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Lousy Wedding


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we went to a wedding last year for a hi-so family due to my wifes business obligations, what a shemozzle. We turned up at the time on the invite to find the huge reception area overcrowded and people lining up, we were led to a table, all the food was already gone and the other guests had been there for an hour already(earlier time on their invites). There were people walking around collecting the "donations" for the happy couple, as soon as people sat down they would show up at that table. We left after a few minutes, what a joke of a reception it was, all they were after was the cash, when we got out side there was still a huge lineup of people waiting to go inside, definitely the worst wedding I have been to here and we are invited to quite a few, even those for some of my wifes poor workers have been far superior to this one.

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No local shops?

No local market?

Nobody with a barbecue or rice cooker?

Nobody had the phone number for a mobile noodle m/c stand?

Just sounds strange.

dont find many rubber farms in town centres these days

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SUMMARY: My wife has instructed her family that I do not like/want family/friends to drop by for a social "get together" and definitely when we move to Thailand in 2017 "NO" Thai family will use our home as a place to crash (neither for a night or longer). Don't care if it causes a problem with the family but I/we are consistent that our home isn't a bed-n-breakfast hotel.

My wife understands I don't like any surprises and no drama. I am consistent and firm with these ways, no exceptions.

As she has two (2) great boys from a prior marriage, we have discussed to push them for a strong education and when old enough to attend college at our cost. Post their college graduation, they need to find a job and look for their own funded residence.

Post they getting married, we will not be taking care of their kids. If they need to have kids it is up to them to raise them in their home, not ours.

BACKGROUND: My wife & I have been married now for 5-years. I am from the US and she is a Thai National. Since our marriage, we annually travel back to Thailand where she has a nice house about 1-hour north of BKK (in Nakon Nayok). When I/we retire to Thailand in 2-years, I/we will be buying a house fairly close to an Expat community. We don't drink alcohol or smoke, and like sports.

I previously worked/lived in Thailand for 2.5 years and know the Thai family ways of wanting to crash at a relatives house and eat their food.

What does this have to do with the OP post?

Man I would not want to be your relative as you sound like an unfriendly person.

Are you really going to push your kids out of your house after school? Most people like to have their kids/family around. My friend visited from the US and he stayed at my place for a week, he bought all types of food, gave some cash to the maid for the extra work and tried to give me money for letting him stay with me. It was nice having a friend stay for awhile. Same my wife's family and friends stop in from time to time and stay 1 or 2 nights. Her sister comes and stays for a month or so when her son is out of school. It's great to see them and spend time with the nephew. Her sister is awesome, cleans the whole house so my wife doesn't have to do thing when she gets home from work. I enjoy when family and friends stop in for a day or two.

Hope you enjoy Thailand when you finally get to move.

and this friend from the US was Thai? yeah for every good Thai there's 10 other spongers/freeloaders in the background

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Well, any experience can seem bad, if we look for the bad. Try thinking about a few moments that were nice during the whole thing, and if there really weren't any, then think about some happy moments in your past. Seeing the good in everything is the key to happiness. Great writing by the way!

Why not write about the same trip, but focusing on the nice? I'd love to read that.


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loss of face from not having enough food?
hope they were not too upset about it clap2.gif

not sure about the thai thing, but where i'm from they could have either manned up and ignored it, or made a quick donut run, maybe even bringing some extras back.

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it speaks volumes that everyone "likes" this misery

it is great!!!! LOS!!!!! 555555555

you act surprised, but i know you are not surprised nobody said, 'thanks'.

here is a part i wanted to read;

"cop spikes bride's drink then arrests her for being on drugs." "all gifts taken, smashed, and all guests were asked to give each cop 500 baht so they could get a nice meal." "everyone given a ticket for not bringing food, then arrested, then thrown into a pit with crocodiles."

ok, i got a little.....just a little....carried away

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25 red lights, assuming 50% probability and equal chance of it being red or green. The probabilities probably are not .5 because of main roads versus side roads and some may be triggered by traffic etc. but let's stick with .5 The probability of 25 being red is .5 to the 25th power or .5^25 or .5 multiplied by itself 25 times, which is = 0.0000000298023223876953125. This is about one in 33 million given my crude analysis.

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we went to a wedding last year for a hi-so family due to my wifes business obligations, what a shemozzle. We turned up at the time on the invite to find the huge reception area overcrowded and people lining up, we were led to a table, all the food was already gone and the other guests had been there for an hour already(earlier time on their invites). There were people walking around collecting the "donations" for the happy couple, as soon as people sat down they would show up at that table. We left after a few minutes, what a joke of a reception it was, all they were after was the cash, when we got out side there was still a huge lineup of people waiting to go inside, definitely the worst wedding I have been to here and we are invited to quite a few, even those for some of my wifes poor workers have been far superior to this one.

Did they get your cash?

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And the moral of the story, unless its you own wedding, don't turn up at any outlaw's weddings in Thailand, send your teerak on their own, fake sickness if need be....that's what I do.

Totally disagree with that, I love a good Thai wedding. Been to loads out in Buriram. What's not too like! All you have to do is sit, drink and eat the whole day, and be waited on. Hopefully there will be some dancers for the evening entertainment, and you get the pissed procession through the village in the morning.

Never been to a bad one.

Plus they're probably one of the few places where you get too see Thais carried off legless at 10 in the morning. Great people watching.

A good opportunity to spend time with the in-laws doing nothing but have a laugh.

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A great Thai drama story. To be honest I hope the grooms family give the brides family a good tongue lashing for being such uncivilized A-holes. Even if this was a wedding back in the west, no one side of the family would sit down and gorge themselves before anyone and leave nothing for anyone else including guests. Just shocking, I feel for you having to hide in the sanctuary of the office/bedroom upstairs.

In Thailand, I believe it is the groom who is responsible for financing the wedding and making sure there is enough to supply it, not the family of the bride as it is in the west.

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SUMMARY: My wife has instructed her family that I do not like/want family/friends to drop by for a social "get together" and definitely when we move to Thailand in 2017 "NO" Thai family will use our home as a place to crash (neither for a night or longer). Don't care if it causes a problem with the family but I/we are consistent that our home isn't a bed-n-breakfast hotel.

My wife understands I don't like any surprises and no drama. I am consistent and firm with these ways, no exceptions.

As she has two (2) great boys from a prior marriage, we have discussed to push them for a strong education and when old enough to attend college at our cost. Post their college graduation, they need to find a job and look for their own funded residence.

Post they getting married, we will not be taking care of their kids. If they need to have kids it is up to them to raise them in their home, not ours.

BACKGROUND: My wife & I have been married now for 5-years. I am from the US and she is a Thai National. Since our marriage, we annually travel back to Thailand where she has a nice house about 1-hour north of BKK (in Nakon Nayok). When I/we retire to Thailand in 2-years, I/we will be buying a house fairly close to an Expat community. We don't drink alcohol or smoke, and like sports.

I previously worked/lived in Thailand for 2.5 years and know the Thai family ways of wanting to crash at a relatives house and eat their food.

Look up the word narcissist.. And count how many times you said the word " I"

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Lol spot on. Must be a fun person to hang out with. Personally I always look forward to visits from my in-laws and being able to accommodate them in our guesthouse.

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SUMMARY: My wife has instructed her family that I do not like/want family/friends to drop by for a social "get together" and definitely when we move to Thailand in 2017 "NO" Thai family will use our home as a place to crash (neither for a night or longer). Don't care if it causes a problem with the family but I/we are consistent that our home isn't a bed-n-breakfast hotel.

My wife understands I don't like any surprises and no drama. I am consistent and firm with these ways, no exceptions.

As she has two (2) great boys from a prior marriage, we have discussed to push them for a strong education and when old enough to attend college at our cost. Post their college graduation, they need to find a job and look for their own funded residence.

Post they getting married, we will not be taking care of their kids. If they need to have kids it is up to them to raise them in their home, not ours.

BACKGROUND: My wife & I have been married now for 5-years. I am from the US and she is a Thai National. Since our marriage, we annually travel back to Thailand where she has a nice house about 1-hour north of BKK (in Nakon Nayok). When I/we retire to Thailand in 2-years, I/we will be buying a house fairly close to an Expat community. We don't drink alcohol or smoke, and like sports.

I previously worked/lived in Thailand for 2.5 years and know the Thai family ways of wanting to crash at a relatives house and eat their food.

What does this have to do with the OP post?

Man I would not want to be your relative as you sound like an unfriendly person.

Are you really going to push your kids out of your house after school? Most people like to have their kids/family around. My friend visited from the US and he stayed at my place for a week, he bought all types of food, gave some cash to the maid for the extra work and tried to give me money for letting him stay with me. It was nice having a friend stay for awhile. Same my wife's family and friends stop in from time to time and stay 1 or 2 nights. Her sister comes and stays for a month or so when her son is out of school. It's great to see them and spend time with the nephew. Her sister is awesome, cleans the whole house so my wife doesn't have to do thing when she gets home from work. I enjoy when family and friends stop in for a day or two.

Hope you enjoy Thailand when you finally get to move.

Couldn't have put it better myself. I am fortunate enough to have a great family both in England and here in Thailand.

We live in the sticks where most of my in-laws live, people are constantly in and out of each other's homes and more distant family and friends are always welcome here, it is a pleasure to take care of them, just as it was when we lived in England.

My wife's brother in Bangkok and her family here in the sticks always took good care of us when I (later "we") visited from England. My sister in law gave us a room in her house for holidaying / visiting when we lived in England, we lived there for three or four months while our house was being finished.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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