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Not a Troll-Post! Farang Traffic Police Bike Patrol!


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A foreign wannabe policeman in Thailand is just below a cockroach in my book.

Even the one that the OP mentioned that is doing something beneficial? Or do you like to double park with the flashers on to show your Thainess?

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I did not talk about the wanna-be cops with their own agenda and an inferiority complex. Obviously these positions must attract a lot of weird people and there is plenty of supply here in Pattaya. But I try to be tolerant and not to generalize. You watch these foreigners on W.Str. you can tell quite fast which ones have some issues with themselves and which ones are genuine there to help.

The cop i watched on the bike yesterday was professional and made several Thai vans blocking 2nd. Rd. move on. Nothing wrong with this. From what is going around in expat circles, the various groups are weeding out bad apples lately. Nothing wrong with this either. Happy id traffic gets organized and crimes go down. MS>

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I did not talk about the wanna-be cops with their own agenda and an inferiority complex. Obviously these positions must attract a lot of weird people and there is plenty of supply here in Pattaya. But I try to be tolerant and not to generalize. You watch these foreigners on W.Str. you can tell quite fast which ones have some issues with themselves and which ones are genuine there to help.

The cop i watched on the bike yesterday was professional and made several Thai vans blocking 2nd. Rd. move on. Nothing wrong with this. From what is going around in expat circles, the various groups are weeding out bad apples lately. Nothing wrong with this either. Happy id traffic gets organized and crimes go down. MS>

Yes, but when you talk about people helping that's a kind of community service, which is considerably different to enforcing traffic control rules. I can't get my head around what motivates these people to want to do this, and more importantly I wonder what the Thai’s think about an unpaid foreigner dressed in a police uniform telling them to move along?

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I could swear that at a recent Thai function I attended, where one of the guests of honor was a local BIB, some of his BIB colegues showed up to wish him well and in that group, I could swear I saw a couple farangs dressed in full police regalia, including sidearms. These were not police volunteers or tourist police helpers but real Thai coppers from the soi 9 station.

Has anyone seen these guys too or were they just luk-krungs I mistook for full-blooded farangs.


Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu Damned if they do and damned if they dont. Volunteering and helping the community sure beats sitting in cheap charlies wearing your slingback and supping a chang

Unless you've had a bastard of a life,grafting your balls off and you feel it's time to kick back and relax in your own uncouth way that is. Edited by stoneyboy
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A foreign wannabe policeman in Thailand is just below a cockroach in my book.

Maybe in his home country he was a policeman. Maybe he is so fed up with the lack of enforcement here, he decided to try and make a difference.

Whether Thai or farang, it would appear he's doing the job properly.

Thailand needs more cops on the street doing what this guy is doing.

Some people don't like cops, period.

They seem to forget that without law enforcement, there would be no civilised society. Their small world outlook is IMO, a reflection of their limited mental capacity.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu Damned if they do and damned if they dont. Volunteering and helping the community sure beats sitting in cheap charlies wearing your slingback and supping a chang

Totally agree, supping Leo is the only way

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One of the Tourist Police volunteers featured on a recent UK TV C5 "documentary".

It may have been down to the editing but he came across as being decidedly unpleasant.

Edited by KittenKong
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I've yet to see a single farang police volunteer or full fledged cop that

does ANYTHING good for other farangs. Meaning being helpful to other farangs.

All I EVER see them do is show of what a big shit they are, and demand you

show respect. Most of them speak such a bad thai it's a joke ...

Overall, in my book they are a disgrace ... a bunch of 8 year olds that

never grew up. May bet hey where bullied as children ? Who knows ?


PS: I have seen more kindness and understanding from real Thai Cops,

than I have even seen from the Farang wannabe cops ...

Then you haven't been down WS and seen them talking a drunken hot-head out of not paying his bartab and thus risking being banged up in Soi 9 by real cops.

Or advising some young lads that those hot girls aren't girls.

Or being called to visit Pattaya Remand prison on a Sunday afternoon when he cold have been home with the family because the cops needed an interpreter for someone banged up getting a visit from their Consular rep.

Or attending a meeting in a hospital ER where some hyperventilating tourist wants to sue the hospital for misdiagnosis and not accepting their insurance and not speaking English.

And the best one was stopping a foreign lady from going down Soi 6 to 'sort out' the tart that her foreign boyfriend got busted banging when he had lied to her he was off to play golf. The same evening, a repeat call at their hotel where she was beating the piss out of her boyfriend.

No, they don't do much good at all.

Sounds like you're part of the team

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I've yet to see a single farang police volunteer or full fledged cop that

does ANYTHING good for other farangs. Meaning being helpful to other farangs.

All I EVER see them do is show of what a big shit they are, and demand you

show respect. Most of them speak such a bad thai it's a joke ...

Overall, in my book they are a disgrace ... a bunch of 8 year olds that

never grew up. May bet hey where bullied as children ? Who knows ?


PS: I have seen more kindness and understanding from real Thai Cops,

than I have even seen from the Farang wannabe cops ...

Then you haven't been down WS and seen them talking a drunken hot-head out of not paying his bartab and thus risking being banged up in Soi 9 by real cops.

Or advising some young lads that those hot girls aren't girls.

Or being called to visit Pattaya Remand prison on a Sunday afternoon when he cold have been home with the family because the cops needed an interpreter for someone banged up getting a visit from their Consular rep.

Or attending a meeting in a hospital ER where some hyperventilating tourist wants to sue the hospital for misdiagnosis and not accepting their insurance and not speaking English.

And the best one was stopping a foreign lady from going down Soi 6 to 'sort out' the tart that her foreign boyfriend got busted banging when he had lied to her he was off to play golf. The same evening, a repeat call at their hotel where she was beating the piss out of her boyfriend.

No, they don't do much good at all.

Sounds like you're part of the team

No. I am oilfield trash and wouldn't be seen dead pretending to be anything else. But one of my oldest and best friends is and has been for a long time.

There's probably more than a little truth to the fact that some haven't the most altruistic reasons for doing what they do.

It's easier to know one personally and withhold judgement on the ones you don't know than to know none of them and despise them all.

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I've yet to see a single farang police volunteer or full fledged cop that

does ANYTHING good for other farangs. Meaning being helpful to other farangs.

All I EVER see them do is show of what a big shit they are, and demand you

show respect. Most of them speak such a bad thai it's a joke ...

Overall, in my book they are a disgrace ... a bunch of 8 year olds that

never grew up. May bet hey where bullied as children ? Who knows ?


PS: I have seen more kindness and understanding from real Thai Cops,

than I have even seen from the Farang wannabe cops ...

Then you haven't been down WS and seen them talking a drunken hot-head out of not paying his bartab and thus risking being banged up in Soi 9 by real cops.

Or advising some young lads that those hot girls aren't girls.

Or being called to visit Pattaya Remand prison on a Sunday afternoon when he cold have been home with the family because the cops needed an interpreter for someone banged up getting a visit from their Consular rep.

Or attending a meeting in a hospital ER where some hyperventilating tourist wants to sue the hospital for misdiagnosis and not accepting their insurance and not speaking English.

And the best one was stopping a foreign lady from going down Soi 6 to 'sort out' the tart that her foreign boyfriend got busted banging when he had lied to her he was off to play golf. The same evening, a repeat call at their hotel where she was beating the piss out of her boyfriend.

No, they don't do much good at all.

Sounds like you're part of the team

No. I am oilfield trash and wouldn't be seen dead pretending to be anything else. But one of my oldest and best friends is and has been for a long time.

There's probably more than a little truth to the fact that some haven't the most altruistic reasons for doing what they do.

It's easier to know one personally and withhold judgement on the ones you don't know than to know none of them and despise them all.

There is some truth in your comment, but even without knowing any personally, we all know quite a few of them that have hit the news for all the wrong reasons isn't it ?

Let me add to that, that I know two who are from my homecountry, who if I say they didn't qualify for a police job at home, means I have stated it very gently.

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I meet one personally when he barged into my room waving his ID at me while I was lying naked on my bed, I did manage to get him fired for it tho, not that it made a difference, he just uses a fake ID now but he stays away from me which is the main thing.

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beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu Damned if they do and damned if they dont. Volunteering and helping the community sure beats sitting in cheap charlies wearing your slingback and supping a chang

Have to disagree. Sipping a chilled beer beats wearing a tight uniform and pretending to be Steven Seagal.

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