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Please help......important visa question

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A relative of mine went to Thailand (from UK) last April, and hasnt been seen since, although they have been in very occasionaly contact with other friends in UK.  

I dunno anything about the visa they had, or how long they intended to stay, but all his mates came home last June without him.  They didnt seem to know much about what he was doing, kept saying he would return at such and such a date but never did.

I need to know how the visas work.  I have read about visas, but dont really understand.  Would my relative be able to stay a year and do visa runs?  Is there a restriction on how long you can do visa runs for?  Would it be possible to stay out in Thailand indefinitley,?  I know he is not working.  I dunno where he is or who he is with.  

Any information would be appreciated, thanks


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He could be here legal making monthly runs out of the country and getting another 30 days.  He could be paying a 'visa service' for 'gray' visas (often what would be a legal visa but because issued outside of normal policy could be considered invalid).  He could be obtaining new tourist visas outside country and extending 30 days for total 90 days and then doing again.  He could be here on his original entry and an overstay (likely if not working or have other funds).  In this case he would be subject ot jail/fine/deportation if found out.

FYI:  there were a number of boiler room operations here last year involving UK nationals reported and some were busted.

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Thanks for your reply.  So it is possible he could stay out in Thailand indefinitely??  If he did the visa runs, got the visas he required, there is no restrictions on how long he can stay even if he is just there as a tourist??  

If he was doing visa runs, could he do these for as long as he wished, and there would be no restriction on how long he could do this for?

'FYI:  there were a number of boiler room operations here last year involving UK nationals reported and some were busted.'

Sorry, can you explain what you mean by the above.......when did this happen?

Much Thanks


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1. So it is possible he could stay out in Thailand indefinitely??  If he did the visa runs, got the visas he required, there is no restrictions on how long he can stay even if he is just there as a tourist??  

2. If he was doing visa runs, could he do these for as long as he wished, and there would be no restriction on how long he could do this for?

3. There were a number of boiler room operations here last year involving UK nationals reported and some were busted.'

Sorry, can you explain what you mean by the above.......when did this happen?

1. Yes, you can stay here for years without problems, if you just do your visa runs and behave as a good boy.

2. One, two, ten years.

3. To find info of boiler room activities (We don't think he was soo low...) Google is your friend here:


Maybe he just wanted to take a break? I should say: He will pop up the other day.

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