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More and more, 7-12 large bottles of Archa beer every day for many months. Needless to say that's way over the top, so I'm trying to stop entirely - at least for a month or so.

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Four or five big Leos a day, every day. Down 100% from a year ago, and the shaking stopped!


I don't understand it, im not a native English speaker.. but would not down 100% mean you stopped ?


I found I drank significantly more when I lived in the states because quite honestly the alcohol and beer selection is far superior to anything Thailand can offer. Singha, Chang, Leo is utter friggen garbage. Typical higher end spirits are rare in Thailand and when you find them they are quite pricey. With that said I seldom drink here but I do have former colleagues that regularly travel to Thailand and they mule over a nice 750 of Vodka, Tequila, Rum for me. So my collection is growing quite well and I enjoy them sparingly.


There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. It has been around for thousands of years. Its the people that can handle it or have zero self control that make it a big deal. I love a top shelf spirit "Neat" out in the sala.






I found I drank significantly more when I lived in the states because quite honestly the alcohol and beer selection is far superior to anything Thailand can offer. Singha, Chang, Leo is utter <deleted> garbage. Typical higher end spirits are rare in Thailand and when you find them they are quite pricey. With that said I seldom drink here but I do have former colleagues that regularly travel to Thailand and they mule over a nice 750 of Vodka, Tequila, Rum for me. So my collection is growing quite well and I enjoy them sparingly.


There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. It has been around for thousands of years. Its the people that can handle it or have zero self control that make it a big deal. I love a top shelf spirit "Neat" out in the sala.





Same with any other drugs.. there is no problem using drugs.. only those who loose control and damage themselves are a problem.


Its the persons body and he / she should be able to do with it what he / she wants as long as you don't cause problems for others.

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Mon-Friday...3 large beer Sings per day.

Sat-Sun...1 bottle wine on Sat, 1 bottle wine on Sun.

Occasionally...half a jar of 25 year old single malt with

old friends who visit.



Only occasionally on parties or events but always little enough to keep me in control and be able to walk home like a man without making a fool of myself. There are months without a drop and I wouldn't miss it either.

I actually am surprised by the fact that most members seem to give honest answers here. Reinstates my trust in humanity...



Why lie about it on an anonymous forum.. i never really understood that one.



Why does it have to be a lie? Lots of people never cared to drink much, or at all. I never really liked the taste of it or the buzz. I probably drink 2 of something a year and only if someone puts it in front of me and I'm in the mood for it.


I found I drank significantly more when I lived in the states because quite honestly the alcohol and beer selection is far superior to anything Thailand can offer. Singha, Chang, Leo is utter <deleted> garbage. Typical higher end spirits are rare in Thailand and when you find them they are quite pricey. With that said I seldom drink here but I do have former colleagues that regularly travel to Thailand and they mule over a nice 750 of Vodka, Tequila, Rum for me. So my collection is growing quite well and I enjoy them sparingly.


There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. It has been around for thousands of years. Its the people that can handle it or have zero self control that make it a big deal. I love a top shelf spirit "Neat" out in the sala.






It is even worse with wine.


A lot when I first came to Thailand ----- with the madness of living in Pattaya-------- now Issan is more my speed, so a few drinks on a Friday with friends......................TGIF





Albert: "Oh, yes, sir. But alcohol sort of compensates for not getting them.”

Terry Pratchett


I recall an amusing exchange with a UK traffic policeman a few years ago around Christmas/New Year that went something like this:


Plod: "What time did you last consume alcohol sir?"


Me (Pause for thought): "it must have been around 11 o'clock officer" 


Plod: "How many did you have?"


Me: "Just the one, as usual"


Plod (smiling & thinking he's scored a bullseye): "I'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you to take a breath test sir"


Me: "What for?"


Plod: "Because you've been drinking!".


Me: "No I haven't!"


Plod: "Are you taking the piss sir? You've just told me you had a drink an hour ago!"


Me: " I said I last consumed alcohol at 11 o'clock. I did so on the morning of Sunday 08 November (6 weeks earlier) which was Remembrance Sunday. I drank a tot of port as the last post was being sounded" (I then went on to explain that I don't drink & wasn't impressed at being stopped without giving probable cause).











Another poster boasting about getting "blotto", it is disgraceful, and there is no need for it. Being drunk in public should mean immediate locking up, and a heavy fine before they get back out, and that's in any country, being on holiday is no excuse.


Since the eight years I have been in Thailand, two Farangs in my circle have drank themselves to death.




I only drink if somebody offers me a free drink.

Otherwise, can't afford to buy any drinks.

Offer you a free drink???. I bet you have never been in the company of a Scot.


Thinking about how much and what I drink……..I think I am a Tea addict. I hide tea bags all over the place in case I run out. I pressure mates coming from the UK to bring me Yorkshire tea bags. I give 4 or 5 Liptons tea bags away to my favorite little cafes, so they have them when I call next. I try to convince many businesses, if they learned to made a proper pot of tea  they would get rich(even the fruit stalls ).I never go anywhere without a few tea bags or the day will be ruined….back to the plot 2 bottles of Chang Classic every night.


There is always a sense of shyness to questions like this- but people should live their lives how ever they want to live them- we are only here once IMO. Most people are " dependent " on something or other, some less harmful than others. I'm Tea dependent in the morning and wine dependent in the evening....... and sex dependent most days of the week. I use the word dependent as opposed to " addicted " because it sounds like less of a problem, but most folk will be dependent on something- even if it's video games or soap operas or movies.
Enjoy life - as long as we don't go forcing or advising others how to live and what they can do, eat, drink or smoke then I don't think our dependencies are hurting anyone else !

Your first sentence is spot on, though you should have added  ' as long as they don't do anyone else any harm,' If anyone is "blotto" as the OP admits to being sometimes, the chances are they will.




Only occasionally on parties or events but always little enough to keep me in control and be able to walk home like a man without making a fool of myself. There are months without a drop and I wouldn't miss it either.

I actually am surprised by the fact that most members seem to give honest answers here. Reinstates my trust in humanity...



Why lie about it on an anonymous forum.. i never really understood that one.



Why does it have to be a lie? Lots of people never cared to drink much, or at all. I never really liked the taste of it or the buzz. I probably drink 2 of something a year and only if someone puts it in front of me and I'm in the mood for it.


I mean why lie about how much you drink on a forum.. i was commenting on him not expecting honest answers not his alcohol usage. 


There are those who are Stupid Drunk

Those who are Drunk Stupid

And those who a boringly Stupid.


If your over 40 and don't smoke - "They" say 3 units a day (850ish mls/  - someone don't correct me?)


I don't drink Monday and Tuesday and Monday to Thursday 1st week of the month (Liver restoration)-

unless there is (Usually in Thailand) a High day or Holiday.


OR Boring "Normal" people decide to try to make me as miserable as they are.


OR the wife has bad PMT.... Yes dear, No dear.... one in the fridge is there dear?


Then I average 1.5 litres! OMG!


It's hot here and I am from Jorvik -


I have never missed work because of drinking (But wished I coulder)




I found I drank significantly more when I lived in the states because quite honestly the alcohol and beer selection is far superior to anything Thailand can offer. Singha, Chang, Leo is utter garbage. Typical higher end spirits are rare in Thailand and when you find them they are quite pricey. With that said I seldom drink here but I do have former colleagues that regularly travel to Thailand and they mule over a nice 750 of Vodka, Tequila, Rum for me. So my collection is growing quite well and I enjoy them sparingly.
There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. It has been around for thousands of years. Its the people that can handle it or have zero self control that make it a big deal. I love a top shelf spirit "Neat" out in the sala.

Same with any other drugs.. there is no problem using drugs.. only those who loose control and damage themselves are a problem.
Its the persons body and he / she should be able to do with it what he / she wants as long as you don't cause problems for others.

Beer in the USA superior. You must to be joking. All the common and most drinked beers in the US are terrible. Among the worst in the world



Oh My......... Clearly you have only tried Budweiser, Michelob, Miller and Coors which in comparison is like enjoying Leo, Chang, Singha and Archer. 


The US has the widest variety of beers anywhere in the world. I am not saying all are good but the majority are absolutely excellent. The only beer I have found that is noteworthy in Thailand, but is imported and pricey, is Hoegaarden. 



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There is something quite satisfying about drinking tea out on the patio in the morning and drinking a couple of beers and wine out on the patio in the evening. However, I don't get the same satisfaction in a cafe or a bar - maybe it's because it usually not possible to drink outside in the UK ?  The 1st beer, usually around 6pm doesn't touch the sides. Anyway - here's some advice for all those that drink beer from a glass ( life changing advice ). Buy a jar of cherries ( not cheap ) and a small box of wooden tooth picks......must be wooden ones. Put 2 x tooth picks through 1 x cherry and pop it in to the bottom of your glass before pouring your beer. Once poured, watch your beer keep a constant fizz and stay lively and fresh until the last drop. No more flat and stale looking beer. Singha beer looks like stella in a proper stella glasss with this little trick. Don't throw away your sticks and cherries straight away..........keep them for at least 2 x days and then change them.  Give it a go ! 


I don't drink and prefer not being around people when they are drinking.  Never could see the attraction.

Drinking alcohol is OK in moderation, if I decided I would prefer not to be around people when they are drinking, I would have no friends at all. I have never touched alcohol in my life, and back home in Scotland, apart from being with girls and playing with the band, I would have no social life at all.


 i have been with a few guys who I thought were friends and when out in their company, never stood my round and had a couple of soft drinks I bought myself that would last me all night, I have found some of them interesting to talk to, and whenever I have ask to meet them, they always made excuses, or never turned up.


One thing that has bothered me all my adult life is the Scottish custom of always being expected to stand my round, ie a guy decides he wants to go out for a couple of pints, he meets other aquaintences and those two pints end up being nine or ten, when all he wanted was two.


The checkbin out here in Thailand is the way to go. I am always included in my friends nights away, and nobody expects me to "stand my round", and I have not lost one friend or aquaintence because I don't drink. The same also applies to any TV members I have met.



Only occasionally on parties or events but always little enough to keep me in control and be able to walk home like a man without making a fool of myself. There are months without a drop and I wouldn't miss it either.

I actually am surprised by the fact that most members seem to give honest answers here. Reinstates my trust in humanity...



Why lie about it on an anonymous forum.. i never really understood that one.


well, maybe because it is anonymous


I´m having a beer  with every supper. 0,5 if I choose something from my home or 0,6x if Thai. Once or twice a month at the weekend it can be more, 2 or 3 beers. Sometimes the beer is replaced with a glass of red wine. This has become a habbit since many many years and I don´t intend to change that. That´s too much already, I know. But there is nothing in this world that doesn´t kill you.







Working 10 hours a day in a non air conditioned workshop builds a thirst, I grab 2 big Changs from the 7 for the drive home and then will have another 2 big Leo's at home.

Friday nights I'll do atleast 5 big leo's at home instead of the weekday 2.


Saturdays maybe a beer with dinner and then normally 3 or 4 big leo's on Sunday arvo.



Four or five big Leos a day, every day. Down 100% from a year ago, and the shaking stopped!


I don't understand it, im not a native English speaker.. but would not down 100% mean you stopped ?


He means a year ago he was drinking 8-10 per day.  You are correct though and your English and maths is better than his.



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