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be honest, how much do you drink?

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Ok so according to generalisations, every long term farang is a miserable drunk,

So let's be honest and Get it out, if you are willing

How often; when I'm in thailand for my two week holiday, I drink 6 days per week, one of them I will get blotto with friends
How much: maybe 5 drinks
But back home I'd may drink three times per month, I don't feel the need to drink every night
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Not enough, I should go out more often but I can't be bothered these days. Sometimes I go a month or more without hitting any of the bars. I rarely drink at home either.


Coming from England as I do I used to go out for a drink four or five nights a week but that was nearly 10 years ago and the pubs became quiter over the years to the point where I only bothered once a week.


When I do go out these days I like to make a night of it and will drink a large amount of beer, vodka, shots, etc over many hours.

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If I'm with a girl ... just enough to make her look pretty.


If I'm out clubbing, just enought 'oil' to lube the machine to dance.


There is never enough drink to make me sing ... that is truely a bad experience for all within ear-shot ...  facepalm.gif

I am no transam!


But mostly ... just enough for a wee buzz ...  w00t.gif



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I'm subject to random drug and alcohol testing at work, so I only drink the if I'm not at work the next day. 


I figure get through 4 pints of beer and a half bottle of wine a week. 

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Anywhere between 7-15 630ml leos a day

whether thats too much or not is between me ,my  doctor and the man upstairs 

maybe its the temperature here but i find the alcohool metabolises very  quick ?


i can knock back 4-5  in the afternoon and go home ,come back out at 7pm as if have drank nothing ?

whisky and stuff do cause me to lose memory of the evening/morning etc so these are for party mode only lol

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0  for 2+ years now. 



(but I used to drink about 20 beer a week for first 10 years here)  1 after work x 5 days + 15 on Friday or Saturday night.


x52 weeks = 1000+ a year. x 10 yrs = 10,000+ beers  = alot of time taking the p...

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I drank every day for the past five years or so. Not a great amount, but I had usually three glasses of whisky and soda, a lot more at weekends.

But. This week I stopped. I've been worrying about it, and my wife has frequently commented on my breath when I drink. So I just stopped from last Sunday and I've felt great. And I've slept brilliantly (which, I'll admit, I wrongly anticipated as being a problem). I don't want to become teetotal, but I like the idea of choosing when to drink and not drinking if I don't fancy one. For many years I just drank because it is what I did!

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Didn't for many a year while raising a Daughter.....started again here and found I was getting a little to close to it (alcoholism ran in the family)....the wife does not like when I drink and neither do I generally.....about one night every 10 - 12 days I get the urge and grab a bottle of spiced rum at Macro....I'll drink for that night while watching a movie or when we karaoke.....most of the time when I get up the next day I will pour the remainder of the bottle out so as not to have it staring at me......99% of the time I don't miss it but sometimes get the urge......never have been a bar person so there's no compulsion there .....occasionally she will have a light drink with me - makes her sleepy......


Some of the good hotels have very nicely equipped karaoke rooms - she'll then have a Mai Tai along with food served, sometimes two - but not very often does that happen.....

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I have been living in the LOS for the past 7 years. I used to drink quite a bit the first few years I was here. During the week, after work and weekends. I now limit my drinking to Friday and Saturday and even then in moderation. i was sick of feeling sluggish at work and home not to mention it does not set a good example for my 6 year old boy.


I can't  drink the Thai swill anymore as it makes me feel rancid. Vodka, club soda and a splash of Shweppes lime soda is my drink of choice. There is a huge drinking culture here and it is so easy to get caught up in it, so i keep my fathers old saying in my head. Take everything in moderation!wai2.gif

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I cant hit it night after night - even in 2-week millionaire mode - but I've made a mess of myself in Thailand over many years. If I drank this many beers in a single night in Oz I'd be dead - there's definitely something askew whether its the humidity or whatever. Never had much time for rum or fortified spirits in Australia yet I find myself drawn to Thai whiskey in the early hours of the morning - another anachronism. Ideally, I wouldnt drink at all, but we dont live in an ideal world. 

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A couple of beers early evening after a walk, then maybe a bottle of wine split between cooking, eating and digesting tood. Once the food is inside I seem to shut down anyway- loaf down time then !
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When my gf is not at home I will drink 2 large bottles of Chang after work. If she come to sleep over then I don't drink anything.


On weekend that's another story....if I go out with my friends we will drink all night long and come back at 5am wasted and spend the rest of the day in bed complaining. If I go out with the gf I will take only 2-3 large beers maximum.


I've gotten a bit fat so now I'm trying not to drink after work and I'm doing exercise instead !

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I only visit Thailand (3 or 4 times a year, we have a house there) as still working overseas. But I am in the tropics (PNG) and drink 5 - 10 "standard" drinks 4 days a week. It's too much and am addressing it as I turned 50 last month but I know a lot of blokes who drink 10 + drinks, 7 days a week. I am told 13 or more a day is regarded as being a severe alcoholic.

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Only occasionally on parties or events but always little enough to keep me in control and be able to walk home like a man without making a fool of myself. There are months without a drop and I wouldn't miss it either.

I actually am surprised by the fact that most members seem to give honest answers here. Reinstates my trust in humanity...

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Close to zero, health / weight reasons. I was a fat slob before partly because of the alcohol. Now I am clear headed full of energy. I do drink but not often say once every 2 months or so and not much then. 


If someone loves to drink let them its their body to use / misuse i feel the same for all other drugs, and I have used a few in my time.


The problem starts when people drink and drive as i lost someone to a drunk driver I have zero tolerance for that.

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Only occasionally on parties or events but always little enough to keep me in control and be able to walk home like a man without making a fool of myself. There are months without a drop and I wouldn't miss it either.

I actually am surprised by the fact that most members seem to give honest answers here. Reinstates my trust in humanity...



Why lie about it on an anonymous forum.. i never really understood that one.

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There is always a sense of shyness to questions like this- but people should live their lives how ever they want to live them- we are only here once IMO. Most people are " dependent " on something or other, some less harmful than others. I'm Tea dependent in the morning and wine dependent in the evening....... and sex dependent most days of the week. I use the word dependent as opposed to " addicted " because it sounds like less of a problem, but most folk will be dependent on something- even if it's video games or soap operas or movies.
Enjoy life - as long as we don't go forcing or advising others how to live and what they can do, eat, drink or smoke then I don't think our dependencies are hurting anyone else !
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I own a bar. I see the check bins every day. Few guys drink more than 3. I must admit they may drink more someplace else. At my bar, the bar girls get about 40% of the drinks paid by the customer. The guys tend to buy more drinks for the girls than themselves. I think this is great. I see guys coming to the bar, spending maybe 1000b and having a great time. In all, they had 2 maybe 3 drinks and bought drinks for 3 or 4 ladies. Think about the fun. That is Thailand. for $33 you can have a very good time and not drink too much.

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I have spent B3000 on alcohol in the last 11 months. I have kept a record for that period.


Don't need it but love a beer sometimes! And maybe a glass of wine.


That's being honest

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If I'm with a girl ... just enough to make her look pretty.


If I'm out clubbing, just enought 'oil' to lube the machine to dance.


There is never enough drink to make me sing ... that is truely a bad experience for all within ear-shot ...  facepalm.gif

I am no transam!


But mostly ... just enough for a wee buzz ...  w00t.gif




Well that girl thing can be hard on the liver in Europe

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