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Do you love thailand?


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Been here for four years and it works for me, the only. Downside is the Driving, scares the crap out of me, but apart from that five star lifestyle for a fraction of the cost compared to my homeland....

As for Big C , that's one supermarket I am not keen on, I find it quite dirty and unorganised....

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Been here for four years and it works for me, the only. Downside is the Driving, scares the crap out of me, but apart from that five star lifestyle for a fraction of the cost compared to my homeland....

As for Big C , that's one supermarket I am not keen on, I find it quite dirty and unorganised....

Sorry I mean big C extra I got 2 slices of pizza for 31 baht today and at the cashier area I met a bird in town for modeling I brang her home and she cleaned my room for me.

The chancez of that happening in sydney where im from would be close to 1 in

1 1000000000

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Been here for four years and it works for me, the only. Downside is the Driving, scares the crap out of me, but apart from that five star lifestyle for a fraction of the cost compared to my homeland....

As for Big C , that's one supermarket I am not keen on, I find it quite dirty and unorganised....

Sorry I mean big C extra I got 2 slices of pizza for 31 baht today and at the cashier area I met a bird in town for modeling I brang her home and she cleaned my room for me.

The chancez of that happening in sydney where im from would be close to 1 in

1 1000000000

I don't know Sydney, but in 12 years here I never got the idea to eat the food at Big C Extra because it is low quality. My wife did sometimes with regret.

I would say the risk of getting food with so much chemicals in Sydney is 1:10000.

And if you would be a sheikh in Sydney the girls would be the same.

(my father was in a hotel in a conservative country side village in Austria with a sheikh customer. without a thought both went with him in the room, money money money)

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Short answer - yes - in many ways it reminds me of the US I grew up in (which is long lost now)....

I recall being in NY 15-20 years ago and I saw only super arrogant slim people and elephant size fat people (who were friendly) but nothing that remotely reminded me to Thailand.

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Short answer - yes - in many ways it reminds me of the US I grew up in (which is long lost now)....

I recall being in NY 15-20 years ago and I saw only super arrogant slim people and elephant size fat people (who were friendly) but nothing that remotely reminded me to Thailand.

You're right - I'm 66 now so grew up in small town California in the 50-60's........NY itself was another planet but now the rest of the US is just as much a mess as NY was/is....

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Like it a lot, and love may describe my feelings sometime in the future.

LOS? They smile with each other a lot, and most of them'll give you a genuine smile if your demeanor allows such. Still contend that they're very intuitive, but some of 'em are just sad sacks. Like the older guy who owns a store and hotel down the lane: meanest guy around, never lifts a finger, just sits around and yells at his petrified wife and employees. He spits a lot, too, and what's up with that? Dang! Feel a little sorry for him, but find myself sometimes wanting to f*** with what's left of his mind. No, not nice of me, I admit, so my new tack is to avoid him. Love all his employees.

I talk about the people because they are what make any country for me. Not the food or scenery, though those and other things are important.

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Do I love Thailand? Yes. Like that crazy girl that would constantly do the wrong thing, but you still love her.

I am reminded of a quote from William Faulkner. He was a writer from the American South (for those non Americans) who was asked if he loved the South, and how he could still love the South after the history of slavery and segregation. The response was

"You don't love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults."

You don't love a place or a person because of any particular attribute; you love the whole despite the flaws.

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I love my wife, my kids, my parents, my brothers and sisters, I love a couple of my dearest friends.

I love my liberty - and that includes my right to hold and express whatever opinions I wish.

If the OP has a problem with that - his problem not mine.

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Do I love Thailand? Yes. Like that crazy girl that would constantly do the wrong thing, but you still love her.

I am reminded of a quote from William Faulkner. He was a writer from the American South (for those non Americans) who was asked if he loved the South, and how he could still love the South after the history of slavery and segregation. The response was

"You don't love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults."

You don't love a place or a person because of any particular attribute; you love the whole despite the flaws.

Sounds like you love the place cause the herd's dotongue.png

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Do I love Thailand? Yes. Like that crazy girl that would constantly do the wrong thing, but you still love her.

I am reminded of a quote from William Faulkner. He was a writer from the American South (for those non Americans) who was asked if he loved the South, and how he could still love the South after the history of slavery and segregation. The response was

"You don't love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults."

You don't love a place or a person because of any particular attribute; you love the whole despite the flaws.

Hey, thanks for reminding non-Americans that Faulkner's from the American South. In so doing, you also reminded many Americans!

All kidding aside, that's a nice quote, but it's just wrong. You love both because and despite.

Now, I'm from the South, but was lucky enough to be raised in L.A. (Thanks Dad!)

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I love my wife, my kids, my parents, my brothers and sisters, I love a couple of my dearest friends.

I love my liberty - and that includes my right to hold and express whatever opinions I wish.

If the OP has a problem with that - his problem not mine.

Well expressing your opinions is restricted....actually in more or less in every country.

Defamation laws, the laws to protect the royal family, Second Worldwar related things in Germany and Austria, hate speech, discrimination, wishing to change the system of government etc etc. Here is Thailand a bit more restricted than other country, but not as worse as others.

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I love my wife, my kids, my parents, my brothers and sisters, I love a couple of my dearest friends.

I love my liberty - and that includes my right to hold and express whatever opinions I wish.

If the OP has a problem with that - his problem not mine.

Well expressing your opinions is restricted....actually in more or less in every country.

Defamation laws, the laws to protect the royal family, Second Worldwar related things in Germany and Austria, hate speech, discrimination, wishing to change the system of government etc etc. Here is Thailand a bit more restricted than other country, but not as worse as others.

Well let's not encourage every other numb nut who can't handle opinions that disagree with his own to add more restrictions.

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I love my wife, my kids, my parents, my brothers and sisters, I love a couple of my dearest friends.

I love my liberty - and that includes my right to hold and express whatever opinions I wish.

If the OP has a problem with that - his problem not mine.

Well expressing your opinions is restricted....actually in more or less in every country.

Defamation laws, the laws to protect the royal family, Second Worldwar related things in Germany and Austria, hate speech, discrimination, wishing to change the system of government etc etc. Here is Thailand a bit more restricted than other country, but not as worse as others.

Well let's not encourage every other numb nut who can't handle opinions that disagree with his own to add more restrictions.

I doubt it can get any worse in Europe, can't even tell the nationality of criminals as it would be racist.....I hope Thailand won't be infected by this madness.....

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my former tax solicitor hates Thailand ermm.gif

cool avatar pic, naam... are you now a buddhist-converted klingon who put down bat'leth and kut'luch?

for the OP, have to agree with David, just too much time-on-hand-troll

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