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I have a TOT supplied modem

I have a Linksys Wifi router

both woark albeit ay thai snail pace

I wish to stop neighbours using my bandwidth

When I go to to edit

Dialog Box opens

Say server requires a user name and password password

The server says Dual Port ADSL2+ modem router

If close dialog box page itself has error message

Protected Object

This object on the RomPager server is protected

I am asked for a pasword TOT man seems to have chanegd it

Any help

No combo of tel number tothome,totcybergold not totplatinum that used to work work now

So followed online and makers advice to reset to admin admin combo or admin/blank(nothing)

None of these seem to work

I have tried the HARD reset

30 secs push pin on back of box

30 seconds push pin off

Net is so slow since visitors arrived at new neighbours I cannot stream the soccer !


"", is that a typo?

Quite unusual adr. for the router (usually or 192.168.1)

If you followed the manufacturers procedure for a hard reset and it does not work, I am clueless.

Did you try to connect via LAN cable?

Could you write down the exact model of the devices?


If TOT supplied a DSL modem and you have a Linksys wifi router then the device you should be adjusting is the router not the modem. Leave the modem alone.

Default settings for Linksys routers are usually and admin and admin. All this info is clearly described in the manual and on the Linksys site.

Hard resets just erase all the configured settings and should normally never be needed. Having done a hard reset on the Linksys (assuming that is what you did) you will need to reconfigure all the router settings, especially the gateway settings, though these may be automatic if you have a dedicated socket on the router.


Defaut TOT supplied Modems usernames and passwords I've seen used are-:

Username-: admin

Password-: admin


Username-: admin

Password-: tot

IP address is usually or

Once in the modem the username is usually your telephone number @goldcyber or @diamondcyber etc (dependent upon package subscribed to) with your phone number as the password.

Connection type is PPPoE/LLC



Sometimes the Annex Connection type will be wrong, if you have auto use that otherwise try Annex A or Annex M.

Edit to add-: Try doing all configuration with a pc connected directly to the modem. Bypass the secondary router completely for the time being to ensure your modem is working correctly and at the recommended speed etc.


Thanks everyone YES a TYPO of course it was

Modem working fine

The Model is Linksys Wreless G Access Point with SES

Underneath says Cisco

Model WAP 54g version 3.1

It is working on wifi now I am using to write this

Just cannot seem to access it?

Thanks everyone Ive looked at Cisco instructions they say hard reset and

then admin admin

Tried a dozen times no go


I might be wrong, but I think you have two devices and this is where the confusion rises from. You have a modem. You also have a wireless router. By typing your probably accessing the Modem not the router and trying to access it with the router passwords.

Sometimes the modem can't be seen behind the router, sometime you'll pass through the router and only see the modem not the router. If you go to network connections and double click on your wifi connection then select details, you may find that the default gateway address is different to the typical Try that one in your browser to see if you can access your router.


Yes I thought of it but the default gateway is shown today as

If it helps Im on a macbook running mavericks

I have never touched or configured these and all working fine until World Cup statred and 6 young unssmoved in to new places adjacent

On Wifi settings page of my control preferences page


Subnet mask


Configure IPv4 Automatically

Next page

DNS servers


Harware MAC ADRESSS 58:B):35::6c:;ce;d8

Configure Automatically

MTU Standard 1500 (greyed out)


Defaut TOT supplied Modems usernames and passwords I've seen used are-:

Username-: admin

Password-: admin


Username-: admin

Password-: tot

IP address is usually or

Once in the modem the username is usually your telephone number @goldcyber or @diamondcyber etc (dependent upon package subscribed to) with your phone number as the password.

Connection type is PPPoE/LLC



Sometimes the Annex Connection type will be wrong, if you have auto use that otherwise try Annex A or Annex M.

Edit to add-: Try doing all configuration with a pc connected directly to the modem. Bypass the secondary router completely for the time being to ensure your modem is working correctly and at the recommended speed etc.

I wanted to configure my TOT router to use open dns

I've accessed it many times in the past, and as you say above it's always had "admin" and "tot" as the username & password.

For some reason it's not accepting it now. Baffling.

Maybe it's got corrupted - I take it TOT can't access it remotely and change the access credentials?

Any suggestions? It's a TP-Link router.

It is working on wifi now I am using to write this

Just cannot seem to access it?

Router config access is commonly blocked by default via wifi.

Use an ethernet cable.

It is working on wifi now I am using to write this

Just cannot seem to access it?

Router config access is commonly blocked by default via wifi.

Use an ethernet cable.

Rather defeats object of buying 2 wifi routers

The one that shows configuration on screen TPLINk TOT guy cannot set up cost $179

The old Cisco Linksys is being used right now and wirelss on upto about 50m no problem

What I want to do is set pasword to stop neighbour using all my bandwidth

At present it its on off all night


My simple goal is password protected wifi?

Amy ideas happy to buy yet another "box" but if local engineers cannot install pointless Im 300km N of C Mai


Neighbour suggested put router in freezer in plastic bag to cool ? Is this wise,crazy or irrelevant?

It has been used virtually non stop for 3 years without a glitch until new neighbours arrived en masse


Yes I thought of it but the default gateway is shown today as

If it helps Im on a macbook running mavericks

I have never touched or configured these and all working fine until World Cup statred and 6 young unssmoved in to new places adjacent

On Wifi settings page of my control preferences page


Subnet mask


Configure IPv4 Automatically

Next page

DNS servers


Harware MAC ADRESSS 58:cool.png:35::6c:;ce;d8

Configure Automatically

MTU Standard 1500 (greyed out)

As you have TWO devices,

the TOT modem is set to act as the ROUTER, GATEWAY and DHCP server to give out IP addresses when equipment connects (usually found at

the Linksys is only used as a dumb Access Point to provide WiFi, so will have a fixed IP address on the working LAN (most likely or

You could try locating the IP address by downloading a IP address scanner, or manually try to access device in a browser by trying each IP address (ie, 192,168,1,2, 192,168.1.3,, ... until you reach

NOTE: If you have successfully RESET the Linksys,

this may create a network conflict as both the TOT and LINKSYS will most likely be set by default to use the same 192,168.1.1 IP address. Many, if not most, network installers will set the Linksys device to or and disable settings so they don't conflict with the primary router (ie: DHCP: off; Disable NAT Firewall, UPnP)


As you have TWO devices,

the TOT modem is set to act as the ROUTER, GATEWAY and DHCP server to give out IP addresses when equipment connects (usually found at

the Linksys is only used as a dumb Access Point to provide WiFi, so will have a fixed IP address on the working LAN (most likely or

//update to previous post

After MJCM posted his link I remembered that the TWO devices could also be set up in Bridge Mode, so the Linksys could be set to be the primary Router, Gateway, DHCP server and WiFi. (The TOT would only be working as an adsl2 modem but not appear withing the 192.168.1.x LAN)

When you connect to the login area (dialog box or login screen) should display/declare what device is requesting the User/Pass.


'When you connect to the login area (dialog box or login screen) should display/declare what device is requesting the User/Pass. '

it doesnt


It is working on wifi now I am using to write this

Just cannot seem to access it?

Router config access is commonly blocked by default via wifi.

Use an ethernet cable.

Rather defeats object of buying 2 wifi routers

Not at all.

The default setting is commonly not to allow config access via wifi for security reasons. By performing a hard reset you have reinstated all the defaults. So you connect once using an ethernet cable and you change the defaults. You can also set up the wifi security at the same time if you like.

Very simple.

If you are trying to use two wifi devices bridged together you will have a whole load of other settings to change anyway.


Needed to do a bit of research.

Linksys WAP 54g Wireless Access Point

default IP address:

default name: <leave blank>

default pass: admin

Brilliant that's fixed it

Congratlations a virtual reward or see pm for more tangible congratualtions

Thanks TV for all help

Shows what pooled talent can do

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