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Why are the clubs closing at 2am?


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Breathtakingly stupid comment - were you sober, drunk or hungover when you thought that one up? Or is all just blurred now. Don't see anyone liking your ramble.

It must be hard to understand logic through the haze. The point is that you can't chose which laws you want to abide by and then complain if someone does some thing to enforce a law which you happen to be breaking at the time. Inconveniencing your piss up isn't a good excuse for not enforcing the law.

I wouldn't mind if the authorities decide to strictly enforce the laws on prostitution. I don't go tarting and whoring or use girlie bars and leave that subject to the experts like yourself.

The laws on prostitution are fairly well adhered to, at least by the farang focused places. Occasional raids do occur, for underage or non-Thai workers, but in Bangkok especially, they are rare.

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The point is that you can't chose which laws you want to abide by and then complain if someone does some thing to enforce a law which you happen to be breaking at the time. Inconveniencing your piss up isn't a good excuse for not enforcing the law.

I wouldn't mind if the authorities decide to strictly enforce the laws on prostitution. I don't go tarting and whoring or use girlie bars and leave that subject to the experts like yourself.

No, the point is you HAVE no point unless, of course, you've never broken a law in your life

I'm not breaking a law by attending at an establishment which chooses to open beyond the legal closing time or can't you set aside your stifling sanctimony long enough to figure that out?

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I think they should enforce laws to suite my mood and desire, screw everyone else ! Laws are made to be broken and enforcement is only a good way for cops to make a little money. As long as I am happy I don't care about anyone else. I like bars who play music and sell liqueur at all hours in the morning. People living nearby can move :)

If you can relate to the above thinking Your happiness may be short lived. Time you find a new address....

Thank you General !!!

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Breathtakingly stupid comment - were you sober, drunk or hungover when you thought that one up? Or is all just blurred now. Don't see anyone liking your ramble.

It must be hard to understand logic through the haze. The point is that you can't chose which laws you want to abide by and then complain if someone does some thing to enforce a law which you happen to be breaking at the time. Inconveniencing your piss up isn't a good excuse for not enforcing the law.

I wouldn't mind if the authorities decide to strictly enforce the laws on prostitution. I don't go tarting and whoring or use girlie bars and leave that subject to the experts like yourself.

The laws on prostitution are fairly well adhered to, at least by the farang focused places. Occasional raids do occur, for underage or non-Thai workers, but in Bangkok especially, they are rare.

Excuse me -- "The laws on prostitution are fairly well adhered to"??? Surely you jest. Prostitution is against Thai law; which is defined by the 1996 Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act as (quote) “Sexual intercourse, or any other act, or the commission of any other act in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person in a promiscuous manner in return for money or any other benefit, irrespective of whether the person who accepts the act and the person who commits the act are of the same sex or not.” However, a clear definition of the phrase “in a promiscuous manner” is not provided. I suppose by that definition marriage is legalized prostitution?

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My Thai wife has started to think for herself, she questioned the soldier why the club was closing at 2am, although she was drunk and enjoying herself dancing to the music.

I was in Hanoi two weeks ago and the police come along at midnight and closed all the bars, this is not much different and Vietnam is a communist country, wake and smell the roses, this is not freedom!!!

You were taking your Thai wife to Cowboy? Really???????

As for laws being enforced, you get no sympathy from me. Enforcing laws does not make a country "communist" :) In fact it suggests the opposite. I know places that stay open late as do most of the folks around.

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My Thai wife has started to think for herself, she questioned the soldier why the club was closing at 2am, although she was drunk and enjoying herself dancing to the music.

I was in Hanoi two weeks ago and the police come along at midnight and closed all the bars, this is not much different and Vietnam is a communist country, wake and smell the roses, this is not freedom!!!

You were taking your Thai wife to Cowboy? Really???????

As for laws being enforced, you get no sympathy from me. Enforcing laws does not make a country "communist" :) In fact it suggests the opposite. I know places that stay open late as do most of the folks around.

Glow Bar is not in soi cowboy, but soi 23, near the clubhouse.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just Laws are good for everyone but they need to be enforced or people loose respect for the legal system. I don't really care what time bars close but i like what I see happening regarding enforcement. I say enforce the law or remove it from the books. This way everyone knows what they can and can not do.

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Don't know, don't care, ruined my night, sod the law!!!

that's what you get when you try to wait around till things close and get a deal...

I was in glow bar in soi 23 with my wife, just dancing and drinking, walked down cowboy when we got kicked out of glow bar and cowboy was closed too! It's hardly encouraging people to come to Thailand when you close everything at 2am...

....... Classy ..... Again, no pity regarding bars closing at 2am.

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Breathtakingly stupid comment - were you sober, drunk or hungover when you thought that one up? Or is all just blurred now. Don't see anyone liking your ramble.

It must be hard to understand logic through the haze. The point is that you can't chose which laws you want to abide by and then complain if someone does some thing to enforce a law which you happen to be breaking at the time. Inconveniencing your piss up isn't a good excuse for not enforcing the law.

I wouldn't mind if the authorities decide to strictly enforce the laws on prostitution. I don't go tarting and whoring or use girlie bars and leave that subject to the experts like yourself.

The laws on prostitution are fairly well adhered to, at least by the farang focused places. Occasional raids do occur, for underage or non-Thai workers, but in Bangkok especially, they are rare.

Excuse me -- "The laws on prostitution are fairly well adhered to"??? Surely you jest. Prostitution is against Thai law; which is defined by the 1996 Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act as (quote) Sexual intercourse, or any other act, or the commission of any other act in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person in a promiscuous manner in return for money or any other benefit, irrespective of whether the person who accepts the act and the person who commits the act are of the same sex or not. However, a clear definition of the phrase in a promiscuous manner is not provided. I suppose by that definition marriage is legalized prostitution?

"In a promiscuous manner" - exactly!

Bars, gogos, massage parlours are regulated and, as long as prostitution doesn't take place "promiscuously" on the premises, they are acting legally. Why do you think they have "barfines"? Gogos are not "places of prostitution".

Have a read of The Entertainment Places Act 1966, which is still in force.

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Don't know, don't care, ruined my night, sod the law!!!

Aren't you, at least a little bit, embarrassed by that statement?

No! Next question?
The answer negates any further questions.
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Imagine,, there may be a day coming where illegal opening hours are stamped out. When people don't have to view drunk idiots walking arm in arm with some a poor unfortunate local girl. Where the trafficking and exploitation of young country girls is finally squashed and prostitution for open entertainment becomes a thing of the past.

I wonder though… What will happen to all those Westerners who drape themselves in beautiful girls that are ordinarily way out of their league? How will they learn to face the reality that these beautiful women won't give them a second glance, the same as the beauties back home. What will they do when they have to impress a woman with more then just their 100 USD? (or less) What will happen when the realization finally hits them that those stunning women who used to shower them with affection (whilst vomitting inside) are actually not in the least bit interested in you anymore.

I guess that will be the day that Thailand cleans up its act.

Bring it on, the sooner the better..

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Imagine,, there may be a day coming where illegal opening hours are stamped out. When people don't have to view drunk idiots walking arm in arm with some a poor unfortunate local girl. Where the trafficking and exploitation of young country girls is finally squashed and prostitution for open entertainment becomes a thing of the past.

I wonder though What will happen to all those Westerners who drape themselves in beautiful girls that are ordinarily way out of their league? How will they learn to face the reality that these beautiful women won't give them a second glance, the same as the beauties back home. What will they do when they have to impress a woman with more then just their 100 USD? (or less) What will happen when the realization finally hits them that those stunning women who used to shower them with affection (whilst vomitting inside) are actually not in the least bit interested in you anymore.

I guess that will be the day that Thailand cleans up its act.

Bring it on, the sooner the better..

It won't happen for a while, and if you think prostitution is just for westerners you're seriously deluded!

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What does the law say about closing hours?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I think the law states that entertainment bars etc, have to close at 2pm and this hasn't changed for years.

What might have changed is the enforcement due to the BiB not getting paid.

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Breathtakingly stupid comment - were you sober, drunk or hungover when you thought that one up? Or is all just blurred now. Don't see anyone liking your ramble.

It must be hard to understand logic through the haze. The point is that you can't chose which laws you want to abide by and then complain if someone does some thing to enforce a law which you happen to be breaking at the time. Inconveniencing your piss up isn't a good excuse for not enforcing the law.

I wouldn't mind if the authorities decide to strictly enforce the laws on prostitution. I don't go tarting and whoring or use girlie bars and leave that subject to the experts like yourself.

The laws on prostitution are fairly well adhered to, at least by the farang focused places. Occasional raids do occur, for underage or non-Thai workers, but in Bangkok especially, they are rare.

Excuse me -- "The laws on prostitution are fairly well adhered to"??? Surely you jest. Prostitution is against Thai law; which is defined by the 1996 Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act as (quote) Sexual intercourse, or any other act, or the commission of any other act in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person in a promiscuous manner in return for money or any other benefit, irrespective of whether the person who accepts the act and the person who commits the act are of the same sex or not. However, a clear definition of the phrase in a promiscuous manner is not provided. I suppose by that definition marriage is legalized prostitution?

"In a promiscuous manner" - exactly!

Bars, gogos, massage parlours are regulated and, as long as prostitution doesn't take place "promiscuously" on the premises, they are acting legally. Why do you think they have "barfines"? Gogos are not "places of prostitution".

Have a read of The Entertainment Places Act 1966, which is still in force.

Brewsterbudgen - You must go to different go-go bars on Soi Cowboy than the ones I go to. For the uninitiated, there are various go-go bars which offer paid "promiscuous" sexual services "on the premises," either in full view of other customers at street level or upstairs. A "bar fine" applies to the dalliances upstairs but not downstairs. Of course the bar owners are not acting legally which is why they pay tea money. They are nothing more than pimps wrapped in candy floss. But hey, TIT.

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Imagine,, there may be a day coming where illegal opening hours are stamped out. When people don't have to view drunk idiots walking arm in arm with some a poor unfortunate local girl. Where the trafficking and exploitation of young country girls is finally squashed and prostitution for open entertainment becomes a thing of the past.

I wonder though… What will happen to all those Westerners who drape themselves in beautiful girls that are ordinarily way out of their league? How will they learn to face the reality that these beautiful women won't give them a second glance, the same as the beauties back home. What will they do when they have to impress a woman with more then just their 100 USD? (or less) What will happen when the realization finally hits them that those stunning women who used to shower them with affection (whilst vomitting inside) are actually not in the least bit interested in you anymore.

I guess that will be the day that Thailand cleans up its act.

Bring it on, the sooner the better..

It will never happen. The tourist dollars would decrease significantly...

Who are you to judge anyway?

Its none of your business.

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Personally I think start early finish early is the way to go. 8 pm 1 am is much more civilized than 11 pm to 4 am.

The reason people start late is the bars don't get busy till then but if bars closed at 2 am in short order

people start there nights early from bar staff to patrons. All good. coffee1.gif

I've never understood people who start at 11pm.... if I'm not out by 7pm then I feel like I might as well just stay home.

In Hong Kong we would leave the office at 5:30pm and be in the bars drinking by 6:00pm.

Then go for dinner, followed by more bars and clubs as the night went on.

4:00am finishes were average.

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Imagine,, there may be a day coming where illegal opening hours are stamped out. When people don't have to view drunk idiots walking arm in arm with some a poor unfortunate local girl. Where the trafficking and exploitation of young country girls is finally squashed and prostitution for open entertainment becomes a thing of the past.

I wonder though… What will happen to all those Westerners who drape themselves in beautiful girls that are ordinarily way out of their league? How will they learn to face the reality that these beautiful women won't give them a second glance, the same as the beauties back home. What will they do when they have to impress a woman with more then just their 100 USD? (or less) What will happen when the realization finally hits them that those stunning women who used to shower them with affection (whilst vomitting inside) are actually not in the least bit interested in you anymore.

I guess that will be the day that Thailand cleans up its act.

Bring it on, the sooner the better..

Yes I'd love to see all those guys disappear too.

I'd also like it if the only girls that were out drinking and partying in the clubs were middle class and above.

Unfortunately until you speak to a girl here and ask a few simple questions it can be quite hard to know if she is a regular girl or some dirt poor farmer's daughter and the guys that come here on holiday don't care if she's uneducated and poor..... They are not looking for a girlfriend and possible marriage, they just want a shag.

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Imagine,, there may be a day coming where illegal opening hours are stamped out. When people don't have to view drunk idiots walking arm in arm with some a poor unfortunate local girl. Where the trafficking and exploitation of young country girls is finally squashed and prostitution for open entertainment becomes a thing of the past.

I wonder though… What will happen to all those Westerners who drape themselves in beautiful girls that are ordinarily way out of their league? How will they learn to face the reality that these beautiful women won't give them a second glance, the same as the beauties back home. What will they do when they have to impress a woman with more then just their 100 USD? (or less) What will happen when the realization finally hits them that those stunning women who used to shower them with affection (whilst vomitting inside) are actually not in the least bit interested in you anymore.

I guess that will be the day that Thailand cleans up its act.

Bring it on, the sooner the better..

Yes I'd love to see all those guys disappear too.

I'd also like it if the only girls that were out drinking and partying in the clubs were middle class and above.

Unfortunately until you speak to a girl here and ask a few simple questions it can be quite hard to know if she is a regular girl or some dirt poor farmer's daughter and the guys that come here on holiday don't care if she's uneducated and poor..... They are not looking for a girlfriend and possible marriage, they just want a shag.

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Imagine,, there may be a day coming where illegal opening hours are stamped out. When people don't have to view drunk idiots walking arm in arm with some a poor unfortunate local girl. Where the trafficking and exploitation of young country girls is finally squashed and prostitution for open entertainment becomes a thing of the past.

I wonder though What will happen to all those Westerners who drape themselves in beautiful girls that are ordinarily way out of their league? How will they learn to face the reality that these beautiful women won't give them a second glance, the same as the beauties back home. What will they do when they have to impress a woman with more then just their 100 USD? (or less) What will happen when the realization finally hits them that those stunning women who used to shower them with affection (whilst vomitting inside) are actually not in the least bit interested in you anymore.

I guess that will be the day that Thailand cleans up its act.

Bring it on, the sooner the better..

It won't happen for a while, and if you think prostitution is just for westerners you're seriously deluded!

i didn't say prostitution was just for westerners did I. But if you don't see that Thailand has a bad reputation for the sex trade which in turn attracts millions of sad foreign men to these shores you are seriously deluded. Take away the prostitution and watch the how the tourist profile changes.

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Imagine,, there may be a day coming where illegal opening hours are stamped out. When people don't have to view drunk idiots walking arm in arm with some a poor unfortunate local girl. Where the trafficking and exploitation of young country girls is finally squashed and prostitution for open entertainment becomes a thing of the past.

I wonder though… What will happen to all those Westerners who drape themselves in beautiful girls that are ordinarily way out of their league? How will they learn to face the reality that these beautiful women won't give them a second glance, the same as the beauties back home. What will they do when they have to impress a woman with more then just their 100 USD? (or less) What will happen when the realization finally hits them that those stunning women who used to shower them with affection (whilst vomitting inside) are actually not in the least bit interested in you anymore.

I guess that will be the day that Thailand cleans up its act.

Bring it on, the sooner the better..

It will never happen. The tourist dollars would decrease significantly...

Who are you to judge anyway?

Its none of your business.

It will happen, absolutely for sure. How long it will take I don't know but if Thailand is going to move on, grow and attract a different kind of tourist then it has to change.

I have absolutely every right to judge. There are millions of girls being exploited and trafficked every year in Thailand and some neighboring countries and it's the sad foreigners with the money that help fuel that trade. If you think this is ok then thats your business but a lot of people, like me will have a different view and they are entitled to it.

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Flame and counter flame removed.

Is there anything substantial to add to this thread other than that someone unexpectedly enforced an existing law? If not I believe we can put this topic to a well deserved rest.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Imagine,, there may be a day coming where illegal opening hours are stamped out. When people don't have to view drunk idiots walking arm in arm with some a poor unfortunate local girl. Where the trafficking and exploitation of young country girls is finally squashed and prostitution for open entertainment becomes a thing of the past.

I wonder though… What will happen to all those Westerners who drape themselves in beautiful girls that are ordinarily way out of their league? How will they learn to face the reality that these beautiful women won't give them a second glance, the same as the beauties back home. What will they do when they have to impress a woman with more then just their 100 USD? (or less) What will happen when the realization finally hits them that those stunning women who used to shower them with affection (whilst vomitting inside) are actually not in the least bit interested in you anymore.

I guess that will be the day that Thailand cleans up its act.

Bring it on, the sooner the better..

It will never happen. The tourist dollars would decrease significantly...

Who are you to judge anyway?

Its none of your business.

It will happen, absolutely for sure. How long it will take I don't know but if Thailand is going to move on, grow and attract a different kind of tourist then it has to change.

Maybe it will change but probably not in your lifetime so stand down, grandpa or go set up your soapbox in another thread.

This is nothing to do with trafficking or exploitation - it's a discussion about the closing of clubs at 2am.

NOT gogo clubs but the house and techno, 4-to-the-floor beats kind where the primary objective is not necessarily a shag but to listen to and feel music while expressing oneself through dance.

Yes, some will scoff and ridicule such pastimes as foolish but the fact is that it transcends more barriers and brings together more people in positive ways than anything an idiot in a suit with a political party's rosette pinned to his lapel can.

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Brewsterbudgen - You must go to different go-go bars on Soi Cowboy than the ones I go to. For the uninitiated, there are various go-go bars which offer paid "promiscuous" sexual services "on the premises," either in full view of other customers at street level or upstairs. A "bar fine" applies to the dalliances upstairs but not downstairs. Of course the bar owners are not acting legally which is why they pay tea money. They are nothing more than pimps wrapped in candy floss. But hey, TIT.

Yes, if there's going to be a clampdown on gogos bars like this will be affected. Afterskool is the only bar I know that allows "sexual services on the premises, either in full view of other customers", but maybe there are others. Nana is far more conservative. If the military are serious about ending tea money, Nana's gogos, and ones like Shark, Baccara & Tilac in Cowboy will be the models.

i didn't say prostitution was just for westerners did I. But if you don't see that Thailand has a bad reputation for the sex trade which in turn attracts millions of sad foreign men to these shores you are seriously deluded. Take away the prostitution and watch the how the tourist profile changes.

I disagree that they're "sad" as I don't like to judge others. I also don't think Thailand's tourist profile is viewed as cynically as you view it, except perhaps by feminist pressure groups and the Daily Mail.

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I respect this question. I have always wondered where this number came from, and why in the hell it would be implemented. I assumed it was from the west, who no doubt originated it within its religious brigade. It is so strange however, a huge group of druken baffoons suddenly being compelled to drive home, as opposed to hanging out a while and perhaps sobering up, a lot. I have never seen the logic. If a business can't make money after 2, I can respect that, but regulating it does not seem logical to me. You can even look at the numbers, I am not sure how this works out per caita, but a city like San Diego, which by and large shuts down at 2am has WAY more drunk driving incidents than a place like vegas. Apples to oranges perhaps, but we all know that number would go down if the places could stay open all night, don't we? I have always thought MADD should focus their efforts here, and let people drink and party longer if they really wanted some results, lol.


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As I said before, the hottest clubs in Europe and the Americas doesn't even get crowded before 2am. But again, this is Thailand.

I haven't been to a club/disco for a long time. It's just not the same thing as in the western world. I just stick to good Pubs and Live Music places. That does it for me. :)

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