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Lousy Wedding


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Had to go to a wedding today. My wife's cousin, with whom she is close, was getting married. The wife told me it was in Rayong, and it started at 11:00. We decided to leave BKK yesterday and spend the night in Jomtien. Last night, the wife said she wanted to get there early so she could visit with relataives, so we left Jomtien at 7:30 in the morning.

Well, the wedding was not in Jomtien but 35 km past Klaeng, which I found out only after we left Jomtien. We took Highway 3 (using the bypass at Rayong). I am not sure how many red lights there are on the road, but more than 25 for sure. We hit exactly one green light. I am at a loss as to how that is possible. If I could do the math, I would, but it has to be about a million to one. Highway 3 is a major road, but the light turns red, then up comes the 180 seconds sign for the lights that have the countdown shown. I sat there, watching the little side soi that had the green while a couple of cars get out, then the road sits empty. For a minute. Then I got to watch the opposite side, which had no cars, for a minute. THen the oncoming lanes.

Two and a half hours later, we pull into a rubber farm where the wedding is being held. No problem. It is still only 10:00. The thing is , the bride's family already ate all the food. So no food at all. At about 10:30, the groom's commander (the groom is a Bangkok cop) arrives with two minivans full of cops. No food for them. The groom's mother is beside herself, apologizing the the commander, who does not look happy at all. He gets in the line to pour the water on the hands of the couple, gives them the red envelope, then stands around looking out-of-place. After another 15 minutes, when he is told the bride's family insisted that the ceremony go early and the show is over, he loads up the mini-vans with the other cops and leaves for the three-and-a-half hour trip back to BKK. He doesn't even say goodbye to the groom.

We decide to leave when I am told that I am taking "a girl" back to Bangkok, so we need to wait another 10 minutes. 70 minutes later, the girl shows back up after checking out of the little hotel where she stayed. She is with two other men and a young girl. They all pile into the car. The young girl can only sit on top of the men for 10 minutes before she changes to the front seat and sits on my wife's lap for the trip.

They are all asleep within 20 km. I end up driving them to the southern bus terminal, which is a bit out of my way. They get out, get their bags, then walk off without even thanking me.

We finally get home, and my mother-in-law is wating for us, along with four others. They had taken a taxi directly to our house, much to my surprise as they were supposed to stay in Klaeng for another day. But they were pretty upset and thought my house was a great place to go to discuss the loss of face for the groom. The groom's mother called, very upset, and afraid she was going to fight with the bride's mother, so my "guests" invited her to come on over, and she is in a taxi now as I write this.

The groom was already upset as the bride's family kept telling everyone, including his commander, that he was going to quit his job as a police detective and take over the farm. He's told ihs new wife that is a non-starter and will never happen. Then, with no food, he felt a huge loss of face, and he was going to come with his mother to our house as well, leaving his bride in Klaeng. The gaggle at our house told him he had to stay at least for tonight, and then he can come back to Bangkok with our without his bride tomorrow.

So right now, there are five people from the the groom's family in my living room, with another one or two on the way. My wife is running interference while I hide upstairs.

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Holy cow, what a story.

I've never heard of a Thai wedding or funeral running out of food.

But how many times have I given a ride to a family member of my GF, totally out of my way but with a smile on my face, and no thank you was forthcoming?

Lost count.

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And the moral of the story, unless its you own wedding, don't turn up at any outlaw's weddings in Thailand, send your teerak on their own, fake sickness if need be....that's what I do.

Edited by Soutpeel
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And the moral of the story, unless its you own wedding, don't turn up at any outlaw's weddings in Thailand, send your teerak on their own, fake sickness if need be....that's what I do.

I would have loved not to show up, but the groom took a bus overnight to attend our wedding before taking another bus that next night back to Bangkok.

The wife just took off to the market to get food for everyone, so I am alone with the gaggle. I think it is going to be television in bed tonight. I'm not going downstaris until I've got to go to work in the morning.

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A great Thai drama story. To be honest I hope the grooms family give the brides family a good tongue lashing for being such uncivilized A-holes. Even if this was a wedding back in the west, no one side of the family would sit down and gorge themselves before anyone and leave nothing for anyone else including guests. Just shocking, I feel for you having to hide in the sanctuary of the office/bedroom upstairs.

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oh I know I've had just a little too much wine and and waiting for the delivering of tonight's meal magic from "Meals "on Wheel". Hubby will soon wake up from his late afternoon nap and be totally amused with my cooking.

There is no excuse for any event in Thailand ever running out of food, except for the hosts wanting send a not-so-subtle-message.


Edited by NancyL
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A great Thai drama story. To be honest I hope the grooms family give the brides family a good tongue lashing for being such uncivilized A-holes. Even if this was a wedding back in the west, no one side of the family would sit down and gorge themselves before anyone and leave nothing for anyone else including guests. Just shocking, I feel for you having to hide in the sanctuary of the office/bedroom upstairs.

And just if he had asked for advice on TV before going and listened to uncle Soutie's advice about faking illness, he could have been sat at home, watching the TV with a cold beer in hand getting a bit of piece and quiet, or alternatively could nipped out for a quick soapie or similar, ;) Edited by Soutpeel
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oh I know I've had just a little too much wine and and waiting for the delivering of tonight's meal magic from "Meals "on Wheel". Hubby will soon wake up from his late afternoon nap and be totally amused with my cooking.

There is no excuse for any event in Thailand ever running out of food, except for the hosts wanting send a not-so-subtle-message.


I never thought of that. I can't understand THai well enough to know if the relatives downstairs are saying that, but from their inflection and actions, that could very well be true. If true, the message was received loud and clear.

Now I am curious, and when my wife gets back, I'll ask her.

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Sorry it might have been a badly arranged wedding but a lot of your story sounds exaggerated.

Well, it didn't take long for someone to call the OP a liar... coffee1.gif

Exactly what do you think was stretched in the OP's story?

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Anything is possible in Thailand. I killed a pig, danced with a Katoei and fell over. We certainly didn't run out of food or drink. What was the drink situation by the wat, was that all gone also?

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oh I know I've had just a little too much wine and and waiting for the delivering of tonight's meal magic from "Meals "on Wheel". Hubby will soon wake up from his late afternoon nap and be totally amused with my cooking.

There is no excuse for any event in Thailand ever running out of food, except for the hosts wanting send a not-so-subtle-message.



I just spoke with my wife. That is the big reason the groom's mother had to leave. Evidently, there were some pretty heavy snubs yesterday, too, and now with the food thing and changing the schedule, she is sure the bride's family was sending a message. SHe said if she stayed tonight, there wou,d be a fight.

The groom's family evidently tried to tell people not to eat until all the guests arrived, but that was like holding back a flood.

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Anything is possible in Thailand. I killed a pig, danced with a Katoei and fell over. We certainly didn't run out of food or drink. What was the drink situation by the wat, was that all gone also?

I knew I had to drive, so I wasn't going to drink, but at my table, none of the men were drinking, which I thought was strange. There was EST COla nd EST Orange, and water in old Pepsi bottles. Plenty of ice. I did see a few bottles being passed around at other tables, but not like all the same kind as if they were provided.

At my wedding, we had to go out and buy more whiskey and beer as it was obvious it woud run out.

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Great story ... thumbsup.gif

"when he is told the bride's family insisted that the ceremony go early and the show is over"

Why did it happen early?

I have no idea. It was supposed to be at 11:00, and it was over when we arrived at 10:00. Only the money line was going.

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Question : was the person, who was in charge of cooking the food, up to par ?

Else that woulnd't / shouldn't have happened

I am not sure who cooked. I think it must have been the bride's family as the wedding was not supposed to happen yet. The groom's family came up to meet the bride's family as per custom, and the bride's family said since everyone is here, let's just do the wedding this weekend. Without many of the groom's family there, I would think it had to have been the bride's family who cooked the food.

I will say it didn't look apetizing. I saw a piece of pork belly in the house, and it looked like it was simply boiled. There was no rice at all when we got there, but my mother-in-law gave us a couple of small pieces of sliced-up chicken, all that was left on a platter, and that tasted OK.

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Anything is possible in Thailand. I killed a pig, danced with a Katoei and fell over. We certainly didn't run out of food or drink. What was the drink situation by the wat, was that all gone also?

Are sure it wasn't killed a katoy and danced with a pig and then fell over ?

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No local shops?

No local market?

Nobody with a barbecue or rice cooker?

Just sounds strange.

Actually, no local market or shop. Plenty of rambutang on the trees, though. :) Bananas, too, but they were not ripe.

But I think Nancy and MJCM are on the right track. At first, I thought it was poor planning, but now, I think it was exactly as planned.

When I first posted this, I just thought it was one of those weird semi-humorous Thai experiences, and I would share it. But it really does seem purposeful now.

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And it was a police wedding!

These guys are serious, I've been to a police wedding, half of them turn up with their uniforms on.

All of them are carrying loaded guns.

Can't imagine the groom not giving the brides family a beating or pistol whipping.

I wouldn't be insulting them, no siree

The do I attended, I asked why so many were wearing uniforms, he said it's the whole police station, most of them are on duty.

Everyone got falling down drunk, including the on duty persons, then everyone drove home, no need to worry about anyone getting arrested for drunk driving.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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No local shops?

No local market?

Nobody with a barbecue or rice cooker?

Nobody had the phone number for a mobile noodle m/c stand?

Just sounds strange.

KFC deliver, so do McDonald's or even pizza hut

The closest one is probably 70 km away in Rayong, so no, I don't think so. I saw a 7-11 35 km away in Klaeng, though, so there was that. :)

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Nancyl her explanation says it all, maybe there was a something going on regarding paying for the wedding or Sin Sod, but this should have been cleared way before the wedding and that shouldn't have spoiled the happiest day of the Happy Couple.

I'm feeling sad for them, as the Happiest day of their life turned into somewhat of a disaster

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

Weddings are a significant day, but I don't think they are often the happiest day. Generally very stressful. The happy part comes when you get away, But they don't usually get away at a Thai wedding, the couple usually sticks around. And I have seen them do honeymoons with relatives in tow.

I have no trouble believing this story, I have seen similar big events turned to <deleted> over a combination of no communication and too many interfering opinions.

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Morning weddings start at 5:00 and finish by 11:00...guests from 9:00...its to keep down costs and orevents many people from attending...so although it was a 'thats sooo thai' (my daughter's quote) moment for sure was on purpose one side must have not wanted the wedding to happen. ..thais will do figure 8ts in the air to provide food if it runs out...even bringing from other houses if needed. ..(paid for later)

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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