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Louis Vuitton-toting Thai nun apologizes


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A few months ago something quite similar happened in Atlanta Georgia. A priest had a 2.2 million dollar house built for himself. The gift given to the church was from the estate of the nephew of Margret Mitchel (writer of Gone With the Wind). I think the latest news was that he has been forced to return the new 6,200 square foot home to the church to sell. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/deaconsbench/2014/03/the-archbishop-of-atlantas-new-home-6000-square-feet-2-2-million/

It does not matter what religion you are, there are thieves in all of them. Thankfully there are a few good devout ones as well. wai.gif

I don't think anyone disputes that there are bad apples everywhere.

More to do with how these things are sorted once they are exposed.

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No taxes? She received the car etc. as an employment benefit.

Most companies have rules that employees can't accept gifts from customers over a certain, usually very low, value. So this must be considered a bribe (immediate dismissal) as well as a taxable benefit.

The shit people get away with because it's religion... :-(

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honestly, I do buy sometimes brand name products. I buy them for it's quality and not because of it's name. Next step, I cut off all brand-name labels.

Also, not all brand named items are of good and decent quality.

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was she dating the monk with the private jet and Rollers ,wonder what happened to monk Nengkham ? still on the run from the law ?

No. She have boyfriend farang.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand sky ohm. San nmfg

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I would have thought that the good nun would sell the gifts and use the proceeds to benefit the poor.

Impossible for foreigners to understand Thainess smile.png

You're right, but that same accusation could, and should, be leveled at everybody that has a comfortable life yet puts themselves before others - e.g. probably everybody posting on this thread. Her keeping a porsche is no different to us spending 50 baht on a bottle of chang, and her blatant hypocrisy doesn't annul our own.

How is it hypocrisy when non of us took a vow of poverty nor do we wear robes to advertise out piety. Had she not been wearing those robes, do you think she would have received all those expensive 'donations'? Add 'fraud' to 'hypocrite' in her CV. I'm sure she loves all the wais she doesn't have to return and all the respect and deference she gets that she hasn't earned. Why is she even driving anything as it is forbidden. She is corrupted by wealth and I can't understand anyone defending her. Such misplaced values for the both of you. Pity you, that you don't/won't/can't see the difference.

You may not have taken a vow but you believe you are a moral person. You're as corrupted by wealth as she is, only less successful.

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No taxes? She received the car etc. as an employment benefit.

Most companies have rules that employees can't accept gifts from customers over a certain, usually very low, value. So this must be considered a bribe (immediate dismissal) as well as a taxable benefit.

The shit people get away with because it's religion... :-(

No, the car was given to the nun with God`s blessing, it just suddenly materialised in her front yard on one morning.

All these so-called God`s representatives, the righteous and the holy messengers of the faith are full of baloney.

They try to interpret the rules to suit their own lifestyles which is very convenient for them. They want only to abide by their faiths according to the parts of it that they like and not the parts that within all faiths places restrictions and limitations on how these people should conduit themselves within their rightious mission to serve God.

I have nothing against religion in moderation, but too much of it gives me gas.

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I would have thought that the good nun would sell the gifts and use the proceeds to benefit the poor.

Impossible for foreigners to understand Thainess smile.png

You're right, but that same accusation could, and should, be leveled at everybody that has a comfortable life yet puts themselves before others - e.g. probably everybody posting on this thread. Her keeping a porsche is no different to us spending 50 baht on a bottle of chang, and her blatant hypocrisy doesn't annul our own.

Speak for yourself. Just because you may do this in no way gives you the right to accuse "everybody posting on this thread" of doing the same thing. I know of some members who have bought wheel chairs for disabled children, bought chairs and desks for kindergaetens so the little tikes wouldn't have to sit in the floor all day, arranged an operation in Bangkok at a private hospital for a ten year old boy to correct the hairlip he was born with and paid all expenses including airfare for him and his mother and they weren't part of his family, chose the poorest of families and outfited their children for school year after year. I could list many more heartwarming acts of kindness by people with comfortable lives that live here but this should be enough for you to understand that your statement is totally incorrect.

This nun has also apparently done kind deeds and raised money for charity - more so than the members you refer to presumably. As with the rest of us, these acts are just a sideshow - our main goal is to acquire wealth for ourselves. One heartwarming act does not a moral person make.

Did they spend more on the wheelchairs than they spent on furnishing their home? Did they spend more on hospital fees than the value of their own healthcare coverage? Probably not.

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she'd better enjoy her blessing. She can still continue as a BODHISATTVA. It's all about jealousy. Hope she keeps her Porsche Cayman.

A BODHISATTVA IS an ordinary person who takes up a course in his or her life that moves in the direction of buddha. You're a bodhisattva, I'm a bodhisattva; actually, anyone who directs their attention, their life, to practicing the way of life of a buddha is a bodhisattva.

This must be the new dumbed-down definition of Bodhisattva. Where did you get this ridiculously distorted definition of Bodhisattva that you're peddling, from a Nichiren/Soka Gakkai website or something?

A little knoweldge is a dangerous thing, bub, especially when you start preaching your misinformation.

Edited by PaPiPuPePo
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I would have thought that the good nun would sell the gifts and use the proceeds to benefit the poor.

Impossible for foreigners to understand Thainess smile.png

You're right, but that same accusation could, and should, be leveled at everybody that has a comfortable life yet puts themselves before others - e.g. probably everybody posting on this thread. Her keeping a porsche is no different to us spending 50 baht on a bottle of chang, and her blatant hypocrisy doesn't annul our own.

Speak for yourself. Just because you may do this in no way gives you the right to accuse "everybody posting on this thread" of doing the same thing. I know of some members who have bought wheel chairs for disabled children, bought chairs and desks for kindergaetens so the little tikes wouldn't have to sit in the floor all day, arranged an operation in Bangkok at a private hospital for a ten year old boy to correct the hairlip he was born with and paid all expenses including airfare for him and his mother and they weren't part of his family, chose the poorest of families and outfited their children for school year after year. I could list many more heartwarming acts of kindness by people with comfortable lives that live here but this should be enough for you to understand that your statement is totally incorrect.

This nun has also apparently done kind deeds and raised money for charity - more so than the members you refer to presumably. As with the rest of us, these acts are just a sideshow - our main goal is to acquire wealth for ourselves. One heartwarming act does not a moral person make.

Did they spend more on the wheelchairs than they spent on furnishing their home? Did they spend more on hospital fees than the value of their own healthcare coverage? Probably not.

I am in no way flaming you and hopefully you will not take offence as none is intended. I honestly and truly feel sorry for you because you have such low self-esteem and dignity and judge all mankind accordingly. Hopefully someday you will realize that gaining wealth is not the goal of all men and you will look for the goodness in people which is easy to see if you only look through unprejudiced eyes. And to answer your last question yes they did.

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Related to this subject, I got on the bad side of my old gf last week. Some guy came here with a hand full of papers and plastic bags.They sat on the front porch in discussion while I was reading TVF posts and on my fourth Leo of the day. She waltzed in the house and asked me to open the safe. No way I'm giving her the combination. Of course I said for what. It seems she wanted 5,000 Baht to tamboon to the local wat. I asked tamboon for what. She replied for good luck. I said ok have a seat and let's talk about this. I just happen to know of two old ladies that the local people take food to every day because they are so poor they can't afford to buy food. How many times have these old ladies had good luck and the monks took food to them? Deer in the head lights look. I had to ask her three times before the answer "none" came. Next question was, please tell me about only one time the monks have helped one poor person in this village, not two people but only one person. If looks could kill....

I said when you tell me the monks are taking food to these old ladies and I hear about them helping poor people I will open the safe. She started into a dissertation of how I was a falang and didn't understand Buddhism. I got up and said I'm going to buy some beer and I ain't opening the <delete> safe. When I got back the guy was gone and she sulked the rest of the day. Broke my heart.

Well done to you mate! It's funny how locals say "farangs do not understand Buddhism". I always reply I do not understand the version of Buddhism the Thais seem to have constructed. Like all other religions, non of what it truly is remains. Buddhism is not about Self Luck and donating money to receive something better, but it's all about altruism and being pure of heart. Somehow, all of that got lost. When my Mrs asks me to join her for a prayer at the temple, to bring good luck to the family, I always tell her she can do her stuff, I, the Atheist, will do the real Buddhist thing on her behalf and pray for the people who really need it.

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Was in a mall today and saw a couple of young monks buying a Nikon DSLR camera, probably 25,000 baths worth. Most of them have good smart phones these days, do they really need a professional camera? Who paid for it? People who probably couldn't afford to give money away. It seems like every time I pass a phone, computer or electronics store there are monks in there buying stuff......is that Buddhism?

25,000 would help a lot of school kids........

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did she ask for that stuff? Then it would have been under "wanting" category. This would be probably wrong.

I guess it came to her and that is alright. Blessing often come in strange ways.

Most who blame and judge her should start thinking again. Is it the price-tag that bothers you and is it something that you want and is out of reach for you? Hidden jealousy? Greed?

She got a few bags, a car, watches - and tell me now is there anything wrong with that? These are everyday items in our communities. And don't forget a nun is nut under the same vow as a monk. The vow of poverty is largely misinterpreted.

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did she ask for that stuff? Then it would have been under "wanting" category. This would be probably wrong.

I guess it came to her and that is alright. Blessing often come in strange ways.

Most who blame and judge her should start thinking again. Is it the price-tag that bothers you and is it something that you want and is out of reach for you? Hidden jealousy? Greed?

She got a few bags, a car, watches - and tell me now is there anything wrong with that? These are everyday items in our communities. And don't forget a nun is nut under the same vow as a monk. The vow of poverty is largely misinterpreted.

A Porche is not an everyday item in most communities. So is a LV hand bag.

Is this was your average Toyota and a not a super brand bag, this wouldn't be news.

It doesn't matter if she asked for it or not, doesn't even matter if it is technically alright.

At the very least it create a bad impression, encourages rumors, and could set a bad example for other nuns.

Like many stories in Thailand, it comes down to the person either doing something wrong intentionally (or knowingly),

OR displaying carelessness (which could go down as stupidity, idleness, having a warped sense or propriety).

Most people would expect (mistakenly, perhaps) that she would know better than this.

Shouldn't even come to the step where technicalities are discussed, in my opinion.

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I'm myself not a fan of brand name items. When I buy I always cut out the brand labels. But to almost criminalize the use for certain groups is outrageous. Don't forget that 80% + is used for branding/marketing.

Still, it's just a car, a bag, a watch etc..

What about phones then? Do you think all the monks and nuns use 500 Baht (retail price for TelGo, 2 Sims, camera, video, bluetooth ...) phones?

LV, Porsche and others are happy of getting free ads, because of people like you. Ferdinand Porsche rejoices in heaven right now.

You're right with Toyota and unbranded bags, but the principles remain the same for all and in general. There are many monks and nuns who have cars, phones, bags, watches and they eat branded food products.

Who and why shall that all be judged.

It tells me more about people, their greed and judgements than about the nun who didn't hide.

It also appears strange that she was the only one sporting a bag in the picture as if it was on purpose. Normally most of females and nuns have bags in about the same position her bag was. When it was a stunt then all present that time have part in that "guilt". Someone could have said a word about it. Or maybe she was just delivering other stacks of money from donations?

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Base on Thai sources from newspaper and local people in Choomporn province who have started the talks of the town about this nun's lavishing lifestyle and her unacceptable behaviors.

This nun is prejudice against poor people who went to practice religious belief at the temple where she is appointed as a head nun. She sets strict rules that

- Those who want to become a monk are allowed to stay at the temple for certain amount of time only.

- Monks to be are not allowed to bring their own robe and other necessities but must buy from the temple of 30,000 THB. package.

- Monks are not allowed to go practice morning alms but the food will be provided by the temple with a prepaid purchase prior becoming a monk.

- People are to purchase items provided by the temple if they seek to practice Buddhism at the temple (Not cheap).

- People who are poor would be treated as non existence by being placed to sit at the back which you can see in the picture that this nun was sitting next to the religious decoration and nuns sitting at front rows are based on favoritism and connection. People who are well off would be seated according to the amount of donation.

The pictures below are a group of out of towners who dressed as if they were Thai angels(Tewada and nang fah) , and in order to have this privilege, they "Tam Boon" with generous donation. It made those people believe they have already become a living Thai angels.

She is called "Boss" at the temple that even head monk is under her control.

By the way, those bags are real brand names. She had fake knocked off hand bags before but after people talked about it whether those bags are genuine brand names or not, she bought real brand names to show that she could afford them.







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I am in no way flaming you and hopefully you will not take offence as none is intended. I honestly and truly feel sorry for you because you have such low self-esteem and dignity and judge all mankind accordingly. Hopefully someday you will realize that gaining wealth is not the goal of all men and you will look for the goodness in people which is easy to see if you only look through unprejudiced eyes. And to answer your last question yes they did.

No offense taken because I think you've missed the point (not sure on what bases you ascertain self-esteem and dignity levels either, though I suspect your attempt to do so says more about your own than mine).

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Oh Lord! This is totally insane. The religion nowadays is so cheat! If you did an one million in donations then you are most welcome otherwise you are just another one struggling for survive. Just my opinion, do not follow the mass, it is null, void. Religion nowadays is guiding people to nowhere. So sorry! sad.png

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Base on Thai sources from newspaper and local people in Choomporn province who have started the talks of the town about this nun's lavishing lifestyle and her unacceptable behaviors.

This nun is prejudice against poor people who went to practice religious belief at the temple where she is appointed as a head nun. She sets strict rules that

- Those who want to become a monk are allowed to stay at the temple for certain amount of time only.

- Monks to be are not allowed to bring their own robe and other necessities but must buy from the temple of 30,000 THB. package.

- Monks are not allowed to go practice morning alms but the food will be provided by the temple with a prepaid purchase prior becoming a monk.

- People are to purchase items provided by the temple if they seek to practice Buddhism at the temple (Not cheap).

- People who are poor would be treated as non existence by being placed to sit at the back which you can see in the picture that this nun was sitting next to the religious decoration and nuns sitting at front rows are based on favoritism and connection. People who are well off would be seated according to the amount of donation.

The pictures below are a group of out of towners who dressed as if they were Thai angels(Tewada and nang fah) , and in order to have this privilege, they "Tam Boon" with generous donation. It made those people believe they have already become a living Thai angels.

She is called "Boss" at the temple that even head monk is under her control.

By the way, those bags are real brand names. She had fake knocked off hand bags before but after people talked about it whether those bags are genuine brand names or not, she bought real brand names to show that she could afford them.

In other words shes a money grabbing, materialistic, selfish, bald old woman in a white sheet ... nothing Buddhist about her. Sounds like a great match for the guy in the orange sheet Issara... perhaps the jet set brigade are thier kids....

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Living in Thailand has completely ruined my idea of Buddhism. Jet set monk, pedo rapey monks, and now this LV nun... I used to think more highly of them but they are just the same as than the catholic church plagued with scandals.

You mean these scandals ...


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Only foreigners/expats care.

Send from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE

Bemused might be a better choice of words..... She is simply another

example of the absurdity of religion in general, and Buddhism in particular.

Buddhism is a series of teachings, which as far as I can see, none of which

Thai people actually follow. He is NOT a big guy in the sky, carefully watching

you to see how much money you dispense at the temple, and then granting

the appropriate amount of luck to you, as Thais seem to believe.....

Here are the five precepts. Now how many of these does it appear that

Thai people follow? ( Thailand considered to be 95% Buddhist)

Not killing

Not stealing

Not misusing sex

Not lying

Not abusing intoxicants

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I'm myself not a fan of brand name items. When I buy I always cut out the brand labels. But to almost criminalize the use for certain groups is outrageous. Don't forget that 80% + is used for branding/marketing.

Still, it's just a car, a bag, a watch etc..

What about phones then? Do you think all the monks and nuns use 500 Baht (retail price for TelGo, 2 Sims, camera, video, bluetooth ...) phones?

LV, Porsche and others are happy of getting free ads, because of people like you. Ferdinand Porsche rejoices in heaven right now.

You're right with Toyota and unbranded bags, but the principles remain the same for all and in general. There are many monks and nuns who have cars, phones, bags, watches and they eat branded food products.

Who and why shall that all be judged.

It tells me more about people, their greed and judgements than about the nun who didn't hide.

It also appears strange that she was the only one sporting a bag in the picture as if it was on purpose. Normally most of females and nuns have bags in about the same position her bag was. When it was a stunt then all present that time have part in that "guilt". Someone could have said a word about it. Or maybe she was just delivering other stacks of money from donations?

Not quite sure what is your point regarding monks and nuns owning expensive phones. Don't think that does much good for

the way Buddhism is perceived as well. Many Thais aren't that happy with seeing monks and nuns shopping an Pantip etc.

Same goes for the "LV, Porsche and others are happy of getting free ads, because of people like you" bit - not sure if there

was a thought there or a poor attempt at trolling. Either way fail. The people unhappy about this aren't usually the potential

buyers, not sure that the buyers reference the masses as their comparison point. Never owned either - not very comfortable

with low cars and don't feel the need for speed, the bags are mostly just plain ugly in my eyes.

Would have been best if monks and nuns stuck with the ideal tenants, but guess that horse bolted long ago. The reference

to Toyota and such was just to show illustrate that people aren't too unreasonable or righteous about these practices, as long

as their are kept within a certain accepted(?) norm.

You're free to read into this story and comments whatever you like, of course. If you prefer to see it as exposing people's greed and prejudice in contrast with a nun's brave and non-conformist stance - have a ball. For others, her quick backpedaling goes

to show that she's quite aware there's something wrong with her conduct.

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