're different than most, water comes from village. We don't throw water away.

We eat good, schrimp, scuid, pork and chicken every night. Good food, good drinks, what else is there????

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We feed 4-6 people but alsays cook for more. If visitors show up then welcome if not food is eaten next day. left over Steamed rice and sticky rice is fed to dogs with scraps. If their is one thing I won't get cheap with it's food, If we buy fish it's 2 for us and one for temple, we buy take out, we always buy more than enough. it will be eaten the next day.

Stop ctitizising the food thing. Fans turned off when room is empty, A/C in room is for the real hot nights, not everynight. Only room with baby has A/C. I guess we're different than most, water comes from village. We don't throw water away.

We eat good, schrimp, scuid, pork and chicken every night. Good food, good drinks, what else is there????

Well......the baby came from something else........

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My Thai Wife saves plastic drinking water bottles for the cleaning ladies. Never throws anything away especially food. But as soon as I get the room nicely cooled down from the air-con she opens a window or door and away it goes.

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If the wife accompanies me to the supermarket (this is a rare event) basically everything she buys ends up getting thrown away. She buys this and that to make this and that and never makes anything.

Saying that quite a lot of meat I buy got thrown during the summer because it was just too damn hot too cook. Freezer is already full to the brim.

That reminds me I've got 2 kg of English banger meat to stuff into sausage skins in the freezer and homemade bacon and ham to eat in the fridge. smile.png

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For me, the same.

Nothing is wasted in this house.

The kids leave every light on and if I don't get up to switch off they will be on all night.

3 air conditions are running from 4 in the afternoon till 7 in the morning, because the apple of her eyes can not live without air condition. They did till the age of 9, but then the rich farang came.

Food is cooked for 10, although we are 4, the rest is going to the bins.

Keep asking them at least to throw to the soi dogs, but it's a big job.

Bottles of mineral water is taken to their rooms, they drink half of it the rest goes in the sink.

That I discovered recently.

Clothes never mended, as my mother used to do, they are thrown in the bin.

I got angry now.....must be more, but I can't think at the momentw00t.gif

I have same problem. When relies come to visit, lights, tv left on etc etc.

At least they can't leave the AC on as I only have AC in my bedroom, but they'll leave the fan running with no one in the room.

Unfortunately, my wife wastes a lot of food, but she only gets 2,000 a month from me for food regardless of how much she uses, so that's her problem, not mine. I used to pay for all the food till I realised how much she wastes. She also buys a lot of clothes and then doesn't wear them much, but I won't pay for her clothes at all, so again, not my problem.

You sound happy.

When the rellies aren't there, and it's not "that time of the month" I'm happy as a sandboy.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My dogs waste the air conditioning electricity. They know how to open the doors, but they never close them when they come into an air conditioned room.

Change the door handles to round ones, alt=biggrin.png> .

Question - do they go into those rooms if the A/C is off?????/

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